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I need some advice/encouragement for REALLY starting the body weight routine at home.

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I have been trying to start doing the beginner body weight routine at home. I think I have the form down but I am having trouble just getting started on a regular routine. Part of the problem is location. The only area of my home where I can do this with minimal distractions (which is VERY IMPORTANT) is my bedroom. I should be in there getting my workout done right now but my husband is in there sleeping. Normally he is as much of a night person as I am but occasionally will nap. The other part of the problem is the warm up part. Jogging in place is just too hard on my knees and I have no equipment to speak of like a treadmill or an exercise bike. I guess I could go for a brisk walk for five minutes but that would depend entirely on the weather. I am thinking of getting a weighted hula hoop.I also hate the idea of the weather dictating wether or not I warm up before I work out. This is so frustrating that I could just cry sometimes. Every time I want to workout at home something happens and I can't.

In case you are wondering we are a household of four adults, two teenagers and one infant grandchild. The two teenagers are both on the Autism spectrum with the younger one being very low functioning. My husband has physical issues which explain why he needs to lay down sometimes so I do understand but it is frustrating nonetheless. I am considering saving up for a large good quality exercise mat to put in my den. I have a cheap yoga mat ,but it is pretty narrow for what I want to do.

Also need some ideas for a five minute or so warm up that do not involve going outside or anything that will hurt my feet or knees or buying expensive equipment.

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Im not 100% clear on the benefits of warm-ups and warm downs, I'm sure somebody will attempt to alleviate my ignorance. Subsequently I've stopped doing them! Even after my 40 minute runs, I prepare some food and sit down with some water. The whole, doing exercise before exercising, and then exercising some more when the main exercising is finished baffles me.

Have you tried eliminating the warm up and cool down periods? Or maybe just doing some light stretches afterwards if you're not completely comfortable not doing them?

I'm not quite sure what a perfect solution might be for your situation. I don't have any experience even in a similar situation.

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What about jumping jacks instead of running in place? They make a good warmup, they get the whole body moving.

Warmups are definitely more important than cool downs, though I imagine it depends on what you are doing, it would be downright weird to just stop running and sit down without walking a bit to cool off first. Without warming up, if you jump right in to strenuous activity, it is a good recipe for getting hurt.

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I usually just jog/dance/walk/march in place for a few minutes. Then I do the easies version of the bodyweight for warm up. So, I might do some wall push up, do my arms in the motion of a pull up, and some air squats (or just sit down on low chair and then get up) I also like to empty the dishwasher right before I exercise. I figure that's part of my warm up.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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What about jumping jacks instead of running in place? They make a good warmup, they get the whole body moving.

Warmups are definitely more important than cool downs, though I imagine it depends on what you are doing, it would be downright weird to just stop running and sit down without walking a bit to cool off first. Without warming up, if you jump right in to strenuous activity, it is a good recipe for getting hurt.

Jumping jacks are hard on my knees and feet. I could maybe do them for a minute or two but that is it.
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If you can't do jogging in one place, try doing it without lifting your toes. This is easier on the knees, don't know about feet. Or just walk in place, with high knees as fast as comfortable. Or stay put and bend your knees, move your hips and arms, to get everything warmed up. :) Who cares if it looks silly, if no one is watching? ;) It's quite fun once you start. :)

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Im not 100% clear on the benefits of warm-ups and warm downs, I'm sure somebody will attempt to alleviate my ignorance. Subsequently I've stopped doing them! Even after my 40 minute runs, I prepare some food and sit down with some water. The whole, doing exercise before exercising, and then exercising some more when the main exercising is finished baffles me.

Warm-ups increase bloodflow and loosen the muscles up to get ready for the workout. If you don't do them, especially as you get older or your workout intensifies, you stand a greater chance of pulling a muscle. I'm not entirely sure on cooldowns, but I think they help keep the muscles from tightening up and becoming as sore after the workout.

As far as a warmup, I would say some form of dynamic stretching (arm circles, high kicks, upper body twists, bending down to touch your toes, standing calf raise, etc.)

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I wouldn't skimp on the warm-up/cool downs. They are an important part of helping recovery and preventing injury. I would go with dynamic stretching for warm-ups. A good routine could be:

- Walking Deadlifts (Drinking Bird) – 10 reps. Take a step forward with your left leg, bend down while keeping your left leg fairly straight and touch your left toes with both hands. Keep your left leg slightly bent and your right leg parallel to the floor. Your right leg and your torso will be parallel to the floor. Repeat on your other leg.

- Groiners – 20 reps.

- Donkey Kicks – 10 reps.

- Mountain Climbers – 20 reps with legs in, 20 reps with legs out.

- Leg Swings - 10 reps.

- Lateral Leg Swings – 10 reps.

- Lunge Matrix - abbreviated version, 4 reps per lunge type.

A quick google search can show you YouTube videos of any of the moves you don't understand. This whole routine can be done in about 5-8 min.

Cool-down should be more static stretches, such as toe touches, calf stretches, quad stretches, etc. Probably another 5-8 min to do these as well.

"Fortune favors the prepared mind"

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Something I tried when starting the beginner bodyweight routine, when I needed to be home because my wife was working and kiddo was taking a nap, was step-ups. I used a stable step for safety, easy height, switch my lead foot every 10-20 reps, and start slow. I can do a simultaneous "woot woot" gesture with the arms to warm up my upper body, reaching up as I am stepping up. Set the timer for about 7-8 minutes and I'm OK. After a while I begin to develop a sense in my lungs, how physically warm I feel, and other sensations that let me know I am warmed up.

Before I start on this I make sure to stretch quads and knees by sitting in a squat position for about 20 seconds without bouncing. Then I do a light runner's stretch on my calves by putting my foot against the wall from the ball of the foot forward (with my workout shoes on) and pressing down on the foot with my leg straight.

I can understand the need for encouragement given your life situation! My experience might be encouraging - because after a period of doing the BBW I actually discovered strength I didn't know I had! Getting through the first few can be agonizing but you really feel proud of yourself after being able to complete full circuits!

Be safe and realize you couldn't be doing anything better to take care of yourself.


Hope this helps and good luck!

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The journey of a thousand miles starts with one single step. Lao Tzu said that and it is the mantra i use constantly and especially when I find myself delaying something that is important to me by finding excuses.

I understand that there will always be some reason why something is not perfect, and obviously you have a lot on your plate. What I have found lately is even though I have a lot on my plate, taking good care of me is the most important thing. Without ME (you) being at your best, you cannot offer your best to others.

Take the time you need. Set up your situation and make appointments with yourself. Sure at first people will try and interrupt you but explain that this is your time.

As far as warmups, everyone is different. I have residual rheumatism from Lyme disease so running in place is also out of the question. I move my body around a bit and through a full range of motion, like gently swinging my arms, bending my knees, squatting down, flexing my back etc. I don't do any stretching until after I cool down.

I would also suggest starting with one round of the exercises with a small warm up, cool down and stretch. One round and do that for a week and feel successful about putting yourself first, setting up your time to do it and doing it. Small steps in the right direction and feeling good about them will build on itself until you are taking huge leaps in the right direction. BIG HUGS!

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Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

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Have you tried to do your workouts outside? Do you have a garden or a large balcony?

I have a front yard and a back yard but I am waaaaaaaay too self conscious to work out outdoors and I would be having to do them in the dark since I get off of work at six pm. I always eat dinner as soon as I get home so it would be around seven pm before I even went outside. I also do not like the idea of being at the mercy of the weather.

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Definitely dont skip warm ups/cool downs!

I am in a similar spot. We live in a very tiny house with 4 people and a dog, and my only space to exercise is mine and my husbands bedroom. Makes warm ups a little hard, as I only have about 8 feet in length and 3 feet in width to exercise in. lol. but I have been doing a combo of jumping jacks, jump rope, and shadowboxing for my warm ups. none of those take much room. Shadowboxing might be an option for you since you said your knees cant take all the jumping around.

I have just started bodyweight training as well. :) Good luck with it!

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I'm going to say Yoga! Do a few sun salutations when you wake up and it will get the blood flowing. Little impact, some good stretching, etc and you'll be good to go.

I'm with bigm on this. I do a sun salutation before all my workouts, and I find it's sufficient even for my heavy weightlifting days. That, along with stretching/moving anything that feels especially cold before a workout will be plenty. Stretching is ideal after a workout, as it will return the muscles to their normal states and help with recovery, but other than that, you don't really need any cool-down following a body weight routine.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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I'm with bigm on this. I do a sun salutation before all my workouts, and I find it's sufficient even for my heavy weightlifting days. That, along with stretching/moving anything that feels especially cold before a workout will be plenty. Stretching is ideal after a workout, as it will return the muscles to their normal states and help with recovery, but other than that, you don't really need any cool-down following a body weight routine.

What is a sun salutation? Is it a yoga kind of thing? I can't even do a squat without hanging on to something. I just do not have good balance.

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There are plenty of modifications to sun salutations. it is a yoga move and it can really warm you up. You can look for beginner sun salutation moves on any good yoga site or Youtube.

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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There are plenty of modifications to sun salutations. it is a yoga move and it can really warm you up. You can look for beginner sun salutation moves on any good yoga site or Youtube.

I'll look up some. I suppose I could move my laptop to my bedroom. It has a broken touchpad do we can only use a mouse with it. Maybe I can get a stand for my iPod touch and watch them on that. The problem with working out to videos is that I actually have to watch them while doing the moves and in my room that can be hard.

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I'll look up some. I suppose I could move my laptop to my bedroom. It has a broken touchpad do we can only use a mouse with it. Maybe I can get a stand for my iPod touch and watch them on that. The problem with working out to videos is that I actually have to watch them while doing the moves and in my room that can be hard.

You won't have any trouble remembering a sun salutation. It is fairly simple, and you can add or subtract things as you like to make it fit your needs.

This video has good instructions, if I find one that's less wordy, I'll put up the link.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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You won't have any trouble remembering a sun salutation. It is fairly simple, and you can add or subtract things as you like to make it fit your needs.

This video has good instructions, if I find one that's less wordy, I'll put up the link.

I would probobly have to watch that 20-30 times before I remembered it well enough to do it. The funny thing is that I looked up beginner sun salutations on youtube and the one I watched actually looked more difficult than this one so thanks. I have trouble with remembering sequences even simple ones. I might try it although what I am really looking for is something that will get my heart going and my muscles warmed up without causing me more pain that I can do for just five minutes or so.

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I'm with you on forgetting some of the steps? I watch it several times and then forget. But lets say you do it and forget half the steps, you've still done half of it, and got some stretches done. Then do some walking in place and you are set.

I hope your pain gets better. I had forgotten that when I first started doing bodyweight exercises, I couldn't jump, or do many squats, or run, without my joints aching. Now I can do so much more, and it doesn't hurt. I don't know if it's the Paleo diet or the bodyweight, but it is just so nice to not have to worry about doing something that is going to hurt later. I hope that in six months you look back and can see how much more you can do now than before.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Sun salutations! What a great idea. I just have to say, holy cow is she flexible and strong. My sun salutations look nothing like that. Moving to plank is definitely more of a "hop" than a "glide."

Maybe to help you remember, split it up into 2 parts? The standing part and the floor part...then when you feel confident with both movements, you can put them together.

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If you can't do jogging in one place, try doing it without lifting your toes. This is easier on the knees, don't know about feet. Or just walk in place, with high knees as fast as comfortable. Or stay put and bend your knees, move your hips and arms, to get everything warmed up. :) Who cares if it looks silly, if no one is watching? ;) It's quite fun once you start. :)

I like this idea. Just wiggle your bum to music for a couple minutes.

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