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Coworker rant

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OK, so I'm overweight and I admit it but I have a story of something that happened to me this week that's rather annoying me and people around here might understand.

Background - We have a new person who started a few months ago. Turns out she's seeing a powerlifting guy who got her into lifting and what I presume is a paleo diet. Now I heard related from other coworkers that while I was away one day new girl was talking quite a bit about her new lifestyle e.g. weights are so awesome and carbs are the devil. Now a guy who's been around for a while (who I will call old guy although none of us are really old) was talking to me how he didn't like others being vocal about their lifestyle habits and that everyone has what works for them. I think fair enough. Now this was weeks ago.

This week at lunch the topic came up again because new girl was seen eating a donut. Now old guy starts on again about his rant and about how bread isn't that bad and "but she only does weights" and "I can't see why people calorie count". Which for someone advocating things such as 'do whatever works for you' is just hypocrisy. Now I'm the only overweight person around the lunch table and felt like banging my head against the table as well.

Basically being surrounded by skinny people who go out, eat takeout most days and drink themselves stupid every weekend all who start bagging what I am doing successfully to get myself fit and healthy.

"I lift heavy things. Sometimes these things are people."

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Basically being surrounded by skinny people who go out, eat takeout most days and drink themselves stupid every weekend all who start bagging what I am doing successfully to get myself fit and healthy.

I'm in the same boat as you on this one. I'm approaching looking good, but it's the results of a f***ton of effort. I have friends who eat nothing but cookies at lunch (completely not kidding) who are skinny nonetheless. My eating habits have always garnered some attention at school, but I'm used to it by now. Feeling and looking great are 100% worth the stares for chowing down on a 4" pile of turkey slices.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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I get the bread is not bad for you spiel sometimes, but I just say bread makes me feel crappy (it does - lack of energy with any amount worth eating) and i just go with that. I've been eating whole grain everything for years and years based on all the advice - bread, pasta, etc - and still my weight was creeping up. They all know that as they've seen my diet over the years.

I say a small tidbit if i feel like it, but try not to. I let my results speak for itself.

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It'll never be obvious to non-fitters how much work goes in. I can imagine it's frustrating that these people are talking down things that work for you but.. well as a former (and future) skinny person I can say, their metabolisms will slow down eventually. I know that sounds like being gleeful but I more mean it in the sense that they'll have to learn the lessons you're learning (and incorporating) when they no longer are naturally skinny. I used to say things like "I can eat anything and not gain weight", until well... at least 5 years after it had become obvious this was no longer true.

You're ahead of the game and as such, will unfortunately catching some flak. Just ignore your coworkers (easier said than done), they aren't where you are (making yourself fit). it's like people saying "I bet I can have nice arms if I wanted to". er.. yes.. and years of hard work... and the willpower to keep at it for so long. anyways.. I'm a bit rant prone today :)

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What old coworker is saying is about HIM, not about new coworker and certainly not about you. He is trying to convince himself, and looking for your affirmation, that whatever he is doing is okay. He's disguising it as a commentary on other people's choices, but really he's asking "hey, isn't it okay that I eat bread and don't weight-lift?" Your job is not to answer the question. Perhaps you could reply with his earlier statement -- "different things work for different people" and leave it at that.

And as for take-out and unhealthy eating -- can you simply say "no thanks, that doesn't work for me."

The thing I HATE is when people look at how I'm eating and say stuff like "why are you eating like that? You don't need to lose weight." Or something else implying that I would only eat this way out of necessity. (yes, I feel it's necessary, but I don't actually want to get into the "necessity" with other people). My standard response has become "I eat these things because they taste good and they make me feel good." Imagine that! Food can actually make you feel good, not just avoid making you feel bad.

Sorry to make this about me . . .

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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I'm in the same boat as you on this one. I'm approaching looking good, but it's the results of a f***ton of effort. I have friends who eat nothing but cookies at lunch (completely not kidding) who are skinny nonetheless. My eating habits have always garnered some attention at school, but I'm used to it by now. Feeling and looking great are 100% worth the stares for chowing down on a 4" pile of turkey slices.

Yes, but could they outrun zombies if necessary, or climb a tree, or heft another friend over their shoulder and run them out of a burning building?

Skinny doesn't mean fit.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Don't take it personal. All they are doing is trying to rationalize their poor eating habits by attempting to criticize yours. Just keep up the good work! I'm sure a lot of us here get that peer pressure when someone brings donuts or pastries in the office.

Co-Worker: "You mean you wont even have one!?"

Me: "Nah, I'm good."

Co-Worker: "Well that sucks, I'm glad I'm not dieting."

Me: "Whatever helps you sleep at night." ;)


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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Don't take it personal. All they are doing is trying to rationalize their poor eating habits by attempting to criticize yours. Just keep up the good work! I'm sure a lot of us here get that peer pressure when someone brings donuts or pastries in the office.

The funny thing was this day I had whipped out a box of donuts to share - it's a long story, I get free donuts every month.

So this spiel at lunchtime was spoken while eating donuts and I don't think anyone noticed that none of it went into my mouth.

"I lift heavy things. Sometimes these things are people."

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lol Thats great! XD So they were having a little irony with their donuts eh? lol

I think I may have to get a box and bring them in on Monday just to see if anyone says anything. w00t for social experiments on the co-workers!


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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