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Time to Figure it Out

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I'm a  32 year old stay at home mom of 2 boys with a side baking business who has an anxiety disorder. I have never really been fit, and have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm ready to learn! My anxiety has stopped me from doing many things (like learning to drive, that's right, I can't drive). I've read so many times about exercise helping with anxiety, and I want to explore that and hopefully one day taper down my medication. I want to be able to explore with my boys and share getting to see things together. We are planning a road trip to New England next year, and I would love to be able to hike a little without feeling like I've climbed Everest. Sadly, every time I think about this trip, my anxiety rears it's ugly little head and tells me that I'm so unhealthy that I will have a heart attack on this trip (I go through this every time I try to travel). I would love to be able to conquer my anxiety, or at least fight it off a little. Time to work on a Battle Plan.

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Anxiety disorder, right here. Following along if only to give silent cheering even. It can be debilitating and truly ruin what should be fun, time to kick its ass. I also try to use meditation specifically for anxiety and stress as well, so far it's actually been helpful. Hopefully this start can help pull you out of that dark mist! And I'll sit close by, cause for some reason it kind of helps to know you're not alone.

Level 2 Lycan Assassin

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Hey, welcome to the site! I'm new here, too. I don't have any experience with Anxiety Disorder, but @Fenyx gave great advice there!


I do have experience with losing a bit of weight and getting into shape, though! Essentially, if you do a bit of reading around on these forums and through some articles on the main site, you'll come across the mantra "You can't outrun your spoon". That's very true. You cannot lose weight and get into better shape if you don't moderate your food intake somehow. A lot of us prefer to do that by counting calories, and apps like MyFitnessPal are a great help with that! They have barcode scanners and extensive databases that allow you to quickly record anything you're eating, as well as estimates for your the macros you should be eating - things like carbohydrates, protein, etc. 


Do a bit more reading, but remember as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Do some research on TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and try to find yours!


Feel free to message me if anything I said was unclear or you want a bit more info! And good luck on your journey, you've already taken the first step :)


Ninja Edit: Nearly forgot! If you are looking to start an exercise routine, just try to do as much as you can from the NF Beginner Body-weight regimen! It's a great starting point and can be done from home, too. https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

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Hey!  Welcome to the forum.


That's some good info above from @Isaac Clark, I'd always recommend people find out how many calories their body actually needs (your TDEE) rather than using the "2,00Kcal for men - 1,500Kcal for women" thingy.  Chances are that you don't fit into that neat little cubbyhole.  Tracking apps like My Fitness Pal or My Plate are good for really finding out how much calories are in your food (you will be surprised at some of them) and help you really take control of your weight loss, however, I'd add one little word of caution...  


If you are the kind of person who would become obsessive with it or start trying to eat fewer and fewer calories (*raises hand*) then stay away from counting calories/tracking your food.  When I was trying to lose weight the first time round my focus was solely on losing weight and as a result I went down a very unhealthy mental rabbit hole.  It sounds like your goals are quite different though, but I just always like to throw in that word of caution, it could be the thing that helps stop someone else from doing the same thing as me. :) 


In saying all that, you never actually said that you were overweight, just that you had never really been fit...  With that in mind I'll share a good bit of advice that I've heard a few times - anything is better than nothing.  It doesn't really matter that you don't know what you're doing right now, just do something.  You can figure out what  you like, what works for you, what other people recommend etc as you go, but as long as you are doing something to improve your fitness then you are on the road to achieving your goal.  It could be that you want to use fitness DVDs in your own home, go walking with a friend (for support), do bodyweight exercises, hire a personal trainer, do yoga, lift weights - they are all valid choices.  It all comes down to what works for you, and you can change your mind and try something else any time you want, there really is no right or wrong way to get fit.  


I really admire you for wanting to improve your fitness and health, and give your boys "adventures" when you have such a difficult condition that's trying to hold you back.  As far as the forum is concerned, it's a big place and can be kinda intimidating, have you found your way around alright?  If you want any more information about the Guilds, Creating Your Own Character, the 4 Week Challenges* or anything else then feel free to ask, I remember finding it all a bit overwhelming when I first arrived, lol!


*That article is an old one from when the challenges were six weeks long but I like the way it explains the concept.  You can find information about how to create your own challenge, when the next one starts, suggested goals for if you are stick and even a video walk through of it all here.


If you have any questions or need any help then don't be afraid to ask.  Good luck and I hope to see you around.



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Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hi @Guzzi! I am really bad about trying to "beat" my calories, so instead for now I want to just clean up my diet and move more. I will drive myself crazy overthinking every bite I take. Plus, I'm a baker, so I'm always sampling a muffin here or a cookie there (now I try to limit it to one mini muffin or half of a cookie). I'm trying to change up some of my recipes so they have less sugar. I love sugar. Sugar and carbs are my weaknesses. If I'm feeling down, I crave carbs.


I'm only 5'1 and in the last year my weight has fluctuated from 140 to 120, typically hanging out in the 130s. I'm short, so any extra weight is very noticeable, but I don't care so much about my weight. I want to focus on how I look and feel. I want to one day do a pull up and have my heels touch the ground when I do downward dog. I want to kick the soccer ball around with my boys at the park instead of just watching. My joints hurt by the time I go to bed, probably due to the amount of time I spend sitting.


I know I have to start slow, and that changes won't happen over night, as much as I wish they would. I just need to prioritize movement over Netflix for now.

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14 minutes ago, fyrpixi said:

Hi @Guzzi! I am really bad about trying to "beat" my calories, so instead for now I want to just clean up my diet and move more. I will drive myself crazy overthinking every bite I take. Plus, I'm a baker, so I'm always sampling a muffin here or a cookie there (now I try to limit it to one mini muffin or half of a cookie).


Good thinking, that's what I found worked for me and finally changed my mentality.  I can calorie count now without worrying about getting obsessed about it but right now I just can't be bothered with it.  I've been there, done it and I know roughly how many calories I'm eating without tracking now.  Seriously, I hang my head in shame when I think back to how I was when I was trying to lose weight for my wedding **shudders**


Something I found was that cutting (sliced) bread out of my diet made me eat far, far better.  Instrad of just relying on sandwiches or toast I had to think about what I ate, and actually ate vegetables with my lunch, and even breakfast!  You might be able to identify something that that has the same effect for you...?  



I'm only 5'1 and in the last year my weight has fluctuated from 140 to 120, typically hanging out in the 130s. I'm short, so any extra weight is very noticeable, but I don't care so much about my weight. I want to focus on how I look and feel. I want to one day do a pull up and have my heels touch the ground when I do downward dog. I want to kick the soccer ball around with my boys at the park instead of just watching. My joints hurt by the time I go to bed, probably due to the amount of time I spend sitting.


I know I have to start slow, and that changes won't happen over night, as much as I wish they would. I just need to prioritize movement over Netflix for now.


Great attitude!  Have you ever heard of "nutritious movement"?  It's the concept that we should encorporate movement into every aspect of our lives, not just think that movement = exercise.  It might be something that you might find interesting. :) 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I hadn't heard of it, but I've been reading about it since you mentioned it and it's exactly what I want to do. I think my husband may try to get on board with eating healthier. Which will be awesome because I can not but something and be ok, but if it's in the house, I will eat all of the sweets and chips in one sitting. Hopefully getting nutrition figured out a bit will get us to both lose some weight and feel better. 

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Oh I know the feeling!  Willpower is great as long as it's not constantly being tested.  It's easy to resist buying things when you're doing the shopping but if they're actually right there, calling to you every time you open the cupboard... :hopelessness:  


Don't worry though, it does get easier with time and eventually creates a "snowball effect" where good choices build on each other and it gets to the point where those foods don't even tempt you any more.  Personally I can resist most things, except for my mother-in-law's pancakes.  Then I just stuff my face! :D 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hi! I just wanted to mention that I've suffered with anxiety myself (and see it in my son sometimes which is scary). I have found that during those times in my life when I am taking care of myself better (no processed foods, at least some exercise) I have less anxiety. When I feel better physically I tend to feel better mentally and emotionally. Good luck on your quest and I hope it does wonders for your anxiety!

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