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Any Diabeticals Out There?

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Eeeeekkkk!!! I don't know what snapped but I don't want it to get fixed! I don't even remember how I found Nerd Fitness but I've been lurking around for about a week, checking out different things and this fancy diet I've never heard of. Some crazy thing called the Paleo Diet.... Hmmm. Well anyways after much researching (I'm pretty sure all you did some too at the beginning), I thought, hey why not. Worse thing I do is die... Oh wait that's not good. But anyways, enough of me being a smartass. I figured it would actually be pretty good for me since I am a Type 1 diabetic. The kind where no matter how skinny I am I will have to take insulin for the rest of my life! Eek oh well. But this no grain thing, with most carbs coming from fruit... Man they may be on to something! So far I tried it for a week and as always the first week goes with diet changes and diabetics, I struggled with my bloodsugars. I could not keep them above 130 to save my life no matter how much oatmeal and honey I ate. I was going low and stuffing my face with anything that would kick it back up. I hate, detest, loathe lows.

So anyways... I have already started my path to the new me. Two weeks in and I weigh in again on Monday! Last Monday I had dropped a whopping 1.2 lbs. I was pretty content with it as I hadn't exercised as much as I wanted nor had I followed any sort of diet plan besides limiting portions. This week I was much better! Woohoo! My goals are to run a 5k... I guess my first goal is to run a straight mile even of an 80 year old woman laps me walking. Id love to get to around 150 or so and thats about a 70 lb weight loss! For some reason when i see myself as 70 lbs lighter i think ill feel so full of energy and springy i may just spring into outtter space! Boing!!!

Oh and if you are bored and want to read more of my shenanigans and see a highly unattractive fat girl in a bikini, pop over to my blog


All comments and support are appreciated :)

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welcome to the community! sounds like you've already started making some great changes :) weight loss is a great goal but i love that you're also focusing on how you feel and fitness goals. the thing i've learned about running (which i rarely do) is to just go slow. i swear to you i jog in slow motion. but it still counts as running and i feel great afterward!

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Welcome to the Rebellion! I have a friend who is also a type 1 diabetic, so I can sympathize with loathing lows. Are you still doing Paleo? I'd be interested on hearing how it's going for you overall with blood sugar and such if you are.

Best of luck with your goals! Definitely work your way up slowly to a mile, and then go from there. You can definitely do it. :)

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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Oh and if you are bored and want to read more of my shenanigans and see a highly unattractive fat girl in a bikini, pop over to my blog

I visited your tumblr and saw a very beautiful girl in a bikini...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Well trying to do Paleo. There are mornings where my bloodsugar is low and I'll eat a pretty big bowl of oatmeal with honey and almonds and cinnamon. The honey will kick it up pretty fast but not too high and the oatmeal will keeps my bloodsugar up and is pretty filling. If I'm still hungry I'll add some eggs to fill me up a little more. If I go during the day, I'll admit this is my weakest... I ate a small box of raisins to stick with a more natural sugar, but it just didn't kick it back as fast as I liked. So I did wheat bread I had leftover with natural peanut butter and honey. I'm trying to get most of my carbs from fruit as I love that. I might add yogurt back in since I miss that as well. And that has some carbs in it. The first week was a little rough since I had been using my previous doses of insulin, but just by removing the carbs and wheat/ grain business, I have been able to drop my insulin levels back. So hopefully as I lose weight, I'll be able drop more of my insulin. There was even a couple days I only had to take long term insulin and didn't have to shoot up before I ate and my bloodsugars were fine! They all were below 140. It was crazy.

Oh and random thing that has helped is I've added Vitamin D to my diet. For whatever reason, that has helped my bloodsugars stay stable as well. I can't tell you why, just that it does!

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I'm not diabetic but I do get hypoglycemic sometimes...so I feel ya on the lows.

I've been a runner on and off for almost 5 years now...and I do love it. Definitely take it slow...when I first started "running" I could have actually walked faster than I was "running." :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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I worked at a diabetes camp as a nurse this summer and even though I am not diabetic I felt really, really crappy one day and just weird after exercising fairly hard in the heat. Took my blood sugar because a 6 year old camper wanted to prick my finger and I was a whopping 49. I realized this is what all those lows feel like...and it was only like, a quarter of how people with diabetes feel when they go low!

At what BG do you start feeling low? Some kiddos I had frequently ran so high that when they were around 120 they felt low.

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I definitely start to feel low at 90 or 80 but it's a hunger that starts to build and then all I'm thinking about is the biggest icing covered cinnamon roll... I've had dream about these when I've gone low sleeping! But things are starting to get way better! I have tons of energy, I don't feel like a total slug! I've completed a week of the couch to 5 k program and I feel great after that! I even lost 8.8 lbs this week after really sticking to my diabetic friendly Paleo!

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I'm D2, and I know what you mean about those lows....

Try intending to add those eggs to the oatmeal first...balance the oatmeal with the protein, and see if that helps.

I have a very basic plan that keeps my bg pretty level - 1 protein to 2 carb plus some fat.

I don't do insulin, but I know that as you change it up, you will need to adjust it...

As I add more protein to my diet, I'm going to have to check my sugars...I can crash with just protein.

hmmm, maybe there is something about this paleo, huh?

lookin to get off my meds and be D2 free....

In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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