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Hello fellow challenge members.  This is my first challenge.  Although my journey for health and fitness has been on going for years, with varying degrees of success, it recently became clear (within the last two weeks) that I need to get serious about eating healthy and getting regular exercise.  Up until then I would eat fairly well, especially if I packed my lunch and snacks to bring to work, but would often pick up something for breakfast or lunch 2 or 3 days a week, and would often forgo eating anything that resembled a healthy meal for dinner when I got home from work.  Add to that the "occasional" snack of chips, cake, candy - yes I put occasional in quotes because although I always intended these to be eaten occasionally I found myself indulging daily.  One would think that I would have come to the conclusion that I needed to make some serious changes after plateauing for 2 years, but it was not until after dealing with yet another headache I decided that I realized that I needed to make some real changes, and that I would begin with cutting down the amount of processed foods that I consume with extreme prejudice last week..  Although I experienced a couple of minor slips I did pretty well and now I will be adding in the part which is a real struggle for me, exercise.


Goals and battle plan.  As this site is NerdFitness, let me begin with the fitness goal  I do want, and need, to lose weight, but since I do not have a specific goal number that I want to obtain, I have decided to focus on the fitness and my first gofor my goal.  This works out very well as I am planning on running a 5k on Halloween my goal is to run, okay, jog, the entire 5k.  I have participated in three of other 5ks and completed them while alternating between walking and jogging, Although my goals for the previous 5ks were to 1) finish, and, 2) for the second and third to jog more than I walked and to be faster than the time before.  I was successful both times, but now I am going to think bigger.  My battle plan to achieve this is to, finally, complete the 5k training app that I have never actually gotten to the end of, and by doing the beginner body weight workout 2 to 3 times per week, on the days that I do not do 5k training.  Sunday is my planned active rest day and will be the day that I will focus on making sure that I have planned and prepared food for the upcoming week so that I am able to be successful with my eating and will not have an excuse to skip a work out.  I also will be attempting to get my workouts done in the morning and not being a morning person this will present an additional challenge, but I do recognize that for me this is the best way because it is easy for me to get caught up in family obligations after working and then the workouts fall to the side.


My life goal is to begin renovating the back room of my house.  This is a large goal, so to manage it I will break it down into smaller and more manageable components.  So, my first goal which I will work on over the next 6 weeks is to clean out the room.  To do this I will begin by clearing out three contractor's bags of trash, one during the work week and two on the weekend.  Once the unsalvagable items have been cleared out it will be time to either donate or pack up the remaining items.


Some quick background, I am married, have 6 children and one grandchild.  We share our home with two cats, two rabbits, two goats and a dog.  The dog is not mine, he belongs to my oldest daughter and came to live with us when she had to move back home.  I still have two children in school, and life gets insanely hectic at times, but I am finally learning that it is important, really important to put myself first at times. 


If you made it through, thank you for reading.  I look forward to being in this challenge.

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Hello!! Welcome to the Rebellion! 

Awesome work on completing the three 5k runs, I'll be looking forward to hearing how you go on your next in October  :joyous:


I'm loving the idea of setting aside a day to cook the week's food before hand, whenever I have the foresight to pre-cook meals my go-to are simple crockpot meals, they're so tasty and they go a fair way! 


Also, do you have a challenge thread? or know what guild you are leaning towards? Good luck!! 


- A fellow newbie


Level 4 Bosmer Assassin

 I | II | III | IV


*insert inspiration and witty quote here*

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