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Oh man, first post in a new forum never gets any less scary, does it? I used to do a decent amount of working out and exercising (running, yoga) and then in the last few years a bunch of things happened - my mother got sick and passed away very suddenly, I decided nothing really mattered, I threw my back out repeatedly... It's been a dark time.


Anyway a couple of months ago, after feeling helpless and overwhelmed for a long time, I decided I'd make just one tiny change -- I would give up one type of candy I'd been eating way too much of. Then I got rid of another, and then another, and now it's been a couple of months and I've been able to kick the daily candy habit all together, instead of eating a whole bag after work every day. (Yeah, it got BAD for a while.) Making that one little change and then having it stick made me feel like maybe, finally, I could start changing some other stuff about how I eat, and start working out again. I've been a vegetarian since middle school -- maybe it's time to try cooking a meal or two a week instead of eating chips and salsa for dinner? I'm aiming for five minutes of bodyweight exercise a day, because five minutes is more than no minutes, right? I know health issues run in my family, I know I need to get fit to take care of my back, and I know I need to start small with exercise to get back into the habit of doing it and making it part of my life. Trying not to focus on weight loss (daily/weekly weigh-ins make me anxious and if I don't lose weight I think "Well, never mind; I'll go eat a donut.") and instead on being less tired and more active and healthy forever.


Whoops, that got long. I am very into the idea of finding exercise that isn't just going to the gym and being bored on a treadmill, and making small, sustainable changes. I thought posting might help me keep myself accountable. Hi!

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I love the idea of making small changes to create a lasting lifestyle that is more healthy. 


As for boring treadmill walks, I like podcasts. They work way better than music for me, because they keep my mind active. I have some for comedy, some for news, and some for educational purposes. A good mix to keep my mind busy while I'm doing boring tasks like treadmill, work, or laundry. 


Hope that tip helps!

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On 22/6/2017 at 1:03 AM, HarrietRose said:

I am very into the idea of finding exercise that isn't just going to the gym and being bored on a treadmill

Hi, HarrietRose!


Sorry to hear about your mom passing away. When death comes close to us it make us reconsider so many things about life...


Exercise doesn't need to be boring. I'm sure you can find plenty of activities that you will enjoy, it just takes time to try some different things. Here at NF you will find people doing all types of sports/exercise, I am sure many of them will inspire you.


Good luck on your new stage!

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My condolences even though we don't know each other. I lost a very close relative too. I do yoga too. It has helped me emotionally (along with meditation). Now that i'm better emotionalIy i'm looking to do something with higher intensity  (Bodyweight, cardio, martial arts)


Good to greet a fellow newcomer at this forum. 






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