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New Adventurer reporting for duty!

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Hello fellow Rebels! My name is Sky Elvenword and I am a brand-new member of NerdFitness.com! I have spent the last 6 months losing 15 pounds by simple calorie-counting and lifestyle adjustments, but now I want to honor that achievement by developing more strength, stamina, and energy.


I am a small elf who mostly enjoys walking (flitting?) through nature and in quiet towns; but I do enjoy the human contraption called a "bicycle" at times, and one of my epic quests is to truly master this splendid vehicle. My next goal is to start lifting heavy objects to make my small form more useful in battles and daily life - this is a new adventure for me and I have no idea where to start, but there are lovely humans in my town whom I feel sure will help me. And lastly, I have never learned much about the secret arts of "cooking" or "nutrition" ... I will be seeking this knowledge along my quest as well.


I call myself an "Adventurer" but I have not completed any Recruit challenges yet, so that will be my first step. I hope to become a Ranger someday! I don't have much to bring to the community yet besides lots of geekiness and hopeful enthusiasm, but I hope to level up and help mentor other young rebels, padawans, cadets, and hobbits.


And the important things about me: I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and LOTR, and have a working knowledge of Doctor Who and Sherlock. All of these great works together make up a huge part of my daily inspiration.


For the Rebellion! I'm excited to be here!

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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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Welcome, Sky.


Let's see, walking, lifting, biking...  definitely sounds like a new Ranger to me.  We have no entrance requirements beyond enthusiasm.  Many of us, myself included, will be able to help you with the nutrition and cooking parts of your quest (in fact, I cook for a living so that is sort of one of my specialties--if you need detailed help we can even find a way to do on-line cooking lessons).


As for starting to lift heavy objects, there is also much help available.  The first step would be to assess your current abilities in order to determine the best place for you to start. I am probably not the best one to help you determine that though as I am still relatively new myself (only about 6 months or so here).  However, I am sure that either @Tanktimus the Encourager or @Rurik Harrgath  two of our more senior rangers will be better qualified to help you or know who the best person to direct you to was.

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B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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7 hours ago, SkyGirl said:

I call myself an "Adventurer" but I have not completed any Recruit challenges yet, so that will be my first step. I hope to become a Ranger someday! I don't have much to bring to the community yet besides lots of geekiness and hopeful enthusiasm, but I hope to level up and help mentor other young rebels, padawans, cadets, and hobbits.


And the important things about me: I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and LOTR, and have a working knowledge of Doctor Who and Sherlock. All of these great works together make up a huge part of my daily inspiration.


Welcome to the Rebellion, Sky!  As Obi-wan Kenobi once said,




You have the makings of a fine Rebel in you, and an even finer Ranger.  ;)  I love that you're already aspiring to mentor and motivate others through your healthy living journey.  Definitely take the time to leisurely stroll through the forums; there is a wealth of information on nearly any subject you could wish.  Curious about nutrition for the road from The Shire to Bree?  Got you covered.  Want to learn more about lifting, be it conventional weightlifting, powerlifting or Olympic, there are plenty of other Rebels embarking on the same journey with plenty of resources to share.


We'd love to have you over at Ranger HQ, so feel free to pop by and say hi whenever you feel like it.  Also, I offer myself as a resource should you have any questions about the Rangers, wading through the forums in general, or even help steering you in the right direction with regards to your newfound interest in lifting.  Again, welcome to the Rebellion!

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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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Welcome to the rebellion. Hang out in the Ranger forums of the current challenge threads, look around at what others are doing, feel free to ask any questions on any thread and make yourself at home.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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18 hours ago, bker1370 said:

Welcome, Sky.


Let's see, walking, lifting, biking...  definitely sounds like a new Ranger to me.  We have no entrance requirements beyond enthusiasm.  Many of us, myself included, will be able to help you with the nutrition and cooking parts of your quest (in fact, I cook for a living so that is sort of one of my specialties--if you need detailed help we can even find a way to do on-line cooking lessons).


Thanks so much for the warm welcome, B'ker! My diet is basically "healthy food that comes in packages" - oatmeal packets, Lean Cuisine dinners, and the like - and I'd like to learn how to recreate these quick, convenient foods with real ingredients that nourish my body better while still fitting into my crazy university-student schedule. Are you the guy to ask those kinds of questions?

  • Like 1


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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5 hours ago, Guzzi said:

Hey, welcome on board!


Are you going to join in with the next challenge, it starts on the 17th?


I'd like to! Can you point me in the right direction to find it, please?  :-) 


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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NF is the exact right place to learn about healthy food alternatives. The forums for the new challenge aren't up yet, they'll probably go up some time next week anytime from Monday to Wednesday. The first place to start with healthy eating is learning to cook, what would you say your cooking ability is currently?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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3 hours ago, SkyGirl said:


Thanks so much for the warm welcome, B'ker! My diet is basically "healthy food that comes in packages" - oatmeal packets, Lean Cuisine dinners, and the like - and I'd like to learn how to recreate these quick, convenient foods with real ingredients that nourish my body better while still fitting into my crazy university-student schedule. Are you the guy to ask those kinds of questions?



Well, as Tank said, the first step is to assess your cooking skill level right now...  and see what kind of work we need to do to with it.  


Your skill level will determine what we can make to begin with and what we will need to improve your skills before we attempt.


The first thing I must warn you about is exactly duplicating pre-packaged foods is frequently nearly impossible (they use ingredients and recipes we can not get).

However, we can generally make the same dishes with what ingredients we can get (and generally make them taste better as we don't have to make them survive the packaging and storage processes).


For example, you could pick say 3 of your favorite Lean Cuisine dinners and I (or others) could teach you to make those dishes (dependent, of course, on your cooking skill being up to the challenge of those particular dishes), but I can almost guarantee they will not taste the same as the pre-packaged ones (the fresh is almost alway better in taste and nutrition both).


I do know that Steve has several articles on learning to cook in the blog, once I know more about your current skill level I will gladly link to the ones I feel will be most helpful to you.

B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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@SkyGirl Although you can't post up your challenge yet (they will set up a new section for the new challenges next week) I can point you to the threads to read up about them so you get a better idea of what they're like. :)


 Here is Spezzy's post explaining what to do, but remember, it's your challenge so you can tweak it to fit yourself. There's no hard and fast rules. 


The best advice I can give (other than what Spezzy has already) is to interact with other people. Update your thread often and check in to see how others are getting on. You'll make friends and it will encourage you to stick to your goals when you know you'll have people watching. ;) 


@Tanktimus the Encourager & @bker1370, there's been a few new members mention cooking recently. We could maybe start/revise a "how to cook" thread...? I remember one that had some brilliant links on how to prep veg. Just a thought. :) 

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hi SkyElf! I am also new, and I'm getting back into biking as an adult. Very carefully, since I'm in NYC. Great job with the adjustments you've already made. One of biggest things I did was learn how to cook basic foods. Chicken, beans, soup. I didn't try to get fancy. My goal was to make things that were tolerable, could freeze easily, and could be made in big batches. I know some people want to jump in and learn how to be A Chef, but it may be best to start with the simplest options.


Also, oatmeal packets can easily be replaced by a tub of quick oats and some cinnamon or whatever other flavors you want to add.

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


Current Challenge

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21 hours ago, bker1370 said:


Well, as Tank said, the first step is to assess your cooking skill level right now...  and see what kind of work we need to do to with it.  


Your skill level will determine what we can make to begin with and what we will need to improve your skills before we attempt.


The first thing I must warn you about is exactly duplicating pre-packaged foods is frequently nearly impossible (they use ingredients and recipes we can not get).

However, we can generally make the same dishes with what ingredients we can get (and generally make them taste better as we don't have to make them survive the packaging and storage processes).


Most of my experience is in making the things I'm not supposed to eat - sweet breads, cakes, and cookies.  *wry grin*  That said, I am very good at following instructions, and my non-sweets food usually turns out fine as long as I have a recipe. I like making quick, simple, but hearty foods like casseroles and crockpot meals the best.



And regarding duplicating pre-packaged foods, very few of the dinners I grab from the store are really my favorite foods anyway - the key for me, as I start exploring the Internet and library, will be finding recipes I like that are lower in carbs and sodium and higher in protein, and pre-packaging them into the right portion and container to heat easily at work. All the benefits of Lean Cuisine without all the sodium and preservatives.  :-)



The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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20 hours ago, Guzzi said:

@SkyGirl Although you can't post up your challenge yet (they will set up a new section for the new challenges next week) I can point you to the threads to read up about them so you get a better idea of what they're like. :)


 Here is Spezzy's post explaining what to do, but remember, it's your challenge so you can tweak it to fit yourself. There's no hard and fast rules. 


The best advice I can give (other than what Spezzy has already) is to interact with other people. Update your thread often and check in to see how others are getting on. You'll make friends and it will encourage you to stick to your goals when you know you'll have people watching. ;) 


@Tanktimus the Encourager & @bker1370, there's been a few new members mention cooking recently. We could maybe start/revise a "how to cook" thread...? I remember one that had some brilliant links on how to prep veg. Just a thought. :) 


Awesome, thanks @Guzzi!! The links to Spezzy's posts really helped - I actually get what the challenges are all about now!  :-)  I'll watch for next week's section! I've been working on my first Epic Quest goals already!


15 hours ago, M_J said:

Hi SkyElf! I am also new, and I'm getting back into biking as an adult. Very carefully, since I'm in NYC. Great job with the adjustments you've already made. One of biggest things I did was learn how to cook basic foods. Chicken, beans, soup. I didn't try to get fancy. My goal was to make things that were tolerable, could freeze easily, and could be made in big batches. I know some people want to jump in and learn how to be A Chef, but it may be best to start with the simplest options.


Also, oatmeal packets can easily be replaced by a tub of quick oats and some cinnamon or whatever other flavors you want to add.


Hi @M_J! Welcome to NF - I'm so glad you're here and starting out with me!!


Your cooking goals sound really similar to mine! I'm in grad school and don't have time to make foods with lots of ingredients - I have put many a cookbook immediately back on the library shelf after opening up the "simple foods" section and finding recipes with 12 or 14 ingredients. Yikes!


Essentially, I think I want to make large batches of healthy, inexpensive, filling food (so, involving beans, rice, chicken, and readily available flavoring ingredients like herbs and cheese) and make them up into lunch- and dinner-size portions and freeze them. I think there was a cookbook out there at one time that was about setting aside one day a week to cook up the next week's meals, and I've always been attracted to that ... that's essentially what I do now, just with prepackaged dinners instead of homemade ones.  ;-)


And good luck as you begin your quest!! What are some of your goals? Have you chosen a guild?

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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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5 hours ago, SkyGirl said:

very good at following instructions, and my non-sweets food usually turns out fine as long as I have a recipe. I like making quick, simple, but hearty foods like casseroles and crockpot meals the best.



In that case, have a look at the campfire, I'm sure you will find a few ideas you like there.  That is our Ranger recipe thread.


And there is also the recipe book general section of the forums here.


As to what you said about cooking them ahead of time and prepackaging them yourself is what is called batch cooking and meal prep around here.  Those I do not do a lot of myself, but many of us do.

B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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15 hours ago, SkyGirl said:

Hi @M_J! Welcome to NF - I'm so glad you're here and starting out with me!!


Your cooking goals sound really similar to mine! I'm in grad school and don't have time to make foods with lots of ingredients - I have put many a cookbook immediately back on the library shelf after opening up the "simple foods" section and finding recipes with 12 or 14 ingredients. Yikes!


Essentially, I think I want to make large batches of healthy, inexpensive, filling food (so, involving beans, rice, chicken, and readily available flavoring ingredients like herbs and cheese) and make them up into lunch- and dinner-size portions and freeze them. I think there was a cookbook out there at one time that was about setting aside one day a week to cook up the next week's meals, and I've always been attracted to that ... that's essentially what I do now, just with prepackaged dinners instead of homemade ones.  ;-)


And good luck as you begin your quest!! What are some of your goals? Have you chosen a guild?


Thanks! My Big Crazy Goal is to get on American Ninja Warrior, and I'm going to be an assassin. My spirit animal, Kacy Catanzaro, is even used an example for that guild.


Your batch cooking goals sound very doable, even without an official cookbook. For beans: get a big pot, make more. Kind of the same thing for rice, too. Honestly, I use the instructions on the bags. Chicken may be trickier depending on your method, but if you have a crockpot or can roast a whole chicken at once, you're all set.

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


Current Challenge

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21 hours ago, SkyGirl said:


Most of my experience is in making the things I'm not supposed to eat - sweet breads, cakes, and cookies.  *wry grin*  That said, I am very good at following instructions, and my non-sweets food usually turns out fine as long as I have a recipe. I like making quick, simple, but hearty foods like casseroles and crockpot meals the best.



And regarding duplicating pre-packaged foods, very few of the dinners I grab from the store are really my favorite foods anyway - the key for me, as I start exploring the Internet and library, will be finding recipes I like that are lower in carbs and sodium and higher in protein, and pre-packaging them into the right portion and container to heat easily at work. All the benefits of Lean Cuisine without all the sodium and preservatives.  :-)


You may find this useful.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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17 hours ago, bker1370 said:


In that case, have a look at the campfire, I'm sure you will find a few ideas you like there.  That is our Ranger recipe thread.


And there is also the recipe book general section of the forums here.


As to what you said about cooking them ahead of time and prepackaging them yourself is what is called batch cooking and meal prep around here.  Those I do not do a lot of myself, but many of us do.


Sweet, I will rest and browse some Ranger recipes while my poor muscles recover from my first Beginner Bodyweight Challenge!  :-P  Thank you so much for the links!


7 hours ago, M_J said:


Thanks! My Big Crazy Goal is to get on American Ninja Warrior, and I'm going to be an assassin. My spirit animal, Kacy Catanzaro, is even used an example for that guild.


Your batch cooking goals sound very doable, even without an official cookbook. For beans: get a big pot, make more. Kind of the same thing for rice, too. Honestly, I use the instructions on the bags. Chicken may be trickier depending on your method, but if you have a crockpot or can roast a whole chicken at once, you're all set.


Wow, I love that goal!! You are going to be a terrific assassin - make sure and let us know when you're on the show so we can watch you and root for you!  :-D  I'll be watching for you when the next challenges go online!


Thankfully, I grew up eating rice and beans in lots of different combinations, so I like them and know how to make them "fun". Cooking meat will be new territory for me, but there's so much good advice on these forums and the Internet in general - not to mention my rad mom, who can cook anything from camping jerky to filet mignon.  :-)


1 hour ago, Why not? said:

You may find this useful.


Oooh, paleo crockpot recipes!!!  *happy dance*  Thank you so much!

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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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