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Fell off the bandwagon/help!

Guest guest4729

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Guest guest4729

Hey guys!

So I've been kind of absent as of late and it really pains me to say this but...I fell off the bandwagon.

I haven't worked out more than twice the past three weeks and the only exercise I'm really getting is waiting tables 5 times a week and walking around campus between my classes. On top of that, my eating habits haven't really been the best because my cash out > my cash in. On top of all this, I've been recently having some problems with my Crohn's Disease which has been causing some added discomfort making it hard for me to want to work out because I don't know how much worse my disease has gotten or if it's just something that will pass.

If you've read that all, awesome. If not, just read this:

I need help. I need motivation. I need someone to text me or e-mail me and nag the shit out of my so I get back on track.

I ALSO need some suggestions for things that don't really stress the lower body. With my type of disease squats or anything similar are completely out of the question as it could cause further damage. I am looking for exercises that (preferably) deal with free weights or body weight.

Did I mention that you guys are the best people ever? And for me to even THINK about telling people I failed at something takes a lot. I hate messing up and I hate failing, but I know you guys can help me through it.

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I failed like, three times last year, and the first way I bounced back was admitting it and realizing how off track I was. It's hard to not fall off track in our situations--not only are we working on getting stronger/fit and healthy diets, but BOTH of us have intestinal issues and both of us work a million hours a week while in school full time. So all I can really say is I've been there.

Paleo helped like x 1000 for my disease issues and look what it's done for Loren. Not sure what kind of a diet you've been following or if you have to eat in the dining halls but for me it's amazing and I'm really shocked. Not sure what to say about yours possibly getting worse, besides hitting up the GI ASAP to see what's going on and possibly changing around medications.

Also, I started legit writing my workouts into my mile long checklists--I started going to CrossFit (amazing student discount out here) so penciling in (but writing in pen so I can't erase it!) has helped. And, it's WAY more fun than doing homework, but I totally had a test the other day and brought my index cards to the gym to review in between sets of squats (this is Nerd Fitness...right?). I know how much time going to the gym really takes--sure, you only have to be in there for a half hour or less for some people but you have to take into account the time it takes to get there and back, then afterwards showering etc. It took four years of college for me to get fully organized and actually be able to ration my time in order to get things I want (i.e. go to the gym), but I have faith you'll be able to as well!

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Sending you a big hug. First, I want you to sit down and think of all the things that are on your plate and how you are handling them. School is a tough time because you have a lot of responsibilities and at most places, not a lot of support to get things organized. I always find that amazing but it is true.

You need to put things in a prioritized list of most important to least important. THE top of your list should be your health especially with Crohns. Get it checked out. Period. This is not something to screw with. When feeling sick or having flare ups of COURSE you are not going to want to work out! DUH! LOL but you are feeling guilty and come on girl! YOU have so much on your plate!

Loren is a great example of someone dealing with Crohns and succeeding. I know you say that you arent eating well because of money, but you can find crohns healthy food that does not cost a lot or at least eliminate the foods that you know irritate the situation. Also, if at this point in your life all you can do is some walking, why not do interval walking like walk, sprint walk, or walk on inclines if you can, then do some stretching and say some push ups and supermans and have that be your temporary "book mark" on your workouts so you are doing the minimal, taking care of yourself, but waiting until you get your health in order to move forward. I have found SO many times in my health career because I delt with lyme disease that when I had flare ups and pushed myself I would get injured and then be off the wagon for months at a time. This time around, I have been "moderate" and consistent and its working wonders!

Get things mentally organized, make baby steps towards the exercise, but get the food in order and the crohns in order and treat yourself GENTLY...all will work out.

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

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Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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Guest guest4729
Sending you a big hug. First, I want you to sit down and think of all the things that are on your plate and how you are handling them. School is a tough time because you have a lot of responsibilities and at most places, not a lot of support to get things organized. I always find that amazing but it is true.

You need to put things in a prioritized list of most important to least important. THE top of your list should be your health especially with Crohns. Get it checked out. Period. This is not something to screw with. When feeling sick or having flare ups of COURSE you are not going to want to work out! DUH! LOL but you are feeling guilty and come on girl! YOU have so much on your plate!

Loren is a great example of someone dealing with Crohns and succeeding. I know you say that you arent eating well because of money, but you can find crohns healthy food that does not cost a lot or at least eliminate the foods that you know irritate the situation. Also, if at this point in your life all you can do is some walking, why not do interval walking like walk, sprint walk, or walk on inclines if you can, then do some stretching and say some push ups and supermans and have that be your temporary "book mark" on your workouts so you are doing the minimal, taking care of yourself, but waiting until you get your health in order to move forward. I have found SO many times in my health career because I delt with lyme disease that when I had flare ups and pushed myself I would get injured and then be off the wagon for months at a time. This time around, I have been "moderate" and consistent and its working wonders!

Get things mentally organized, make baby steps towards the exercise, but get the food in order and the crohns in order and treat yourself GENTLY...all will work out.

Oddly enough, with my Crohn's it doesn't really have anything in particular that causes it to really bother me. I can eat fruits just fine, veggies just fine and meats just fine. The only real thing that seems to bother me or make me feel sick/bloated is lots of fried foods. Healthy foods don't give me any issues outside of the norm, the issues come to me more or less at random or if I overeat. As far as running goes, that will be something I can't do right now due to my Crohn's. Walking doesn't bother me, but the running would irritate my existing external wounds. (Re: Fistulas) so I have to count that out.

I failed like, three times last year, and the first way I bounced back was admitting it and realizing how off track I was. It's hard to not fall off track in our situations--not only are we working on getting stronger/fit and healthy diets, but BOTH of us have intestinal issues and both of us work a million hours a week while in school full time. So all I can really say is I've been there.

Paleo helped like x 1000 for my disease issues and look what it's done for Loren. Not sure what kind of a diet you've been following or if you have to eat in the dining halls but for me it's amazing and I'm really shocked. Not sure what to say about yours possibly getting worse, besides hitting up the GI ASAP to see what's going on and possibly changing around medications.

Also, I started legit writing my workouts into my mile long checklists--I started going to CrossFit (amazing student discount out here) so penciling in (but writing in pen so I can't erase it!) has helped. And, it's WAY more fun than doing homework, but I totally had a test the other day and brought my index cards to the gym to review in between sets of squats (this is Nerd Fitness...right?). I know how much time going to the gym really takes--sure, you only have to be in there for a half hour or less for some people but you have to take into account the time it takes to get there and back, then afterwards showering etc. It took four years of college for me to get fully organized and actually be able to ration my time in order to get things I want (i.e. go to the gym), but I have faith you'll be able to as well!

It's so nice to have someone who can relate so well. I work two jobs (~50hrs of work a week) and also have five classes. I am a member of 2 organizations that I contribute to several hours a week and I have a boyfriend who actually lives with me every time he comes to visit since he lives about 2+ hours away. Sooo whenever he visits, I tend to slack a bit so I can actually SEE him versus saying hi in passing.

As far as my Crohn's goes, I've been struggling to get back my medical through the state. Needless to say it has been a hassle and I haven't had my treatment for a bit which I assume is why I'm having a tiny bit of a flare up. It's nothing huge but I'm working really hard now to get medical again through the state so I can start seeing my doctor again. Otherwise there is NO way in hell I can afford it out of pocket.

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Log those meals! I'm gluten intolerant, which isn't nearly as difficult to live with as Crohn's, but diet does affect both.

If you have a smart phone, try downloading an app to help you track meals and water intake, or keep a written food journal. This provides the benefit of self correcting, because I might choose a healthier choice if I know I'm going to log it. It can also help tremendously with finding trigger foods or sneaky things that aggravate your condition.

It also helps when you feel like crap the next day, and you can look back over your food log and decide that the piece of party candy you snuck from your kid's goody bag wasn't such a good idea.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Guest guest4729
Log those meals! I'm gluten intolerant, which isn't nearly as difficult to live with as Crohn's, but diet does affect both.

If you have a smart phone, try downloading an app to help you track meals and water intake, or keep a written food journal. This provides the benefit of self correcting, because I might choose a healthier choice if I know I'm going to log it. It can also help tremendously with finding trigger foods or sneaky things that aggravate your condition.

It also helps when you feel like crap the next day, and you can look back over your food log and decide that the piece of party candy you snuck from your kid's goody bag wasn't such a good idea.

I tried the food logging thing, but it just isn't for me. I started to obsess over the calories and I started eating so little that I was borderline starving myself without realizing it. I thought 1200 calories was okay and was afraid to go over 1300. I fear that if I try counting calories or tracking my food again I'll start obsessing and it'll turn into something bad. I don't want to be unhealthy in a sense of starving myself, ya know?

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Guest guest4729
I've been in a big ball of stress and overeating since Valentine's Day. I'm off the bandwagon with you!

Sucks, doesn't it? Sometimes I wish I didn't have my classes but then I remember how bored I get when I can only work like 40hours a week at my one job. Then I'm like...uhhhh...what do I do now besides sleep? Anyone?

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I tried the food logging thing, but it just isn't for me. I started to obsess over the calories and I started eating so little that I was borderline starving myself without realizing it. I thought 1200 calories was okay and was afraid to go over 1300. I fear that if I try counting calories or tracking my food again I'll start obsessing and it'll turn into something bad. I don't want to be unhealthy in a sense of starving myself, ya know?

Then don't use a calorie counter. Just use a small pad of paper and write down what you're eating. You don't have to know how many calories the candy bar has, only that you ate one. (At least I think that's what mom was saying.) :)

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -- Oscar Wilde
Battle Log


Old Battle Log

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I think it's important to not beat yourself up for falling off the bandwagon. Falling into a rut is not a permanent state of existence; you could jump back onto the bandwagon at any time. You had a momentary slip, and now you're ready to start it up again. Don't let guilt and shame turn a minor mistake into a life-long habit.

That said, I totally understand, done it myself several times (I've got 2 workouts to make up this week) and we're here for you. :victorious:

"Total abstinence is so excellent a thing that it cannot be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from total abstinence itself." -Mark Twain

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I tried the food logging thing, but it just isn't for me. I started to obsess over the calories and I started eating so little that I was borderline starving myself without realizing it. I thought 1200 calories was okay and was afraid to go over 1300. I fear that if I try counting calories or tracking my food again I'll start obsessing and it'll turn into something bad. I don't want to be unhealthy in a sense of starving myself, ya know?

I agree with Sashi, logging the food in a notebook without counting calories will at least help you see the culprit that could cause your Crohn's flareups. Calorie counting totally optional. I've tried it myself a few times, but I get either bored or obsessive after about a week so I'll stop.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Ooh! Ooh! I can relate!

Plus this weekend was TERRIBLE...we had a funeral to go to in Wisconsin. On the way there we stopped for fast food. I got a grilled chicken salad, no dressing.

That night, there was beer. Lots of beer. And cookies. And fish tacos with rice and beans.

On the way home, there was Arby's. Fries of course. And pop. Sandwich wasn't even that good.

And then we picked up a pizza when we got home. SUCH a long day.

But today I ate my breakfast monster for breakfast and I'm eating tuna and spinach for lunch, and I'm totes about to go work out.

Get back on the wagon! We'll slow it down a bit for ya so you can catch up ;)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Meh, so you fell off the bandwagon! All the effort you put in before and the fact that you plan to get back on board means you are doing better than most people in the Western world. Life happens, you aren't a machine. I have IBS and I know if it flared up and was causing me pain or discomfort the last thing I'd be doing is going to the gym. Don't waste energy feeling bad, use it following the good suggestions here to help with your Crohn's. Good luck and feel better soon.

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Guest guest4729


I went with some of the guys from my fraternity and they showed me how to deadlift (my form needs a lot of work), do incline/decline/regular bench press and then we did some shoulder shrugs and something else which I forget.

Super proud of myself andddd a bit sore. I would like to go again briefly tomorrow morning but I have a feeling I'll be in pain. Haha.

I'm going to start trying to go in the early mornings before there are tons of people. Tonight I was the only girl in a sea of about 30 college guys working out. Can you say awkward? Especially when you can just barely bench a 45lb bar. lol

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I went with some of the guys from my fraternity and they showed me how to deadlift (my form needs a lot of work), do incline/decline/regular bench press and then we did some shoulder shrugs and something else which I forget.

Super proud of myself andddd a bit sore. I would like to go again briefly tomorrow morning but I have a feeling I'll be in pain. Haha.

I'm going to start trying to go in the early mornings before there are tons of people. Tonight I was the only girl in a sea of about 30 college guys working out. Can you say awkward? Especially when you can just barely bench a 45lb bar. lol

Holy Dead Lifting Brony! Good job awsd. And hear I was about to start bugging you. You get a pass.....this time :)

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Guest guest4729
Holy Dead Lifting Brony! Good job awsd. And hear I was about to start bugging you. You get a pass.....this time :)

I was able to dead lift uhhhh...let's see. 45lb bar + 10lb weights on each side sooo....65lbs? I started with 85lbs but my form suffered a bit too much. I would rather get my form right before I worry about the weight on it. So to practice form I'll stick to 65lbs until I get it right. *crosses fingers*

With the bench press I might switch to dumbbells. The bar at 45lbs is too heavy for me to keep proper form the whole time. My arms are super weak (in comparison to my legs) so they need a lot of work. I feel like if it was 40lbs it would be perfect. Bleh.

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