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New guy from New York

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Hello everyone,

Not really used to this whole forum thing so I'll try to keep it brief. My name is Brenden, I am 25 years old and have been working on my physical fitness for about 7 years now. I'm also 6'1", 195lbs at 14%BF and at the moment trying to gain 20-30 lbs so I can compete at a higher level after getting smacked down at the last competition I went too. I'm actually having a really hard time getting to my goal, been trying to eat as many excess calories as I can every day but I just cant seem to gain weight so hopefully I can learn some tips here.

Personally I am a shy (sucks), laid back person that can be pretty witty from time to time. Right out of high school I went into the the Marines for 4 years (2005-2009) and did a tour of Iraq back in 2006-2007. Now I'm a full-time student (read: unemployed), at the local community college studying cyber security and computer networking.

Cant think of anything else to put here at the moment so if you have any questions feel free to ask. Good luck to everyone here meeting their goals!

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Ah, we've got quite a bit in common :] Except that I can only dream of wanting to gain weight haha. I'm also studying Computer Science and hoping to go military after college; the latter is a huge part of the reason I'm so determined to whip my butt into shape! I can't give you much advice, but there are tons of people here who can! I'm sure they'll flock to help you with your struggles soon enough.

Welcome and good luck!!

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Welcome to the fort nerd... and thanks for your service... when I first started competing in karate tournaments I lost my first 20+, but I stuck with it and since I've won 100+... if you love it, stick with it, give it your all and you will get out of it what you put into it... and sometimes a lot more...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Welcome to the forums! We're mostly a laid back bunch too, so you'll fit in fine :)

What do you compete in?

I took part in the Beast of the East back early October and it could have gone a lot better lol.

Alex, what service were you thinking of? I would really recommend the Air Force, they have a real nice cyber command program.

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