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Aonghus works on his wordfame and his waistline.

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I've never been good at online introductions, but I'll do my best.

I'm a nerd, obviously. My hobbies are medieval re-enactment (mainly through the SCA,) archaeological experimentation, woodworking, writing, Scottish country dancing and pipe smoking. 

I've always been a fairly outdoorsy person with fair fitness, but since moving to the US from Scotland I have gained a significant prosperity paunch and I'd like to lose that. 

Going with the spirit of being honest, I've included a comparison image. Me at my fittest ever right after climbing the tallest mountain in Scotland on one of the more difficult routes and me at the beginning of this month.


My 'Big why' is kind of a vain one but I'll be honest about it. I really want to look better in my medieval garb. I make clothes that I am really proud of and then I put them on and think about how much better they would look if I were a bit more trim.


My goals are modest. I don't expect washboard abs or biceps as thick as my neck. I'd like to get rid of most if not all of the beer belly and have better strength and endurance.


As part of the SCA I am just getting into heavy fighting and my arms are jelly three fights in. (Hard to defend yourself with a shield when you can keep the shield lifted up.) So it'd be really nice to be in better fighting shape as well as looking better.


I also have my first baby on the and I am really feeling how important it is to be healthier and be able to keep up with the bairn!



Here's the picture. Before when I was in really great shape and then the beginning of March 2017. Starting weight is 198.8 with around as much bodyfat as there is muscle.


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Welcome aboard! I wish you great luck on losing weight and getting stronger. Also, I am currently loving the Konami code workout as well as the beginner bodyweight workout. Links are below.


I am in the SCA too. Mostly just hang around at events, no fighting, but still I think it's  really awesome that there's another person on here who does it :)


Konami code workout

Beginner bodyweight workout



If you ever feel scared to do something really fun, just do it. Do it today. then say "What the hell did I just do."

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On 22/03/2017 at 4:56 PM, Aonghus said:

My 'Big why' is kind of a vain one but I'll be honest about it. I really want to look better in my medieval garb. I make clothes that I am really proud of and then I put them on and think about how much better they would look if I were a bit more trim.

I think that's quite understandable. Especially with some favourites and extraordinaries like yours, not being able to use or enjoy fully the nice things you have is a pain. Godspeed with all this, you'll do good! 

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On 3/23/2017 at 0:22 AM, Taffythecat said:

Welcome aboard! I wish you great luck on losing weight and getting stronger. Also, I am currently loving the Konami code workout as well as the beginner bodyweight workout. Links are below.


I am in the SCA too. Mostly just hang around at events, no fighting, but still I think it's  really awesome that there's another person on here who does it :)


Konami code workout

Beginner bodyweight workout



Thanks for the welcome.

I'm taking things ultra slow right now because my wife is 10 weeks pregnant so I've had to take over most of the chores for now. She's just so exhausted and queasy and needs the rest.

I am hoping to get into more regular working out over the next few weeks and just rebuild the good habits slowly. That beginner bodyweight one looks like where I will start!

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On 3/23/2017 at 11:56 PM, juliebarkley said:

Greetings from Ealdormere, and welcome to the Rebellion! Are you going to run a challenge with us? It's not too late!

Hello there!

I'll start a challenge at some point, but it'll be a month or so down the line. I'm just taking my time to rebuild the good habits slowly. Trying really hard to not burn myself out.

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14 hours ago, Aonghus said:

Hello there!

I'll start a challenge at some point, but it'll be a month or so down the line. I'm just taking my time to rebuild the good habits slowly. Trying really hard to not burn myself out.


A good strategy. Remember for when you do start a challenge that they don't have to be big things. Actually, it's better if they're NOT big things, because then they can become habits more easily. In my first challenge (I am only on my second) I could bang out 3 of my 4 goals in less than 10 minutes. It was really more of a "build the habit of building habits" challenge.


What are some habits you are trying to build?

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"Hi" from another Scot.  :)  I come from Fort William and if you've been up the Ben then you'll know exactly where that is.  Where abouts are you from?

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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On 4/1/2017 at 7:50 AM, Guzzi said:

"Hi" from another Scot.  :)  I come from Fort William and if you've been up the Ben then you'll know exactly where that is.  Where abouts are you from?

Family is from the Kincardinshire area but I grew up in Glasgow. I now live in Boise, Idaho. It's great, here, although it took a long time to get used to it because it's high desert so even the green, tree-filled parts are not nearly as green as Scotland.



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An update after a long time off the wagon.

Life got busy and difficult. I was depressed because my job was insane and there were a few co-workers who had just hated me from the beginning.
My wife was pregnant and exhausted all the time, so I was taking up a lot of slack as far as cooking, housework etc. I just found less and less time to make healthy choices and let all my good habits slide.


I now have a new job which is great, a healthy baby who turned two months old today and a shiny new gym membership at the gym near my work.


My wife gained a lot of weight pre-pregnancy due to hormone issues with the fertility treatment then lost a bunch of the weight during and after pregnancy. She looks even more AMAZING.
I'll be honest, it made me really take a look at myself and stop making excuses. As did the more recent pictures people had tagged me in on Facebook.

I just wasn't remotely happy with what I saw in the mirror any more. 


So, my efforts are gradual. I am trying to make slightly more healthy eating decisions. (You only need one chocolate bar, Aonghus, not three.)
And I'm trying to hold myself to just one fitness related thing. I have to do my Couch to 5K three times a week. No matter what. Which I will be doing on my lunch break at work since I have nothing else to do and no excuse.

If I make extra trips to the gym to get weights in, great. But all I am holding myself to for right now is that running three times a week and trying to gradually make more positive eating choices.


I gained some weight since I last posted, so right now I am sitting at 207lbs. Not the heaviest I've ever been, but still pretty bad.

Here's my accountability pic for right now.





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Welcome back and congrats on the new baby!


This is actually a great time to start - not only is it a new year, but we are just getting a new challenge started (if you are interested)! It's completely all about small sustainable steps, not making huge changes all at once. I'm linking all the info here so you can take a look. It says 3 diet or fitness related quests, but those are just guidelines, not rules. :) Also, I'm tagging @Taddea Zhaan since she's another SCA'er. 

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24 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:

Welcome back and congrats on the new baby!


This is actually a great time to start - not only is it a new year, but we are just getting a new challenge started (if you are interested)! It's completely all about small sustainable steps, not making huge changes all at once. I'm linking all the info here so you can take a look. It says 3 diet or fitness related quests, but those are just guidelines, not rules. :) Also, I'm tagging @Taddea Zhaan since she's another SCA'er. 



Awesome, thank you!

I'm going to go ahead and try to give the challenge a go! Starting a newbie challenge thread right now.

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Welcome and good luck fellow ranger!  Will come and say hey on your challenge in a bit!  Congrats on the new job and the new baby!!!

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” John Steinbeck

“Do I dare disturb the universe?” – T.S. Eliot

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.” – Toni Morrison

"All we have to do is decide what to do with the time given to us" JRR Tolkien


Human Bard: CON 2, WIS 5, INT 1, CHA 2


Current Challenge: Nova Levels Up (and maybe doesn't abandon a challenge...)

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On 1/5/2018 at 1:57 PM, Taddea Zhaan said:

SCAdian reporting for duty! 

What material is your shield made out of? 


Right now it's a centre grip round made of half inch plywood but relatively small diameter. I'm about to switch it out for something from quarter inch plywood that should cut the weight down a fair bit for me.

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Making progress.

I am on to Week 4, day 3 of the Couch to 5K. (a modified program on an app which has you complete it in 8 weeks rather than 9.)

On Week 4, day 2 it was set up as run 3 walk 2, run 5 walk 3, run 5 walk 3, run 3 walk 2. I felt so good that at the end instead or running 3 and walking 2, I just ran another 5.

Much improved from week 3, day 3 where I just didn't want to be doing it and had to force my way through the whole thing.


Upper body muscles are sore from my weights on Tuesday. I should have made a point of stretching afterwards, but I forgot.

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17 hours ago, Aonghus said:

Making progress.

I am on to Week 4, day 3 of the Couch to 5K. (a modified program on an app which has you complete it in 8 weeks rather than 9.)

On Week 4, day 2 it was set up as run 3 walk 2, run 5 walk 3, run 5 walk 3, run 3 walk 2. I felt so good that at the end instead or running 3 and walking 2, I just ran another 5.

Much improved from week 3, day 3 where I just didn't want to be doing it and had to force my way through the whole thing.



well done! I totally suck at running and couldn't even keep up with the early parts of the C25K. The SCA heavy fighting definitely helps with the endurance. The hubbs has been doing it since he was 18.

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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Today will be week 5 of the C25K. It really ramps things up and, since I am already feeling kind of low today, I am dreading it.

I will still go to the gym and make myself do it. And I know I'll feel better afterwards.

It's just... hard when you don't see any changes on the scale at all after a few weeks. I know often it takes longer and there is the fact that muscle is heavier than fat, so I could just be gaining muscle.


I am combating the low by looking for some motivational stuff online, making sure that I keep eating healthy instead of buying and eating a whole bag of sweeties, and making sure I am ready to get out to that run as soon as my lunch break hits.


ETA: I completed the run. 5 running, 3 walking, 6 running, 3 walking, 5 running.
It was exhausting but I pushed myself through. Now I am having carrots and peanut butter and a salad with ranch as my reward.

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Godspeed and don't give up. That "down" and "don't feel like it" is the breaking point. Most people stop and that's when they lose it. I plateau for months but I don't stop the good habits and then finally see results. I'm sure you know this, just trying to be encouraging! I get through it by reminding myself it's a lifestyle change to be healthy, not only about the results and my body will catch up eventually. 


Carrots are my favorite thing right now. 

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"The brave men did not kill dragons. The brave men rode them." - GoT

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As I mentioned in the other thread, im getting over a really bad cold so I haven't been working out but I have been careful about my food intake.


My lovely wife and I received an award over the weekend, The order of the golden pillar. 

I got to show off my amazing and completely period accurate pink stripy trousers.

AND, my daughter got to officially have her first ever event!




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13 hours ago, Aonghus said:

As I mentioned in the other thread, im getting over a really bad cold so I haven't been working out but I have been careful about my food intake.


My lovely wife and I received an award over the weekend, The order of the golden pillar. 

I got to show off my amazing and completely period accurate pink stripy trousers.

AND, my daughter got to officially have her first ever event!




I'm from the midrealm so I don't know all the awards from the other kingdoms, from which order is the order of the golden pillar? And a huge congratulations!!


Also, awesome that your daughter is checking it out!

Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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5 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:


I'm from the midrealm so I don't know all the awards from the other kingdoms, from which order is the order of the golden pillar? And a huge congratulations!!


Also, awesome that your daughter is checking it out!


Hey there. It's a Kingdom wide AoA level service award. It's a cool one to get because they really expect service as a standard, here. So getting service awards means they have noticed you going above and beyond.

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I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea and will be getting fitted for a cpap. I am kind of hoping that it'll help with the weight loss since I hear that interrupted sleep impacts your hormone production which in turn impacts how easily you can lose weight.

If nothing else, I am sure having more energy will help.


I've been struggling because I feel like I am stuck at this one weight that won't budge downwards. And the scale shows that it's not just a rise in muscle.

Trying to stay positive and make good choices and just take it a step at a time.

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1 hour ago, Aonghus said:



I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea and will be getting fitted for a cpap. I am kind of hoping that it'll help with the weight loss since I hear that interrupted sleep impacts your hormone production which in turn impacts how easily you can lose weight.

If nothing else, I am sure having more energy will help.


I've been struggling because I feel like I am stuck at this one weight that won't budge downwards. And the scale shows that it's not just a rise in muscle.

Trying to stay positive and make good choices and just take it a step at a time.


Yeah, it was a game changer for my wife, just having the energy and focus to workout more and think critically about her choices. Quality sleep yo, its good stuff.

Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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