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Greeting from the land of Ice and Snow!

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Halló :)

I'm 22 years old, live in Iceland and am in my first year of university, studying Folkloristics ;) oh and I'm a girl :)

About a month ago I noticed that my oldest sister had posted a link to this page on her facebook page. It was a link to the article about leveling up in life just like in computer games and even tho I don't play computer games much I did relate to it. I started to read more and I just love the attitude and the 11 rules. So a week ago I joined :)

I dont know if I count as a nerd... I don't play computer games much and I prefer them to be old and simple, Sonic, The lost vikings and Jack the Jazz rabbit are games that I like :) I have done some pen and paper role playing but I'm not really a fan and even tho I occasionally do play Risk and other strategic games I prefer simple, short and fun board games like actionary. I do like Star Wars but couldn't tell you much about it or its universe, same goes for Star Trek and Firefly. My sisters, brother in law and also my flatmates do count as nerds tho so I am very familiar with many ,,nerd" things, like warhammer, wow, SCA (medieval thingy) and various role playing systems.

On fitness and why I'm here!

I've always been chubby and been getting more so in the last years. I've been going between 14 and 16 in clothes for the last 6 years, whenever I wasn't fitting so well into my 16 (uk size) jeans I'd start going to the gym and eating healthier but that didn't last long each time. I've usually been okay with my body and been able to do what I want, but in the last half a year I've been gaining more and more weight :( In december I realized that I am the biggest I've ever been and what I find worse: I'm in a terrible shape and its hindering me in going on hikes and other things I like doing.

So now I've joined the rebellion and am going to work hard to get healthier and fitter ;)

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Thanks! :)

Yeh, got some goals set for 1.march,when I've reached them I hope to have a better idea of what I want and what is realistic so I can set some more precise and longer term fitness goals :) I've also set myself some life goals like traveling more and enhancing my knitting and filleting skills :)

On 1st of march the goal is to be able to do what I remember doing regularly at the gym about 2 years ago :

15 bakæfingar without stopping. (sorry, no idea what this is in english)

15 sit ups without stopping.

15 push ups without stopping. (on my knees not toes)

1 km. in 10 minutes.

I'm not going for any specific diet but I am changing it and keeping a record of it. Eating more fruit and vegetables, fish oil every morning, more water, less bread etc. Things like soda, candy and french fries are only allowed twice a week. Instead of having a ,,cheat day" like I've noticed a lot of people do I'm allowing myself two cheats a week. For example having soda and candy at the cinema would count as two cheats because those are two separate things :)

I'm using the blog here to keep a track of it all and that really helps me to avoid making up stupid excuses for not doing what I'm supposed to !

What kind of a report? Well as long as you know that we don't have penguins, don't live in igloos and its not always like -30°C then thats very good! :P

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Halló :)

I'm 22 years old, live in Iceland and am in my first year of university, studying Folkloristics ;) oh and I'm a girl :)

Welcome! I saw the title of your post and my first thought was "Nifleheim?" which shows you how my mind works. :) (My a-cappella group is working on a CD of Norse mythology inspired music.)

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Those sound like great goals! Very specific, which is quite helpful. And the blogging is a good call too - it definitely has kept me accountable.

Haha no, no penguins. Volcanoes though! :tongue: It was actually a report about climate and society in the past/present/potential future for a geography class I was taking. Good stuff!

What all does the study of "Folkloristics" include?

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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Its kinda difficult for me to explain in english, but I'll give it a try ;)

In icelandic we call what I'm studying Þjóðfræði and in english its called both ethnology and folkloristic. Þjóðfræði is very much related to anthropology but not the same thing. Þjóðfræði is everything that is ,,traditional", its about everything we learn informally rather than from formal institutions. Humor, food, folktales, pranks, wedding traditions, material culture (houses, clothes etc.), superstitions, songs, holidays and celebrations is all examples of what a folklorist can research. Its about social relations and all the things we learn through them. Groups is a big thing, as in studying the folklore of a certain group, the groups can vary in size and either be high context or low context, it can be a nation, a club, a certain profession such as pilots or even a small group of friends. Every group has their own folklore :)

You can find þjóðfræði in almost anything, Star Trek for example is not þjóðfræði but the cult, games and traditions around it is. :)

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