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Hey there - I'm Mo, aka theFrog or Froggie or whatever... it doesn't matter. I'm here and learning all I can about fitness.

Bit about where I came from and where I am now (fitness-wise): I'm EXTREMELY overweight and have been almost my entire life. I have always hated exercise and eaten like crap - it would be easy to say "genetics" or "hormones" or something, but the truth will out so no point in hiding it. Hell, I even thought that weight loss surgery was the answer... yet, here I am 10+ years after surgery and all I am is 10 years older and just as fat as before.

So, since January, I've taken to swimming. It's something I've always liked doing and am relatively good at. And I've been doing really well with it! I'm not talking about those fat old ladies playing with swim noodles in the shallow end, either - I'm talking legit freestyle lap swims almost daily (averaging about 4x/week). It's taken me about 2 months, but I can now swim a pretty good clip for 2 hours. I can feel muscles where I've never had them before. I can feel my body getting stronger, my posture getting better and my clothes getting looser.

But there's a problem: I still eat like crap.

With all the working out I've been doing, I've not lost a single pound - in fact, I've gained! Granted, I'm sure that I'm gaining muscle (I can feel them and see them). But I'm also sure that I'm not losing as much (or any) fat as I want to because I'm still eating like crap.

Researching diet plans THAT MAKE SENSE led me here. I don't want a crash diet. I don't want weird supplements or fads or to spend half a million bucks to get meals sent to my house because I can't be trusted to feed myself - and I certainly don't want to do something that will encourage me to go back to my old ways. I want a plan that WORKS and I want it to work FOR LIFE. Eating lean meats and veggies? THAT makes sense!

So, in the interest of full disclosure here's the stats as they are (though, I haven't yet taped myself, so I don't know inches yet):

Age: 36

Height: 5' 0"

Starting weight (1/1/12): 340.2

Current weight (2/29/12): 344.7

Clothing size: Women's 28-30, depending on brand/cut

As of today, I am clearing out my cupboards, fridge and pantry of all non-paleo foods and donating them to the local food bank. Gonna be stocking up on veggies and lean proteins and changing this crap eating plan I have to something that makes sense.

I'm so glad I found this site!


hobbit adventurer

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 2

My Website | My Sep Challenge | My Fitness Pal

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Welcome! You'll certainly find lots of people to help you with that kind of food plan (although it's not my particular brand).

My only question is... what are you nerd qualifications, huh? *tapping foot and waiting impatiently*

Just kidding. Just realize you will *become* a nerd, if you aren't one already. It's *very* contagious.

That swimming you're doing is awesome. I get winded after just one lap.

Keep posting, and you'll get there!

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LOL - I **AM** a nerd. I left that part out because I figured it went without saying (you know, what with the whole jumping all-in to a website called "nerd fitness") hehe.

Now, I will admit, I am not nerd elite (I leave that to my husband who owns Firefly/Serenity on dvd and not only plays DnD, but builds his own castles, dungeons and miniatures for his characters to quest through) but I DID marry him on purpose knowing full-well that he was a nerd.

Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome :) I look forward to getting to know more people here


hobbit adventurer

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 2

My Website | My Sep Challenge | My Fitness Pal

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LOL - I **AM** a nerd. I left that part out because I figured it went without saying (you know, what with the whole jumping all-in to a website called "nerd fitness") hehe.

Now, I will admit, I am not nerd elite (I leave that to my husband who owns Firefly/Serenity on dvd and not only plays DnD, but builds his own castles, dungeons and miniatures for his characters to quest through) but I DID marry him on purpose knowing full-well that he was a nerd.

Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome :) I look forward to getting to know more people here

LOL, yes. Marrying an über-nerd definitely qualifies.

*opening the gate to usher you through* Welcome again!

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Now THIS is a determined post! I look forward to seeing you make progress, and I'm sure you will! Swimming is great exercise, it's tiring, but low impact, so it's not like running, in which I get tired after 5 seconds! Good luck!

Thanks for the welcome, BadWolf :)

As for swimming, I think what I like most about it is that I'm getting full body resistance AND cardio at the same time. Still need to add in some strength training, but I'm am seeing results like mad. Once I get the diet plan kicked in, my progress is going to get crazy-go-nuts. Can't WAIT to post progress pics - they're gonna be EPIC. I can feel it!


hobbit adventurer

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 2

My Website | My Sep Challenge | My Fitness Pal

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Hey the Frog!

I am just in my first week of trying to be mostly paleo too. I'll cheer for you, if you cheer for me. (I've eaten like crap my entire life, and I don't really like to cook. This will be an uphill climb).

Hey TV! I got your back :)

The difference between us, tough is that I LOVE to cook. Lemme do a bit more research and I'll post you some really quick and really yummy recipes that you can make with minimal skill and effort. Who knows, maybe you will find that inner chef in you that's been dying to come out. ;)


hobbit adventurer

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 2

My Website | My Sep Challenge | My Fitness Pal

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I'm super new myself (just joined yesterday!) but what the hell-- welcome! I definitely feel a lot of what you're going through, my diet has always been pretty bleh. It's good to see so many people here just like myself, and in the super-short time I've been here I already feel like this community is just amazing.

So high five! You mentioned you have some recipes, feel free to share them with me as well ;D I love to cook!

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