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Been lurking on the site for a few weeks so I thought I would join. Every time I google for some workout information this site was always in the top results so I thought I should follow it more closely.

Some info on me, definitely a Nerd and just really got into fitness the last 9 months or so. Been messing around with computers in some form or another since I was a Junior in High School back in 1986. I then joined the Navy and went into their Data Processing program, today I am in the Cyber Security field and work for the Federal Govt.

Health wise I have made some big changes in the last 9 months. I was always active as a teen and into my twenties with basketball, volleyball, softball, football, or just about anything i could do but as I got older my knees stared to bother me. Soon I was popping more painkillers than it was worth. Fast forward to 2008 and I hit the 300lbs mark, now at 6'6" I carried it well but I was not happy so I started lifting but had no real plan. I dropped 20 pounds and thought I'd try running even though I hated running. 3 weeks later I suffered a ACL tear and micro-fracture in my tibia while on the treadmill. 6 months of rehab and healing followed by surgery and 3 more months of rehab led me to say I was done.

Then in January of 2011 we decided to change our lifestyle, simplify things, focus on our health and happiness instead of trying for the next promotion or working 60 hours a week. By July we had done that, moved to a smaller place a block from the gym, hired a personal trainer to guide us through the next 6 months, and committed to that 6 months. We told the trainer we were in his for the long term and wanted to come out healthier and stronger. There were no weigh goals discussed as we didn't want that hanging over us.

The trainer started me on routine that included Squats, deadlifts, bench press, military presses, and some other basic lifts plus a lot of stretching and core work. I lost a little weight over 4 months but the inches were dropping. I started in July at 340lbs by November I was at 325 but I was so much stronger, I hit 455 in my DL and 275 in my BP. Squats were giving me issues due to my knee but I kept working at them. I decided I wanted to run a 5K so the trainer started to teach me to run and gave my a routine to strengthen my leg muscle. About that time I started to watch what I ate a little more closely. New Years Eve I finished my first 5K in 32:05 and I weighted in at 299 that day.

The New Year brought a challenge from my wife to join a boot camp program she started back in the fall and participate in their 10 week biggest loser program. I won that by losing 31.5 pound in 10 weeks. I have put some of that back on, from Nov to mid-March I had lost almost 55lbs and some of my strength. My DL was down to 385 and BP was at 240 but I have got that back up to 415 and 255 since. In February my trainer added in Cleans, Bent-over Rows, and Pullups to my routine which I enjoy.

I am now training for 2 mini-triathlons (swimming is killing me) this summer while trying to work on my strength. I still struggle with Squats and don't feel comfortable doing them more than once a week since I run 2 times a week. Anything more than that and my knees are not happy. I work on my form with low weights with some of the trainers and everything looks good, they think it is partly in my head but I feel it the next day in my knees. I have dropped my run distances back to under 2 miles to focus on form and stride to see if maybe I developed some bad habits.

Just realized I wrote a few chapters...sorry about that! I look forward to learning more and maybe one day when I know more sharing some information

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Welcome! What an amazing journey you have had...and amazing progress! Kudos to you for taking your health into your own hands and changing your habits.

Do you have any specific goals besides your triathlons, or are you just focusing on those right now?

Do you know Dan Lohrmann?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Don't know Dan, or at least I can't put a name to a face.

The mini-triathlons just came as a way to push myself. I took a spin class and was addicted so I thought why not try cycling. One of my friends made a joke that I would try a triathlon next so I said why not!

Goals - I want lose another 20-30 lbs and am struggling with if I should do it now and then build my strength back up or try to lose it slowly and keep the strength as close to what it is. I'd like to hit 500lbs on my DL and 300 on my BP along with getting to my body weight for a squat. More importantly I want to not mess up my knee so I can stay active.

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