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Ok, So a year ago i was told i have Hyperlipidemia and very high LP(a). This basically means that not only do i produce too much cholesterol, but that my blood likes to hang on to it. This puts me in the top 10% of people at risk of heart problems and stroke. It was a bit scary.

I changed my diet to a low sat.fat diet and over 9 months brought my over all cholesterol down from 8.1 to 6.5 and lowered my ratio of LDL/HDL from 6.4 to 3.0. This is far better than the docs expected and so i have avoided being prescribed statins, at least for now.

The point is, this was never just a 'diet'. This was a change i HAD to make and it HAD to be permanent. And it worked. :) So, having successfully followed my new eating regime for nearly a year now, I decided that this year I would use the same start point and adopt the same mentality to getting properly fit. 

I'm not massively unfit. I surf once a week or so, skate when i feel my knees are up to it but I'm a long way from being as fit as i could be. About a month ago i started doing situps every day. At first i could barely do 5.  Now i can bang out 25 no worries. Press ups - i couldn't do 2 a month ago, now i can do 10.

I have given myself the overall goal to be in the best shape of my life by the time I'm 45, so that gives me 2 years. My Nerd Goal is to aim to look like the Aquaman in my character profile. https://www.nerdfitness.com/character/188606 (minus the harpoon hand).

I really like the NF approach to fitness and have developed my own starter circuit routine from the basic workouts. I started this circuit last week.

My current circuit is - 


5 mins warm up

Wrist Curls with 5kg weight x20

Squats, unweighted,unassisted x20

Dumbell Rows @ 13.5kg x10 per side

Lunges x20

Push ups x 10

Bench press @ 20kg x30

Plank x 1 minute

Sit ups x25


I try to do this 3 times with just brief water breaks between each set. First 2 times i only managed 2 runs through but on my third attempt made it through all 3 times. (nearly killed me, but i did it). Going forward i will stay with this routine until i can complete 3 runs through relatively easily and then start to increase reps and /or weights. Im trying to combine this with walking, running, surfing to develop and all round fitness and strength without gaining too much bulk. I need to stay light for surfing.


Ive also been using a cross trainer to increase my cardio fitness and 2 nights ago went for an actual, outdoor run for the first time in probably 25 years. AAAAAAHHHH IT HURTS!!!! Running on a cross trainer is no substitute for real running, i now realise. I jogged 1.6 (very hilly) miles, had to walk for 100yds or so, and that took me 20 minutes! 2 days later and my legs are killing me. Not looking forward to circuit training this afternoon. Those squats and lunges are going to hurt!!


I really like all the NF advice. The only thing I cant really go with is a strict Paleo diet. My HyLip. and LP(a) means that a high fat/ low carb diet is not an option.  I have to avoid full fat dairy, fatty meat, eggs etc


So there you go. That's me and what I'm intending. Looking forward to a new, ripped me in the coming months/years.



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Wowzers!  That's pretty amazing, congratulations.  It sounds like you're well on your way to achieving your goal, and I love the fact that Aquaman looks like a gnarly surfer dude!


Dont sweat the fact that paleo isn't for you, you'll find that many members have their own take on diet/nutrition and fitness.  At the end of the day it's all about what works for you as an individual.  Like they say - the best diet in the world is whatever diet you can actually stick to. ;) 


One of the biggest parts of the forum is the 4 Week Challenges, and the next one starts this coming Sunday if you're interested in joining in?  There's a great page with tons of info here but if you want to get a feel of what it's like then why not have a read through a few people's threads from the last challenge.  It's completely personal, you pick your own goals (I would recommend that you use completing your current exercise routine X times a week as a goal rather than trying to add any more exercise) and you can go all RPG on it and write it totally in character if you want, or not.  Whatever best suits you. 


If you need any help or advice finding your way around the forum then just shout, we're a pretty helpful bunch. ;).  Hope to see you around, and welcome to the rebellion. 

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Thanks Guzzi. It's early days on the fitness but I'm chuffed with how fast I'm progressing and NF has helped me go from a vague "I'll do a few sit ups and stuff" to formulating a proper routine and attempting to stick to it.

The Aquaman thing is cos i spend a lot of my time either in, on or next to the water. Surfing is my overriding passion but I've been doing it long enough that i rarely have to push myself. I'm hoping to manage extra strength, particularly core,  without too much bulk and massively increased fitness to improve my surfing.

Already set myself some small challenges for the 4 weeker. I'm still finding my feet on my circuits so I'll just keep plugging away at those. I decided I'm a Ranger. ☺

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If you ever want to see how much strength you can build using bodyweight exercises then check out @Waldo's site Strength Unbound, his transformation is really impressive.  It just goes to show that you really don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment to get fit. 


Good luck with your first challenge, I hope you enjoy it.  If you need any help or advice on anything then just ask. 



Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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