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I write about Alpha Males but have more of a Girl's body!

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Hi all,

This is my first real post.

My name is Ian, I'm 29 and currently unemployed (but I am trying to get a website and website building business off the ground while I have no job). I have suffered from information paralysis mostly and depression on and off over the last few years.

I have been training on and off for the last few years. I would say training in a loose term, I have never really stuck at it. I tended to follow a weight lifting programme for a few weeks (typically less than 10 weeks) and then the first time I was too sore or hurt, I would never go back or only manage a few other sessions.

Consistency was always my main problem. I have grown up to be submerged in this instant gratification society of facebook and the like. As I wasn't seeing any real benefit against the pain (just some slight muscle), I stopped working out. I would become obcessed at the start. I would read blog after blog and hoover up the thoughts on this training programme, the pros of this workout, the negatives of this exercise and so on.

However, recently I got made redundant from my last job. Working out seemed to keep my depression off or at least keep it from getting as bad as it used to. However, with the stress of the build up to the redundancy and other factors, I stopped working out. This lead to a full blown depression for a few months till I left that job. To save money, I have had to move back to live with my parents. This has helped me dramatically with being happier and sorting most of my life out but unfortunately with no gym or proper weights and a lot of alcohol (sitting on my ass too as I blog most of the day) has turned me into a mess.

I am six foot three, just over 16 stone. I have some bouncy man boobs and a lot of fat rolls. My stomach sticks out and I have lost most of the muscle I built. I hate how I currently look but just can't seem to start working out again. I have been walking a family dog and my baby nephew (walking him around helps his colic) and I have lost a bit of weight. Some people have noticed that I have put on a few pounds and I hate it! I can't seem to get rid of it. I have cut down on the alcohol and bettered my diet a bit but I have hit a real slump. the only real exercise I have is to walk the dog and walk around my families sheep stock (when needed). Bodyweight exercises are currently all I can do.

My new website www.alphamaleeexamples.com is about alpha males in society. I write about them all the time but I don't feel like one as I don't look the way I want to be. I am looking to lose the man boobs and belly fat, build up the muscle top and bottom but keep the flexibility, stamina etc. I suppose I would rather look like a MMA fighter than a bodybuilder.

Hopefully that is ok for an introduction. Let me know if you have any questions.

Speak soon,


It's time to level up my life!

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Welcome Ian!

You say body weight exercises, but what sort of body weight (bw) exercises are you actually doing? You can get a great workout from bw routines - the Beginner's Body Weight Workout could be a place to start. Or you could look into Convict Conditioning - a body weight progression program that a few of us around here are working through. And if neither of those seem like a good fit for you, there are a lot of people here who could definitely point you to other ones.

Also, diet really is 80% of the battle. Check out Steve's beginner's guide to Paleo, as it could give you some ideas about cleaning up your diet.

You definitely have the willpower to do this, so stick with it. Remember that EVERY little bit counts. Good luck!

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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I would have to second the Paleo way of life. I've been eating (mostly) Paleo for the last couple of weeks, and despite increasing my caloric intake from 1200 to 1500, I've lost about 3 lbs. PLUS I feel so much better...don't feel bloated, etc. I do love my carbs and even ate out and had a bunch of beer this past weekend...but all in moderation.

I too have a problem with alcohol..I <3 beer. So...it's a struggle.

Anyway welcome! I'm new here also but I've asked a ton of questions and found everyone to be super helpful and awesome and totally motivating (a la Ryan's post above).

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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