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I feel like an old War Veteran who tells young adventurers 'That dungeon has a demon too strong for you'. But I'm not. I AM that young adventurer and no demon is too strong for me! ... At least, that's what I want to believe. 


I became a Rebel back in 2015, in fact February 2015 so it's been well over a year. My progress? Zero. Na-da. Zilch. None. 


I struggle with a lot of psychological issues (depression, anxiety etc..) which I often use as an excuse for not sticking to my goals. Whether it's eating right, exercising or simply doing the laundry, my brain will find a way to insist it's something I simply will not be able to do. So, it's time for me to prove it wrong. I want to lose weight, get fitter and healthier. I don't see myself as a bodybuilder or parkour professional, but I want to be at a stage where I can at least climb the stairs and not feel out of breath by the time I reach the top. 


First things first I know I have to clean up my diet because, OH BOY IS IT BAD. I often binge-eat, especially during times I am severely suffering with depression and I hit a real low. Food is my comfort and I find it very hard to let it go, I mean who doesn't love a good bar of chocolate or the occasional Chinese Takeaway? So I guess my first question is, How do I eat right? If anyone has any meal plans that would be amazing, I'm currently looking into all the different recipes people have posted to experiment in the kitchen. 


Secondly I know I need to at least move a little if I ever want to shift the scary belly. I've tried going to the gym before, last year I think, and I hated it. I know that a lot was due to my anxiety and paranoia, but I really did not enjoy my time there, and I wasn't even sure what I should be doing. So let's work from home, that can't be too hard can it? I am currently starting up Yoga and am looking into Steve's Beginner Workout Plan in order to get me going but, What's the best way to lose weight? and by this I mean, is it strength training or cardio or both? 


So that's me, starting from square one. I appreciate any advice or encouragement you can give and perhaps one day I'll post my progress! 




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First, welcome back. I'm trying to come back into a more goal focused phase myself, so if you want to chat or swap war stories or motivations, let me know.


To answer your question, the best way to lose weight is the one that works for you.


I know, crappy non-specific answer, but it's true. I've done a good bit of self experimentation, and I've found that for me, strength training augments my diets and leads to bigger losses than diet alone or diet with other exercise types. Keep in mind though, no amount of exercise without dietary change will cause you to lose weight unless your current diet has you perfectly maintaining your weight and the little extra calorie burn from working out creates a deficit for you.


If you don't enjoy the gym, it doesn't work for you. If you find yoga feels like a chore, it doesn't work for you. If you hate running, but someone tells you a couch to 5k is the best way to get fit, it won't work for you. You have to find some kind of physical activity that you can either enjoy, or at least not hate, and one that fits well into your life.


I'd encourage experimenting with strength training, using bodyweight exercises at home, weight lifting in the gym, or something similar, because I do think there's a good bit of science that indicates strength training aids weight loss when paired with an appropriate diet. But the exercise you enjoy doing or find easy to do every day is the one you're going to keep doing, and the one you keep doing over a period of months is the one that's going to deliver the best results. If you don't enjoy strength training after trying a few different options, don't do it. Try something else.

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Battle Log


"Those who feel themselves despised do well to look despising. The smile on Bernard Marx's face was contemptuous." 


O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't.

    — William Shakespeare

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Well for diet you might want to try cycling your diet throughout the week.  Typically throughout the weekdays I will eat super strict.  Eating very plain and bland along with doing some intermittant fasting.  Then during the weekend I will give myself usually Friday and maybe Saturday to treat myself.    Where I loosen up my eaten habits.  Usually if I have let myself enjoy accordingly I don't need the extra day of Saturday for a cheat day.  But will naturally want to get back on track.  But if I have dinner parties etc it's not a big deal.  But for then  resume a strict cycle on Sunday-Thursday. 


With that it gets me more cut each cycle.  While not making myself feel like I am completely depriving myself forever.  So if I have cravings I can reserve for your cheat days.  Along with this keeps your metabolism revved up high.  Since your body then knows its not in a deprivation / starvation cycle per se.  Just makes it more efficient at fat burning for a period of time.  Also goes along with the regular grinding feeling throughout the work week.


Working out from home is just fine.  You can still get excellent results.

Looking for a fun, easy way to work out at home without judgement?  Boxercise your way into shape with you virtual trainer.  Download the FREE "Boxing Combos" app for Iphone and Android.  Available on Itunes and the Google Play Store - http://bit.ly/1mWHHeO

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Food is the biggest hurdle most people face here.  And you know what, if you're using food as a comforting method, rather than fuel and enjoyment, there will be a moment when you'll have to face your demons, and figure out another thing that comforts you.  This will piss you off, or make you sad, or make it seem like life isn't worth living.  Withdrawal hits some of us really hard, but stay vigilant.  Your cravings will pass in time, and it will make you stronger.

Honestly, if you're just starting out, just cook.  No, really, cook.  If you want Chinese, learn to cook Chinese.  To me, when I cook my own meals, it gives me a great feeling of pride, accomplishment, and satisfaction.  Even if the meal isn't necessarily good for me.

Good luck.

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I also think that one of the biggest ways for people to achieve their goals is to focus on and change why exactly they're unable to follow through with them in the first place. 

You mentioned a few times that your anxiety and depression have been why you have been unable to follow through in the past.  Is there anything that you think you can do to make a shift in this area of your life so that you can start to manage your anxiety and achieve your goals despite it?

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