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Sleeping a little warm?

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So I've noticed the last week or so that I get REALLY warm when I sleep... so much so that I end up kicking all my blankets off... then end up too cold because my house is actually cooler now than it was before. So the only other things that I can think that have changed and could be affecting this are 1) Maybe my metabolism/workouts are finally catching up to me after two or so months, 2) Perhaps something about a month of Paleo is changing me, or 3) I started playing with IF last week... Yeah. Those are my theories. Has anybody else started sweating in their sleep since getting on board with any of these things?

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I guess some would call it that, Tasha, but under normal circumstances I never miss a meal.... I'm working on my relationship with food :P

Green Eyes, thanks! I was sure I couldn't be the only one! I wasn't really concerned, to be honest, just curious. I guess I'm sleeping heavier too... otherwise I'd probably wake up when I was kicking my blankets off.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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My Hubby thinks the house should be about meat locker temperature when we go to bed, so I'm often cold at night, but he's like a portable radiator. Lately, though, I've been finding the extra quilt I keep on top of my side of the bed on the floor in the mornings, so I guess I'm running a little warmer than normal as well. I'm going to call it increased metabolism...burning fat while you sleep, FTW!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

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Yeah, I noticed that when I switched to paleo. i slept way deeper, and I seemed to be way hotter at night. I then lost a crapload of weight, and I don't have the same insulation as I once did, so I go back and forth between too hot and too cold. I haven't thought about it too much, but I do sleep way better than I used to (and I no longer wake up in the puddle of drool that I used to have when I was at my heaviest -- airways are definitely less restricted).

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Yeah, I noticed that when I switched to paleo. i slept way deeper, and I seemed to be way hotter at night. I then lost a crapload of weight, and I don't have the same insulation as I once did, so I go back and forth between too hot and too cold. I haven't thought about it too much, but I do sleep way better than I used to (and I no longer wake up in the puddle of drool that I used to have when I was at my heaviest -- airways are definitely less restricted).

I never even thought about the nighttime drooling, but that has gone away for me as well.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I haven't been warmer lately, but I have been having screwy dreams every-single-night since getting back on track with diet and exercise. I suppose thats just my body saying its getting good sleep. But I'd prefer happy normal dreams over screwy ones if my body wanted to be super nice to me...

But I do sleep with a fan on and my window wide open every night, mainly because I love this heated blanket my husband gave me before he left for korea, so I may be cheating :)

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I pump out BTUs like a space heater when I'm on a good fitness roll. Met-con workouts > weight lifting > cardio. I'm not Paleo and I don't miss meals, so I'm pretty sure it's just the training. Also I haven't woken up in a pile of drool in a long time, weird.

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This happens to me a lot and I suspect it's from eating a lot of protein too soon before bed. The same thing used to happen when we'd go out to eat and have a few beers.. I'd go to sleep fine and then wake up at some point with my feet on FIRE and the rest of me mighty hot too. Like all the sudden my body said thanks for the fuel, here's the turbo boost you ordered!

The same thing started happening when I started focusing on getting more protein in my diet - a protein shake before bed seems to do it.

Could something like that be happening to you too? :)

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I was about to write that I hadn't actually seen much of a difference... then I remembered that I always used to sleep under a 15 tog duvet, even in the summer, and when I moved in with my boyfriend we just kept his normal weight one... and I'm pretty much okay with that. Huh. Neat.

Like all the sudden my body said thanks for the fuel, here's the turbo boost you ordered!

Ha! I wish I could work it like that!

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This happens to me a lot and I suspect it's from eating a lot of protein too soon before bed. The same thing used to happen when we'd go out to eat and have a few beers.. I'd go to sleep fine and then wake up at some point with my feet on FIRE and the rest of me mighty hot too. Like all the sudden my body said thanks for the fuel, here's the turbo boost you ordered!

The same thing started happening when I started focusing on getting more protein in my diet - a protein shake before bed seems to do it.

Could something like that be happening to you too? :)

I don't feel like I'm eating that much more protein than usual. I've always been a protein girl. I think it's probably a combo of all the things I listed :) I mean, all of these things are supposed to help burn fat and boost metabolism, neh? I have a feeling the IF is the kicker that really got it going so recently though. I mean... I stop eating at least 4 or 5 hours before bed now. Either way, I'm cool with it! If I'm burning fat, then everything's working the way it's supposed to! Maybe I should start sleeping without a blanket and I'll burn more...... nah, that's not gonna happen.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Yeah, I noticed that when I switched to paleo. i slept way deeper, and I seemed to be way hotter at night. I then lost a crapload of weight, and I don't have the same insulation as I once did, so I go back and forth between too hot and too cold. I haven't thought about it too much, but I do sleep way better than I used to (and I no longer wake up in the puddle of drool that I used to have when I was at my heaviest -- airways are definitely less restricted).

I noticed that I got way colder in the winters when I started leaning out. I always run hot, but especially with a functioning metabolism, I often find myself uncomfortably warm when I wake up.

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