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WANT.... Hunger Games

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I'm totally with you on this one. The first thing I ever heard about Hunger Games was "The next Twilight", and I had read one book and saw one movie because I have girls, and wanted to give it a chance. My God those were awful. So I was prejudiced.

The movies are awful, the first book was the best, IMO...the other three started to feel like franchise-type thing, but I still have all four of them, and I read them occasionally when I want some 'brain candy', lol.

I do agree that girls need stronger role models in books though...although Katniss's "manipulation" of the "romance" was a sticking point for me. (trying not to spoil!)

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I got tricked into seeing the first Twilight movie by my older sisters boyfriend who insisted it was good. I've still never forgiven him for it.

I'm half way through reading The hunger games and am really enjoying it so far. I can see so far they did well to stick to the story although there are moments in the book that could have been included in the film to flesh out the characters a bit more. Also the book is written from Katniss' POV so its easier for her to explain the emotions - something that would have been hard to translate to on screen.

Re: Battle Royale. I saw that movie for the 1st time when I was about 18 and loved it! (I even went as one of the students for a Halloween party) When I first heard the premise of HG my first thought was "oh isn't that copying BR?" but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and really enjoyed it. I can see the similarities and people that wont give one or the other a chance will immediately jump on the "Oh but its a copy" bandwagon. There are major differences though and the only part that is similar (albeit a main point of the story) is that they are forced to kill each other. I'm actually surprised that the HG author hadn't heard of BR as I could see that they could have easily ended up almost identical but there are big differences in HG that I wonder if the author might have put them in to avoid the comparison with BR.


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I got tricked into seeing the first Twilight movie by my older sisters boyfriend who insisted it was good. I've still never forgiven him for it.

I can't say I'm much of a Twilight fan, but out of love for my sister-in-law, I caught up on all the movies so I could go see the most recent one in theaters with her (she wanted a buddy). I do things like that to support my friends. I also read all the Hunger Games books a couple weeks before the movie came out at her insistence. I thought I wouldn't have enough time because I haven't been getting a lot of reading in lately, but I devoured them pretty quickly. And then we went and saw the midnight showing together :)

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I can't say I'm much of a Twilight fan, but out of love for my sister-in-law, I caught up on all the movies so I could go see the most recent one in theaters with her (she wanted a buddy). I do things like that to support my friends. I also read all the Hunger Games books a couple weeks before the movie came out at her insistence. I thought I wouldn't have enough time because I haven't been getting a lot of reading in lately, but I devoured them pretty quickly. And then we went and saw the midnight showing together :)

Haha I'd do anything to support my friends but I wouldn't do that!


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I read all 3 books within the last month, and really liked them all. Even the third one. I was really excited to see the movie, and I enjoyed it as well - I'm usually pretty good at taking the movie for what it is (not a book) and I think it was a good adaptation. Afterwards I couldn't resist and (with permission) I spoiled the rest of the series for my boyfriend over dinner, because he kept asking questions about things. :P

Anyway, love the shirts! She looked totally hot in the training sequences. I would love one!

Did you hear that people are calling her fat in the movie? Come on, really? Ugh.

Mmm... kaik.

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Hahah. i can't say i really enjoy the insane barber of johnny depp st.

Read hunger games last night. was a good book, dark enough to disturb my sleep, involved enough to keep me thinking for ages.

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Anyway, love the shirts! She looked totally hot in the training sequences. I would love one!

Did you hear that people are calling her fat in the movie? Come on, really? Ugh.

I agree with that first part, absolutely! And, WTF!!! I found myself totally in awe and crushing on her body hardcore, like DAMN, it's about time we see a real body in a badass role....so that second bit really pisses me off!!

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Did you hear that people are calling her fat in the movie? Come on, really? Ugh.

Context is helpful.

They are calling her too fleshed out for someone who is supposedly living from meal to meal. If you've read the books, you know that they are scraping by for food, and are almost entirely dependent on what she can hunt and/or get back to the village without being detected. I can see that argument as being valid. She's skinny but strong in the books. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss looks perfectly healthy and fit, but is by no means skinny.


The movie pretty much ignores the squalid conditions described in the books. Katniss begs Gale to make sure her family doesn't starve, but really, that's about it. Considering her family doesn't look even close to starving. This does a disservice to the fact that it's called "The Hunger Games". The spectre of starvation hangs over them in the bookS.

People should also be complaining about how perfectly straight and clean their teeth were. If you're going to nitpick, why stop at weight.

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Context is helpful.

ah, yes. haha. That was my son's biggest complaint when shots from filming were first around, that everyone still looked Hollywood, and also his biggest complaint when we saw the movie- that nobody *looked* desperate and oppressed. He thought that ignoring that side of life in the Districts would make it difficult for non-book-readers to buy into the whole world of Hunger Games-- and, funnily enough, my only coworker that hadn't read the books thought the movie was a joke and mentioned that she didn't understand the dynamic between the Capitol and the Districts- she thought of the Districts more like states and the Capitol like New York City.

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Context is helpful.

Yes, as I said, I read the books. I understand the context. They aren't saying she was fleshed out, they are calling her -fat-. She's not fat, but she's also not skinny. Someone who spends so much time climbing trees and hunting is not going to be a stick figure; she has an athletic figure which is what I would expect. In fact, I recall the books mentioning that she's a healthy weight, whereas there are other people in the district who are much worse off than her. Airen123 is right, they were better off than most people because they were able to hunt and had the Hob.

The movie generally didn't spend much time explaining what it was like in the districts. They didn't spend much time in the districts at all. If they had to choose between potraying the distrcits as poor and malnurished and portraying the Capitol as overly materialistic and generally evil, I think they picked the right one for the first book/movie.

Mmm... kaik.

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I saw the movie and really liked it, it made me go out and buy the books so I could immerse myself further in the world that the author created. Like most adaptations, details will get left out and changed in order to condense it into a 2 hour time frame. Also Battle Royale was an extremely brutal amazing movie

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