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Is it bad to drink protein shakes if you aren't working out?

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I haven't been able to find a good answer for this yet, and it's really bugging me...

I used to drink protein shakes in the morning for breakfast along with a banana or two slices of toast. However, I read somewhere (can't quite remember where) that drinking protein shakes and not working out, as in weight lifting or strength training, is bad and will probably make you gain weight rather than lose it... I definitely don't want this happening so I haven't drunk a protein shake in the past couple of days unless it has been after I get home from lifting during basketball. Does someone have a good answer to help me out? My main goal right now is to lose weight and get cut. Any and all help is appreciated. :)

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These guys know what they are talking about. Protein shake is basically a replacement/supplement for real food. I usually drink one post-workout because it goes down easier than a bunch of chicken or something, and it's super-portable.

Since losing weight is your goal, pay attention to how many calories you are consuming vs. how many you are expending. You can do a Google search to determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). That's a good place to start - then there are a ton of calorie counting apps online...I used myfitnesspal.com, some people use livestrong, and some people use...what is it, dailyplate.com? Anyway, there you can keep track of all the calories you consume and use. THAT will be the key to weight loss. :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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Ah, thanks for the replies everyone, it's much appreciated.

Going back to what I read previously, I remember it saying that drinking protein shakes won't keep you as full... Not sure if that's factual either but based on your guys' comments I think I'll just start drinking them post-workout and then cook something healthy and filling for breakfast before I start my day.

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Good plan :)

I'm no expert, but what I've been reading is that a combo of protein and fat will keep you full longest. Not sure 100% on that but I've been trying to eat mostly protein and fat for breakfast...seems to be working out ok for me...?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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Good plan :)

I'm no expert, but what I've been reading is that a combo of protein and fat will keep you full longest. Not sure 100% on that but I've been trying to eat mostly protein and fat for breakfast...seems to be working out ok for me...?

Honestly, the whole "keeping full" thing kind of bugs me. As long as you're eating foods that are nutritious and in quantities that don't make you uncomfortable, the next time you need food isn't really important. Once you've dealt with eating nutrient-free crap and overcome mental cravings, you can eat at your maintenance level almost effortlessly. I've tried this on several occasions (eating normally and logging my food and exercise at the end of the day) and it's worked every time.

As far as the shake goes, it's just calories. The only pitfall I can think of is that you might be inclined to consume a few more than you think you are because it's in liquid form, but that shouldn't turn you off to them entirely. Personally, I don't do protein shakes, and I do workout. A banana post-row works fine for me.

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