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The Knight of the Northlands

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New guy here. Just found this site last week. I started getting back into improving myself towards the end of July last year with furious amounts of weightlifting and cardio. At the end of July last year I weighed a corpulent 280 pounds. I currently tip the scales at a gorilloid 245-ish. I recently plateaued in the fat loss/muscle gain department, but am working on providing a remedy to the situation.

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Welcome! Automatically, you've gained my respect for using the words corpulent and gorilloid in the same post. Good luck in your quest, Sir Knight! Wait, why is the knight named Dragon...

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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Welcome, and congrats on the 35 lb loss that moved you from corpulent to gorrilloid! What's the next label you've given the next level down, & how much do you have to lose in order to gain that tag?

Dwarf = Squad Adventurers

...walking all over that whole 'old and decrepit' thing

Why am I not playing along this time? Uhhhh...can you say crash, boom, ow?


I may be almost 50 - but I hardly act my age. Follow me for mercurial, smartass randomness: @betsywhim on Twitter.

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For one, once the snow melts up here (we've received approximately 130" of snow this winter), I'll be riding my bike instead of driving as much as possible. I've tried a couple of different eating plans and the low-carb semi-paleo diet seems to work well for me. The only drawback is that my girlfriend is a fantastic cook, so it takes oodles of willpower to resist when she makes a carb-laden confection. I will also be journaling my self-improvement items more than I do now. I currently just track my lifting and cardio, so I will be picking up a fancy journal for tracking my stuff; I figure I'm a cheap bastard and if I spend a couple bucks on a fancy journal, I'll be more likely to use it. I'm planning on taking a more holistic approach to my self improvement than I have in the past, combining my spiritual, physical, and mental development into one giant omelet of awesomeness.

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That sounds great - I love omelets!

Seriously though, sounds like you have a good plan of attack. What do you do for lifting and cardio? I <3 my running, but I've temporarily given it up in favor of weight training/bulking.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Right now for lifting I'm using the Power Bodybuilding course I downloaded from bodybuilding.com. Seems to work pretty well for me. For cardio I do 30-45 minutes on the treadmill either alternating the incline or sprint/run/walk at varying intervals. I don't like running much (see above about being shaped like a gorilla), but it works. I also have a heavy bag and a speed bag in my (very small) apartment that I use when not impeded by a pile of laundry.

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She cooks pretty healthy, just not my kind of healthy. Plus we're a one-income family with a few kids, so the food budget has to stretch.

If she enjoys cooking (like I do), maybe she would look at a new diet as a challenge to her cooking skills. I love tackling a new challenge. Paleo is my current one...sweet potato hashbrowns are awesome, btw.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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