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Yes, I've got one. A group of ladies on another site encouraged me to get it. In general, yes I am happy with it.

First of all, unlike some other pedometers, the orientation doesn't matter, so instead of putting it on your belt, you can put it in your pocket, or wherever else you want. They do suggest certain spots, but it seems to work most anywhere on the body.

The new stair counter seems to work very well, if you want to incorporate stairs or hills into your training.

It does seem to differentiate between running stride and walking stride, and you can enter your stride length for both, and it does try to measure distance traveled. I can't say how accurate it is, although the people on the fitbit boards seemed happy enough. Similarly, it tries to calculate calories burned, and general activity levels. I tend to ignore these.

The Fitbit site is pretty cool, with some nice displays and graphs. It's easy to set goals and keep track of how you're doing with them. You can get 'friends' there, and the site will generate leaderboards based on your data. They do have forums which are pretty active. All this is free. There are some pay options which seem to offer advanced tracking and workout suggestions.

The sleep tracking option seems to work well enough. I did it for one night, and it generated a nice graph of my movements during the night. Take that for what you will, I guess.

All in all, yes, it's kinda pricey given the alternatives (my work gave me a free pedometer), but it's a nice little tool. I'm glad I got mine. I've logged a lot of extra walking because of it, and I still wear it every day.

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I'm not sure what the difference between a FitBit and something like a BodyBugg or BodyMediaFit is... but I know people with those LOVE them. They measure your your daily energy expenditure by measuring your body heat and movement. The only downside is you have to wear it on your upper arm. But they're really thin, so it's barely noticeable. Anyway, I don't have one, but I know a couple people who do, and they swear by them. :)

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I've had one for about a year and a half. I love it so much, I replaced the one that went in the wash (OOPS will never do that again).

In some ways, yes, it's a glorified pedometer, although I much prefer the form factor to a typical pedometer, and it's WAY better than something bulky like a BodyBugg. I like that it can be worn not just on your waistband, but in a pocket or on your bra (for the occasional days where I wear a dress). I also love, love, LOVE the sleep tracking. It's not a full featured sleep tracker like say the Zeo, but I've found it to be reasonably accurate. When I first got it, I used to tease my husband "Oh hey, I see you didn't get to bed until 1:30 last night" because the Fitbit would track that I briefly awakened, even if I never woke up to remember it. I'm not sure I would use it if I was trying to hack a major sleep problem... but it's good for me to check if I'm not recovering from my workouts... often look at my Fitbit page and realize I'd only been getting 6 hours of solid sleep, so I know what to work on.

What I don't like: It doesn't record upper body workouts well at all. So your strength training? Rock climbing? Trapeze classes? You might as well take it off and leave it with your wallet. And I do a lot of that kind of workout so this really bothers me. Also, you have to remember to press the little button to trigger the sleep cycle tracking, which I sometimes forget.

And, of course, it's not washable. At all. And it's so small it's easy to throw in the wash if you're not paying attention in which case you're out $99. :-P


NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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I've been considering the Fitbit for awhile and the biggest drawback seems to be that, as far as I can tell, it doesn't monitor your heart rate at all. I'm not sure if I would trust it's accuracy as far as keeping track of calories burned (it purports to do that, right?).

Also, most of the reviews I've read online (I know, a grain of salt) are mixed with a lot of people claiming that Fitbits have a tendency to die rather quickly.

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I just ordered one!

Is there a Nerdfitness group? Who has one?

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I just wanted to chime in and let anyone know, that the FitBit is a great tool. The calories burned that it calculates are really quite accurate. I've used it to gauge my calorie intake base on the calculated calories burned, and have lost 45 pounds in the last 6 months. I can vouch for it. I would love to start a Nerd Fitness group on FitBit. Let me know your FitBit username. My username there is the same as here.

As far as the Nerd aspect goes, it's a great bit of tech to help any nerd get more fit.

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Fitbit user here. I really like it even if it is just a glorified pedometer (mostly because I can wear it for a few days and even if I forget to log that day's steps, it'll still queue up the numbers when I sync to my computer). Username is concretecavewoman if anyone wants to be friends on fitbit.com.

I find that it's greatest utility is as a reminder to be more active through the workday.

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I have one - I only got it at the beginning of this month. I have a addiction to buying shinies (description used by me + geeky/techy friends to describe hardware and other gadget purchases).

LessJos - I wish the same.

I think I go by the same username on FitBit as on here. (I'll check tonight though)

Spooky_Rach, level 3 dwarf ranger


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Joined the group, friended LessJoss. Waiting to hear from others.

I don't get to 10,000 steps/day EVER, but I'm cutting myself some slack, because I do CrossFit and it really doesn't count much/any of what I do there. Mostly I use it to see which days are more active than others (or, conversely, which are less active) and to track my sleep quality.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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Joined the group, friended LessJoss. Waiting to hear from others.

I don't get to 10,000 steps/day EVER, but I'm cutting myself some slack, because I do CrossFit and it really doesn't count much/any of what I do there. Mostly I use it to see which days are more active than others (or, conversely, which are less active) and to track my sleep quality.

Awesome :-)

I hardly ever get the 10,000 steps either. Only if I go for a run or bike.

I also use it to see how active I am throughout the day. Office jobs tend to make you sit in one spot most of the time unfortunately. Fitbit gets me out during lunch or walking around on the floor a bit more. I like seeing the results of moving outside of the workouts.


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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Another huge fitbit fan here - no joke I love this thing. I'm drooling over the new "One" as well.

I wear it constantly, and i use it as a sleep aid as well. The food tracking software on the website isn't my cup of tea, but it seamlessly links with myfitnesspal, which i do use and I don't have a single complaint.

I also love the "gamification" aspects such as leaderboards and earning badges. Totally got me addicted to walking. I will voluntarily walk rather than take the car 'to get my steps up' i now make an effort to walk while I'm letting my coffee brew, walk around the office more, walk during my lunch breaks more - all to get my steps up. I find it a great motivator.

The price may seem a little steep (but then again compared to the price of the Nike Fuelband? :o ) but it totally kicks ass over some of the cheaper dare I say, disposable, basic, simple, huge models I have seen (and occasionally bought) in the past.

Level 3 - Platypus Ranger
STR: 3 | DEX: 5 | STA: 3.5 | CON: 5.5 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 3

Fitocracy | Fitbit | Daily Challenge | My Fitness Pal | RunKeeper

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So I lost my fitbit a few weeks ago and was not happy. I searched blocks and blocks downtown but nothing.

Felt really stupid too because a few days before I lost it, I had the idea to add my phone# instead of my name on it. So when it flashes those little messages it would display my phone# instead of my name. Handy in case somebody finds it... Well, I never got around to do that.

Anyways, I figured I send fitbit a message that they can delete my fitbit account since I lost my tracker. 10 minutes later I got a reply stating that they want to send me a complimentary replacement! WOW! I just had to answer some questions regarding purchase date, prefered colour, shipping address. I am stunned. Amazing customer service. I never ever would have expected a free tracker since I lost it. My fault right?

That definitely made my day! Woot!


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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