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54 minutes ago, Wild Wolf said:

Ugh....I feel so bad not knowing you were back to posting! Glad to see you though :)







I haven't been around too much, but I'm working my way back in :)  Nice to see you!

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Well, I'm behind a walk and a yoga, but lifting is in schedule.  Moved today's walk to tomorrow.  Should be able to yoga tonight after the workout.

Saturday's lift:

OHP 45x5x5

DL 135x5x5

Bench 80x5x5

Squat 100x5x5


Since when I started originally my ORM was I think either 95 or 100, I was excited about how easy the 100 was.  I'm going to keep inching it up and see what happens.  I think I'll DL higher next time as well.  OHP still rough, so no change.  And I was tired when I got to bench Sat so I kept it at 80.  Might up it Thursday.  We'll see.

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So, Mike sprained his ankle pretty bad this week, which screwed with both our schedules.  I missed Monday's workout and I'm behind on yoga.  But I did lift last night.

OVH 45x5x5

DL 145x5x5

Bench 80x5x5

Squat 100x5x5

I'm planning yoga tonight, lift again Saturday and the Monday I'll be back on my workout schedule.

Mike is ok, just bruised ugly up his foot and ankle and using a crutch and brace to keep off it. They moved him to day shift to a desk for the remainder of this week (he's off all next week for the holiday) and I moved my schedule to be able to drive him to and home from work.  On the plus side, we've gotten to see each other a lot more this week.  

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Wow, I've slacked on here.  And I suppose in general.  I get anemic and I have been lately.  Got some iron pills and that's helping, but I spent the weekend taking long unexpected naps.  And I'm behind on my workouts.  I've been keeping up with food though. And my last lift I went to 105 for squats.  

7/6 - 

Bench 80x5x5

Squat 105x5x5

DL 135x5x5

OVH 45x5x5

I'm lifting again tomorrow (tonight is a bunch of cleaning).  I can't believe I let a while week go by without lifting.  Kind of feels wrong.  

I plan to get some yoga in tonight before bed.  

I have been keeping up with walks.  I plan to start jogging again when the weather cools down, but for now I'm walking puppies with mom 3x/week.  I joined the Hogwarts Running Club to try to motivate myself.  Morning walks right now are only 1-2 miles depending on what route we wander.  But I signed up for the Eternal Glory 4 Miler, so some weekend I'll be doubling that, maybe inside a gym on a treadmill with AC, but I can't have the medal without doing the miles.  So I'll probably hit up mom's gym with her for that one.

I've been good on foods, mostly because I've been prepping ahead in big batches.  I am so tired of this soup right now, but its healthy.  ANd I know it tastes good, I'm just tired of having the same thing.  I'm ready to move on.  Tonight I make a big batch of teriyaki at Mike's request.  That will be a nice change.


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I go long periods where it doesn't bother me too much, then I just kind of start to feel inexplicably exhausted.  Then someone (usually my mom) asks me about my iron and I remember.  Oh yeah.  That's a thing I need to watch.  Good times.  


I was still feeling pretty tired last night (although no more surprise naps).  Mom wanted some time together, so we went to dinner.  I didn't want to miss my lifting, but the thought of an hour of lifting made me feel even more tired, so I just did my favorites, bench 85x5x5 and squat 100x5x5. Felt good to not skip and get some lifting in even if it wasn't the full event.  I'm hiking Saturday with some friends, so I'm moving my Saturday lift to Sunday this weekend.  




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Friday bad movie night was a lot of fun.  I realized very much popcorn kind of made me a little sick.  Too salty, not enough substance.  It was a lot of fun though.  I'll need another movie night to watch Battlefield Baseball since we ran out of time. 

Saturday Mike was not feeling well.  Hiking was cancelled due to my friend's family having a chance to spend the weekend in a rented cabin last minute.  I was a little jealous they got to fish and lounge in the woods, but I stayed home with DH and it was good.  He let me pick the movies all day.  Sunday we went to Spiderman.  It was awesome.  Very entertaining.  After a friend's house, I went home early to get my lifting in.

OVH 45x5x5

Squat 95x5x5

Bench 90x5x5

OVH is getting a bit easier.  I feel better about curtailing my head movement.  I think I'll stick with 45 a few more times then start trying to move it up.

Kept squat low this time to pay more attention to my form.  There was only a little bit of leaning too far forward, hardly any.  So I'm feeling much better about this.  Also, 95 felt kind of easy.  I think I'll heavy it again next time.

I wasn't sure about going up, but since DH woke up early could hang while I lifted, I went up.  It was work, but I did not need any rescuing from under the bar, so that was fun. Not going up again on that yet, but I can work around 90 now for awhile.

Also, skipped DL this time because Mike was up, so I cut lifting a bit short and spent that time with him before he left for work.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 2:35 PM, QuietRiotGrrrl said:

I go long periods where it doesn't bother me too much, then I just kind of start to feel inexplicably exhausted.  Then someone (usually my mom) asks me about my iron and I remember.  Oh yeah.  That's a thing I need to watch.  Good times.  




I don't understand why it's so hard to remember haha, but I'm in the same exact boat.


Awesome job on your squats!!

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                                                                                                       ^^My weights in the garage.^^


I haven't been lifting!  I haven't exactly been slacking, I've been moving furniture around the house, but I have not lifted the barbell in like a week.  I'm going to try to lift tonight after taking DH to his eye appointment.  All the furniture is moved, now its just sorting and putting things away.  I've got 3 boxes to go up in the attic already.


Did I mention I joined the Hogwarts running club to try to get back into that?  I've got a 4 mile walk planned Saturday early morning with my mom (since it should be cooler outside) for the Eternal Glory 4 Miler.  Now that its a bit less hellish out, I'm going to see about jogging some of our walk times.  I grabbed another C25K app to try out, no zombies this time but I just need the prompts.  I still have not gotten new running shoes, but I can use the old ones a bit longer.  This month's money doesn't even go to the travel savings, but its for travel at least.


We are going to DHs family reunion in a couple weeks.  I have not met any of them yet.  We'll drop by his parents Friday night ( I have met them several times but we haven't seen them in a long while) then spend Saturday with everyone else.  I'm kind of excited to meet them all, but he is not really close with any one in particular so we'll see how it goes.  It might get weird.  He was pretty upset that his parents did not come to the wedding and he did not even invite any one else from his family.  I guess we'll see.  


But seriously.  Lifting.  Tonight.  Before any other chores or things around the house or knitting.


Speaking of knitting, I finally got around to finishing a shawl that I apparently started in 2014 and never finished.  Just needs blocked now.  Not sure what I was thinking with that.  Also pulled out DH's hooded scarf to finish up.  That one is past all the paying attention stuff, now I'm just knitting to length and blocking.  Finished my Nightmare on Elm Street socks last night.  I'm sure I'll start another pair of socks because I can't help myself and I've got a shawl in planning stages as well.  But I think I'll work on one of my blankets next, since I've got 2 in progress.  I'm liking finishing things up.

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Lifting was good!  I don't have my notes, but I did not go up on the weights.  It was more of a just getting it done event.  Plan to lift tonight as well. I need to get back to twice a week lifting, ones a week workout, 3 walks/dance and at least 2 yogas.  That is the goal.


I've been distracted with my sock patterns lately.  I somehow have ended up designing sock patterns for most of the Buffy characters.  Now I'm making them to check my charts.  Maybe I'll actually get a pattern or 2 up on Ravelry eventually.  Right now I'm testing It Must Be Bunnies on self-striping but I think it will look better on variegated, so I'll try that next.  Five By Five is all tested (by me at least) but I still need to get it written up and have someone else test it.  I haven't been inspired to make SPN socks yet, but I'm sure that will come eventually.



Did the 4 miles Saturday.  The map was different than GPS ended up, so I actually did 3.78 then fit in another quick .31 miles later that afternoon, according to GPS tracking.  

Also finally got some yoga in.  Just need to keep doing it.  My whole body feels better afterwards and I've been sore lately.  


So, tonight's plan is cook, lift, yoga, clean up office some more.  (I'm slowly sorting through a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to sort since we moved in here.)  I'll probably sort one bag/box then work on socks because I cannot seem to stop making socks right now.  I could have a worse hobby, so I'll just let my obsession continue.  As long as I work with yarn from my stash instead of buying more, I'm good.

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OH, also I've decided to stop with all the coffee.  I just drink way too much.  So for now I'm letting myself have 2 cups a week.  One Saturday morning, one Monday morning.  I warned my boss this was week one of that.  He was afraid.  So we'll see how that goes.  Luckily, today is Monday so I've got my coffee fix in place.  And I'm letting myself have tea so I will not lose all the caffeine, it just won't have creamer or sugar in it because I like my tea plain.


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I've been kind of sucking.  But I'm not enjoying feeling like I'm sucking.  I just can't seem to focus on more than one or 2 things at a time.  I'm either walking and eating good or lifting and walking or eating good and stretching.  But it seems like when ever I try to eat good, walk, lift and yoga I fail and end up going kind of all or nothing. It's frustrating.  And since classes start soon and I'll be adding that to my regular work, side bookkeeping and home stuff.... I just think I need to pick on and focus on that for awhile.  Then add things in later.  So I'll keep eating as good as I can but not drive myself crazy with it.  And I'll focus on lifting.  I get walks in because puppies but I just won't make it a focus with a set goal.  That way I won't feel bad if I miss it. Lifting really is my favorite anyhow.  And i can make yoga a warm up/cool down thing instead of trying to add it in on its own days.  Hopefully this will help.  

So, starting when we get back from his family reunion I'll be paying attention to eating well and lifting regularly.  

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Classes start Monday.  The class I was most excited about just got cancelled.  Now I have to go tomorrow to pick and sign up for a replacement class and exchange the book I already purchased for whatever book that class needs.

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Indecision is not my friend.


I'm going with my old running buddy to get new (good) running shoes this weekend.  We are not plotting to start together again as her work schedule still means our timing is way off.  But I have decided I am going to focus on running.  This means I need to find a way to get a little more sleep at night. Hard but doable.  And I'll need to get up every day and jog, even if its super slow or short.  I just need to do it.  If this is my only goal, I think I should be able to do it without feeling like I suck for not doing all the things right now.  Work, homework, family, home, and running.  I can do that much.


Although it kind of hurts my ranger soul a little bit to admit I cannot do all the things.

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Got up at 6 and ran Sunday, with my old running buddy since she had the day off work.  It was not a real long one, but ran quite a bit, so it was good for the first time in so long.  Then I showed her the lifting I do and she tried it out, then we yoga'd. So it was a nice morning.  


Did not run today because I had to be in to work an hour early, but my legs were ok with that.  I will be running tomorrow morning.

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Ran today.  Got a little bit of a late start due to puppies being puppies, but that only cut me from 1.3 to 1.1 miles.  I am not fast :)  I'm running right now with a c25k app to make sure I don't slack too much.  It's 1 minute run/1.5 minute walk 6 times with a walk to warm up/cool down.  I basically cut off the cool down walk when I cut out a couple blocks.  But I got up and did it, which is the important part.  I miss running without my feet hurting.  I need to get them worked into it again.  I don't want to slack, but I want to take care of myself.  I'm thinking maybe for a week or so depending on how my feet feel I will trade off every other day as a yoga day.  If I start now that will mean yoga this week on Wed/Friday with another run Thursday.  Saturday being my morning for sleeping in.  Then next week I won't be missing Monday, so it will be Run Sun/Tues/Thurs; Yoga Mon/Weds/Friday.  At least until me feet are happier with me.  I am so glad I got better shoes or they would be even less happy about this.

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Yes!  Thank you.  I know it will get better, I'm just impatient :)  Before I ran, I never imagined spending so much for a really good pair of shoes.  But they are so important.


I did some yoga this morning, along with a video to focus on feet.  My feet are feeling pretty nice right now.  Tonight after work is all homework and cleaning, so I'm hoping to have time for another yoga session.  I know I'll run better tomorrow if my feet feel good.  Also, since I've been slacking on my general everything fitness, I could not believe how tight my hips have gotten.  Need to stretch everything back out.

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Got up and ran a bit this morning.  I ended up cutting it short again, not because of puppies and lateness.  My left foot felt great after the stretching.  My right foot however did this sort of crunching thing right in the middle of jogging.  I just cut off the 5 minute walk cool down again.  Instead I collapsed on the couch and tried to keep puppies from trying to lick the sweat off me for about 10 minutes.  It's not crunching now when I roll it around and its just a little stiff/sore.  Tomorrow is more scheduled stretching followed by my sleep in Saturday.  I'm thinking I'll add some more foot stretching and it should be better Monday.  That is the plan, now my foot just needs to do what its told.  Either way, I'll be out Sunday morning.

It was so nice and cool outside this morning. that part was perfect.


On the coffee thing:  I did fine for 2 weeks.  It felt good to have less creamer and coffee.  But I missed it.  So I'm back to coffee, but instead of creamers I'm only using half & half.  And I'm making sure its only one cup a day max, none on Sunday.  I skipped some days, but max 1 each day I do drink it.  The getting up and moving around is actually pretty good at helping me function, now I'm just drinking because I enjoy it.  

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Did some stretching this morning but now a whole yoga event.  My right foot was super stiff and hurt.  Feels a bit better now.  I'm going to try for some real yoga time with extra foot focus tomorrow instead.  And Sunday I'm scheduled to run.  If it hurts or feels like using it too much might screw it up Sunday, I'll just trade my days for yoga/run to give it an extra day.  I don't want to screw up my foot, but I also don't want to screw up my running schedule.  Foot care first, I guess.  Can't run without feet.

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It was not quite as hard to get up and run this morning.  Sunday, my feet were still stiff and sore, so I just yoga'd and switched my days.  Switching is fine, but I would not let myself skip.  I stretched out my feet before I went running this morning.  It was drizzling, but not raining.  Aside from some slippery wet asphalt, it was pretty nice actually.  Breezy.  My right foot started to stiffen up so I cut off the last block.  Ended up at 1.04 miles  Not terrible.  I know I'll get better, I just did not want to push that stupid foot the first run of the week.  Tomorrow more yoga.  Wednesday another run.

Food.... well, it's not too terrible.  I did have pizza yesterday at knit but mostly in general I'm eating pretty good.  I've got some egg salad for lunch and veggies/hummus for any snacking.  I've been at one or zero coffees every day.  I need to make time to cook, but I'm not sure if I will tonight since it's homework night.

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Oh!  Almost forgot.  I signed up to do the Platform 9 3/4s in September.  That one is just over 6 miles.  I'm going to walk it with Mom.  She likes doing them with me and I like the company.  Plus, let's be honest, there is no way I'd run that one yet.  Since she doesn't run at all, her company is a great reason to walk.  I also signed up for the Zombies Run halloween race.  That one is a 5k storyline.  I'll try to schedule to run that one with my old running buddy but if our schedules suck, I'll do that one alone.  I know I'll still most likely walk the majority of it, but I'll work on it.  I like having the reasons to go a certain distance.  My morning runs are just to get myself used to running and to force myself to keep a schedule.  The only distance goal really is to make it home.  Also, I like getting medals.  I know they're just participation trophies, but I still like having something to show that I did it.  Also, I made this happen because why not?  




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Ack!  I missed yoga yesterday.  I missed in the morning because, well, puppy snuggles. That's tough to fight some days.


 I did run this morning!  I got up but was having a hard time getting out the door, so I leashed Ragnarok and pretty much let him drag me out of the house.  He jogged with me a bit, but also pulled me down the road sometimes.  I ended up twisting my left foot this time on some bump in the road.  (Hey, did you know its hard to tell road roughness in the dark?  Who'd have thought.)  I cut off 2 blocks this time instead of one.  Only ended up with .84 or a mile today.  But I guess I could focus more on the fact that I actually went out and did something on a day where I really wanted to stay on the couch with  puppies.  So, that part is ok.  


Also, my foot hurt for the rest of the jog, but it just feel a bit stiff now.  I'm sure it'll be good for the Friday run.  Tomorrow I'll just make sure to do extra yoga, maybe a morning and evening, with one of them being specific for feet again.


Ate garbage yesterday.  Delicious bad food choices.  A friend had a babysitter for the first time in forever, so she picked Olive Garden (her kid has many allergies preventing pasta and such).  There was so much pasta and bread and cheese.  It was good and fun, and I totally could have just passed out afterwards.  I was useless right up until bed time.  

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