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On 28/08/2016 at 8:53 PM, Leigh said:

Yay! I was waiting for a new post from you to show up. :) I totally know the feeling of anxiety over failed goals, it is really tough at first but you'll get things done at your own pace and we'll be there for high fives and cheers :)

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I know this is a rather old post but I completely second this! Now following this post! :)  


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Stella   ::   Sprightly Elf   ::   Level 1

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9 hours ago, Stellakin said:


I know this is a rather old post but I completely second this! Now following this post! :)  


Thanks for reminding me! Taking my day off to be a sick day, even though I feel like I wasted most of the day (but I feel a tad better when I keep my cup full of liquids), I can still hit every single one of my goals!


Main Goals:

  • Journaling: 23 out of 29 Journals (longest streak)
  • Reading (20 mins): 14 out of 21 Days (longest streak) - will read as I go to bed tonight.
  • Screens off at Midnight: 6 out of 13 (longest streak)
  • Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 7 out of 12 (longest streak)


Weekly Goals:

  • 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 0 out of 1 week

I've been patting myself on my back. Only thing I question about today is starting a free trails of netflix with my debit card (getting my hands on the show "Shameless" would have cost money any other way), however it was a better option than leaving my apartment (didn't trust myself being in public with unknown amount of money). While feeling ill though, I had my first attempt at making apple sauce (just a tad watery) and slow cooking up mashed potatoes (which both recipes had me eating the apple/potatoes as I was peeling and cutting them up). I kind of want to make October where I play around with apple recipes (or at least attempt making my own apple sauce weekly). Since it felt like I was getting away with something, while in reality I was having a 10x better choice to my favorite Ginger Ale.


No less waking up at 8 am this morning! (was falling asleep till 10, but on a day off where I went to bed early and kind of slept until 8 am). Going to be a bit wonky tonight since the potatoes won't be done till after midnight, and having to store them away.

My mood was questionable today (kind of goes hand and hand with not feeling well), but mellow.


"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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For yesterday, computer and wifi weren't willing to work together last night. I did get everything done (journaled in a journal). But that's about it.

Main Goals:

  • Journaling: 24 out of 29 Journals (longest streak)
  • Reading (20 mins): 17 out of 21 Days (longest streak) - will read as I go to bed tonight.
  • Screens off at Midnight: 7 out of 13 (longest streak)
  • Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 7 out of 12 (longest streak)


Weekly Goals:

  • 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 1 out of 1 week




Today I am volunteering an extra two hours, did it because I figured I wasn't going to do much before volunteering anyways. However, because of feeling ill and lack of my food storage containers I had to improvise. Luckily I had one container left to put freshly baked chicken in, and had a half box of wheat thins left over from work snacks (the one food I don't eat the entire box of at home). Then picked up a emergency largest cup of coffee and a muffin from a gas station (not the healthiest, but the best way to keep me pepped up for 6 hours straight in gloomy flood watch weather).


Goal for today while volunteering is to work on completely "balancing" my budget. I have at least a week before I get paid (1 work day to get to)and a couple celebrations (brother's 21st and a friend's baby shower). Luckily my schedule isn't as busy, but this cold fills it in. And I know the one step I want to do before shop searching is making sure I have a hand on my budget and work on the weekly goal.


But yeah, making the day semi-productive!

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Again for yesterday:

Main Goals:

  • Journaling: 25 out of 29 Journals (longest streak)
  • Reading (20 mins): 18 out of 21 Days (longest streak) - read 2 pages in my work binder (reading material from the 1850s can be rather dry for my focus)
  • Screens off at Midnight: 8 out of 13 (longest streak)
  • Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 9 out of 12 (longest streak)


Weekly Goals:

  • 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 1 out of 1 week


Yesterday was difficult for attention span, even when my coffee was large as my head. Figured out I was just slower when it came to communication, and needed more visual cues as the coffee made my reactivity annoying...


Found a good rhythm for finishing my budget, however found out that my internet provider does have an on and off switch (I've learned my lesson). While also figuring out with my mother, on the best way to trade money (we get paid at different times, and how much I get paid will be changing quite a bit for a while).


So nice part got a break from the interwebs till late last night, and then played Sims when needed the computer. This morning my goal is to balance the budget since I have most of it set up and ready to go.





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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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5 hours ago, Koaladle said:


Thanks Koaladle! Sorry I haven't been more active on your thread... But I'm super glad your back on!



I finished make at least the "amount of money I have and spent match up" on my budget software. (I did a little dance when I completed it right before my appointment this morning) Plus: I found I didn't spend my money totally out of control (just the normal amount).

Image result for doing a little dance

(Might have brought the flood warning that is happening around me at this time...)

So yeah ended up treating my self accidentally while making my appointment very little productive (figured out Caffeine does help with my attention span, however my hyper focus is unleashed... which makes sense of the last few days and a large cup of coffee. Better than not being able to think clearly.) Coffee and a burger for lunch today instead .



Second appointment canceled with my Career Counselor... Brought up a job idea, which ends with me adding a new position (school para). Worth something to apply to, and maybe tell me about a better job opening. I have the thought I know the next job I will have will test me, however I will not settle for anything that shows the gates to depression, but will help vamp up my skills for whatever dream career that looks super hazy right now (Getting a 4-year degree has been the only solid thing I've been attempting for the past 5 years). 


So okay back to subject, I will need to figure out to at least get my ducks in a row for job searching (and accepting the fact that I will have my apartment go into pure chaos once a week as I try new things out..). And found some reminders that I have to be easy on myself, to help myself go with the flow just enough (I know I'm too tired to fight the rapids, but do enough to prevent any unneeded life pollution and enjoy the good things).



(Going with the flow and swimming enough to lead me into the right direction will get me to this point).

Image result for going with the flow

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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6 hours ago, Bouncer the Resilient said:

Thanks Koaladle! Sorry I haven't been more active on your thread... But I'm super glad your back on!



Thanks! Drop by if you get a chance. I have only the very best gifs and jpegs. ;D


GOOD JOB DOING YOUR BUDGET! I know a lot of adults that like to pretend this doesn't exist, but being aware of your money is a super mature and excellent thing to do. <3 Well done!

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2 hours ago, Koaladle said:

GOOD JOB DOING YOUR BUDGET! I know a lot of adults that like to pretend this doesn't exist, but being aware of your money is a super mature and excellent thing to do. <3 Well done!

Thank you! Most of the time I have to keep telling myself, "I need to see where my money goes when I'm broke as I am now, so when I actually start earning enough money it will be pure ease and mixed bliss" (next to saving up so I can move to the city that has at least a little variety).


56 minutes ago, Koaladle said:



(made my triumph of doing my daily reading a little bit more nicer as I'm falling asleep with a caffeine buzz)



Yup, yup. This afternoon was a mix of relaxing and productive (sinks are at least usable now, and some clean dishes when needed). Had to keep the caffeine and sugar buzz though when I drove my mother to her bf's (1.5 hour drive through late evening city traffic). While also picking up another cheap bag of potatoes for another batch of mashed potatoes (my new binge food in the middle of the night, that fills me up with zero regrets... true bliss).

Image result for mashed potatoes funny

(I've posted this before, but really this is me when I eat a bowl full...)


Main Goals:

  • Journaling: 26 out of 29 Journals (longest streak)
  • Reading (20 mins): 19 out of 21 Days (longest streak) - 3 pages of the 1850s writings! (a little bit easier today, and need to keep dictionary.com open not only to define but learn how to pronounce such aged words... and "unbraided" is not a word but is used by this writer when talking about the emotion of a Dakota men's fighting).
  • Screens off at Midnight: 8 out of 13 (longest streak)
  • Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 9 out of 12 (longest streak)


Weekly Goals:

  • 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 1 out of 1 week


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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Main Goals:

  • Journaling: 28 out of 29 Journals (longest streak)
  • Reading (20 mins): 20 out of 21 Days (longest streak) -8 whole pages of Mein Kampf! I skipped several words I didn't understand (was very last minute reading, forgot reading at the computer is more helpful, but I feel like my "reading speed" skill had definitely gained a level. 38 pages so far in Mein Kampf in less than one month! (still 600+ pages to go)
  • Screens off at Midnight:  12 out of 13 (longest streak)
  • Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 11 out of 12 (longest streak)


Weekly Goals:

  • 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 1 out of 1 week


Last day on this thread.... :( I think this has been the hardest goodbye (and longest I've written in the same thread). I'll be recounting my days... just to double check as I post up on a new thread. Going to add a weekly goal this week (just to get to the beginning or get myself) for job searching. October is going to be more career focused: Since October marks end of summer job, starting up a new day at Volunteer site in November (or end of October) where I will get a pay day, work on finding a main job as I finish the paperwork once more for school to start in January. Yup just a little career focused. "Little duckling steps though".


Yesterday and today, I'm allowing myself to rest with the fatigue phase of PMS. For the first time I'm using tea my mom bought me to help (tried it once didn't like, because it does relax me, so it makes my focus worse). However, 3 cups a day last night I was finally able to sleep for a full 7.5 hours in pure deadness (with an extra hour yesterday and 1 today so far). Just accepting it, trying to stay out of the depression zone (6 hours of Sims yesterday, okay that was fun, stopped playing soon as I got into down feelings. And worked on making mashed potatoes while watching Ghost Busters).


2 issues I've run into though.


The other night I had a dream that "doing something against my goals" dream. Usually about pop at this point, but nope it was about me going back on my computer after 12 am (really? That's what I'm going to complain about?). Then the dehydration level happened (still getting over a cold) with focus level to wash dishes is none no less making kool-aid or tea. So pop cravings where crazy, but staring down at the craving I said no. But later going back for flavored soda water (the stuff still filled with junk, but not as bad as getting a sports drink instead.). And bought a pack of La Croix sparkling water, since whole30 approved and I just need something to help me get by as I start preparing for work tomorrow.


Tomorrow and Monday are busy days. Work and going to my brother's with a bottle of wine to celebrate my younger brother's 21st birthday with cake and Pizza (not a late night, but a long day). Monday I agreed to volunteering to help take down a traveling exhibit (for small museums), not bad just will be like working and I feel like complaining (what sold me was getting a free lunch out of it, so technically being paid). Then an appointment in the afternoon, and picking my mom up that night (or the next day). Not crazy busy, but enough where I have to get my shit together today, so I can be at my best the next couple of days.


So yeah goals for today:


-Make new challenge thread (Rebel's thread, since my goals go along with them a bit better for right now).

-Update my Siggy

-Do my laundry (plus side if I get 2 loads done)

-wash 3 of my liter bottles

-make a bottle of iced black tea (will be buying coffee in the morning to help with the drive there)

-put everything that needs to be in my work bag that doesn't need to be in the freezer or fridge.

-make 7 apples worth of apple sauce (just to get an idea, and play around with it. Since Honey Crisp apples are fully in season locally).

-put away apple sauce in daily servings (to a least get a better idea what apple sauce servings are, though allow myself to eat what I need)

-make a pitcher of kool-aid fill two bottles of peppermint iced tea

-wash all my cups (I don't have enough to room to buy more, but I never seem to have enough)


Whelp that's it for now, let's see how I do.

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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15 minutes ago, Koaladle said:

The To-Do list looks totally manageable, but I would leave our the Kool-Aid. It has zero nutritional value and a ton of sugar. Why not switch that out with tea, fruit infused water (oranges are perfect for that), or a different healthy option? That is, assuming you aren't bringing it along to the family dinner or another event.


Okay, I literally was going to give my "normal" answer, long winded and overwhelms me of all the steps.Kool-aid I see as the second best for comfort, and actually comfort myself (and right now my body is going on overdrive for sugar and carbs... but many times before. That's why I'm choosing to not buy anymore pastries (and keeping the bread in the freezer) while enjoying my mashed potatoes and apple sauce (figuring out if keeping skin on or off is the best option for non-organic produce). So yeah going with the ideas and seeing where my excuses are. And tea (even with sugar.. I put less sugar in when sweetening it), and fruit infused water would probably help with my issues of sugar cravings.


Okay past that normal answer. Tea: long rant of how it won't work I could be making continuous batches of peppermint tea, okay I could do that. Do you make homemade iced tea in bulk to put in the fridge?

My issues with fruit infused water is not really knowing the best ways to make it on a daily basis. I know I like apple and orange water (used to serve it at old college's dining hall, carrots and celery are actually not so bad). Do you make it for yourself? Looking for ideas, to make sure I have little excuses (from forgetfulness to focus out the doorness).



(Tried to find a picture, but finds there is lovely pictures toward links for my above questions, still looking for helpful tips).


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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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1 hour ago, Bouncer the Resilient said:


Okay, I literally was going to give my "normal" answer, long winded and overwhelms me of all the steps.Kool-aid I see as the second best for comfort, and actually comfort myself (and right now my body is going on overdrive for sugar and carbs... but many times before. That's why I'm choosing to not buy anymore pastries (and keeping the bread in the freezer) while enjoying my mashed potatoes and apple sauce (figuring out if keeping skin on or off is the best option for non-organic produce). So yeah going with the ideas and seeing where my excuses are. And tea (even with sugar.. I put less sugar in when sweetening it), and fruit infused water would probably help with my issues of sugar cravings.


Okay past that normal answer. Tea: long rant of how it won't work I could be making continuous batches of peppermint tea, okay I could do that. Do you make homemade iced tea in bulk to put in the fridge?

My issues with fruit infused water is not really knowing the best ways to make it on a daily basis. I know I like apple and orange water (used to serve it at old college's dining hall, carrots and celery are actually not so bad). Do you make it for yourself? Looking for ideas, to make sure I have little excuses (from forgetfulness to focus out the doorness).



(Tried to find a picture, but finds there is lovely pictures toward links for my above questions, still looking for helpful tips).



I totally get that you're doing a step by step cleaning of your diet, so I hope my suggestion didn't make you feel like I was pressuring or shaming you for making the Kool-Aid. You know yourself best, and I'm sure you'll make the decision that works. <33


I LOVE citrus in my water. Orange and lime are my favorites, but cucumber or berries make for a nice flavor as well. I personally prefer a light mushing of whatever I throw in so you get more flavor out of fewer ingredients. I generally don't make it for myself simply because I drink a LOT of water and when my favorite fruits are out of season it can be expensive. It was really helpful at first when I wasn't at this point yet. 


I don't make huge batches of tea either; I live in the South, and my husband fully expects a gawdawful amount of sugar in any tea not poured out of my teapot. However, making tea as has many (or fewer) steps than Kool-Aid: boil water, take off heat, add tea bags to pot, let steep, pour into pitcher when cool. I would add sugar at individual servings as well for two reasons: one, every glass is a chance to make a healthy option which is either a confidence boost or a minor setback; and two, the sugar won't fully dissolve in the tea when it is cold so you may not drink all the sugar you add, if any. If you are using this as a hydrating option, be sure to use a caffeine free tea so you don't get dehydrated as you drink.

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Thanks for the tips and your point of view. Lot of it for me is getting the habit of the ease to make a cup of tea (and find the versions I do like and enjoy).  How I feel today, even though it will be extra money later on, almost makes me going to a Tea House that opened within a drive away for my 30 day milestones (celebrating with something better, and try out new options instead of my extra sweetened coffee drinks).


I guess I also enjoy the perk of not living in the south xD Very few people around me drink tea (no less over sugarize it). Yup just a journey... As  I ate a pack of twizzlers that was supposed to be for tomorrow...

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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