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The Cat's First Meow

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Welcome to the rebellion, fellow feline!


To answer your questions:


Cutting out processed foods: try simple recipes that don't require too much preparation to get into the habit of cooking whole foods. You might want to try studentrecipes.com. They have some good stuff.


Drinking more water: Do you mean drinking more pure water as opposed to other liquids (ie coffee), or increasing intake in general? For the former, switching it around is the way to go, for the other, do you have a device with an alarm? A phone, an ipad, etc.? Set the alarm to ring every hour/hour and a half. When the alarm rings, drink a small glass/cup of water. That will help the water intake.


As for going for walks, do you enjoy walking? That's the most important thing. In any case, build the habit slowly. Get up a little earlier in the morning and go for a walk around your block. 10- 15 minutes is all you need to build the habit. Try going for a quick walk during breaks. Again, just 10-15 minutes will get you into the habit. Do you live on campus, or do you travel there? Try walking there, of if you take the bus, get off a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way.


I hope that helps. Good luck! Keep us posted!

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Weight objective: 20%

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Thanks, Basement Cat!


So far, cutting out the processed stuff has been easier than expected since I enjoy soup and salad and have been getting majorly creeped out by ingredient lists since actually paying attention to them. My little family (mom plus brother) are right on the edge of going mostly primal since they're both interested in getting healthier as well.


I usually only have one or two cups of tea a day (one in the morning, and sometimes one in the evening) and have been decreasing the amount of sugar each time, but I really don't drink enough water. Hoping to get up to at least eight cups a day. No alarm devices, but I do keep an eye on the clock pretty loyally.


Walking, I do enjoy pretty well, except in the summer when it's blistering hot and blinding outside. Starts making me want to run after a few minutes, especially on nice days. Currently my school is done online, although once my current thing is wrapped up it's going to be a commute to and from campus. Whole family used to walk regularly until mom's schedule changed; now it's dark when she gets back, so she walks in place at home (which I cannot seem to do. Walking without going anywhere trips me up. Literally.) but there honestly is no reason my brother and I can't resume the old walking routine. ^_^

Matthew 25:34-40

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