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Been a member of the rebellion a couple months now and finally decided to post something.  What took so long?  Meh, typical introvert stuff.  Endlessly considering what to post followed by who really cares anyways, further refining my post then leaving it in the junk drawer to be lost to oblivion, finally decided awe screw it and start, then get distracted by a squirrel stealing my thumb drive, tracking down said squirrel's location and luring him into the open where an eagle can take it away, sadly there was no eagle so I gave up on the thumb drive, deployed to Afghanistan and finally decided there's nothing here to distract me besides dodging mortars so here it is. 


Anyways!  While working on creating my character I tried to delve into my psyche and discover who I am and came away thoroughly unimpressed.  I'm definitely an orc, large, intimidating, silent and gloomy.  I have a ton of hobbies and many unfinished projects and I find new things that interest me all the time.  I am also a Ranger, I am good at nearly everything, but not an expert.  I want to be prepared for any situation and don't like limiting myself in anyway.  I love learning about everything I can and will often forget everything else for hours as my attention is endlessly pulled in every direction conceivable.  But that's what the medication is for. 


I'm 6'4" and weigh in at 244lbs.  In the past I've concentrated mostly on running with very little focus on strength.  The Air Force PT test is heavily weighted towards runners and I've never had much issue building my push-ups and sit-ups to acceptable levels in a short amount of time.  Since I found Nerd Fitness I've decided to switch strategies and concentrate more on strength and build my running slowly behind it.  I've ran a couple half-marathons and a 12K and am not interested in doing it again.  I want to be able to run 5K's and am planning a few backpacking trips of 20 miles or more.  I love hiking and will be out in the wilderness as much as possible.  I have a severe fear of heights so won't be rock climbing anytime soon but I do enjoy crawling around rock formations, as long as they aren't too high.  I won't be doing any of that for the next six months though. 

I set a number of goals for the next six months and even scheduled my workout routines for at least the first six weeks.



Run 5K in 25 minutes (this one might be a bit of a stretch, the best I did while in running shape was 29ish)
Row 5K in 23 minutes

Squat 1.5x my bodyweight
Deadlift 1.5x my bodyweight
Benchpress my bodyweight
10 pull-ups (never been able to do one)

My workouts for at least the first six weeks will be seven days a week.  Seems excessive to some but what else have I got to do, I work 12-hour days, 6-7 days a week.

Monday - Legs & Abs - 40 minutes elliptical
Tuesday - Chest & Abs - 40 minute treadmill
Wednesday - Arms & Abs - 40 minutes treadmill
Thursday - Back & Abs - 40 minutes rowing
Friday - Legs & Abs - 40 minutes elliptical
Saturday - Chest & Abs - 40 minutes treadmill
Sunday - Arms & Abs - 40 minutse treadmill


All the strength workouts are bodyweight or dumbells, 3 sets/six reps/heavy weight.  This phase is more of a jump start for me to cut fat and build strength.  Might look into Crossfit or something similar after.  Not sure yet.


Nutrition wise I'm ok.  Been cutting out processed foods, I don't believe in the "paleo" philosophy.  I've read too many papers on the benefits of grains and while I don't go overboard on them I will still eat them in moderation.  Preferable whole, minimally processed grains but I take what I can get out here. 


So that's me, Level 9 orc Ranger.  Looking forward to interacting with other members of the Rebellion.

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"If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” — Q

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Welcome and good luck with your goals.


Pullups are on my goal list too, but first I have to master the pushup. I also workout every day but I usually do full body 2-3x week mixed in with my other endurance activities (I'm a cyclist and beginning runner).

Just be careful you don't over do, I usually have atleast one day a week of "active recovery" usually consisting of short low intensity bike ride (5-7 miles Z1-low2) and stretching or even a long walk. I find if I push too hard without a break my overall performance suffers.

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I agree with taking recovery days, this schedule is mainly to jumpstart my body a bit.  I know it's not a sustainable plan, especially once I get back home, but I'm planning for the next phase in my transformation which will be strength training and cardio on alternating days with a recovery day where I do something light, like walk or bike ride.  But right now I listen to my body, if it says stop for a day I will and then pick it up the next day. 

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"If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” — Q

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That was actually my first goal when I got out here.  Make a list of goals.


Mission accomplished!:cool-new:


I've added a couple more which include meditate at least 3-4 times per week and learn 4 songs on guitar.  I've been playing guitar off and on for over 20 years and decided a couple months ago that it's time to get serious or put it away for good.  I signed up for lessons and have been enjoying it a lot.  It's pretty much the same with meditation, I know I should meditate, I know how I'm supposed to meditate, just actually forcing myself to calm my monkey mind is difficult.

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"If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” — Q

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I'm gathering that that's what this is all about right? Completing even the smallest goals. :) 


Meditation is definitely something that I've never been able to wrap my brain around. What do you like to play on guitar? I've been considering a piano class next term! But acquiring the discipline to learn an instrument is kind of intimidating. Any tips? 

Level 3 Human | Apocalypse Survivor

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3

Challenge Spreadsheet | Meal Plan Spreadsheet | Workout Spreadsheet


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Thanks ajoylucid!


Sandavia - The best advice I can give for learning an instrument is to just start.  For years I kept "wanting" to learn and I'd pick it up once in a while and try to learn on my own but once I finally decided that I really want to learn, I went out and found a teacher.  I didn't really know how to get started learning, I knew the chords and a scale or two but I really didn't know where to go from there.  Having a clear path provided by a teacher has helped immensely.  I like having the assignments which are really like mini-quests.  Every week I have a few things that I'm supposed to practice and work on so every week I'm completing all the sub-quests that will lead me to my eventual final quest of being able to play just about any song I want and play it well.

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"If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” — Q

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@Sandavia Just start playing songs. Nothing else will motivate your more than to see progress. Till Christmas you can learn Christmas songs. On the piano it's even easier then on other instruments. I learned the flute, the clarinet and now I learn trumpet. My mother plays chello and my sister piano. The plan ist to play together at Christmas.

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Was wäre das Leben, hätten wir nicht den Mut, etwas zu riskieren. Vincent van Goch

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