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Everyone Loves an Underdog, Right?

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Hello, Rebels!! I guess this is where I get to talk a little bit about me! J


Well, my name is Becca, I am 22 as of now (will be 23 on Jan. 19th!) and I’m from Michigan. I am 5’3†and 227 ponds – ouch! That hurts to type.

I am 100% a n00b at all things physical. I have been getting Nerd Fitness e-mails for the past 6 months, and every word I’ve read has made sense – why previous diets didn’t work, and how to go about things the right way. I’ve never read anything about diet/exercise that just made so much sense. It’s not hoaxy at all – it’s just how our bodies work. So here, 6 months later, I am finally prepared and ready to take the next steps!

I’ve been reading through a lot on the forum, and everyone here seems so amazing! I never knew a place like this existed – where nobody judges you for where you are, and helps push and encourage to get you where you want to be. This is literally the only place where I have ever not lied about my weight (besides, you know, the doctor), and I feel like I will not be judged for my weight and inexperience, and for that I am so grateful!!


My Story:

My weight is something I have struggled with my entire life – or at least all that I can remember. Even when I wasn’t particularly overweight, I had 2 gorgeously sporty and thin sisters to compare myself to (who constantly called themselves “fat†even though they weren’t) and so I developed a lot of body-image and self-esteem issues pretty early on.  I began dieting at a young age, and I have tried many different kinds of diets - ones which said they were healthy and would last you a lifetime, but were secretly unhealthy crash diets. Some “worked,†but each time the diet ended, and I somehow gained back all the weight I’d lost and THEN SOME. I can’t help but wonder where I’d be if I never tried those crash diets in the first place…

Anyways, after dropping out of college for 2 years, and going through (and getting over) what I would not admit was depression, I am in the healthiest place I have been, mentally, in at least 5 years. Even though I had to move back in with my parents after dropping out of school, I found my real passion – Computer Animation - and am now an online student and loving every minute of it. And even though I’m alone most of the time, I got a dog about a year and a half ago, and she has been so amazing – she was a rescue, but I really think she rescued me!  

I am the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been, but I have learned to love myself and actually grown to see beauty in myself when I couldn’t before. And since I have learned to love myself, I feel like I have the right motivation to get healthy. I am not doing it to look like my sisters. I am not doing it to fit into a bridesmaid dress. And I am certainly not doing it because I hate my body. I am doing this because I love my body, and I need to treat it right.


OKAY, so that was longer than planned – if you’ve actually made it this far, here is a virtual high-five!!



My Battle Plan:

·      Instead of biting off more than I can chew, I plan to make small, measurable changes each month. 

·      This month (January) is the 4-week challenge, where I plan to eat veggies with a meal every day, track what I eat (so I can actually realize what I’m putting into my body), do the Beginner Bodyweight Workout at least once a week, and go for walks when I can. Also, to “level up my life,†I am trying to stop snoozing my alarm!

·      At some point – once the 4-week challenge is done and I actually have some $ (I am the very definition of broke college student) - I plan on joining the Academy. It seems like a really great resource for people like me who are out of shape and uncertain of how to even do a lot of workouts. Plus, it seems like a really fun and motivational way to start leveling up my life!

·      In a few months, once the snow and ice are gone, I want to start going for nice long walks and bike rides. Where I live is very flat, so it’s perfect for getting in distance. For now, we have a bicycle in a rig to work as a stationary bike in my basement, so I will add that to my routine once I get used to what I am already doing for the 4-week challenge.

·      I plan on making at least 2 diet changes each month until I get to a semi-paleo diet. I’ve tried jumping straight into paleo before, and while I felt really good, it was hard to keep up. I want to make small changes that stick, and work my way there gradually. I’d rather have slow and permanent change, than a quick change that is quick to leave.

·      Similarly, I want to add at least 1-2 exercise plans each month, such as adding in Yoga down the line, or getting into strength training. We have an old weight set in my basement that is never used, so I would like to start using those, too.


What I Bring to the Table:

·      I tend to have what one might call an “obsessive†personality. In certain areas, I can be picky about what I like – I’m known to be a bit of a music critic sometimes – but when I love something, I am 100% ALL in.  I really hope I can find something I love that I can really dive into. (My biggest nerd-obsession of the moment is probably Doctor Who!)

·      I may be inexperienced, out-of-shape, and a total n00b, but I’m always here for a laugh or a pat on the back if you need one! I’m still getting to know this awesome Rebel Forum world, but I hope I get to meet lots of you! J


Well this turned out to be a longer post than I was planning, but now you know who you’re talking to. Please, share any advice you have for a beginner like me!  I am so excited to be joining this awesome community.



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Hey Becca,


Welcome, I am also a noob!


My name is Emma and I am almost double your age (eeek) but can relate to your story although I am four years down the track.



I am also doing the challenge and am keen for support. I have joined a group that will hopefully make a difference. 


I will be sure to keep an eye on how you are progressing.  Good luck with it :)

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Hello and welcome to the rebellion!


I have looked at your plan and it sounds good for the most part. There are just two little things: making 2 diet changes each month and adding 1-2 exercise plans each month. I'm a little concerned that this method will add up to 'biting off more than you can chew'. You mentioned that you're new to physical activity, so that is definitely something to go slow and steady with.


The thing is, after six months you might have a workout plan that looks like this: Bodyweight workout, walks, Yoga, skipping rope, weightlifting, judo, etc.

It adds up, doesn't it? I would suggest that you stick to bodyweight workouts and walks as per your original plan. Instead of adding different plans each month, how about you increase the difficulty of the exercises you are already doing? For example, doing Bulgarian splits instead of squats, or walking further or faster. Things like that.


It's very possible to crash and burn further down the line. I know this from personal experience.


As for diet, it's not a bad idea, but '2 changes a month' is a little vague. What kind of change? A new recipe? A new ingredient? A new cooking method? What I would suggest is having a theme for each month instead. For example, 'Carrot Month'. You take that month to explore different ways to prepare and eat carrots. Or 'India Month', where you experiment with Indian recipes.


That's just my 2 cents of course. :)


Good luck! Keep us posted!

Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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Emma - thanks!  It's always good to have buddies to build up with! I'll keep check with you as well :) Support is something that I've never had much luck with, but I feel like it is so important. I'm already more motivated just posting here in the forums :) Best of luck to you!!! 


Basement Cat - Wow, thank you so much for your advice!!

You're so right - building up would be better than adding on.  I'll try to build up on what I've got before adding anything.

I also really like your idea on doing different "themes" each month! While I do like routine, variety is the spice of life, right? So it would be cool to try lots of different recipes with one common base. Thanks for your ideas!!! This noob will take all the help she can get ;)

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