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Things you wish women would stop doing to themselves

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Men like butts. A lot. Like a lot, a lot, a lot. A nice butt is not created by getting skinny alone. Squatting, deadlifting, and other assorted leg strength exercises make a nice butt. You'd think that women would focus on their butts like men do on their abs, but they don't. Again, this is a place where NF women are way ahead of the curve. While opinions on Crossfit vary widely usually strongly pro or con, the one thing universally agreed apon (at least by men) is that Crossfit produces fabulous rear ends on their females. Yoga tends to have this repuation as well. Pretty much all forms of cardio are lacking in this repuation.

This is a cultural thing, I think. For example, here in Brazil the focus is much more on butts than boobs. Women tend to wear tighter skirts, shorter skirts, and of course, the warmer weather helps.

I'm liking the guys' answers, and it's good to know that though you do notice nice underwear, you don't know the difference between the decadent French lace and the cheap stuff. Much better for our budgets. :)

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Lol I couldn't care less if your socks didn't match, you wore granny panties and had a crazy rave 'do. What I do care about is whether you're approachable, judgmental, care about yourself, good manners. Generally if you show me love, I'll show it back. The less scared of me you are the less scared I'll be of you.

What I really don't care about is what brand you're wearing, your fingernails, your toenails.. any large amount of makeup, how tanned your skin is.. I also really dislike strong perfume.. ugh.. can be suffocating.

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Asking for an emotional response to a logical problem.

Can't remember the movie, but as an example; girl wants guy to WANT to do the dishes. As a guy, I will never ever EVER desire to do dishes. Nor any other chores. I will do what needs to be done, but don't dare try telling me I have to enjoy it.

Something with Jennifer Aniston.... The Breakup? To be honest, I never WANT to do the dishes either. But I know they need to be done. I don't want to take out the trash. I love cooking, but I hate that after work, the only way I'm going to eat is if I cook dinner - I HAVE to cook. I dislike cleaning. But I do all these things. Not because I want to, but because they're necessary. And I think that's what we women really want from men, is that maybe they'd be a bit more perceptive and do the things that need doing without us having to ask them to do it. We try to be understanding if you're busy (heck, I don't even do the dishes every day). I know that's not how you roll and we probably aren't as perceptive about certain things that concern you, but that's my rant for today :P

I agree with you guys on a lot of things:

- girls with butts/hips are sexy. As a woman, I find that to be the most attractive female form. Do I have a butt/hips? Not really, I got the boobies, but I'm not complaining. Just gotta work with what you've got ;)

- excessive make up is not so attractive, but if a dab of powder to cover up oily skin and dash of mascara to bring out my eyes is too much, I'm definitely not your girl (I put on more than that for special occasions, but never takes me more than 5 minutes... that's just too much). And I'm just gonna try to make a small point here, if you think make up is completely vain, I'd like all of you to stop trimming your facial hair/shaving before you jab your fingers at us too hard (but please don't... I like clean shaven).

- I will defend lipstick to a point. Yes, I know it's not ideal for kissing (and if I'm planning on kissing anyone, I'm going chapstick for sure!), but sometimes it just makes us feel good! I love the classic red lipstick... sometimes I just like to feel like a classic beauty and that does it for me.

- long, fake nails... ew. Slightly longer nails than usual do make me feel feminine (and yes, we love trailing our nails over your skin with them too), but as soon as they start catching dirt, they're gone!

- I like wearing heels once in a while too... if it makes us feel sexy, we'll be more confident (and you guys like that, right?). There are some benefits... but I only wear heels about once a month... and not super high ones, those are just ridiculous.

Okay, sorry for the long post, but just a couple more things. Did you ever think that maybe we "dress for our girl friends" because they're the ones that have been there to tell us if we look good or bad for our whole lives? Sure, maybe after you've dated a girl for a while or been married to her, you're cool with telling her what you like, but before that? Guys don't really give us a lot to go on. Especially in our early years (middle school/high school) when we're trying to find ourselves and our style.

Also, I agree that girls should stop being afraid of dresses. Nobody thinks any worse of you for wearing a dress. And why do you have to feel like dresses are too fancy? I love wearing dresses and skirts... to the point that sometimes it gets ridiculous...


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Actually emotional reasoning in general drives me insane. I prefer to think with logic, I get called cold because of it.. confuses the hell out of me... it's so inefficient to get riled up over everything.

Edit: Dresses are amazing, I wish all women would wear them.. exclusively. Long hair + dress is a great look.

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Authenticity and honesty, ladies. Everything else runs a far second. Take care of yourself, be comfortable with who you are, be honest with your partner and yourself. Live authentically.



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Guest Snake McClain
Really? After we started that thread about what women love about men partially because of a comment YOU made?!?!

For shame!!

It was totaly a joke. lol.

...what are you talking about though?

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Hai! Or... something a little more sheer... maybe with lace at the top.

Haha, I 'think' that still counts on some level, since most people include knee-high boots in that cattegory.

But, for the focus of the thread:

Over-tanning... I don't mind that women tan or whatnot, and some women look better with more color, but I fear for those who visit the tanning beds too often or tan outside without lotion too often. Besides the 'baked till fracture' look some women can get, there's also medical fears as well.

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Guest Snake McClain

Women who smile = awesome.

I hate walking around in public and seeing a bunch of unhappy grumpy women. they are probably grumpy because the majority of dudes out there are douchers but still. smile. we like it.

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Women who smile = awesome.

I hate walking around in public and seeing a bunch of unhappy grumpy women. they are probably grumpy because the majority of dudes out there are douchers but still. smile. we like it.

This is so true. I've been so happy recently that I've just been smiling in general, but I've started smiling back at people I see on the train in the mornings on the way to work and some/most of them look like I've just made their day. It's crazy to think a little thing like a smile can have that effect on a stranger.

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