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Good Morning! (Even though it's probably not morning when you read this)

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Hello! My name is Anabel and I'm new to Nerd Fitness! It sounds like an awesome thing and a great group of people. It also sounds like I would fit right in. I'm just getting started (for another time) on eating well and working out but I'm not very good yet at either. I like lists and plans and would like to use Nerd Fitness as a resource and community to help me get fit and healthy. But I don't really know where to start and also feel like I need someone to hold my hand through the beginning until I get the hang of it. 


I currently weigh 230lbs and I'm 5'4". I'm on my feet all day for work and usually when I get home, I sit on the couch until it's time to go to bed. I would like to be more active and have more energy. I'd also like to lose about 100lbs...eventually...maybe...my plan is to start losing weight and just see how it goes. I really like the Ranger class, even though I'm nowhere near that yet. I am a huge fan of the "leveling up" idea and having quests and challenges; if I could turn my life into a video game, I think I would be super happy.


So yeah, that's a little about me. Pleased to meet you all!

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Ranger is a state of mind. No more maybes, it's all about 'that looks crazy, lets try it!'


So your goals. 1. Become more active. 2. Lose 100 lbs. Lets make a plan because 'lets see how it goes' has never resulted in something utterly fantastic. 


So tell me, what do you like about the Ranger class? What kind of things do you think are awesome that you want to start training for? 

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I like that the Ranger class does a little bit of everything. That really mirrors my life and work style. I work in a hotel and it's often necessary to do jobs that aren't the specific one I was hired for, and I love it. I like the idea of being able to have some level of proficiency in several different areas, from running to lifting to doing things I never thought would be possible. I like the idea of Crossfit and mountain climbing but I know I'm not close yet to being able to do those things. I have bad back pain and I'm currently working with a personal trainer to strengthen my core to help with that. 


I think parkour is awesome, too. I'd like to develop a physical skill set that could be useful in any sort of post-apocalyptic world (just in case...) I like shooting archery and I like the idea of sword fighting. I also like the idea of someday enjoying going for a run.

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Yep, you're a ranger alright.   Welcome aboard.  How can we help?

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B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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5 hours ago, Anabel said:

I really like the Ranger class, even though I'm nowhere near that yet

You're only a couple of clicks away from the ranger class.  Even without any training, you should be able to make it that far.

You don't need to be able of anything specific to be part of anything, that's not the way it works here.

It's not where you are but where you're going that counts.


5 hours ago, Slates said:

So your goals. 1. Become more active. 2. Lose 100 lbs. Lets make a plan because 'lets see how it goes' has never resulted in something utterly fantastic. 

agreed.  "Let's see where it goes"... in my experience, "it" will make a bee line for the couch.

Make a plan, set goals.  But make the goals small.  Losing a 100 pounds is a big goal, that will take a long time.  Motivation and willpower don't tend to last a long time.

Set small goals:  I will do this, this week.  I will do accomplish that by the end of the week after that,...  Small goals gives you lots of easily achievable small victories.  Victories are what keep you motivated.

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My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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8 hours ago, Igaduma said:



agreed.  "Let's see where it goes"... in my experience, "it" will make a bee line for the couch.

Make a plan, set goals.  But make the goals small.  Losing a 100 pounds is a big goal, that will take a long time.  Motivation and willpower don't tend to last a long time.

Set small goals:  I will do this, this week.  I will do accomplish that by the end of the week after that,...  Small goals gives you lots of easily achievable small victories.  Victories are what keep you motivated.


Agree on breaking it down into smaller goals. But keeping the big picture in mind to make sure you're driving towards it always helped me. Helped think about the small goal as a building block instead of a 'why am I even doing this' 

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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14 hours ago, Anabel said:

....I'm just getting started (for another time) on eating well and working out but I'm not very good yet at either. I like lists and plans and would like to use Nerd Fitness as a resource and community to help me get fit and healthy. But I don't really know where to start and also feel like I need someone to hold my hand through the beginning until I get the hang of it. 


**holds up hand**

I would like to offer my "hand holding" services. 


First off, don't sweat it. You're not the only one who feels a bit daunted and lost. There's some good advice up above and I'm sure you will fit right in. :)


I get the feeling that you've already had a good look around the forum but I'll leave you a couple of links, just in case. ;)


Here is the post explaining all about how the challenges work. We are on week 3 of the current 4 Week challenge so it's a good time to have a good snoop around some of the challenge threads and get a feel for how it all works. Everyone does their first challenge as a Rebel and then chooses which guild to belong to for their next challenge. 


The challenges are a great way to integrate into the community. Many of the people who have posted intros just now are probably going to do their first challenge at the same time as you so it might be worth checking out some of the other intros and see if there's anyone that you think you would get on with. You can cheer each other on and lend support. 


Here is the description of each guild, though I guess you've read that already, lol! 


If you like lists and charts then there are loads of ways you can use that to your advantage in your journey. I like using My Fitness Pal. You can enter in all your food intake and it calculates your calories and macros (the proportions of your carbs, fats, proteins), and you can enter in your exercise to see how much calories you have burned. 


I also have a Fitbit which counts your steps. I found this hugely motivating. I would have a daily target and I would do all sorts of things to try and reach it. It certainly got my butt off the couch!


Anyways, feel free to send me a PM if you want

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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20 hours ago, bker1370 said:

Yep, you're a ranger alright.   Welcome aboard.  How can we help?

(I think I'm doing this forum conversation thing correctly...)


I need some help just figuring out where and how to get started. I think I could also use ideas for getting and staying motivated. Another thing I could help with is creating those smaller goals; I just feel so lost.

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9 hours ago, Slates said:


Agree on breaking it down into smaller goals. But keeping the big picture in mind to make sure you're driving towards it always helped me. Helped think about the small goal as a building block instead of a 'why am I even doing this' 



Do you have any advice on making smaller goals that eventually lead to or create the bigger goals?

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11 minutes ago, Anabel said:



Do you have any advice on making smaller goals that eventually lead to or create the bigger goals?

You just create a timeline. You want to complete x by x day. So lets start. What do you REALLY want to do? We'll work backwards from that. 


If you wanna keep it on the thread we'll work through it here or if you wanna PM me we can email or message, whatever you like best :D 

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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say you want to lose 50kg.

that takes cleaning up your diet.  let's start with cutting soda's.

first goal: drink one less Sugar water a day for a week

second goal: don't drink any soda at all one day a week for two weeks

third goal: only drink soda one day a week for two weeks

fourth goal: don't drink any soda at all for 3 weeks.


stuff like that.  The overal goal is not to drink soda (which depending on current habbits can make a huge difference).  We never change that goal.  we just break it up in small steps.

If you just cut them all from the start it will be harder.  and if you drink one, you failed at everything.

if you divide it in smaller goals and fail, you only failed on the one small thing.  it doesn't matter to much.  it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.  just try again next week.


You say you want to run...  the c25k program (or similar stuff) works well.  The end goal is 5k but they break it up in small steps, building up to 5k.


Something completely different that is helping me with running are podcasts.  Listening to podcasts distracts me from how tired i am etc while running.  I need my attention to follow the podcast.  Listening to music is to "free".  I don't know how to express it well in english.  But you can easily not pay attention to part of a song and be finr.  if you miss part of a podcast though, you'll have missed part of what they were saying and are building on for the rest of the podcast.

My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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also: make sure your goals are very specific.  Do not "drink less soda".

Drink 1 less soda a day for a week (if you usually drink the same amount of soda).

what makes the second one a better goal?:

- it's measurable: you can count the soda's.  Is it one less: good.  not one less: fail.  No discussion possible.

- it has a clearly defined timeframe.  you have a point where you can say "I did it" and claim your victory.

- it's a small and easy goal

Especially in the beginning, set goals you know you will be able to reach.  Just as important as achieving the actual specific goal, is teaching yourself that you are a person that accomplishes what you set out to do.  Once that's well and truly planted in your head, then you can go for things where you're not actually sure you'll be able to make it.

I'm doing a C25k like program myself for running.  In the beginning weeks, I've added some extra steps here and there because I was afraid the steps as proposed by the program were to big.  I don't Always deal well with failure.  So I add steps, to make it easier.  This is not the same as trying, failing and then adapting the goal to make it fit what you managed to do, that's just lying to yourself.

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My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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@Igaduma that is a brilliant explanation! I hope you don't mind if I copy it? I find it difficult to write and explain myself these days (painkiller brain) and I could never explain it as well as that. :)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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On 6/27/2016 at 6:11 PM, Anabel said:

I'm on my feet all day for work and usually when I get home, I sit on the couch until it's time to go to bed. I would like to be more active and have more energy.

I'm exactly the same way. As soon as i'm off of work I throw everything on the couch sit down and get on my laptop until I'm tired enough for bed. Never had any energy to do anything else or care to. I started working out and eating healthy and it has done wonders. Before every work out I take a greens supplement mixed in either water or white grape juice and it gives you energy without the crash of caffeine. Definitely don't take it 3 hours before bed; I made that mistake and didn't sleep at all. 


Me and the hubby plan on going mountain climbing soon(: I've never done anything like it so i'm excited to try it out since hes the expert in all the out door adventures. 

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 My Character & Quests Battle Log: Let the Battle Begin / Facebook 

I am the architect of my own destruction 


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On 6/28/2016 at 9:04 PM, Igaduma said:



You say you want to run...  the c25k program (or similar stuff) works well.  The end goal is 5k but they break it up in small steps, building up to 5k.


Something completely different that is helping me with running are podcasts.  Listening to podcasts distracts me from how tired i am etc while running.  I need my attention to follow the podcast.  Listening to music is to "free".  I don't know how to express it well in english.  But you can easily not pay attention to part of a song and be finr.  if you miss part of a podcast though, you'll have missed part of what they were saying and are building on for the rest of the podcast.


I'll have to check out a c25k program. I've done some running/jogging in the past, but I've always gotten really bad shin splints whenever I've done it. But baby steps seems like the better way to go. Thank you for the suggestion!

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12 minutes ago, Anabel said:


I'll have to check out a c25k program. I've done some running/jogging in the past, but I've always gotten really bad shin splints whenever I've done it. But baby steps seems like the better way to go. Thank you for the suggestion!


I am on the last week of the Zombies 5k program. It's really really good, if you ask me. Gives you a story to get involved in, starts you off with jogging intervals of only 15 seconds, which is the shortest I've seen anywhere. Only con is that it isn't free. Couple of bucks was worth it to me, though. 

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Level 2 Drow Ranger

I walk alone, but the shadows are company enough.

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4 hours ago, Anabel said:


I'll have to check out a c25k program. I've done some running/jogging in the past, but I've always gotten really bad shin splints whenever I've done it. But baby steps seems like the better way to go. Thank you for the suggestion!

me too!  First time i tried to start running, I had to stop after a minute because it hurt so much.

There are a couple of tricks to this though:

1) if possible, run on softer ground

2) every day do this exercise: stand with your feet together, then lift your toes as high as you can for 10 seconds, then put them back down 10 seconds repeat this 3 times

3) stand with your toes on the stairs or something, then lift your heals, then lower them to below the level of the stairs then up again, down again... 3 sets of 10

4) stretch your calves

5) don't tie you laces to tightly

My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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You got this! I used to get shin splints constantly as well. My current solution is to very rarely jog, but something I learned training for a half-marathon was to change how I ran. Instead of landing on my heels and taking long steps, I took shorter, faster steps, landed on the balls on my feet, and pushed back off on the balls of my feet. It solved my shin splints problem! It also caused me to be uncomfortably aware of my front thigh muscles, but hey, whatever works.

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


Current Challenge

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1 minute ago, M_J said:

You got this! I used to get shin splints constantly as well. My current solution is to very rarely jog, but something I learned training for a half-marathon was to change how I ran. Instead of landing on my heels and taking long steps, I took shorter, faster steps, landed on the balls on my feet, and pushed back off on the balls of my feet. It solved my shin splints problem! It also caused me to be uncomfortably aware of my front thigh muscles, but hey, whatever works.


can't believe I forgot to mention this :)

never ever land on your heels.  When you land, your foot should not be in front of you, but under you.

Run barefoot for a couple of meters, you'll quickly stop landing on your heels :)  Then try to run the same way with shoes.

Or run on the same spot for a bit before you start, that will also give you more of a feel of how you should land.

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My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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On 6/30/2016 at 9:07 PM, M_J said:

You got this! I used to get shin splints constantly as well. My current solution is to very rarely jog, but something I learned training for a half-marathon was to change how I ran. Instead of landing on my heels and taking long steps, I took shorter, faster steps, landed on the balls on my feet, and pushed back off on the balls of my feet. It solved my shin splints problem! It also caused me to be uncomfortably aware of my front thigh muscles, but hey, whatever works.


I'm going to have to try this! I also have a bad habit of standing on the outsides of my feet, which I'm sure doesn't help anything. 

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On 6/30/2016 at 9:11 PM, Igaduma said:


can't believe I forgot to mention this :)

never ever land on your heels.  When you land, your foot should not be in front of you, but under you.

Run barefoot for a couple of meters, you'll quickly stop landing on your heels :)  Then try to run the same way with shoes.

Or run on the same spot for a bit before you start, that will also give you more of a feel of how you should land.


I do all my workouts barefoot (well, in socks) because I feel like my shoes just make things worse and I can't always feel what I'm doing. Good to know that my feet should be under me, not in front of me... I had no idea!

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