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Good evening to all. My name is Lyniffer and I'm a 31 year old Nerd and Geek of epic proportions currently residing in the South. I love comic books, video games, fantasy and sci fi, computers, Doctor Who reading and generally practically every stereotype one can attribute to nerds. I joined the Academy earlier this year but changes with work and life had me put off starting until I realized there were always excuses and things to get in my way if I kept letting them. 


During high school and college I was an athlete and in great shape for myself. I did cheerleading, JROTC PT team, orienteering, track and field. I got a great opportunity to move overseas to England and attend school at Cambridge University. While there I took full advantage of living in England and traveled Europe, trekking back and forth on my weekends and time off from school to see the sites. As a History Major it gave me a chance to visit places in the books and enjoy myself. Things changed once I moved back to the states and I was in a Masters program, a PhD program and taking care of sick family and my only hobbies was World of Warcraft, Console Games, and the odd tabletop sessions I could squeeze in with friends. Id gone from being a fit, fierce nerd to a fat, frumpy one. I spent more time on the computer or in my books then I did working out. Now that I've been out of school two years and have worked in my chosen career field I've realized I don't want to be fat and I don't like my job. So I let my job put me off working out when I first joined back in March. Now I'm changing up jobs, life, location and realized I had no excuses for not working my ass off while I live on my savings for the next year and do what I want. So here I am.


I've decided that my first big goal for the site and the challenges, which I look forward to participating in, will be to run the Spartan Sprint in Atlanta next March. That gives around 7 months to get my butt into gear. I've written up all the details for my first challenge as a noobie and I can't wait for it to start. Some of my goals I've already started on but the bulk of it will be right after I come back from Dragon Con just in time to start the next challenge. (This will be the first convention I've ever attended) But Ive made plans to train with C25K and complete a 5k at the end of the first challenge, transition into Paleo eating and to begin working out multiple times a week. I know that each change needs to be gradual or I'll overwhelm myself but I'm still hoping to kick butt. I'll be using MFP to track my food and keep myself accountable.


I'm focusing not on weight loss, which I'll admit to being vain and wanting to lose weight not just to be healthy but to look good, but on getting back in shape for traveling and hiking. Three years ago I was in Dublin and realized my weight was affecting my enjoyment of my travels so I don't want that to be a thing as I plan my upcoming trips. Ultimately my number one goal is to be in enough shape to hike the trail up to Macchu Picchu. Along the way I hope to enjoy being a nerd with all of you and hope to learn all I can from everyone here. I know I have a long way to go and it'll take small steps but one day I hope to be as awesome and amazing as all of you. For now I identify as a noob but I hope after my first challenge to dive in with the rangers as they fit my own personal goals and way of life the most. (That and I've a secret thing for all things ranger. My first geek experience was with DnD and I made a Ranger named Siandral. Since then Ive always played a ranger/hunter/bow and arrow chick of the woods in all the epic board, video and tabletop games I've played. Except Shadowrun and Cyber Punk. But even then I was a modern day ranger so I say bah to that!) I've spent a number of years growing up learning to fish, hunt and basic survival skills from my Marine father so I have a basic understanding of all of that which I think adds to the ranger appeal.


I look forward to getting to know all of your epic nerd fitness awesomeness! I hope in return to offer my limited (currently) knowledge of these changes, a sens of humor to keep  things from being too serious and an vast encyclopedia of nerd knowledge as I can't seem to forget anything, even the most random of details. I also offer up my travel expertise, for what it's worth to anyone, and to any of you metal heads out there another voice to  add to the awesomeness that is metal. Anyways, thanks to everyone for being a part of creating this amazing website, resource, boards of encouragement and everything that all of you do to help push us all along and keep us going

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Level 2 Elf Ranger

6 Dex, 11 Con, 2 Wis, 2 Cha, 4 Str

My Current Challenge

Past Challenges: 1/2/3

My Battle Log

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Welcome to the rebellion. You will make a great ranger. Sounds like you've done a lot of the research and are starting out with reasonable goals, just stick to the plan, start small and you'll do great.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome fellow Southern nerd!  :)


The Rangers are a great place to be, especially with your goal of the Spartan Sprint.  We've got some pretty hype and fierce folks that have their eyes on more OCR's!  (I am not one of them, running makes my soul sad.)


We also have a fair amount of metalheads. \m/  Yup, you're in the right place. :D

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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So all the metal and ranger and Dnd stuff flies under my radar. Whatever. But Shadowrun gets mentioned and I miss it?


*checks post date*


Last challenge round. While I was doing a Shadowrun-themed challenge



Shadowrun...oh god. Favorite. Tabletop. Ever. Ever. All the fun of DnD mixed with Cyberpunk and...Im a huge huge fan of stories where the modern world mixes with magic. Shadowrun....can't wait to play some at Dragon-con next year. If I'm brave enough to game.

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Level 2 Elf Ranger

6 Dex, 11 Con, 2 Wis, 2 Cha, 4 Str

My Current Challenge

Past Challenges: 1/2/3

My Battle Log

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Been throwing it around, see what sticks. Apparently it influenced Rurik's current challenge theme :D

Well Shadowrun is a good thing to throw around. Everyone should be introduced to the joy and twisted fun it is. I applaud you throwing it around and hopefully it sticks like Napalm. lol

  • Like 1

Level 2 Elf Ranger

6 Dex, 11 Con, 2 Wis, 2 Cha, 4 Str

My Current Challenge

Past Challenges: 1/2/3

My Battle Log

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