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Guest Snake McClain

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Oh trust me, they read and giggle to themselves, totally.

The only way to combat this is... I really shouldnt be talking right now.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Stealth edit?

Deal with it. We all have the same parts. And do the same things :P

I don't recall ever lifting during my period... although I found that thread really informative... and the thread about buying sports bras... although i did have boobs when i was overweight and maybe could have used one... you learn that women obsess so much about sh!t men don't give a sh!t about...

haha... women think that there are jeans that make them look good... in fact, I don't give a sh!t if she's wearing a paper bag as long as she's what i'm looking for... I wish I could shout out to them that they matter... not the jeans... so buy something comfortable...

same sh!t with shoes... accessories... handbags...??? ...wtf... yeah I gave a sh!t what shoes, handbag or accesories she was wearing...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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No I'm not upset with you. Or really at all. But if we are talking wishes I'd hope the ladies would stay away.

Why? Why are you so worried about them reading what they already know? We have damn awesome sex drives.

Oh trust me, they read and giggle to themselves, totally.

The only way to combat this is... I really shouldnt be talking right now.

I am on page with you brother

My life. My dreams.

http://dreambigsquatbigger.blogspot.com Hey! I'm actually updating this thing now

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Let them read the thread all they want, it's a public forum, as long as they don't post. Just like we don't post in their thread.


I've always been a perfectionist, never like doing things wrong, mistakes get stuck in my head and whatever similar things there might be. Lately though it has started to go away and to be honest I think it has to do with me starting to have a I don't care attitude. Maybe it's because I'm starting to think more about myself and that I can't please everyone I meet. I care less about what I say around people and I tend to think less before I speak, yet it's working out way better than before when I tried to analyze every situation. It doesn't mean I'm behaving like an asshole, just being free with my attitude. I'm getting completely different, better, feedback when meeting new people and I'm feeling a lot better overall.

It's kind of funny though. I have never been the guy who gets the girls, or never did to be honest (I only have myself to blame for that). I have lately however got a couple of great chances but decided to turn them down. I even had a chick being obviously interested in me but I decided to let the chance go because she was clearly not my type. With my ordinary self I would have been desperate and take the chance right away (being a loner and all). Now I'm more like Nah, there will be more opportunities in the future.

Anyone else going through, or went through, a similar personality change?

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Denny, you make an awesome point, and I feel the same way. For myself at least, it all boils down to control. I used to freak out over what, in retrospect, were pretty dumb things to get stressed out about, and it was because back then I didn't have much control over other aspects of my life, including my health. But ever since I started living a healthier life, my whole outlook on life changed. I felt more comfortable being who I was, and ignored what other people thought of me - basically I respected myself more, and the judgment of others less. I've shifted my time and focus on doing things I wanted to do, instead of trying to please others - this included cutting a lot of ties with folks who I used to be 'friends' with, but who were not supportive of my epic quest to awesomeness. Having that kind of control gives me the confidence to hold out for what I feel like I deserve instead of leaping at the first available option.

On a less serious side note: My 7th grade teacher was the only reason I paid attention in math class. OMG she was such a hottie.

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Guest Snake McClain

Denny I totally understand. After my divorce was the switch that made me change though. Instead if dating anyone (which got me in the mess I was in) I became and still am pretty picky on wjobi date. At this point I sort of feel like it would be Rad to meet someone but I'm not out searching and I want a better class of woman. I don't want ti date some trashy chick who parties all the time. Someone with some depth ya know? Good for for having a standard. A lot of guys are weak and wouldn't.

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I've always been a perfectionist, never like doing things wrong, mistakes get stuck in my head and whatever similar things there might be. Lately though it has started to go away and to be honest I think it has to do with me starting to have a I don't care attitude.

Anyone else going through, or went through, a similar personality change?

Oh yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. I used to really overthink things, to analyse situations to death and to avoid everything I wasn't familiar with (and good at). I could not stand the thought of people watching me failing at something - even, if they were total strangers. When I did my workouts in the park, I always did them early in the morning when no ones was around. And I immediately stopped doing what I did, when someone - a hiker or a runner - was within sight. I pretended to stretch a bit, until they were gone. One day, when I was doing chin-ups, a guy came out of nowhere. I really did not notice him at first. I did my max number of chin-ups - five - and I really was struggling with them, huffing and puffing. And he stood there, did not make a sound and waited just for me to finish, because he wanted to use the chin-up bar too. I turned around, saw him, and was startled. He was twice as big as me, strong arms, very athletic. I blushed, cleared the way and - for sure - he did twentyfive fast and clean pull-ups. He did not say a word to me, he did not smile, he did not shake his head, nothing. He was just doing his workout. All business. It had nothing to do with me. And yet, for some stupid reason, I thought he had judged me, judged my weakness. I left him, grumbling, went to another place and did a few pushups. Five minutes later, he was there too, doing - for sure - push-ups. Much better, much faster, much more. Still, he completely ignored me. In hindsight, I think he barely noticed me. Still... God, was I pissed. I called it a day and went home.

The next day, I was there again, doing my pathetic workouts, still sticking to my plan. And the day after. And the day after the day after. Flashvorward, a few month later. It was summer and the park was crowded - and I did not care by then. I went to the chin-up bar, like I always did, and there already was someone. Again, twice as big as me, strong arms. His (pretty hot) girlfriend stood next to him encouraging him. And it was the same situation as with the other guy... but this time, it was the other way around! This guy struggled. Not me. He barely managed to do seven chin-ups, bad form. I noticed it, but frankly I didn't care. I did not judge, I did not laugh, nothing. I just wanted to finish my WOD and that was the only thing going trough my mind, really. He cleared the way, I did my max reps of chin-ups - twenty - like I had done all the days before and did not spend a spare thought on him, his girlfriend or their reaction. I ticked off another item on my notepad - chinups done [X] - and... went my way. Just so. Sometimes, you are the statue and sometimes you are the pigeon.

As a beginner, everything is intimating and it feels as if the whole world is watching - and judging. Especially the professionals. That day I learned the other way of looking at things. An advanced person barely has the time to look for others. He has a goal, he is committed, he minds his own business. And he started weak too. If he really earned his skills, he won't make fun of beginners. He will barely notice them.

I have become much cooler, much more self-confident. I don't look for others anymore (only for inspiration) and compete only with myself, no matter what I do. I don't worry as much as I used to and... just enjoy live. I could do my workouts in front of a big crowd now and I wouln't care anymore. It's funny what a difference a few push-ups and the like can do. :)

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Guest Snake McClain

Oh yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. I used to really overthink things, to analyse situations to death and to avoid everything I wasn't familiar with (and good at). I could not stand the thought of people watching me failing at something - even, if they were total strangers. When I did my workouts in the park, I always did them early in the morning when no ones was around. And I immediately stopped doing what I did, when someone - a hiker or a runner - was within sight. I pretended to stretch a bit, until they were gone. One day, when I was doing chin-ups, a guy came out of nowhere. I really did not notice him at first. I did my max number of chin-ups - five - and I really was struggling with them, huffing and puffing. And he stood there, did not make a sound and waited just for me to finish, because he wanted to use the chin-up bar too. I turned around, saw him, and was startled. He was twice as big as me, strong arms, very athletic. I blushed, cleared the way and - for sure - he did twentyfive fast and clean pull-ups. He did not say a word to me, he did not smile, he did not shake his head, nothing. He was just doing his workout. All business. It had nothing to do with me. And yet, for some stupid reason, I thought he had judged me, judged my weakness. I left him, grumbling, went to another place and did a few pushups. Five minutes later, he was there too, doing - for sure - push-ups. Much better, much faster, much more. Still, he completely ignored me. In hindsight, I think he barely noticed me. Still... God, was I pissed. I called it a day and went home.

The next day, I was there again, doing my pathetic workouts, still sticking to my plan. And the day after. And the day after the day after. Flashvorward, a few month later. It was summer and the park was crowded - and I did not care by then. I went to the chin-up bar, like I always did, and there already was someone. Again, twice as big as me, strong arms. His (pretty hot) girlfriend stood next to him encouraging him. And it was the same situation as with the other guy... but this time, it was the other way around! This guy struggled. Not me. He barely managed to do seven chin-ups, bad form. I noticed it, but frankly I didn't care. I did not judge, I did not laugh, nothing. I just wanted to finish my WOD and that was the only thing going trough my mind, really. He cleared the way, I did my max reps of chin-ups - twenty - like I had done all the days before and did not spend a spare thought on him, his girlfriend or their reaction. I ticked off another item on my notepad - chinups done [X] - and... went my way. Just so. Sometimes, you are the statue and sometimes you are the pigeon.

As a beginner, everything is intimading and it feels as if the whole world is watching - and judging. Especially the professionals. That day I learned the other way of looking at things. An advanced person barely has the time to look for others. He has a goal, he is committed he minds his own business. And he started weak too. If he really earned his skills, he won't make fun of beginners. He will barely notice them.

I have become much cooler, much more self-confident. I don't look for others anymore (only for inspiration) and compete only with myself, no matter what I do. I don't worry as much as I used to and... just enjoy live. It's funny what a difference a few push-ups and the like can do. :)

First that seriously needs to be the guest post from Steve on next weeks blog. Fo deals.

Second...its true. I've found this in the gym and in the squared circle (wrestling ring). The other wrestlers...the guys who have done training and stealing the show...they see me trying to practice and everyone of them I have met have been supportive and helpful. Everyone starts some where. Aether it is work related perfection, weight training or paper mache pig making. Just do your thing and get better. We are nerds. We have insecurities and we beat ourselves up. But we don't have to anymore because we are leveling he fuck UP!

now only Irvine could take that advice when it comes to meeting women...but tbenbi ha e the smallest social circle ever and have no women to meet.

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I'm sort of not okay with this.

BAn might be a bit strong but maybe don't come in here.

For the record it's part of my job to read this... So :)

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Guest Snake McClain
For the record it's part of my job to read this... So :)

Well then I guess ill make an exception. :P

I'm sort of over it now. Anyway. You're getting off lucky this time spez.

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For the record it's part of my job to read this... So :)

Is it also part of your job to take immense pleasure at reading all our dirty little man secrets? :P

Back to what you guys were saying though, I hope that you guys now realize the onus is on US to break this circle. Now that you have the ability to work out without fear, encourage others that you see who you feel may be intimidated. When you see the guy who's a little big bigger and can't quite get the exercise right, talk to him. Encourage him. Let him know that you filled his shoes once and you went through the exact same process he is.

I mean, we were ALL there at one point, whether it was visiting the weight room at lunch break during highschool, or your first venture into the college gym, or building up the nerve to purchase a few sessions with a PT. Imagine how much better or sooner you would have picked these habits up if someone did the same for you. The change in someone's attitude that can result from simply knowing that everyone had to go through what they're going through...

Anyways, to conclude this dialogue in a true manly fashion. DURR HURR HURR TEH B00BS LOLOLOL

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Anyways, to conclude this dialogue in a true manly fashion. DURR HURR HURR TEH B00BS LOLOLOL

That's pure Shakespeare!

Also, I'm one of those guys who's just starting out and struggling to get 20 push up and 1 pull up down. So it's encouraging that as long as I keep working at this I'll be able to see improvements and be more confident in myself!

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Guest Snake McClain
That's pure Shakespeare!

Also, I'm one of those guys who's just starting out and struggling to get 20 push up and 1 pull up down. So it's encouraging that as long as I keep working at this I'll be able to see improvements and be more confident in myself!

First off I have to say I love everything about this community. Everyone cracks me up. Second man like....I dunno in early November I was only doing one pull up at a time now I can knock out ten in a row on a fresh day. Keep it at it and don't forget the inverted row on and negatives. :)

Also boobs and hot chicks.

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Yeah dude! I know I've got a lot of work ahead of me, but I also know that I'm gonna make my goals someday! One of the reasons why I linger around here is because I know that there are others who've been in my place and going through what i'm going through at the same time. So it's a big group of awesome people doing awesome things. It's like college, there's a lot of hope for the future and everyone is rooting each other on to take the next step.

Also, titties and beer, Chicken and pR0n, and uh... Handle bar mustaches.

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Guest Snake McClain
Yeah dude! I know I've got a lot of work ahead of me, but I also know that I'm gonna make my goals someday! One of the reasons why I linger around here is because I know that there are others who've been in my place and going through what i'm going through at the same time. So it's a big group of awesome people doing awesome things. It's like college, there's a lot of hope for the future and everyone is rooting each other on to take the next step.

Also, titties and beer, Chicken and pR0n, and uh... Handle bar mustaches.

Also agree with all this. The people here make me want to encourage others. Its a great cycle.

P.s. just shaved my handle bar stash. Lol

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First, I second that on the guest post thing, simply well written truth.

Second, yeah, stay at it and you get stronger. I've gone from 1 chin to doing 3 in a few weeks.

Thirdly, I like big butts and I can not lie. I also like boobs, but am impartial to size, though shape is important.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Guest Snake McClain
First, I second that on the guest post thing, simply well written truth.

Second, yeah, stay at it and you get stronger. I've gone from 1 chin to doing 3 in a few weeks.

Thirdly, I like big butts and I can not lie. I also like boobs, but am impartial to size, though shape is important.

Agree to all of the above. I can t describe the confidence boost from one pull IP to five. To ten. To sets of six or eight. Made this week guy feel like a man. Finally having confidence with my physical presence is a great thing.

I like brunettes with tattoos. No idea why bit that's my poison. You find me that girl without similar interests and ill be indebted to you for life.

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Guest Snake McClain
Without similar interests? Come on up to Hamilton bro, we have sloppy tattooed brunettes coming out the wazoo.

I Dont know what "sloppy" means but where is this Hamilton and how can I get there? I've decided if a girl can't do five pullups or doesn't want to learn how i won't date her. Lol

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Guest Snake McClain
Always stick to your standards Bruce :)

And let's be honest here guys. Pullups are the best standard to have. Like woman I don't care if you can cook or not. I'll handle that. but if we are stranded in the woods and need to climb a rock face beeeyootch you better be able to do a pullup. LOL

Edit: To be clear I would never talk to a woman this way unless in jest.

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Edit: To be clear I would never talk to a woman this way unless in jest.

I do it all the time (in jest) in public with my wife and I get the weirdest looks. Then she laughs at me and people realize what's going on and move on.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Guest Snake McClain
I do it all the time (in jest) in public with my wife and I get the weirdest looks. Then she laughs at me and people realize what's going on and move on.

I've found some women just don't think it is funny. Clearly they are not my type of woman. I think it's awesome you can say stuff like that to her and you both laugh.

Do any of the guys reading this have kids? I want kids but I find it terrifying trying to imagine bringing a kid from complete dependency to independce...to be functional as an adult and not grow up to be an a-hole. Scariest thing I can think of right there.

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Not yet, we need a house first, but it's in the works. I'm looking forward to raising a clone of myself with my quirks to the nth power and unleashing it on the world.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Guest Snake McClain
Not yet, we need a house first, but it's in the works. I'm looking forward to raising a clone of myself with my quirks to the nth power and unleashing it on the world.

I think it would be great to have a kid. Almost did once but...well that's another story but anyway I have these "what would it have been like" moments and It makes me want a kid now. i should just adopt. but i can't afford that. lol.

I don't know if i want a clone of myself exactly. I want a new and improved Brucey running around. My parents weren't involved in my life as a kid and when/if I have kids I'd like to teach them the things that i wasn't taught. Like how to turn into an adult. How to work hard. all those things taht should be simple and obvious.

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