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Hi, newb from Arizona

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Hello everyone!

I joined the forums during my first read-through of Level up your Life but didn't complete my Character or post on the forums. Now I'm just about done with my second read-through and I'm in the process of fleshing out my character and getting my goals in mind so I figured now would be a good time to introduce myself.


Rather than retype out everything here, I'll just post a link to my Character page and let it speak for itself.


Thanks for reading and hope to see a lot more of the Rebellion in the weeks to come!



View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

Yes ma'am, my final surgery was one year past just a couple of days ago and my MRIs and blood test have been coming up cancer free ever since. :)


I also have a Youtube channel that i put in my signature, its not much so far, just a few videos but my wife and I have started chronicling our build at our homestead property. I'll admit, I don't know a whole lot about survivalism yet either, but that's why they're goals. ;)

Thanks again and hope to see you around!


View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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welcome to the rebellion

Great goals in the quest.

Stay strong 

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                                                             If you want something, go get it. Period 


                                   Epic Quest                                     Intro post                                    Duolingo

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Bummer about the cancer coming back :( Hope they got it all this time and you can get on with recovering!  


Sending good vibes your way...


Also, good luck with the Russian, of all the languages I have studied that one was the hardest for me. 

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Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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Hello again.


I'm not quite done with chemo yet (about2 months left) but I've been lurking the forums looking for post-chemo inspiration. I'm currently home on disability,  but will be returning to work as soon as I can after chemo. I've been thinking, however, of taking a few weeks after being released from chemo to try to get into an exercise routine to try to strengthen up before returning to work (my job is fairly labor intensive, and I recall from the last time I finished chemo that the job kicked my butt for a couple of months after I returned to work).


Also, we may see a new member of nerdfitness soon. My wife, who isn't really all that much in to "self help" stuff took no interest in "Level Up Your Life" when I purchased it last year. Just the other night, however, I was tweaking my character sheet and adding some new quests and she started asking questions and getting really interested. To the point where she said she might sign up and create a character of her own. I own both the Kindle and Audible versions of LUYL and encouraged her to either read or listen to the book first. We'll see.


Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm still around and hopefully will be returning to an active member of the site soon.

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View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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Sounds like the Chemo is going well? Hope so.  


And yay for your wife getting interested, getting her on here with you could be a big motivator for both of you :)



Intro Thread   Challenge Log   Bodyweight Exercise Library   Recipe Book   Shuffle Club 


Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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57 minutes ago, WhiteGhost said:

Sounds like the Chemo is going well? Hope so.  


And yay for your wife getting interested, getting her on here with you could be a big motivator for both of you :)



Well its both good and bad. The first round of chemo this time kicked by butt really hard, worse than anything I'd experienced besides the radiation treatment (that was such a bad experience that if I had it to do over again I'd likely refuse). My oncologist reduced my dosage to 75% as a result. This helped a lot with managing the symptoms but it also means that I'm not getting the full benefit of treatment since I'm on a reduced dosage. I've also had to delay treatments  by a week twice now due to low platelet counts but other than those, yes chemo is going good. The remaining spots in my lungs that my oncology team weren't sure were cancer or not are responding to the treatment, which is very good news.


Yeah, I'd certainly like to see her join, especially if our Epic Quests could align in a few areas but I'm trying not to push her. I'd rather her come on her own than to feel obligated because I'm doing it or because she thinks I need the motivation.

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View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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I'm still here! I've been updating my epic quest lately, and have even managed to knock a few things off of it even while  on chemo!!! Woohoo! I switched from Soda to unsweet tea when eating out. I switched from sugar to stevia to sweeten my tea when having it at home and I switched from sugary-sodas to Stevia sweetened soda (Zevia), not exactly a cold turkey swearing off of soda, but a baby step in the right direction. Also, one positive of chemo (if you can call it that) is that my appetite isn't that great, which has actually helped me make the leap to an official 16/8, noon-8pm intermittent fast. I still drink during the fasting time, (mostly gatorade for now, because chemo dehydrates like you wouldn't believe, I know its pretty high in sugar content but its a compromise right now).

Still, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

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View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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Chemo 12 of 12 is done. Had my post-treatment MRI and CT scan and Dr's appointment: All clean, what they call NED (No evidence of disease) or remission!!!!!

I returned to work last Thursday but I haven't yet started my calisthenics program, as after chemo just driving to work is exhausting. I'm taking a week or two to get back in to the swing of work, and then the hard stuff starts.


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View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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I've made a horrible mistake....

Okay, so its not that horrible. But it has had consequences. Or rather... it hasn't.


lol. What the hell am I talking about? I have been struggling with energy levels, motivation and time management. Since I returned to work after chemo I have made zero progress on any of my goals. Most of this is under my direct control, some of it is not. Low energy is a side effect of chemotherapy that lasts for quite a while after chemo is done, so there's that. But beyond that I'm still struggling.


But I think I might have found a fatal flaw in my "Epic quest" - no consequences. I made this great list of goals but built in zero negative consequences should I fail to meet any of them.


So now I'm trying to think of what consequences I can build in to my quests. I like Steve's idea of donating to a political cause I don't agree with, and may go that route, but I'm open to other ideas as well.

View My Character page here: Stage 5

View My Youtube Channel here:Permaculture Newbies

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