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Fitness for Fat Nerds: Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News

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Hey everyone, I wanted to share this great article written by a friend of mine: Fitness for Fat Nerds: Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News. Here's the beginning of the article; follow the link to read the rest. :)

There are several things you need to do before you get started on the whole exercise thing, my fellow fat nerds. Make sure you have good shoes (more on this later). If you're of the female fat nerd persuasion, get some good sports bras. Invest in a tiny mp3 player if you like music. Things like that. But here's one you probably haven't thought about:

Get a new doctor.

Well, let me back off that blanket statement a little. Your doctor might be perfectly fine. Your doctor might be wonderful, one you've had for years and years, one that listens to you and works with you. If you're lucky that way, good for you. Don't just keep that doctor, declare it Awesome Doctor Appreciation Day and make him or her a pie.

But most of us? Need a new doctor. It's a giant pain in the ass, depending upon your insurance company. Your options might be severely limited. But it's worth it to explore those options.

Let me tell you a story.

Back in 2005, I was unemployed. My job hunt was becoming so desperate that I seriously considered joining the Army as a viable career path. That didn't end up panning out, but one thing the Army recruiters did that I will owe them on for the rest of my life is they taught me how to run. So even when I gave up on the Army thing, I kept running.

Somewhere in there, I started developing these awful, sharp, shooting pains in my knees when I ran.

Now, I hate going to the doctor. I hate the feeling that I'm being a whiner, if nothing else. I'm much more of the suck it up, Cupcake school of pain management. So if I'm willing to actually make an appointment and go, that should tell you just how much pain I have to be in. Enough pain that mainlining Advil doesn't cut it. Enough pain that I'm actually starting to worry about my bodily integrity.

So after months of increasing knee pain, I finally went to the doctor.

You know what the doctor told me? Your knees hurt because you're fat. Lose 15 pounds and they won't hurt so much.

Never mind that my knees hurt because I was exercising, and at that point I had already dropped 20 pounds. Never mind that the pain was so severe on some days that it was interfering with my ability to exercise and thus continue to lose weight. I just needed to lose more weight, and things would magically become better.

I kept going with running and kung fu and did my best to just ignore the increasing amounts of pain, because I told myself it was all a weight issue. The pain in my knees got bad enough that I started having problems with stairs. At that point, I considered going to the doctor again, but I knew that she'd just tell me I was still too fat. I didn't see a point in coughing up a copay so my doctor could make me feel like shit about myself.

A few years after the original diagnosis of being too fat, my right knee locked up and I fell down the stairs. My significant other convinced me to try going to the doctor again.

Due to the strange vagaries of being in an HMO, I ended up seeing a different doctor.

She listened to me explain my knee pain, about how much exercise I was getting per week. She actually believed that I was that physically active, in spite of my weight. She messed with my knees a bit and then told me that "A lot of female athletes have this type of knee pain..." Yes. She used the word athlete. And then she referred me to a physical therapist.


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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My doctor told me, flat out to my face, "I don't believe you." when I told him I had changed up my diet and was exercising more, and had lost ten pounds.


Thanks, dude. My current doctor? Totally awesome, AND used to be a sports physiotherapist. When I talk about my body, he listens. It's awesome.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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My doctor told me, flat out to my face, "I don't believe you." when I told him I had changed up my diet and was exercising more, and had lost ten pounds.


Thanks, dude. My current doctor? Totally awesome, AND used to be a sports physiotherapist. When I talk about my body, he listens. It's awesome.

I'm glad you found someone new, that first doctor sounds ridiculous. =/

I wanna be the very best..

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It's way easier in Canada. Also I've moved twice since then. This was the same doctor who calmly assured me that, no, I WASN'T having seizures, and no, I DIDN'T have an ulcer.

Even though I did.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I really don't understand how some doctors manage to get their degrees. :/ A few months ago I had one tell me that cholesterol levels, heart disease, etc. are solely governed by genetics, and no matter with you do with diet or exercise that won't change. Only medication can help you. I wanted to punch him the face.


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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Thank you for sharing this. I'm pretty much over a knee problem I had a few months ago, but getting back into weight lifting and going to start kendo again near the end of April. I was considering going back to the doctor (who seems to know what he's doing... in Japan, different medical system, so the hospital sent me straight to a knee specialist and all his instructions and information have been good so far) to make sure and to get advice on how to proceed with care. Now I definitely will.

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Thank you for sharing this. I'm pretty much over a knee problem I had a few months ago, but getting back into weight lifting and going to start kendo again near the end of April. I was considering going back to the doctor (who seems to know what he's doing... in Japan, different medical system, so the hospital sent me straight to a knee specialist and all his instructions and information have been good so far) to make sure and to get advice on how to proceed with care. Now I definitely will.

Oh, where in Japan do you live? I was in Sapporo for three years.

I'm glad you're seeing a specialist. I hope you get some good advice and that the increased exercise works out for you. :)


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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Almost makes me ashamed to be going to medical school in August.

Considering how strenuous the application/interviewing process is becoming for most of the newer age medical schools, I have high hopes that doctors like these will be weeded out in the next few generations.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philipians 4:13


Jump Rope Challenge: 800

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Almost makes me ashamed to be going to medical school in August.

Considering how strenuous the application/interviewing process is becoming for most of the newer age medical schools, I have high hopes that doctors like these will be weeded out in the next few generations.

No need to feel ashamed. You should feel motivated to be better than this. Remember you never know when you will have to treat a NFer. Be scared of our knowledge and research skillz :D

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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No need to feel ashamed. You should feel motivated to be better than this. Remember you never know when you will have to treat a NFer. Be scared of our knowledge and research skillz :D

Haha, you guys are going to be what we call the dreaded Googlers. *cue dramatic music with lightning flashes*

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philipians 4:13


Jump Rope Challenge: 800

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We just consult Dr. Google for a second opinion. I hear he's very reliable....

Actually, I use my veterinarian as a second opinion.

Vets have to know about more than a single species, have to diagnose based on displayable symptoms and tests not what you say is happening and are usually well grounded in ok so that is the cadillac version now I can afford Y so what are *my* choices. Vets rule as a second opinion to counteract most human medical doctors views. :-)

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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From "The Patient Is Always Wrong, Because You're A Doctor" University, aka, all of them.

Hey now, not all medical schools are bad. A lot of 'em are actually leaning towards holistic medicine these days, which I think is a big improvement in the field.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philipians 4:13


Jump Rope Challenge: 800

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Ok, it's not generally the schools, and I have a lot of doctors and nurses in my family. But I have had a lot of experience with doctors who just sort of treat everyone as morons, because they're NOT doctors.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Ok, it's not generally the schools, and I have a lot of doctors and nurses in my family. But I have had a lot of experience with doctors who just sort of treat everyone as morons, because they're NOT doctors.

The most hideous stories I have heard involved pregnant women - the docs always think they know everything, even though the baby is in the woman's body, so maybe there's a tiny tiny chance she might have something important to add to the discussion?

Anyway, I hate when I go to the doc, say I'm in pain, and he/she downplays it. I hate having to go to the dentist or doctor - it's always a hassle, and quite honestly, the Brazilian public health care system is so bad that I've once stayed over four hours in the queue. By the time the doc saw me, the pain was already gone. Anyway, the point is that when I go to the hospital, it's because I really can't stand the pain anymore.

For example: I have always had pretty severe menstrual cramps (it was even worse when I was a teen), my blood pressure goes down, I get dizzy, I can't even get up from my bed... it can get really bad. Doctors never take me seriously. They always think I'm being whiny, I'm playing games, I want a day off work, and no way it's that bad. Right, buddy. And that time I almost fainted in the subway as I tried to get home was... just a joke, of course. Who wouldn't love to fall in the energized line?


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Almost makes me ashamed to be going to medical school in August.

Considering how strenuous the application/interviewing process is becoming for most of the newer age medical schools, I have high hopes that doctors like these will be weeded out in the next few generations.

First (and maybe most important?) CONGRATS ON MED SCHOOL!

Second: You're, like, 40000 times ahead of a lot of doctors because you will acknowledge issues like this. I don't think the issue is a practitioner's intelligence when they treat said person by saying "you're overweight," I think they are just being lazy sometimes, but that does not whatsoever excuse a practitioner from performing an assessment or referring someone to a specialist. It makes me ashamed to be in the medical field when practitioners settle on the easiest answer instead of seeking out the true issue.

Example: My father has been overweight most of his adult life--never obese, but never fit, hovering around 250 lbs (I think). His doctor encouraged him to lose weight, he went back 5 months later weighing in at 206 (ish). This doctor said something seemed off for him to drop that much weight in 5 months especially since he hadn't changed, and decided to run some blood tests--he has cancer. A lot of doctors might have seen the weight loss and said "GREAT KEEP AT IT" but this one assessed him and decided something was off and caught a possibly very malignant tumor in the beginning stages, just because of a few numbers.

My point: practitioners must assess patients fully each and every time.

Third: Be nice to us nurses when you're a big MD/DO...you need us as much as we need you :)

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The most hideous stories I have heard involved pregnant women - the docs always think they know everything, even though the baby is in the woman's body, so maybe there's a tiny tiny chance she might have something important to add to the discussion?

Oh my god, with our first kid... it's really disturbing the number of stories we have about that. We went to a different hospital in a different town for the next kid, just so we wouldn't get that guy again.

Our current doctor is pretty awesome, with me and my wife and all of our kids so far.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Oh, where in Japan do you live? I was in Sapporo for three years.

I'm glad you're seeing a specialist. I hope you get some good advice and that the increased exercise works out for you. :)

:D I love Sapporo! I live in Nakagawa, which is about an hour south of Wakkanai. When I need to go to a big city, Sapporo is the place. I've loved it since I was on exchange in Kushiro, though it's even better now that I have spending money. xD

I've been happy with the doctor's advice so far. He seems to know what he's doing. I've got two days off next month because I went on a business trip over the weekend this month, and I'm going to use on of those to go see him.

Almost makes me ashamed to be going to medical school in August.

Considering how strenuous the application/interviewing process is becoming for most of the newer age medical schools, I have high hopes that doctors like these will be weeded out in the next few generations.

Best of luck to you. Let us know when you've got your certifications and everything so we can start going to you. xD
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Almost makes me ashamed to be going to medical school in August.

Considering how strenuous the application/interviewing process is becoming for most of the newer age medical schools, I have high hopes that doctors like these will be weeded out in the next few generations.

Yeah, don't feel ashamed! Just promise us you'll do better than some of the docs we've had. :)

Example: My father has been overweight most of his adult life--never obese, but never fit, hovering around 250 lbs (I think). His doctor encouraged him to lose weight, he went back 5 months later weighing in at 206 (ish). This doctor said something seemed off for him to drop that much weight in 5 months especially since he hadn't changed, and decided to run some blood tests--he has cancer. A lot of doctors might have seen the weight loss and said "GREAT KEEP AT IT" but this one assessed him and decided something was off and caught a possibly very malignant tumor in the beginning stages, just because of a few numbers.

Wow, i'm so glad your dad's doctor caught that! How is your dad doing?

:D I love Sapporo! I live in Nakagawa, which is about an hour south of Wakkanai. When I need to go to a big city, Sapporo is the place. I've loved it since I was on exchange in Kushiro, though it's even better now that I have spending money. xD

Oh man, so you're way up north! It must be brutal up there. I went to Monbetsu once in the winter see see the ice flows and seals, and it was definitely the coldest place I've ever been. Do you do much hiking in the mountains? I hiked up Mt. Kurodake a couple times via Sounkyo, and it was pretty awesome. :)


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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This may be the push I need to change my doctor. Last appointment was in September to get the paperwork for having my thyroid checked, like I need to every year.

Him: So, you're eating about x extra calories per day to have gained 15 pounds since you were here this time last year.

Me: I had a baby in June

Him: So, what are you doing to lose the extra weight? Because if you drink sodas, you can cut those out and that will be a lot fewer calories per day.

No discussion of whether it could be my thyroid, WHICH I WAS THERE TO HAVE CHECKED. Just the assumption that it was my horrible diet, not my pregnancy or my thyroid or any other known health situations. Turns out my thyroid dosage did need to be adjusted. After adjusting it, I'm now down to around 15-20 lbs BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight.

I need a new doctor. And don't EVEN get me started on doctors in pregnancy. We were very, very lucky to have a wonderful OB who treated both myself and my husband as though we actually had a say in my health and treatment, but I've heard horror stories

Hobbit Ranger seeking balance (and cookies)


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