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I've lost the fizz to my pop

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I've lost the fizz to my pop.

I've lost the sax in my band.

I've lost the kick in my step.


For the past few weeks, I've been slowly heading downhill. Workouts have become sparse, food is out of control (sometimes too high, sometimes too low). 

Part of it is that I've reached a big milestone. I've finally reached a "normal" weight. I was always bigger than everyone else, and now I'm close to 250. That's about average for the people I'm around. That basically made me lose one of my main visions. I'm no long "abnormal."

Sure, I still eat better than I used to, but junk keeps slipping in. I feel like I'm getting fat again, but the scale says that it's all evening out (except for today, because it was Easter). I used to be excited from the workouts, and now I just push through it. I guess the best way to say it is that I'm bored of working out and losing weight, even though I haven't gotten particularly close to my goal.

My goal is to get down to 180/190 pounds, then gain muscle to reach 230/240.

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I hear you. It's really hard when you lose motivation. It sounds like you need to set a new goal, and have a real drive to reach it. Maybe deliberately give yourself a week off - a reward for your hard work so far. Take a week where you're "allowed" to slack off exercise and eat in a more relaxed way. What I usually find is that if I'm "allowed" to relax, I find I don't really want to!


Then after a week off, set yourself your next goal. Maybe plan a reward that you REALLY want for when you get there - a trip away or something big you've wanted to treat yourself to for a while? 

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The highs and lows of fitness definitely come.  I wish it were always that fun motivated feeling, that'd make it so much easier!  Be kind to yourself when you're just not feeling it - because you've already accomplished so much! - but don't stop cultivating your discipline so eventually you won't have to rely on motivation (something fleeting and fickle) and fitness will just be a part of your life.  It took a long long time for me to get to that mindset - almost two years! - but now exercise is something I just do, like going to work and breathing and stuff.


Consistency is key. :)   You may feel like you're getting absolutely nowhere but every time you're disciplined enough to get up and work out, even if you feel weak or struggle, is just a building block towards building sustainable long-term habits and having everything becoming more natural to your daily life.  You'll come to these moments where you realize all the struggle was really pushing you in the right direction all along, and it's amazing.  I've had so many of these moments over the course of my fitness journey!  It truly is worth the effort to realize what you're capable of.


Maybe it's time to try a new kind of workout?  There's so much out there to choose from!

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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Could you make a new goal of moving toward your smoking hot future self?  Maybe find some scantily clad pics of guys you want to look like (or girls you'd like to attract, or etc. per your own proclivities) and put them on your phone or near your fitness equipment or on your fridge.  Maybe watch some Youtubes of people doing cool fitness related things, or a few episodes of "Ninja Warrior" or the like.


True fact: young Arnold Schwartzenegger put posters of buff guys on his bedroom wall when he was a kid.  His mom thought he was going to turn out gay.  But what he was really doing was visualizing his goals and motivating himself.  He knew what he wanted and he worked hard to get it.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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On 6/30/2017 at 2:04 PM, The Ox King said:

I can't seem to find a new goal as important as getting away from my old "disgusting" self, which is what previously drove me.


I like @Raincloak's spin on this. Make it into a positive goal. Have you gone and set up an Epic Quest for yourself? Maybe that would help. It seems like you are motivated by a big overarching goal, but then need to break it down into small manageable steps.



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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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I'm a project/goal oriented person myself. I have to be working for something like...learning aerial hoop. I want to do it, but I know I'll need to be strong. It motivates me to stay on track when I have a fun goal in mind. Also, try changing your workouts. I'm looking into martial arts (again) as I found it a fun sort of workout instead of the doldrums of a gym workout. 

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"The brave men did not kill dragons. The brave men rode them." - GoT

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Lost my uncle (death), my girlfriend (mutual breakup), and two cars (transmission and axle) all in the past two weeks and allowed myself to get off track. Now, it's time to reel it back in.

My anger is back. I'm trying to stay positive, but I really need a workout or something to calm me down. A real issue. I'm super irritable and trying so hard to stay positive that anything negative in my environment makes me want to throw something out a window. This anger astounds me. Really wish I had a vehicle and/or my running shoes so I could go to the gym (currently at work).

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