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Hello all! Any words of wisdom?

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Hello all!

I began my NerdFitness journey last month, and am pretty impressed thus far!

However, if anyone has any words of wisdom I sure could use some.


I started NerdFitness after a friend of mine reccommended it. I'm recovering from a battery of eating disorders, and had severely damaged my body. I was gaining weight rapidly even though I was eating almost nothing, I was working out 5-6 times a week but was so weak and tired that I could barely make it through my workout, I weighed myself around 2-3 times a day (gross, I know), and I was losing my mind.


I threw myself into NF figuring I had nothing to lose. I began doing the workouts with the required day of rest in between (something I had never done before), I started eating 100% Paleo (I had been a vegetarian for years, then vegan for about one year), and I STOPPED weighing myself (I will occasionally every week or two). I am beginning to notice muscle tone and definition, I have more energy, and I feel pretty alright (which is spectacular considering that when I started I felt like CRAP). I have, however, gained 5lbs since starting NF (a grand total of 10lbs since my 'recovery' journey). I am trying to tell myself that this is normal. That this is just what happens, and that this is what SHOULD happen.

What I'm getting at is: Is there ANYONE out there that has a similar story to mine? I just want to be healthy, and I just want to know that I'm going in the right direction. I started NF at 110lbs...I'm now 115 almost 116. My lowest weight was 105.

Oh! I'm also having a HELLOFATIME kicking the fruit habit! Everything else has been pretty alright though.


Any thoughts? Words of wisdom?

Thanks to all who read this big bag of suck!



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Hi Haikoo!

I left suddenly because my internet connection is rather...sporatic. Heh. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and it isn't always the best.

I want to thank you again for your sweetness, and your kind words. Really.

I also read Staci's story finally! I was in awe! Talking to you yesterday, and reading her story were EXACTLY what I needed.

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