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Hi folks,


This is part respawn, mostly trying from scratch,


I'm a 43 (ouch) year old female geek (computer games, fantasy reading, some sci fi, all the vampire fiction), mother of one, partner of one.


I am trying to find my reason to be fitter (that Big Why quest is killing me, seriously). When I was 39 I lost a ton of weight through diet and walk/running. My motivation for that was not too be overweight at 40. And I wasn't. I was in the best shape of my adult life. But then two years and onwards later the weight crept back on, mostly due to stress eating from family and work pressures. I hit near 70kgs again and thought "hell no that is not happening again" so signed back up on NF and started counting my food again.


My biggest problem? Money is tight and space too. My only private space is the half metre running the length next to my bed. I cannot face working out where I will get the passive-aggressive 'help' from my mother. (Who we currently live with. Longish story, not my first choice). I'd like to be able to do the bodyweight exercises, but space is difficult. And you know what, I know it works but I really don't like running. I managed it before because I had the driver. The driver isn't the same and it's so hard starting over. :(


So yeah. Hi.

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Hi! :)


Welcome back.  You know something, I'm not convinced we need a "big why" to want to be healthier or like what we see in the mirror.  I started my weight loss journey back in 2012 and I've already passed my goal weight (with some "Oh no I've put it back on" moments along the way!) but I have no intentions of stopping just yet.  I still want to be healthier,  fitter, lose the last of the stubborn fat etc, but I don't have any kind of big, motivational reason.  I just want to.  


I already like what I see in the mirror so it's not that, I think I just want to lose the last of the weight because I can, because I've never been this slim before and I've never had the kind of body that I think I can actually achieve now.  So it's more a case of - why not?


The important thing is that you are in that magical place where you actually have the motivation to do this and let's face it, unless you're in that place mentally then you won't/can't lose weight no matter how hard you think you want to.  (That's why it's magical). So who cares "why" you have that motivation, you have it and that's all that really counts, huh? ;) 


As for exercise ideas, is there any kind of group activities in your area, like a mums walking group or something?  There are usually a few new (and not so new) mums looking to lose some baby weight, could there be something like that in your area.  I'm not assuming you're a recent mother but there will be women with older children that go along too (surely?) and it's somewhere to start looking.  Or just any kind of organised group, your local leisure centre might have some posters up, I know ours does.  


You didnt say where you are, though you use metric so either Canadian or European?  I'm just wondering what your weather is like and if exercising outdoors is an option?  Since you're interested in body weight exercises have you given parkour any thought?  That could be a really fun way of getting fitter. 


Is is any of that useful at all?  It's always difficult to suggest things as everyone's circumstances are so different but I hope you find something. :) 



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Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hey Kita, welcome (back) to NF! 


I also struggle with a big why, but like Guzzi says... as long as you're making progress, does it really matter why? I can come up with a thousand little reasons: to be able to do fun party tricks, to look more like my sister (whom I idolize), to get my mom off my back (I feel your struggle on living with parents!), for increased confidence while cosplaying, to actually be more functional... I think if I had to pick something, I would say "I want to get healthy for me; I want to get healthy so that when I look back on my life, I'm pleased with the way it went, at least as far as I had control over it." Is more than that necessary?


Regarding space issues, there are a number of smaller exercises you can do with little weights (or water bottles/milk jugs if you're cheap like me) that take hardly any space at all and can be done for the sake of at least "doing something" while you investigate changing your circumstances or finding something else that fits better. They're not compound exercises, but they're worthwhile. Things like curls, presses, or bent-over rows? Arm and shoulder strength may not be your top priority either, but it is a place where you can see fast gains, so that's nice too, especially if you're using it as a stop-gap measure. 

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Thanks for the welcome guys!

I appreciate all the thoughts on not needing a *big* why, it was really getting in the way for me.


I'm in Australia so working outside is doable, but the only time I really have to exercise is after dinner. (I'm also working full time, managing teen daughter etc otherwise.)


I think that is why I ended up running last time - no one to watch me (who know me anyway) and very cheap and I lived in a safe area so night running was ok. I'm not sure I'd want to hang around in parks after 8 though :/


I'd love to try yoga or something more like that. I did go to a gym for a while back at uni but the cost here is on the high side and we're saving money for some big family purchases. I'm working on it, seeing if we can squeeze more money out. I just wish yoga/gym classes weren't so expensive !


Anyway I really appreciate the responses :)



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Have you though of watching yoga videos online?  There are some really good YouTube channels that you can follow, though you may have to take your laptop outside to be sure of being free of your mother, lol! ;) 

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Yup, just go to the Battle Log section in the Rebellion Headquarters.  You can post a link to your thread in your sig too, for ease of finding it again, lol!

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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