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Close to tears...

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I feel so horrible right now. I had been exercising and eating healthy until Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving week saw me slacking off in both areas...not terribly, but significantly. I should have gotten right back on track, but I didn't. That there was vanilla ice cream left over didn't help; also, my body wasn't yet changing in response to my new habits, so I though I wasn't hurting anything. A few weeks later, I'm finally getting back on track, but although I haven't weighed myself I'm pretty sure all that hard-earned weight-loss (admittedly only a couple kilograms, but since I'm not very overweight this is huge for me) is out the window...maybe a few more pounds, even. My arms and under my chin look terrible. If there weren't people around I could cry. Please help me. I need to eat healthy again and be more consistent with exercise, but more importantly I need to know how I can make sure this doesn't happen again. All that progress out the window. It's exhausting to know I'm starting from scratch again.

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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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Overall I have a very healthy diet, but I "supplement" it with sugar whenever it's around (example: eggs for breakfast, chocolate-covered nuts for snack, tuna salad for lunch, vanilla ice cream + nuts for dessert...). Also I have developed a habit of snacking on peanuts that certainly can't be helping. Additionally, with finals coming, I had to skip my workout yesterday to study. I was so excited about where I'd be by Christmas. Now I just hope by then I can be back where I started.


We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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I think the biggest hurdle we often face is believing a small set-back means we can't do it. Take small steps. Remember that even if you "feel" like you're back at square one, you have a lot of knowledge with you that you didn't have the last time. 


In the meantime, ask yourself -- do you need a dessert? My weakness is delicious beer. I've had to ask if I really do in fact have to have one with dinner. The answer is no. So instead of thinking "no desserts," think, "I can skip a dessert today and be fine." If you do have one, don't beat yourself up. Just keep asking. Just try. :) 



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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -- Oscar Wilde
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Old Battle Log

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A lot of people struggle with this. The trick is to just keep going. Don't give up. Don't let it derail you. You can do this!

My comfort food used to be chocolate. Now it's grilled cheese and French fries. My favorite dessert used to be cake. Now it's applesauce. I'm hoping to transition into even healthier choices in the future.

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L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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I think the biggest hurdle we often face is believing a small set-back means we can't do it. Take small steps. Remember that even if you "feel" like you're back at square one, you have a lot of knowledge with you that you didn't have the last time.

In the meantime, ask yourself -- do you need a dessert? My weakness is delicious beer. I've had to ask if I really do in fact have to have one with dinner. The answer is no. So instead of thinking "no desserts," think, "I can skip a dessert today and be fine." If you do have one, don't beat yourself up. Just keep asking. Just try. :)


Thanks so much for that perspective. I'm motivated right now to start being healthy again, I just don't know how to deal with the thought this same thing might happen again. And I love you idea about "skipping" dessert instead of not having it. It's like acknowledging to myself that dessert is a legitimate part of the day but still deciding not to eat any.
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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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A lot of people struggle with this. The trick is to just keep going. Don't give up. Don't let it derail you. You can do this!

My comfort food used to be chocolate. Now it's grilled cheese and French fries. My favorite dessert used to be cake. Now it's applesauce. I'm hoping to transition into even healthier choices in the future.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. It's good to be reminded I'm not alone. I have actually transitioned over the past few months to healthier snack choices and better exercise habits, so maybe I didn't get set back as far as I thought.

Here is a question for you or anyone who sees this: is it okay to aim for a little weight loss when I technically am healthy? 5'6", 130 lbs puts me at an ideal BMI, and I'm in decent shape. My (heathy, knowledgable, low-carb high-protein) family is quick to discourage me from trying to lose weight. But I really don't like how I look. Just average, not "hot" at all. Is it okay to go for 3-5 kg of weight loss? I know getting toned helps, and I'm working on that now by lifting. But I'd like to drop some fat.


We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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Don't forget, your overall weight/look can fluctuate massively in short periods of time.  Rapid fluctuations like that are almost never because of fat.  Don't estimate how much of your body is made up of water, and how much water comes and goes depending on your short term nutrition and activity.  One weekend alone I moved up and down a total of 8lbs!


As others have said, fitness is a long term thing.  It's about building a lifestyle.  And part of life is having fun on the holidays and yes, probably seeing the scale go up and down every now and then.  Don't run yourself into the ground!

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Thanks so much for that perspective. I'm motivated right now to start being healthy again, I just don't know how to deal with the thought this same thing might happen again. And I love you idea about "skipping" dessert instead of not having it. It's like acknowledging to myself that dessert is a legitimate part of the day but still deciding not to eat any.

GIve yourself permission to take the time to learn a new habit. You may (and probably will) stumble again, but each time you do you will learn more about what motivates you and what works for long term eating healthy.


My eating is so much healthier than it used to be. But yesterday and the day before, I ate more candy than I wanted for my goals. Today, all the candy has been cleared out of the house and it is a new day, and I will be back to my healthy eating habits. I don't need to beat myself up about yesterday, it happened, and now I move on to making today better


My point in sharing my story is to say to you it is all right even if you do make choices on food you wish you hadn't, just learn from it, and make your next choice better

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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GIve yourself permission to take the time to learn a new habit. You may (and probably will) stumble again, but each time you do you will learn more about what motivates you and what works for long term eating healthy.


My eating is so much healthier than it used to be. But yesterday and the day before, I ate more candy than I wanted for my goals. Today, all the candy has been cleared out of the house and it is a new day, and I will be back to my healthy eating habits. I don't need to beat myself up about yesterday, it happened, and now I move on to making today better


My point in sharing my story is to say to you it is all right even if you do make choices on food you wish you hadn't, just learn from it, and make your next choice better


I really needed this reminder. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, and for telling your candy story. I can totally relate because I love sugar. :) But when I eat healthy consistently, I crave fat and protein more. "Yesterday is unreachable; Tomorrow is untouchable. Use both hands to grasp Today."

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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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Don't forget, your overall weight/look can fluctuate massively in short periods of time.  Rapid fluctuations like that are almost never because of fat.  Don't estimate how much of your body is made up of water, and how much water comes and goes depending on your short term nutrition and activity.  One weekend alone I moved up and down a total of 8lbs!


As others have said, fitness is a long term thing.  It's about building a lifestyle.  And part of life is having fun on the holidays and yes, probably seeing the scale go up and down every now and then.  Don't run yourself into the ground!


It's true, my weight fluctuates daily. I've tried not to weigh myself so often because I go crazy. My problem is that even though my weight oscillates, it always oscillates about the same old weight: 130 lbs. I can't lose net weight, which frustrates me.

As far as fitness goes, you're completely right. I used to hate exercising but since I started weightlifting I've been dating Gym pretty consistently. ;) Since this is my first holiday season since starting this new lifestyle, I think I just need practice balancing fun and not going overboard.

Thank you for replying!


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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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Gosh, how do you guys manage to cheer me up so fast? Had tuna salad and a dill pickle for lunch. I'm feeling so much better from an hour ago. Thanks for being my fitness family. :') <3

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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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I wouldn't sweat your weight, it's firmly in the healthy zone.  As has been pointed out, your weight goes up and down by several pounds a day, just based on hormones, recent meals, and stuff  you can't control.  It's nothing to worry over.


You might want to focus instead on getting stronger (yay muscle tone) and attaining the "glow" of good health, which you will get by:


- proper nutrition and hydration (including sufficient fats and proteins)

- sleeping the right amount

- not smoking

- smiling!


Oh, and if you needed another reason to cut back on sugar, studies have found too much sugar can make your skin saggy by sticking to your cells, it's called "glycation."  Just sayin.  A little sugar won't kill anyone, but a lot will.  


Lifting weights will make your arms prettier.  About that chin area, not sure that's fixable without plastic surgery, or in the case of an overbite, braces.  I'm not super keen on my chin either, but some things can't be helped.  Get a flattering haircut that draws the eye elsewhere, and don't worry too much about it.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Thanks so much for that perspective. I'm motivated right now to start being healthy again, I just don't know how to deal with the thought this same thing might happen again. And I love you idea about "skipping" dessert instead of not having it. It's like acknowledging to myself that dessert is a legitimate part of the day but still deciding not to eat any.


You're welcome. It took me a bit to realize that, for me at least, I can't put food off the table -- especially foods I like. 


Thank you so much for the encouragement. It's good to be reminded I'm not alone. I have actually transitioned over the past few months to healthier snack choices and better exercise habits, so maybe I didn't get set back as far as I thought.

Here is a question for you or anyone who sees this: is it okay to aim for a little weight loss when I technically am healthy? 5'6", 130 lbs puts me at an ideal BMI, and I'm in decent shape. My (heathy, knowledgable, low-carb high-protein) family is quick to discourage me from trying to lose weight. But I really don't like how I look. Just average, not "hot" at all. Is it okay to go for 3-5 kg of weight loss? I know getting toned helps, and I'm working on that now by lifting. But I'd like to drop some fat.


I'm 5'6" and weighed in this morning at 142.5lbs (~65kg). Personally, I'm aiming to stay close to my competition weight of 138 (just under 63kg). I have some jiggle that I'm also trying to get rid of (not totally ripped, though, because that is maintenance I just don't want to do). Lifting is going to make a huge difference in your body composition. If you're squatting (and according to me, everyone should #squateveryday), get ready for an amazing booty (and legs)!

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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -- Oscar Wilde
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I wouldn't sweat your weight, it's firmly in the healthy zone.  As has been pointed out, your weight goes up and down by several pounds a day, just based on hormones, recent meals, and stuff  you can't control.  It's nothing to worry over.


You might want to focus instead on getting stronger (yay muscle tone) and attaining the "glow" of good health, which you will get by:


- proper nutrition and hydration (including sufficient fats and proteins)

- sleeping the right amount

- not smoking

- smiling!


Oh, and if you needed another reason to cut back on sugar, studies have found too much sugar can make your skin saggy by sticking to your cells, it's called "glycation."  Just sayin.  A little sugar won't kill anyone, but a lot will.  


Lifting weights will make your arms prettier.  About that chin area, not sure that's fixable without plastic surgery, or in the case of an overbite, braces.  I'm not super keen on my chin either, but some things can't be helped.  Get a flattering haircut that draws the eye elsewhere, and don't worry too much about it.


You're probably right, I should just eat to maintain and train insane. ;)

Never smoked in my life...never intend to.

I won't be able to stop smiling if nice people keep encouraging me!! :)

I can always use another reason to not sugar. Anti-aging! IMMORTALITY!!!!! (okay, maybe not)

Yes, I intend to keep up the pushups, pullups, etc. About my chin, the reason I mentioned it is because it's the "first responder" when I gain or lose weight. Just a couple pounds down or up shows right there. I certainly won't be getting plastic surgery, but I love the haircut idea. Maybe when I reach a certain lifting PR I'll treat myself to one. Thank you so much!!!



We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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And forgive yourself.  The holiday season is the absolute worst for trying to start new habits, particularly about food.


We all stumble, and sometimes fall, but it never counts as a failure until you refuse to get up.

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You're welcome. It took me a bit to realize that, for me at least, I can't put food off the table -- especially foods I like. 



I'm 5'6" and weighed in this morning at 142.5lbs (~65kg). Personally, I'm aiming to stay close to my competition weight of 138 (just under 63kg). I have some jiggle that I'm also trying to get rid of (not totally ripped, though, because that is maintenance I just don't want to do). Lifting is going to make a huge difference in your body composition. If you're squatting (and according to me, everyone should #squateveryday), get ready for an amazing booty (and legs)!


Competition weight? You compete? Sweet. I remember now that a certain amount of weight, including body fat, is required to stay strong. I need to remember my quote (see bottom of post). #effectivenessnotaesthetics

Is #squatonceortwiceaweek okay? Haha. Right now my squat is at 85 lbs which is probably pretty noob but I plan to keep adding. How long did you squat before your legs/butt got shexshy? :)



We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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And forgive yourself.  The holiday season is the absolute worst for trying to start new habits, particularly about food.


We all stumble, and sometimes fall, but it never counts as a failure until you refuse to get up.

Too true. But maybe it's a good thing; as in, if I can get back up during the holiday season, I can get up anytime.

That last sentence is awesome. I will not rest until the day Liam Neeson says it. Thank you!!



We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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Competition weight? You compete? Sweet. I remember now that a certain amount of weight, including body fat, is required to stay strong. I need to remember my quote (see bottom of post). #effectivenessnotaesthetics

Is #squatonceortwiceaweek okay? Haha. Right now my squat is at 85 lbs which is probably pretty noob but I plan to keep adding. How long did you squat before your legs/butt got shexshy? :)



I compete at small, local events on occasion. I'm not that great, but it really gets me out of my comfort zone, and that's a good thing. (I don't like people watching me lift.... heck, I get nervous just recording myself lifting.)


As for the last question....  hard to say. It didn't take long to notice small changes (slight change in the way my pants fit, things like that).

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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -- Oscar Wilde
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Old Battle Log

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In addition to the good advice offered by others, I also wanted to add that sometimes it's worth trying to figure out why we want to look "attractive."  Most of us are conditioned to believe it's an important goal, but it really doesn't have to be. Some day, if we're lucky, we'll be old enough that nobody will really consider us attractive.  It's good to find a positive relationship with our body before that point.


"Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’." - Erin McKean



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I compete at small, local events on occasion. I'm not that great, but it really gets me out of my comfort zone, and that's a good thing. (I don't like people watching me lift.... heck, I get nervous just recording myself lifting.)


As for the last question....  hard to say. It didn't take long to notice small changes (slight change in the way my pants fit, things like that).


Good for you! I know how you feel...was benching the empty bar (it was the men's bar, but still) the other day, and Hercules came up all like, "How many more sets do you have?" and I'm all, "Oh, I'm almost done" and I finish my sets and let him use the thing, and he starts pumping these HUGE weights. I felt kind of small. Okay, really small. But I will get there, and YOU are awesome.


Good to know. What I've really noticed is how much easier it is to climb stairs since I started squatting. I feel like my legs are springs. :)



We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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In addition to the good advice offered by others, I also wanted to add that sometimes it's worth trying to figure out why we want to look "attractive."  Most of us are conditioned to believe it's an important goal, but it really doesn't have to be. Some day, if we're lucky, we'll be old enough that nobody will really consider us attractive.  It's good to find a positive relationship with our body before that point.


"Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’." - Erin McKean




This is very true. I love the perspective of, "if we're lucky we won't be attractive someday." Proverbs says that beauty is fleeting, and that is very true. I need to exercise for health and longevity, not for good looks.


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We do not show off, for we are the unseen. We are not motivated by aesthetics, but effectiveness. Our bodies are our weapons, not our trophies.

They are the civilians.

We are the warriors.


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