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January 2021. 

-Balance: Mind (Life Wisdom, Chinese), Body (Fitness), Spirit (Guitar). I think right now my mind is too prevalent and the side effects of burnout, fatigue, anxiety, depression result from not balancing my body and spirit enough


Ideas for the Month:

-Finish up A Year to Get Rich - DailyOM course

-Read r/personalfinance and r/financialindependence and come up with instructions for future

-Get to $0 Credit Card Debt!!

-Read She Comes First, The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra

-Improve on 10 pullups, 40 pushups, 16.1 handstands, 3 miles @5.9 mph

-Learn and perform "The New Year Party" and "So Beautiful"  (maybe "Brother")

-Finish Unit 12 Rosetta Stone, start Medical chinese lectures/packets

-Watch Chinese Movies/TV Series

-Sleepio Course



WEEK 1: 1/1-1/7

-Finished DailyOM: A Year to Get Rich with Purpose, Read more She Comes First, The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra, Played Undertale

-3 miles @6.0 mph, 30 pullups in 6 sets, 16.2 HS, 100 pushups in 23:25

-An hour of working on singing+chord changes+strumming

-Watched Triad Princess, A Boy Named Flora A, Crash Landing onto You, Pitch Perfect

WEEK 2: 1/8-1/14

-New plants! FIddle Leaf Fig and Peace Lily. Sleepio 2. Watched Ponyo


WEEK 3: 1/15-1/21
-Paid off credit card debt! Finally!! 

-Just Dance workout, pullups, running 1 mile @7.0 mph

-Played some songs for K, tried mandolin


WEEK 4: 1/22-1/31
-Covid shot, Sleepio 3/4

-Gamestop and stock, maxed 2020 ira, financial analysis

-Cardio, 100 pushups in 22:13,  KB x75, Pullups

-Played songs a little

-Finished episode 6 of A Boy Named Flora A, Medical Chinese 1




Level 67. Adventure Knight. 

str 129.3 dex 120.3 sta 130.7 con 131.2 wis 148.5 cha 137.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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February 2021. 

-Merge the two worlds!


Ideas for the Month:

-Finish wellbeing rewards, take character strength survey, 16personalities

-Read r/personalfinance and r/financialindependence and r/budgeting, come up with instructions for future

-do taxes

-Read She Comes First, The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra

-Improve on 9 pullups, 40 pushups, 16.2 handstands (16.3), 3 miles @6.0 mph (6.4!)

-Learn and perform "The New Year Party" and "So Beautiful"  (maybe "Brother")

-Finish Unit 12 Rosetta Stone, Medical Chinese lecture series and packets

-Watch Chinese Movies/TV Series

-Finish Sleepio Course



WEEK 1: 2/1-2/7

-Sold old iphone, mfa tix, finished, character strengths survey, watched Lady Bird

- wellbeing rewards, thought about new budgeting app since clarity is shutting down,  personalcapital app

-7 pullups, 35 pushups, 3 miles @6.1 mph, HS 16.2 practice

-Daily playthroughs! thought about DAWS ableton all the way! 

-Chinese Medical Lecture 2, Lecture 3, through Rosetta 14.4.5

WEEK 2: 2/8-2/14

-Valentines plans etc, covid shot 2, health screening

-Money flow chart, exploring dividends etfs etc

-3 miles x 6.2, 8 PL, 16.2, PSH 40

-Daily playthroughs

-Chniese Medical Lectures 4/5, Medical Chinese PDF Page 5, hsk, ap chinese?


WEEK 3: 2/15-2/21
-Watched more Aggretsuko, Museum of Fine Arts trip, Played Into The Breach, last live CE. Lavender Pebbles plant, Bling Empire

-3 miles x 6.3mph, 8 pullups

-Daily Playthrus

-HSK tests, found out im HSK 2 for reading/writing


WEEK 4: 2/22-2/28

-Spring Shabu, Organized music playlists a bit, v-tech valve car fix, watched Loveo2o

-FIRE discord, questions

-40 pushups, 16.2 Handsstands 8 pullups, 3 miles x 6.4 mph


-Bought HSKOnline app membership for more vocab, Finished Unit 12 Rosetta Stone. through HSK 3.1.6




Level 68. Adventure Knight. 

str 131.3 dex 122.3 sta 132.7 con 133.2 wis 150.5 cha 139.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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March 2021. 

-Less than 60 Days til you reach the top of the mountain and manifest your vision!

-Balance: Mind (Life Wisdom, Chinese), Body (Fitness), Spirit (Guitar)

-Sleep is your keystone habit! It supports every other habit and practice, I will start tracking it on my calendar


Ideas for the Month:

-Do Taxes, financial understanding and plans

-Read Building Wealth And Being Happy: A Practical Guide to Financial Independence

-Read She Comes First, The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra

-Improve on 8 pullups, 40 pushups, 16.3 handstands, 3 miles x 6.4 mph  (11 pullups, 56 pushups, 3 miles x 7.0 mph, handstand)

-Learn and perform "Aggretsuko Theme" and "My Curse" and write Tab for all the songs you know

-Work on HSKOnline course, achieve HSK 3

-Medical Chinese pdf, watch Chinese Movies/TV Series



WEEK 1: 3/1-3/7

-Car inspection, renewed registraton and permit, costco membership

-financial review

-LIFTs, 155 bench, 225 deadlift, 185 squat? , 17.1 Handstands

-started annotating "So Beautiful"

-through HSK 3.2.3, watched shanghaisharelife/heart signals 2

WEEK 2: 3/8-3/14

-Haircut! Eye appointment! Bought new plant, False Aralia

-mroe thoughts about fire and stock theory, book/blog recs

-6.5 mph x 2 miles, HS 17.1, Pushups, Pullups

-some guitar work and annotations, realized when i do guitar i am truly alive, for good or bad

-through HSK 3.3.1


WEEK 3: 3/15-3/21

-checked out eye glasses @lenscrafters and @warbyparker, still need to decide, ate Ruth's Chris, finished Pokemon Xenoverse, read more She Comes First

-fire worksheet makeover and expenses and savings etc

-HS 17.1, 10 pullups, 30 pushups in a row

-finished annotating "So Beautiful"

-through HSK 3.3.7, kinda watched Classmates: Minus


WEEK 4: 3/22-3/31

-Organized icloud backup, photos, drives, passwordmanage. Monet exhibit!

-Account protection, options and strangewhales lmao

-HS 17.2, 10 Pullups, 35 straight pushups, 3 miles x 6.5 mph (27:48)

-"New Year Party" 1-3,  peformed "NYP" and "So Beautiful"

-through HSK 3.4




Level 69. Adventure Knight. 

str 133.3 dex 124.3 sta 134.7 con 135.2 wis 152.5 cha 141.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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April 2021. 

-My birth month! 27 more dayss ahhh

-Im happy i am getting more sleep and sticking to my sleep strategies, I actually can get sleepy and in the mood for bed by 10 pm lolll. 

-Art, and guitar, is a form of self-care!!

-Holy fck vacation starting 4/22! (or 23rd)


Ideas for the Month:

-Do Taxes, financial understanding and plans

-Read Building Wealth And Being Happy: A Practical Guide to Financial Independence

-Read She Comes First, The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra

-Improve on 10 pullups, 40 pushups, 17.2 handstands, 3 miles x 6.5 mph  (11 pullups, 56 pushups, 3 miles x 7.0 mph, handstand)

-Learn and perform "Aggretsuko Theme" and "Beat it (Sungha)" and "Rocketeer (Cover)"

-Work on HSKOnline course, achieve HSK 3

-Medical Chinese pdf, watch Chinese Movies/TV Series



WEEK 1: 4/1-4/7

-started watching "It's OK to not be OK", thought about bday wishlists

-Started reading Building Wealth and Being Happy, money podcasts

-Back injury, gonna take it slow and stretch

-Worked on annotating "Rocketeer"

-Through HSK 3.5.5

WEEK 2: 4/8-4/14

-Cooked pizza from DIY kit! listened to more podcasts

-Podcasts ChooseFI


-Listened to guitar podcasts, maybe start learning guitar with no goal or pressure and out of interest?

-Downloaded HSK client, paid fee


WEEK 3: 4/15-4/21

-Choose FI, grocery budget and unit cost, partnerships, debt etc

-HSK practice test, finished HSK 3 catalogue, still need to review and do vocab exercises, and test next sat the 24th!


WEEK 4: 4/22-4/31

-too much diablo! atleast i got my taxes done

-ChooseFI podcasts on savings rate, etc. calculated my savings rate and bought first crypto and opened up taxable brokerage

-Worked out with Khanh and Fairy Cafe




Level 70. Adventure Knight. 

str 135.3 dex 126.3 sta 136.7 con 137.2 wis 154.5 cha 143.1 


"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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May 2021. 


-Im happy i am getting more sleep and sticking to my sleep strategies, I actually can get sleepy and in the mood for bed by 10 pm lolll. 

-Art, and guitar, is a form of self-care!!

-Still need to write out my goals for the next one, the next thing, gotta finish this current thing first


Ideas for the Month:

-Make Plan for the year! so far


-Have a lot of fun experiences with girl and friends, traveling and events, and new things

-Completely finish and have a folder for my financial plan for financial independence moving forward, including all possibilities and when I can stop being full-time

-Start rock climbing! maybe muay thai by end of the year

-Learn 1-2 songs a month and perform them ever 1-2 months, annotate more of your library!

-Pass HSK 4 test, and beyond!




WEEK 1: 5/1-5/7

-Cape Cod trip with Kelly's fam! Lighthouses!!

-Crypto! Diversify a bit i guess

WEEK 2: 5/8-5/14

-Massage! Should get these every month or two


WEEK 3: 5/15-5/21

-Change in parents plan, sudent loan refinancing, 401k changes. 

-HSK 3 Passed! 

-Went rock climbing three times, once with Paul

-Nathan's 2nd bday w/lex friends

-Sojuba w/ Kelly/Lindsey

-watched Demon Slayer


WEEK 4: 5/22-5/31

-More rock climbing

-student loan refinanced at 3.35%!

-grocery store comparisons new property manager




Level 71. Adventure Knight. 

str 137.3 dex 128.3 sta 138.7 con 139.2 wis 156.5 cha 145.1 


"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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June 2021. 

Well, I did always save money so I'd be better off, but I never maxed my 401k or controlled my expenses so I still have atleast 5-10 working years before financial independence. Oh wells, I'm still in a pretty good position but could have been better but that's okay I guess, I had good experiences and did as much as I could with what I knew and what I prioritized. I guess 5 years is not THAAAT bad. I think I could do 4 years by my 35th bday and then move to parttime! 

-Lots of big events coming in the next 2 months: finding a new place to live, and finding a new property manager. Then installing a submeter for the year after. 


Ideas for the Month/Year:

-Have a lot of fun experiences with girl and friends, traveling and events, and new things

-Read "Building Wealth and Being Happy" 10-15 min a day

-Think about new property management/new apartment starting end of the month

-Master YNAB budget, Todoist automation, New Retirement tool

-Clean up ChooseFI podcasts and lessons, move to Stitcher Podcasts

-More rock climbing, intro to belay on 6/14 and register for more classes

-Learn 1-2 songs a month and perform them ever 1-2 months, annotate more of your library!

-HSK 4 learning




-More Todoist automation

-major YNAB video watching, learning about budget philosophy

-watched Elf, Jujutsu Kaisen, Austin Powers: Goldmember, Clueless, Crazy, Stupid, Love

-Intro to Belay Class

-Rock climbing

-YNAB budget building

-Started listening to Bigger Pockets podcast

-First tax loss harvest ($3k)

-Played Pokemon Reborn

-Vid Games/Mark's moving meetup

-started auto weekly investing into vtsax, monthly crypto, and extra payments to mortgage

-signed up for airlines rewards, social security information, newretiement account

-further refined budget, fire sheet, ynab, fire plan and outlook, mortgage vs. investing

-talked to new prop management companies, and set up new apts for sept




Level 72. Adventure Knight. 

str 139.3 dex 130.3 sta 140.7 con 141.2 wis 158.5 cha 147.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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July 2021. 

Late start! Just been really busy and lots of really big and stressful things hanging around. Finally got rid of my lame management company! Working on locking up a replacement, saving money on new policies, and looking for an apartment for 2 months from now! Can't wait to be saving that money! Do one thing that actually matters everyday. Do one thing that actually matters for each thing that matters to you, everyday. I'm looking at you, written goals. 


Ideas for the Month/Year:

-Have a lot of fun experiences with girl and friends, traveling and events, and new things

-Think about new property management/new apartment starting end of the month

-Master YNAB budget, Todoist automation, New Retirement tool

-Clean up ChooseFI podcasts and lessons, move to Stitcher Podcasts

-More rock climbing, intro to belay on 6/14 and register for more classes

-Learn 1-2 songs a month and perform them ever 1-2 months, annotate more of your library!

-HSK 4 learning

-Watched Talladega Nights, Castlevania season 4




-Shopped around for home, auto, and umbrella insurance

-Rock Climbing Class 1: Holds

-Property Management lessons and work on that

-Looked into apartments

-Listened to a lot of ChooseFI podcasts (Through episode 26).

-Switched to Progressive Auto Insurance and saved $450 a year!

-Increased home insurances, looked into umbrella policy, will up renters policy when I find out where I will live

-Rock Climbing class 2, and climbed my first v3! also did a 5.8 toprope

-First time manual car washing! to clean up the vomit on my car lol

-Medminder Party

-Thai/Shirley baby shower

-Insik Minado's and poker night!

-Jammed with Enoch and played Pokemon Unite

-Signed lease for new allston apt! super cheap and lines up with uhaul for next month!

-Applied for business rewards card, global entry, real ID, escrow waiver

-mold at the rental? water damage and basement problems? ugh!

-trip to indiana, wedding, and lakehouse and idyllic dinner

-signed management agreement, new lease for new apt




Level 73. Adventure Knight. 

str 141.3 dex 132.3 sta 142.7 con 143.2 wis 160.5 cha 149.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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August 2021. 

Do one that actually matters for each of your goals, every day! I did my financial review and resetting of goals, how invigorating. I can't wait, at the end of the month i will finally have the big shit locked down and can have a little more free time to do other stuff so its not all about money and important stuff all the time haha.


Ideas for the Month/Year:

-Celebrate Kelly's graduation

-Bort berg games/escape room? Date night? Movie Theatre? Wrentham games?

-Hire movers, or handle transition between mgmt companies and new apartment, pack and move! Call cable, renters, umbrella, new cards and ids and appts and everything

-More climbing classes, and atleast 10 visits to the climbing gym

-finish the first unit of HSK 4?

-perform at the end of the month, learn some songs and grow confidence. 

-catch up on organizing podcasts, reflect on lessons learned. 




-Prepared for move, cancelled xfinity, worked on registration/parking permit for new place, and new travel rewards credit card. FUCKIN moved!!! whew! so big. 

-Climbing Class 3! Movement and efficiency . 4 - injury prevention, though it was pretty useless. also more climbing, 400+ moves a session. 6 sessions this month, try to get atleast 9 or 10 for september!! maybe outdoor climbign by next summer. 

-Cooking Lamb rack with Khanh

-YNAB budget overhaul and mastery! Set my goals to have 60-90 days age of money so at the beginning of the month i can pay and budget all expenses for the month and invest whatever is extra. (60 days ahead)

-watched first harry potter movie at Fenway, then second!

-Got umbrella, updated renters insurance and applied for passport and updated drivers license and parking permit. 

-ChooseFI podcasts through episode 45R!




Level 74. Adventure Knight. 

str 143.3 dex 134.3 sta 144.7 con 145.2 wis 162.5 cha 151.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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September 2021. 

Being extroverted and spending all your time with people and not rushing and learning things that way? In comparison to my old self and rushing, why not spend more time and feel comfortable and content taking it slow and just spending time doing things without worrying about all the things that you have to do?


Ideas for the Month/Year:

-Finish cleaning out and organizing room, buy map of area and places to check out!

-Bort berg games/escape room? Date night? Movie Theatre? Wrentham games?

-Handle transition to new property mgmt company and moving forward, basement issues

-Atleast 10 visits to the climbing gym

-Finish the first unit of HSK 4?

-Set up guitar living space focus and play more! feel relaxed in just spending a lot of your time with guitar doing whatever!



-apartment organizing moving and and minimizing

-Visited the public library and thought about starting a ritual

1) Through Episode 64 on ChooseFI

-New management company walkthrough, started "Book on Managing Rental Properties" and "How your house works"

2) Made fried salmon green onion bites. Japanese Pub Night cooking class! Karage chicken, and fried tofu skins 

-BBQ with Khanh, Chung Shin Yuan too taiwanese brunch

-dinner with Kel's parents and meeting contractors at the property

-watched "Attack on Titan" Season 1, Harry Potter 2 and 3

3) 6 visits to the climbing gym so far, started watching youtube vids and competitions

4) Started "Guitar for Beginners" Berklee Online class on Coursera. Through 1.3.1





Level 75. Adventure Knight. 

str 145.3 dex 136.3 sta 146.7 con 147.2 wis 164.5 cha 153.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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October 2021. 

-The library routine is great! Love my library. Get 1% better everyday, in all the areas you have a vision in. For ideas for the month, have not only the big goal on 4/28 but mini monthly check-ins and goals to be at the end of the month. I mean I guess no stress or deadlines, and I should be satisfied no matter where I am as long as I'm working on it most days, and do my routines everyday even on work days? Maybe it will just be a section for extra things besides my daily journey of learning and growth...


Ideas for the Month:

-Finish all my to-do's on Todoist during my "vacation"!!



1) ChooseFI: Episode 79, Expensive french drain repairs

2) Board game cafe with steve, "Squid Games" with Shorts, Bulgogi w/ Ellen etc, Children of Morta with Enoch, Spirited Away at AMC, apple picking. Watched "Sexy Beasts" and "Karate Kid," board game cafe with E/S/J, Hot pot and dim sum. Bow Market, Sowa Market, Miyavi concert!

3) CRG Visits: 4

-Organized iphone storage and backups, onedrive, updated my pc and folders/onedrive, oil change/tire rotation/brakes. Haircut, dusted room and hung up posters. Set up dash cam, soundproof door/new doorknob, minimized. Worked through google photos (7000+)




Level 76. Adventure Knight. 

str 147.3 dex 138.3 sta 148.7 con 149.2 wis 166.5 cha 155.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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November 2021. 

-Well, you need money in this world or else I would live a different kind of life. Maybe once I reach financial independence I can live like that... with my passions and music full time.. But for now, work and money and honestly its not that bad, for now. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Finish all my to-do's on Todoist, so I can concentrate on passion goals and vision for next 5-6 months



1) ChooseFI: Episode 83, Tenant Lease Modification, FI Podcast Eps about Kids, read "I Will Teach You to be Rich 10th anniversary edition," wide range of podcasts like "Fix It" "Money Pit" "Mad Fientist," "Alexander Technique," Fire Drill" "Landlord School" and Interview

2) Hanging with Enoch, "Children of Morta," Stephen's Baby Shower. Watched "Addam's Family Values," and "Upcoming Summer" "Dune" and Thanksgiving Dinner at Gyukaku, Black Friday Shopping, Boston Symphony Orchestra and Global Entry Interview

3) CRG Visits: 4, (1 CRG "Yoga" class)

-Sorted Google photo history from 7000+ to 4000+ photos, and bimonthly photo organizing and memories. organized websites! Finished organizing  and updating music playlists! worked on other to dos and cleaning up crypto

-Poor finny

-MASSIVE black friday shopping spree




Level 77. Adventure Knight. 

str 149.3 dex 140.3 sta 150.7 con 151.2 wis 168.5 cha 157.1 

  • Like 2

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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December 2021. 

-Well, you need money in this world or else I would live a different kind of life. Maybe once I reach financial independence I can live like that... with my passions and music full time.. But for now, work and money and honestly its not that bad, for now. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Clean up 2021! For real organize and work on making everything smooth so you can hit the new year running! and then from that point 4 months until my birthday!! I may change to thirds of the year. 



-ChooseFI: Episode 84, Tax Podcasts (8)

-Bigger Pockets Real Estate Tax Podcasts (8), Business ideas

-Rental cupboard/shower repair

-Tire change and balance and alignment, fixed broken headlight

-Crypto learning

-Started 16 personalities premium profile: advocate


-Taipei Cuisine with the boys,  xmas gifts wrapping

-Started Elimination Diet on 12/13! for 6 weeks, then reintroduction strategy to come

-Watched: Hercules,  Hellbound,Beastars season 2, The Witcher Season 2, Moana, Don't Look Up

-Read: The Hole, Song of Achilles, The Giver

-New Years Resolutions, reflections, and cleanup

-Red Bean





Level 78. Adventure Knight. 

str 151.3 dex 142.3 sta 152.7 con 153.2 wis 170.5 cha 15.1 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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Year 2021 Review.


What I accomplished:

-Paid off credit card debt in January! (though just reintroduced some for a little bit for flexibility in home repairs)

-Moved to  a budget apartment for increased savings rate

-Switched car, home, umbrella insurance

-Switched property management companies (FINALLY)

-refinanced my student loans to a low percent (3.35%, 3.10% with discount)

-Decluttered websites, password manager

-Fixed tires, alignment, broken headlight

-Completely reorganized google photos (7000+) and music playlists

-Started using YNAB for monthly budget

-Finished A Year to Get Rich DailyOM course

-New Ray-Ban eyeglasses from Lenscrafters

-Started Todoist for organization and freedom

-new passport, global entry, realID, new permits/parking passes


Skills I grew:

-GIGANTIC move towards financial independence and personal finance, taking action in my life, FIRE spreadsheet planning, weekly investing

-Learned more about cryptocurrencies, consolidated and come up with future holding strategy

-Started managing my property management company (should just do myself?). Mold, water damage, drainage issues, cupboards/shower leaks/handymen/business. Meeting contractors, dealing with tenant issues. 

-Learned "New Year Party" and "So Beautiful on guitar

-Sleepio course! Better sleep and understanding mine

-More plants! Fiddle Leaf Fig, Peace Lily, Diffenbachia, False Aralia, Lavender Pebbles

-HSK 3 App and passed the test!

-Rock climbing! 1 v3 and some 5.8's and lots of climbing technique classes

-Manual car washing (puke) and vacuuming, care etc.

-Business skills in thinking of real estate investing as more of a business, mindset and owning it, selling myself at interviews etc (Costcos)

-Dashcam, setting up a lock on door and soundproofing door (to mixed results)

-Learned more about tax optimization, especially with Real Estate (that I need to learn more lol), tax loss harvesting

-VPN and anonymity


Experiences I had:

-Museum of Fine Arts trips, lots of Spring Shabu, Gyukaku with Kelly's fam

-Cape cod trips with Kel's fam

-Restaurants, workouts, baby shower with Khanh/Thai

-Baby shower with Steve/Jisoo and lexfam, Mark Moving, Board Game cafe

-Insik: Minado's and poker night

-Trip to Indiana and Jodi's wedding, dinner with the Teruyas, lakehouse

-Black Friday shopping at Wrentham! Lots of gift giving to people in my life

-Apple Picking! Harry Potter @ Fenway

-SOWA market and souvenirs

-Finn, and Red Bean


-Concerts: Marian Hill, Miyavi

-Watched: The Witcher S2, Beastars S2, Moana, Disney Hercules, Hellbound, Ladybird, Bling Empire, Love o2o, Ponyo, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Elf, Stepbrothers, Castlevania S4, Harry Potter movies 1-3, Attack on TItan S1, Squid Games, Sexy Beasts, Spirited Away, Don't Look Up

-Read: I Will Teach you to be Rich, The Giver, The Hole, Song of Achilles, Building Wealth and Being Happy

-Played:  Pokemon Unite, Little Nightmares, started Car Mechanic Simulator, Diablo 3 with roommate, Undertale, Into the Breach, Pokemon Reborn and Xenoverse, Children of Morta

-Listened: ChooseFI, BiggerPockets, FIX IT Home Improvement, Radical Personal Finance, Alexander Technique







2022 VISION.

1- Enjoy the present with friends and loved ones, food, new places, experiences, and events

2- Six week elimination diet ending on 1/23/2022, reintroduction plan

3- Train Muay Thai or Boxing classes

4- Tax optimization and your plan for real estate investing

-Bigger Pockets 2 Tax books

-Hire Real Estate CPA for 2021 taxes

5- Heal, maintain body with an Alexander Technique teacher

-Listen to "Body Learning" Podcast

-Take lessons from local teacher, maybe a group class intro

6- Consultations with my Chinese-only pharmacy patients

-Medical chinese packet, practice

7- Gain more confidence in your guitar ability by getting certification from a famous music school

-Coursera: Berklee College of Music: 4 Course Guitar Certification

8- Understand the basics of my home with repairs/maintenance/costs

-Books: "Home Improvement Solutions" 15 Books, "How Your House Works" 

-Resources: Podcasts "Fix It Home Improvement," "Money Pit" 

9- Landlord preparation, manage tenants, hire contractors

-Books: "Managing Rental Properties"

-Podcasts: "Rent Prep for Landlords"

10- Learn travel rewards basics, plan trip priorities

-ChooseFI travel rewards course, search for podcasts/blogs

11- Improve practical chinese by watching Chinese movies/TV

-Watch Netflix series with a notebook, jot down new vocabulary

12- Read Chinese menus and be able to order anything at chinese restaurants

-practice with online chinese menus

13- Explore online guitar pedal/effect/suites and how you can change your setup

-Buy virtual/sell physical gear?

14- Learn more of financial independence/personal finance

-Listen to the ChooseFI podcast, read FI blogs

-Achieve at least 60 days age of money for YNAB

15- Learn to learn quickly the songs you like, perform them

-Annotate your song library!

-Visualize 1-2 songs in monthly performances every 1-2 months

16- Play along with Jam Tracks and solo over them

-Played and practiced enough to confidently play with friends/musicians, jamming or in a band

17- Learn basic car maintenance and parts

-Play Car Mechanic Simulator, read Subaru owner's guide

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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January 2022. 

-New Year's Resolutions! 17 is a lot haha but ill just set up a few a month and then go from there!



Ideas for the Month:

-Think about planning a cabin get away? 

-Start Boxing or MMA classes/training

-Continue 6 week elimination diet (1/23), plan out reintroduction plan before then

-Start Alexander Classes

-Read 2 tax books and look into hiring a good real estate cpa, check bigger pockets directory for property management company

-Sort through podcasts: good chinese ones and alexanders technique and business/travel rewards

-Podcasts: Listen through spare chinese, Alexander technique, Taiwanese identity podcasts


-When you have some time, watch some chinese shows/notes when you have time, and podcasts

-When you have some time, play House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator

-When you have some time, finish Circe and 16personalities premium profile, Inwards




-Dentist appt for filling and onlay, reinsert temporary filling and getting onlay

-Played Streets of Rogue with Enoch, Smash Ultimate

-Finished Tax Strategies Book 1, reached out to real estate tax preps, phone call

-Listened to chinese, travel, business, and alexander technique podcasts. organized home screen and chinese podcasts. 

-Hearts in Taiwan podcast, 20+ episodes

-Boxing class at TITLE, Muay Thai at Wai Kru, Boston Boxing class. Signed up for PF! AX -1,2

-Travel freely and some credit card travel reward strategy. Called about cancelling escrow, business credit card

-Organized file system, virtually and my business and tax return stuff, records box, sold vacuum

-Puppy Class Training

-Finished maybe 100 Alexander Technique podcasts (they're short), first online group classes

-filed cfpb complaint finally, returned holiday returns, maybe new backpack

-watched some Demon Slayer Season 2, organized podcasts

-started looking at previous years tax returns, created depreciation table, thought about real estate tax calculations and trends

-snow shoveled for 2 hrs! long term i'm not looking for street parking and also investing in a snow blower

-increased taxable investment auto contributions, change roth to 25% vgslx (real estate index fund)




Level 79. Adventure Knight. 

str 153 dex 144 sta 155 con 155 wis 173 cha 161 


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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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February 2022. 

-I'm very proud of my progress, just 1 month in and already found my workout and alexander technique groove, lots of tax learning and podcast listening and sorting of things!!!


Ideas for the Month:

-Think about planning a cabin get away? 

-Continue AX Size workout, Workout 4 and beyond!

-Continue elimination diet reintroduction period

-Continue in person Alexander Lessons

-Finish Tax Book 2, think about hiring real estate cpa, check bigger pockets directory for property management company, finish prior tax year analysis and file or almost file 2021 taxes

-Podcasts: Listen through travel podcasts, real estate, or business?

-Think about starting cheap virtual chinese tutors


-When you have some time, watch some chinese shows/notes when you have time, and podcasts

-When you have some time, play House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator

-When you have some time, finish Circe and 16personalities premium profile, Inwards




-AX week 1 finished! AX 2-1+2

-Listened to some crypto tax podcasts, and lots of "Miles to Go" travel rewards podcasts, Miles Away, Frequent Miler, finishing up Real Estate CPA podcasts, Bigger Pockets Business

-6  or moreIn person Alexander Technique lessons! 

-Have to figure out this frozen pipe repair stuff, visiting property

-Started Lost Ark with some friends

-Elimination Diet: tested Hummus, guac, almonds, peanut butter, sugar, garlic, soy sauce

-Read more tax book 2

-booked mid march tiny home stay!

-prior tax filing analysis, finished filing my taxes 2021!!




Level 80. Adventure Knight. 

str 155 dex 146 sta 157 con 157 wis 175 cha 163 


  • Like 1

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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March 2022. 

-Played Lostark like it was my job! (more than that actually lol) but still focused on my vision!

-First things first Imma eat your brains! Remember to do the one thing first.


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-Summarize results of elimination diet

-Credit Card cleanup and table

-travel apps

-open heloc? new checking accounts?

-Travel podcast and Card strategy plan and integration

-Podcasts: Listen through  business and then start real estate

-Real estate strategy and research and plan and taxes

-Think about starting cheap virtual chinese tutors


-When you have some time, watch some chinese shows/notes when you have time, and podcasts

-When you have some time, play House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator

-When you have some time, finish Circe and 16personalities premium profile, Inwards




-Made a chart of credit card benefits and limits, decided to downgrade venture and not sure about closing old ones, apply for amex gold and open new checking accounts for business expenses. 

-AT class: walking, at work, at the desk, walking and monorails pulling you up and forward, stairs, kness release forward and away, back lengthens and widens, let the neck be free and let the head move up and away from the top of the spine

-moved forward with applying for HELOC!

-Listened to many episodes of "Rebel Entrepreneur" and learned a lot about good business and small businesses, food for thought. Started BiggerPockets Daily podcasts about real estate artices

-checked out alternative health care options, reviewed my disability and life insurance policies

-visited some apts for next sept

-NH Farm and Tiny Home trip!

-Concerts: Sports, Epik High! Thao

-retail shopping: doc marten boots

-hang out with enoch, lost ark with friends

-sorted out apple pay and credit card strategies, adjusted wallets and started to work on moving checking accounts




Level 81. Adventure Knight. 

str 157 dex 148 sta 159 con 159 wis 177 cha 165 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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April 2022. 

-Still remember to do the one thing first, the one important thing where you will be satisfied and feel accomplished after completing it, like an hour long task or event. You need priorities! Also design your life, if you dont like things about it then imagine what you want and work towards it, and keep doing it over and over and at least it will be better..


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points!

-Manage transfer between checking accounts and finish up heloc attempt

-Keep listening to real estate podcasts (Bigger Pockets Daily)

-Real estate strategy and research and plan and taxes

-Think about starting cheap virtual chinese tutors

-maybe restart guitar class or learn some songs?


-When you have some time, watch some chinese shows/notes when you have time, and podcasts

-When you have some time, play House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator

-When you have some time, finish 16personalities premium profile, Inwards




-Continue heloc, checking accounts, selling rsu and xfers


-Alexander Technique Lessons

-AX workouts

-Bigger Pockets Daily Podcasts, thru episode 250 something

-Trip to Brooklyn! Sip and Bibble, Wenwen, Insa, Botanical garden with cherry blossoms, fam and gf etc





Level 82. Adventure Knight. 

str 159 dex 150 sta 161 con 161 wis 179 cha 167 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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May 2022. 

-First things first! The One Thing. Priorities vs Overwhelm


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points!

-Manage transfer between checking accounts and finish up heloc attempt

-Keep listening to real estate podcasts (Bigger Pockets Daily)

-Think about starting cheap virtual chinese tutors

-maybe restart guitar class or learn some songs?


-When you have some time, watch some chinese shows/notes when you have time, and podcasts

-When you have some time, play House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator

-When you have some time, finish 16personalities premium profile, Inwards




-Alexander Technique classes  continuation weekly

-Bigger Pockets Daily Podcasts, through episode 450!

-Got the apartment for August! amazing

-No Heloc :( oh well, just have a biggerr savings/emergency fund

-AX 3.1, 3.2




Level 83. Adventure Knight. 

str 161 dex 152 sta 163 con 163 wis 181 cha 169 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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June 2022. 

-I love the sun. First things first, battle overwhelm and do the one big thing first, then you can do whatever afterwards.  My podcast and alexander technique habits are locked in, this month i want to solidify my habits for working out (or considering it) almost every day and also reading almost every day, in addtion to playing Lost Ark and doing all the other stuff i want to do. Maybe in future months I can fit chinese and guitar in there too, but for now Lets just add reading and working out!


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons, finish Bigger Pockets Daily

-Finish transfer between checking account

-Start Reading Habit this month! 



-AX workout through 3.2 (restarted). thats like 13 workouts in june? not so bad like almost every other day. tast still an avg of over 3 a week so like pretty good. i mean yeah thats about right. id have to go 16/30 to hit 4x a week. 16/28 but close enough. i mean from nothing or once a week thats amazing!

-Bigger Pockets Daily podcasts through 600 almost

-Finished reading "Inward" by Yung Pueblo, amazing amazing book top 3 all time for me so far

-Finished reading "Myth of the Robber Barons"  and "She Comes First"

-Continued Alexander Technique Lessons

-meeting with boss' boss about promotion... no thanks, not enough money for all the stress and responsibilities




Level 84. Adventure Knight. 

str 163 dex 154 sta 165 con 165 wis 183 cha 171 


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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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July 2022. 

-Proud of how well the reading and working out habit stuck! I want to just continue doing those 2 as the most important, and maybe start adding in some chinese and guitar (as lower priorities)


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points for September?

-Finish with Bigger Pockets Daily and listen to some home fixings? start book?

-Finish reading "The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra" and "Tantric Sex"

-Start looking through chinese medical packets, watch more chinese tv shows/movies



-Quick brooklyn trip for girlfriend's tattoo

-Chinese: Watched "The Wandering Earth"

-Brushed up resume, linkedin, and applied to 2 jobs

-Watched "Bling Empire Season 2"

-Read "The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra," and "Tantric Sex"

-More Alexander Technique Lessons

-Lots of Gym workouts

-Started organizing House Learning and different sections

-Read through "Home Improvement Solutions: Book One"




Level 85. Adventure Knight. 

str 165 dex 156 sta 167 con 167 wis 185 cha 173 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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September 2022. 

-Whoops, I missed a month update. First time in 5 years since I started this! Moving in with my girlfriend for the first time and just working super long hours. Well, I did it and time to get back on the horse. Ive been playing my game a lot and thats been occupying my free time, but I'd like to look into cooking more and maintain my gym habit, read daily again, and also play uitar and learn chinese in my free time and just work less. Stop picking up more shifts you know and protect your relatively potentially abundant free time now. Luckily I got a 9 day saycation coming up in the middle of the month!


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points for December?

-Continue listening to ChooseFI podcasts, listened thru episode 102R

-Daily Reading Habit again, House stuff

-Start looking through chinese medical packets, watch more chinese tv shows/movies

-Guitar habit! Just play a little everyday

-Finish cleaning and organizing house



-Restarted AX workouts, 13 workouts! (Goal of 16 a month)

-Weekly Alexander Technique lessons

-Listened through 112 ChooseFI

-Read through "Home Improvement Solutions: Book 2 and Book 3"

-Concerts: Franz Ferdinand, Madeon, DPR Regime, Big Wild

-Cooked: Chili-Bean Brocollini and Tofu

-Started guitar journey blog!!




Level 86. Adventure Knight. 

str 167 dex 158 sta 169 con 169 wis 187 cha 175 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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October 2022. 

-Wow, big idea from "The One Thing." Ask yourself the Focusing Question: What is the one thing, you can do now, which upon doing, makes everything easier or unnecessary? Focus on your priorities and leave the unimportant undone. No matter what you do you will always have undone things, so those things might as well be unimportant rather than the important things. Which are family/friends/experiences, working out/health, reading, and guitar. Soon chinese too but lemme do these things first. Do the highest prioirty things and feel comfortable leaving the other things undone and enjoy. I feel like I am on the right path, which is a greattt feeling. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points for December?

-Continue listening to ChooseFI podcasts, listened thru episode 102R

-Daily Reading Habit again, House stuff

-Start looking through chinese medical packets, watch more chinese tv shows/movies

-Guitar habit! Just play a little everyday

-Finish cleaning and organizing house



-9 AX workouts (Goal of 16 a month) A little bit sluggish because of my friend visiting and cleaning, 12 days of work in a row

-Cleared G1/G2 of new clown raid on Lost Ark

-Finished Reading "The One Thing"

-Watched "Turning Red"

-Saw Baynk Live

-My friend from Chicago visited over the weekend, hung out with old friends, ate, Level 99, board games, hiking

-Weekly Alexander Technique lessons

-Listened through 119R ChooseFI

-Lots of guitar practice and blog updates, worked on "Tell me Baby," and relearning "That XX" and "I'm In Love" intro

-Started listening to "Guitar Villains," "Wong Notes," and "Everyone Loves Guitar" podcasts




Level 87. Adventure Knight. 

str 169 dex 160 sta 171 con 171 wis 189 cha 177 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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#loz from Ellen's Art

November 2022. 

"Powerful engines need cooling down and resting before taking off again, and you're no different" - a quote from "The ONE Thing"

A reminder that i need to prioritize sleep to boost performance! I am sacrificing it too often, and I need to figure out how to raid with my friends without losing sleep. 

Also, the whole idea of a morning routine is to build consistency in energizing yourself for the one thing. its a warm up. How to balance with days I work in the morning?


Daily morning routine for days/mornings off: 

1) Spiritual - Headspace app meditation

2) Emotional - share laughs/hugs with loved ones

3) Physical1 - Eat salad and smoothie

4) Mental - Read blinkist and go through your library of books

5) Physical2 - Go to the gym

5) My ONE thing -  learn to play beautiful things, build my blog "yeahcoolguitar.com" - on short days I can maybe do 1-2 hrs instead of 4 hrs


Daily morning routine for morning work, nights off:

-Before work

1) Spiritual - Headspace app meditation

2) Emotional - share laughs/hugs with loved ones

3) Physical1 - Eat salad and smoothie

-After work

4) Mental - Read blinkist and go through your library of books

5) Physical2 - Go to the gym

5) My ONE thing -  learn to play beautiful things, build my blog "yeahcoolguitar.com" - on short days I can maybe do 1-2 hrs instead of 4 hrs


So yeah thats the idea. If I do it 5x a week then that'll be great I can be a master at 10,000 hours in 10 years. Well with 4 hrs of practice a day but stil its good enough for right now. I can skip gym days and also have 2 days off a week for work or rest or organizing or trips etc. Excited to see how this goes! 



Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, biweekly Alexander Technique Lessons

-book a trip using points for December!

-Continue listening to ChooseFI and Guitar podcasts

-Start looking through chinese medical packets, watch more chinese tv shows/movies

-Start looking for another job and building my resume/interview skills



-Used my points to book a 1 week trip to hawaii for 2 credit card sign up bonuses! Still had to pay for car and food though but still it helped a lot

-Updated linkedin, applied to jobs and got 2 interviews coming up

-Only 7 check in's for workout, pretty poor. But was also preparing for hawaii and picking up a lot of shifts

-Quit Mail order job! I wasn't getting paid enough and also working 6-7 days a week so I'd rather work on passive income than keep doing that stuff

-More headspace meditations and podcast listens!

-Thinking about buying Masterclass for cooking and guitar/music, and bought Neuraldsp digital plug ins for Gojira and Tim Henson!




Level 88. Adventure Knight. 

str 171 dex 162 sta 173 con 173 wis 191 cha 179 



"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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December 2022. 

-Okay so I just got back from a 7 day trip to hawaii and I feel like November passed by wayyy to fast so I am just gonna reuse last month's reflection, I don't feel like I have properly absorbed it yet. And on top of that, I want to add chinese habit AND cooking on top?? and job interviews yeesh. Atleast I'll have more time from only have a 30 hour per week job, unless I get one of these new jobs...


"Powerful engines need cooling down and resting before taking off again, and you're no different" - a quote from "The ONE Thing"

A reminder that i need to prioritize sleep to boost performance! I am sacrificing it too often, and I need to figure out how to raid with my friends without losing sleep. 

Also, the whole idea of a morning routine is to build consistency in energizing yourself for the one thing. its a warm up. How to balance with days I work in the morning?


Daily morning routine for days/mornings off: 

1) Spiritual - Headspace app meditation

2) Emotional - share laughs/hugs with loved ones

3) Physical1 - Eat salad and smoothie

4) Mental - Read blinkist and go through your library of books

5) Physical2 - Go to the gym

5) My ONE thing -  learn to play beautiful things, build my blog "yeahcoolguitar.com" - on short days I can maybe do 1-2 hrs instead of 4 hrs


Daily morning routine for morning work, nights off:

-Before work

1) Spiritual - Headspace app meditation

2) Emotional - share laughs/hugs with loved ones

3) Physical1 - Eat salad and smoothie

-After work

4) Mental - Read blinkist and go through your library of books

5) Physical2 - Go to the gym

5) My ONE thing -  learn to play beautiful things, build my blog "yeahcoolguitar.com" - on short days I can maybe do 1-2 hrs instead of 4 hrs


So yeah thats the idea. If I do it 5x a week then that'll be great I can be a master at 10,000 hours in 10 years. Well with 4 hrs of practice a day but stil its good enough for right now. I can skip gym days and also have 2 days off a week for work or rest or organizing or trips etc. Excited to see how this goes! 



Ideas for the Month:

-Continue AX workouts, biweekly Alexander Technique Lessons

-Start looking for another job and building my resume/interview skills

-Continue listening to ChooseFI and Guitar podcasts

-Start looking through chinese medical packets, watch more chinese tv shows/movies

-My One Thing in Guitar and building that websited

-Learning to cook better (masterclass?) and trying the Whole30 diet

-Move to Taiwan next september?



-7 Day trip to Hawai'i! Ate so much udon/katsu/poke/desserts and beached/hiked so many different places, had a really great time!

-Wrote out 9/1/23 Vision, and reorganized todoist priorities

-Started morning routines and sleeping at 10pm, and it is the path to my dreams i already know

-looked into recipe books, decided i will be an instapot man and a couple of things on the side wont hurt but i dont need to know everything about cooking to make cheap healthy delicious meal preps

-bought masterclass for guitar and neuraldsp for plugins, and an audio interface and some cables and studio monitors

-daily medical chinese studying!

-9 workouts, could be a lot better but then again it was 9 workouts in 14 days!

-2 Interviews! Didn't get either job but probably for the best, good experience





Level 89. Adventure Knight. 

str 173 dex 164 sta 175 con 175 wis 193 cha 181 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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Year 2022 Review.


What I accomplished:

-Quit my mail order job! Prioritized my hobbies, my life, and my relationships, and maybe building a side business eventually

-Decent amount of working out and a few boxing/mma classes

-6 week elimination diet! I didn't find out exactly what inflammed me but I got confirmation that it was food causing my eczema. 

-Reorganized credit cards and developed credit card strategy for travel

-Started my guitar journey blog, yeahcoolguitar.com


Skills I grew:

-Job interview experience at a hospital and outpatient pharmacy

-Weekly Alexander Technique classes with Jill

-Filing taxes with a real estate business

-Using points in point.me and travel portals to book cheap flights, rent cars, book hotels

-Tried to get a HELOC, went through an appraisal

-Talking to boss about promotions

-Updated my linkedin

-Digital guitar workspace with NeuralDSP guitar plugins, Arturia minifuse2 Audio Interface, TRS cables and studio monitors


Experiences I had:

-Being a puppy uncle to an australian shepherd

-Got an onlay for an eroded tooth

-7 Day trip to Hawaii!

-Tiny home stay in New Hampshire!

-Trip to Brooklyn to visit sister and fam

-Moved into an awesome 4 story apartment in cambridge with gf and her sister and her bf

-Another trip to Brooklyn for Kelly's tattoos

-Albert visited for a weekend, Level99, hiking and thai food


-Concerts: Sports, Epik High, Thao Nguyen, Franz Ferdinand, Madeon, DPR Regime, Big Wild, Hayden James, Alan Walker, Baynk

-Watched: Demon Slayer S2, Bling Empire, The Wandering Earth, Turning Red, Pinocchio, Wednesday

-Read: Circe, The Song of Achilles, Inwards, Tax Strategies Book 1+2, The One thing, She comes first, Myth of the Robber Barons, The Little Black book of Kama Sutra, Tantric Sex, Home Improvement Solutions: Book 1-3, some blinkist books

-Played: Lost ark with Khanh/Thai

-Listened: ChooseFI, Alexander Technique podcasts, Hearts in Taiwan, Wong Notes/Guitar Villains/Everybody Loves Guitar, Travel Hacking podcasts, Rebel Entrepreneur, RealEstateCPA, BiggerPockets Business, BiggerPockets Daily


-Sometimes I think I didnt do that much but then again I really did do a lot. Maybe less than previous years but I think i was living more and in a relationship just enjoying time. But I am so so optimistic with my plan and feel great about it. 2023 will be the best year yet! I also went to more concerts and read more books than i thought. I'll finally do the guitar and chinese things that I wanted to do in 2022 but did not do. The early sleep and early wake up routines are my secret x factor for success, I feel it in my bones. I just know. I also am super proud and happy of what I accomplished with Alexander's Technique, I know that will support me and my body for the rest of my life. 





9_1_2023 VISION.


* 1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events

* 2 - Establish your daily energy ritual of meditation, affection, breakfast, chinese, working out, and guitar

* 3 - Establish your daily cooldown ritual of cooking, loved people and bed prep, meditation

* 4 - Move to Taiwan with a remote day job with Kel for a year

* 5 - Understand Emergency Home costs/Maintenance before moving


-Gonna make it much simpler this year (although 2-3 have a bunch of stuff in it) while still getting all the stuff i want to learn and to do. And I want to feel satisfied knowing that if I do the things I plan on doing then I will be satisfied and maybe happy. I just don't want to spend my days wondering if I'm doing the right thing and should I be working on something else? I've done this routine for a week now and it feels right, it feels like I am on the right path and I'll just leave the rest up to the universe, then.


"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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