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Hello! Feeling shy...

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Hey everyone,

I'm a nearly 27 yo woman who is looking to lose some weight that I put on after a major breakup and train myself to run in the City to Surf (http://www.city2surf.com.au/ ) this year. I aim to finish it without having to walk. I started on the C25K program but some heel pain that I've had for a few years got worse and I've been seeing a physio who's taken me off my running program until he sorts it out. Which sucks. I've been doing bodyweight workouts and swimming instead. Oh, and started Iyengar yoga again (I think stopping it is what contributed to the problem in the first place).

I'm also a folk dancer, which is high impact and very very social (so there's no routine of warming up, or stretching afterwards, just lots of beer and cider...) and a fulltime student (for the third time). I'm doing a degree in Media Communications with a double major in Art History and Ancient History. Mostly Roman history. I'm totally FINISHING this degree.

After doing a lot of research I am super keen to keep doing body weight workouts and move up to deadlifts etc. One of my friends is a good personal trainer (and he can do the 300 challenge in 22 minutes!!! AWESOME) so I work with him on form once a month or so. I've ordered the New Rules of Lifting for Women and am planning on working through that when it arrives.

Oh, and I am currently about 78kg and looking to get down to 60-63kg (which I maintained for about four years until I broke up with my ex and put on 22kg in two years... YUCK). I've already lost 4kg and am keen to fit back into all my awesome clothes this year!

Anyway I am feeling a bit shy and overwhelmed by all the info on NerdFitness so I thought posting might help... anyone want to be friends?

(Goals summary: Lose 22kg; compete in a 14km in August; complete New Rules of Lifting for Women; finish my degree)

Goals 2012: Lose 22kg; run City to Surf in under three hours, no walking; finish New Rules of Lifting for Women; complete 3rd year of degree; get job or internship in an art gallery, museum or auction house.

"Let me have humility, an awareness of my own ignorance and fragility, and contempt for nothing but the insolence of those who condemn me." Petrarch

Blog. First challenge.

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Hey Penelope! Don't be shy. We're not intimidating or anything. Slightly crazy, yes, intimidating, no. :D

That sucks about your heel pain and I hope it sorts itself out soon. Glad to see you aren't taking it lying down though and are going to work on strength training too!

Feel free to ask questions and poke around. Like you said there is a lot of info here and also a lot of motivation and support to help you reach your goals.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Sure! I like friends!

I started on NROL4W a few weeks ago and like it so far. Lots of good information. It can be overwhelming but always remember that what works for one person might not work for someone else.

Your friend...is he REAL or a robot??? 22 minutes? Yeesh!

Good luck with your degree. I am working on mine and hope to finish in December.

Welcome to the Rebellion and don't be afraid of asking questions! Everyone here is super awesome and wants to help.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Thanks! :) I love your quote from Archilochus, where'd you find it? My favourite ancient quote at the moment is

"Friends who read this, listen to my advice: mix wine, tie the garlands around your head, drink deep. And do not deny pretty girls the sweets of love. When death comes, earth and fire consume everything." it's Flavius Agricola's epitaph in Rome, mid-second century AD.

Words to live by!!!

Goals 2012: Lose 22kg; run City to Surf in under three hours, no walking; finish New Rules of Lifting for Women; complete 3rd year of degree; get job or internship in an art gallery, museum or auction house.

"Let me have humility, an awareness of my own ignorance and fragility, and contempt for nothing but the insolence of those who condemn me." Petrarch

Blog. First challenge.

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Yay Mir! :) thanks.

And yeah, I've managed (via folk dancing) to end up with a boyfriend whose friends are all extremely fit and not in the least bit nerdy. Their finishing times for the 300 challenge: 21 min, 22 min, 24 min, didn't finish/was vomiting. I often feel like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, in that I don't get a lot of their references or I correct them when they're making jokes. On the other hand I have them all reading Alan Moore and Gaiman now so it's going both ways!

Goals 2012: Lose 22kg; run City to Surf in under three hours, no walking; finish New Rules of Lifting for Women; complete 3rd year of degree; get job or internship in an art gallery, museum or auction house.

"Let me have humility, an awareness of my own ignorance and fragility, and contempt for nothing but the insolence of those who condemn me." Petrarch

Blog. First challenge.

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Thanks Shutterpillar!

Goals 2012: Lose 22kg; run City to Surf in under three hours, no walking; finish New Rules of Lifting for Women; complete 3rd year of degree; get job or internship in an art gallery, museum or auction house.

"Let me have humility, an awareness of my own ignorance and fragility, and contempt for nothing but the insolence of those who condemn me." Petrarch

Blog. First challenge.

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