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January 2023. 

-Keeping it simple this year (or am I?) with just 5 things for vision. I really just thought about the things I wanted, the time I have in the day with my schedule, and what my days usually look like in order to come up with routines and rituals even for time periods and places. Let's-a-go!


Ideas for the Month:

-Organize my podcasts, music, and photos

-Play songs with Enoch weekly?

-Learn about visas and work permits and explore Taiwan expats and subreddits

-Linked in Learning, finish your resume review and job desc and ideally interview prep by end of the month

-Try instapot cooking, pho maybe, and go through the foods you'd want to try making in all the physical cookbooks you have

-Organize my book pile and get rid of blinkist book duplicates that don't really contribute much

-book a cabin airbnb?

-rollover your 401k at old job to ira you control

-unconditional love?

-tie dye and fix wood stick

-buy new stereo monitors

-think about future autoinvestment/stacking your checking account strategy for this year and travel plans



-did a lot of little things like organizing podcasts/music/photos, book pile, fixed the wood stick and will tie dye soon

-Had to do some temporary manager things liek schedule and have to hire people but don't want to do much more than that. hmmm. 

-Cooked 3 cheese mac and cheese and vegetarian indian curry, chili and pork belly

-Worked on job prep and mindset

-STAY, stop abandoning yourself and other Teal Swan vids

-cooked pork belly, 3 mac and cheese, indian vegetable curry and black bean chili

-lots of chinese practice and medical chinese, up to page 34

-some st. vincent masterclass guitar

-choosefi episode 124

-alexander techniuqe lessons

-elbow bruise/injury, but still went to the gym 15x, which is a new record! (that's with everyday i go to the gym mindset, minus injury setback)

-guitar practice and jams with enoch





Level 90. Adventure Knight. 

str 175 dex 166 sta 177 con 177 wis 195 cha 183 

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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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February 2023. 

-Injury/soreness, work stress and new job interview/prep is throwing me off my game a little bit, but its just a temporary swell hopefully. I've almost beat Lostark too, so I can reinforce that evening bed prep/massage/meditation/cooking ritual more this month hopefully


Ideas for the Month:

-Alexander lessons

-Daily workouts and chinese learning, hopefully guitar too

-Getaway cabin in NH booked for next week!

-Get hired and accustomed to my new job

-Still learn more about job skills and interview prep etc through Linked in Learning

-Prep Kelly for global entry, finish Chase 6k limit and bank of america limit, apply for new cc halfway through the end of the month

-More cooking and instant pot recipes! Try for once a week

-rollover your 401k at old job to ira you control, maybe the cvs one too for end of the month

-make a Teal Swan playlist and just learn more

-Tie dye the things




-NH Getaway cabin!

-Started new 40 hr a week job

-increased credit limit, new credit card, global entry interview

-rolled over my 401k but gonna rollover again and also hsa next month or two

-found subscription to new podcast

-took the month off for healing my elbow, and chinese too somehow

-Alexander lessons

-Omakase dinner for 2nd year anniversary

-downloaded Rocksmith2014 again and customforge songs




Level 91. Adventure Knight. 

str 177 dex 168 sta 179 con 179 wis 197 cha 185 

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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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March 2023. 

-Okay my elbow is healed enough, time to get back to the workout train! And I don't need to pressure myself to go the gym as much, maybe nutrition is just as important so I should commit more to whole30 instantpot recipes. I think I need to adjust my rituals. Still wake up at 6 am and sleep at 10 pm ideally, and I have my bookends and rituals in the morning and at nighttime. then depending if I'm working or not and when, itll be an extra hour to do some random things. I could relax or I could clean and do some random things as they pop up. Its not quite enough time. Thats a good idea for an hour here or there. a free hour to just do things that you notice around. Then if I have another 3-4 hours on work days I can do chinese and workout, or just cook. and maybe some guitar and leisure. Then on days off I have more time to workout and cook, and projects I have planned for that day. Maybe some places to go or people to see. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Alexander lessons

-Daily workouts/cooking and chinese learning

-Get hired and accustomed to my new job

-plan next month trip weekend off in brooklyn

-More cooking and instant pot recipes! Try for 2x a week atleast, can do this instead of meal prep

-rollover your 401k/hsa later this month

-Tie dye the things



-8 workouts this month

-Cooked parents style, marinating chicken thighs with ginger, garlic, salt, white pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce etc. 

-Much more comfortable at my job, worked at other locations. also made some med errors

-Started reading RxPrep, 2 days

-Medical chinese past page 42

-Played rocksmith, esp "Knights" and "The Marshalls are Dead"

-Restaurant week with Khanh

-Parents visited for a few days and made food!





Level 92. Adventure Knight. 

str 179 dex 170 sta 181 con 181 wis 199 cha 187 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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April 2023. 

-I like just having a solid mix of being clean and also working towards my goals. I have chilled a bit from waking at 6 am and sleeping at 10 pm, and I think its okay. I may not get as much done or as much progress as I would hope but I am moving towards everythign and having a good time at it as well, not too much pressure or force. So maybe thats healthy, and I am sitll doing good. Hmmm. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Plan next month trip weekend off in brooklyn, and bday weekend

-Buy earrings and get flowers and present for Kelly

-Refine recipes for what you want to cook, and browse internet articles and youtube/instapot/whole30 recipes, cauliflower rice and spiralizer

-Make a future you instagram and dream big

-Finish 3 rollovers and make sure all consolidated

-Sell pet dryer

-Tie dye the things



-Haircut and Massage!

-Workout 4

-Rxprep 4

-Trip to NY to visit niece

-Workouts/Udon with Leo, Soba with Enoch/Stephen

-House 1, started reading "How Your House Works" again

-Mini Bday trip to brooklyn for her tattoo and nice hotel room and spicy food

-Started playing Divinity 2 again, and watch season 3 of Demon Slayer

-All rollovers consolidated, just gotta turn the cash into investments and we done!

-Bday dinner at Meyers+Chang

-More Chinese study





Level 93. Adventure Knight. 

str 181 dex 172 sta 183 con 183 wis 201 cha 189 



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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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How is Taiwan? Haven't had the chance to visit yet, although I live in Mainland. 


Yeah, I think keeping a healthy attitude is the most important. I realized I can be much more productive when I am relaxed and just take it easy. 


Wow, you've been keeping the battle log for so long and with such consistency, that's impressive!


Wish you good luck with April goals!


P.S. : love the art you post! So beautiful and stylish.

  • Like 2

Veni, vidi, vici. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 6:38 AM, XBlackWidowX said:

How is Taiwan? Haven't had the chance to visit yet, although I live in Mainland. 


Yeah, I think keeping a healthy attitude is the most important. I realized I can be much more productive when I am relaxed and just take it easy. 


Wow, you've been keeping the battle log for so long and with such consistency, that's impressive!


Wish you good luck with April goals!


P.S. : love the art you post! So beautiful and stylish.


I loved it and want to go back this year! Thanks for the positive feedback! :D slow and steadyy. 


Y'know, I've kept this blog up for 6 years and I feel like haven't accomplished the goals that I wanted to yet... but when I read my entries again I realize that I did achieve and experience a lot. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it too much, but at the same time it makes me want to work harder... strange haha

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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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14 hours ago, Glass said:

I loved it and want to go back this year! Thanks for the positive feedback! :D slow and steadyy. 


Y'know, I've kept this blog up for 6 years and I feel like haven't accomplished the goals that I wanted to yet... but when I read my entries again I realize that I did achieve and experience a lot. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it too much, but at the same time it makes me want to work harder... strange haha

Wish you you'll be able to come back soon! Nothing like Chinese food, huh? ? 


I think all ambitious people have this problem, we always want to be better, faster, do more. Great your entries help you to stay objective!

  • Like 1
  • That's Metal 1

Veni, vidi, vici. 

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May 2023. 

-Last month was a busy month and I didn't get that much created, I still have a little over 3.5 months before I move again and the deadline for my vision! I just feel like I don't have enough time and having a full time job is a major buzz kill. Oh well, I  will make do and make time for what is important to me and building my vision. I need to add cooking to that vision so I can hit the ground running in September. (and Taiwan trip?) Also I want to restart my 30 day music challenge but maybe today is not the best day... Just have so many have to do's that I can't push back or do first and then I procrastinate or I use my willpower on those. I really need to prioritize, I coulda been a great guitarist by now you know! Lol


Ideas for the Month:

-Plan yet another weekend off in brooklyn for June 10th

-Restart 30 day music challenge! prioritize!!

-Make a future you instagram and dream big

-Sell pet dryer

-Tie dye the things



-Massage! Han Solo concert

-Finished Divinity 2, read Demon Slayer

-ChooseFI through 134

-All rollovers consolidated and invested!

-Workouts: 9

-Supertest HSK 4 through 4.1.2

-Worked through "Diablo Rojo"  by Rodrigo y Gabriela maybe first half





Level 94. Adventure Knight. 

str 183 dex 174 sta 185 con 185 wis 203 cha 191 

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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June 2023. 

-Another year, and another apartment search.  I think its time for my own place (with partner) and no more roommates. I need to have higher standards and live in a place for atleast 2 years if not longer haha. So thats a big goal for the month, and also to keep my hobbies strong (chinese, guitar, working out) while also spending time realizing the future I want and creating/manifesting it. Now that I've decided to quit video games its funny how much more free time I have to fill it with the things I want to do and create my future. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Another Brooklyn trip

-Restart 30 day music challenge! prioritize!!

-Keep listening to ChooseFI, I'll be able to retire by the time I catch up to the 500+ episodes (fingers crossed)

-Make a future you instagram and dream big




-Workouts: 10

-Guitar sesh: 6

-Choose FI: 143

-Chinese: Through 4.1.4

-Zeds Dead Concert! Rodrigo y Gabriella concert

-Watched "Beef" 

-Cooked saffron shallot butter spaghetti with French bread

-Signed leases for new apartment! Called for utilities

-Called for insurance quotes and updated to new policies

-Forest bathing in Mount Auburn Cemetery

-Started Piano classes at CCAE

-Thinned out and donating clothes and shoes





Level 95. Adventure Knight. 

str 99+ dex 99+ sta 99+ con 99+ wis 99+ cha 99+

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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July 2023. 

-Vision (reading), working out, and some guitar! This month is for getting ready to move and decluttering before then. Research the area and foods/services and cats and plan your vacation, just get ready!


Ideas for the Month:

-Go through giant book pile

-Sell and donate books, mattress, pet vacuum, other random stuff

-Sign up for internet and d/c autopayment for old place at the end of the month

-Learn "Diablo Rojo" on guitar and play through the whole thing at 65% speed




-Watched "Physical: 100," "Interstellar"

-Workouts: 12

-ChooseFI: 149R

-Organize all my podcasts and switched to Overcast

-Organized/minimized all bookmarks and open browsers in chromebook and phone and laptop

-Organized phone screen and apps

-Organized all emails and went through "*Action - Take* Folder full of travel rewards stuff

-Went through Music radar playlist

-Read "Life's Greatest Lessons," and "The Strangest Secret," "Pogue's Basics," "Sandler's Success Principles" "30 second Philosophies" "Financial First Aid" and "Money"

-Guitar practice: 10

-5 Weeks of group piano classes, 3 to go!

-Slimmed down my books a little at least



lv. 95 -> lv. 96


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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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August 2023.

-Gonna get rid of the stats in the monthly wrapup, after a certain point the numbers don't mean much anymore. Anyways, last month of old place and I am super duper excited!!! Just gotta do some housekeeping and business stuff and a loooot of planning.


Ideas for the Month:

-Sell and donate books, mattress, pet vacuum, other random stuff

-Sign up for internet and d/c autopayment for old place at the end of the month

-Learn "Diablo Rojo" on guitar and play through the whole thing at 70% speed



-Workouts: 2

-ChooseFI: 155

-Days of Guitar/Piano practice: 7

-Watched "Barbie Movie," and "Hamilton the Musical" "Super Mario Movie," "Asteroid City"

-Applied for another hospital position, working on resume and cover letter

-Walkthrough with new property management company, ended old mgmt company

-handled all utility switches for move

-prepare to sell/get rid of a bunch of stuff

-helped with kel's student loans, debt relief, and credit reporting (secured credit card)

-property management and cockroaches

-cat study!

-MOVED. finally



lv. 96 -> lv. 97

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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September 2023.

-NEW. new place, new cats, new attitude. I love the new place, lots of work to do but looking forward to creating a better, healthier lifestyle.


Ideas for the Month:

-ORGANIZE and clean the new place, set up chair and cat places and maybe prepare for litter robot

-Sell outdoor furniture, vornado, amp, etc.

-Watch more cat tip videos to take better care of them

-Start planning for November vacation to Taiwan

-Learn more about rental management, creating security deposits, and clean/repaint and rent out to tenants by end of month. Lawn cleanup

-Check out new place's gym and walking path

-Rotate out cookin plans and premade and start cooking and making recipes. Daily smoothies! maybe salads

-New music keyboard?



-Workouts: 1

-Sold so so many things on facebook marketplace, probably got a few hundred dollars

-Signed up with CJL, worked with contractors on house to fix fence, landscaping, painting, other small fixed and trash, mold

-Entirely cleared out parents basement and rented storage unit for time to filter clothes (thredup) and throw away stuff

-organized home and bought new stuff, dining table/chairs, lamp, chair, litter robot, baskets, etc, tv mount

-Choose FI: 162



lv. 97 -> lv. 98

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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October 2023.

-I cannot wait for my vacation at the end of the month, finally a month off where I can concentrate on getting everything minimized and organized and having peace of mind and have the space to finally get into a routine. I want this home to be completed by the end of the month, at the latest!


Ideas for the Month:

-FINISH buying and organizing everything at the apartment and be 100% organized and moved in 90% done, good enough for now

-Thredup/donate all clothes in storage unit, consolidate photos and belongings, get rid of everything in storage and maybe have 2 boxes

-Watch more cat tip videos to take better care of them, clicker and leash training?

-Plan for November vacation to Taiwan, buy reward flights

-Visit sister at end of month and give her all the boxes?

-Take care of rental problems, root removal in pipe for backup

-Check out new place's gym and walking path, start workout routine and cooking and guitar


Vacation ideas:

-Organize apt: linens, hanging up posters/frames, install lights/cat free stuff, but stuff you need around the hosue (voltometer, automatic feeder), organize shelves and under the dresser/bed, find sunglasses belt airpods

-Organize storage cube stuff: go through dads, connies, moms, my stuff and donate clothes and throw away frames and consolidate to maybe 2 boxes, 3 max, then move out

-Visit connie and drop off her storage bins

-Cat study, watch all the videos and clicker training and leashes and training. Maybe playing with them could be learning/teaching them something new

-Gardyn study, add hydroboost etc and refresh tank and order y-cubes for the future and have a plan with the membership

-Plan taiwan trip, talk about it with parents make plans and buy tickets with award travel. 

-Alexander tech



-Work outs: 4

-Applying Revolution to cats, introduce them to a harness, registered microchips in database, tried trimming claws for first time, automatic feeder

-Bought taiwan tix

-Refreshed gardyn tank and added plant food

-Organize email inbox, action waiting folder

-Organized storage unit, donate/trash/thredup for alld clothes, got rid of all frames, and minimized to 4 of sister's boxes and 5 of family, put some stuff on fb marketplace

-Cleaned and organized house, bought bedding stuff, pillows, camera and different furnishings and supplies, tried factor

-ChooseFI: through episode 183



lv. 98 -> lv. 99

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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November 2023.

-So my vacation came and went and it was indeed fruitful, but I needed another week to do all the stuff I wanted to do. Oh well. I also started a 5 am wakeup plan inspired from "Make Time" and ChooseFI and I love it. On hold for now while I'm sick. This month going to Taiwan in 3 weeks!! 


Ideas for the Month:

-Storage: Completely move out before my trip, organize and get those boxes down, organize photos etc, can move sister's boxes during visit

-Home: Hang up posters, mark up my wall calendar, think about where to put cat carriers, power meter measurements, organize family memory box

-People: Try going to a smash weekly, and invite ppl to our home on the weekend. Visit Connie, Eric, and Cleo on the weekend before

-Cats: Completely transition to litter robot, get rid of tray atleast a week before we go and set up a plan for Rover or Lindsey or something. Leash/harness/clicker training, train them and learn more about them

-Gardyn: Plan for y-cubes purchase, membership, cutting roots, plan for vacation

-Places: Plan trip to Taiwan!!!

-Rental: Think about plan for 24 side kitchen renovations, and sewer pipe camera

-Music: black friday sale for keyboard? set up Rocksmith studio and speakers etc

-Waltham: check out walking paths and restaurants



-Work outs: 4

-ChooseFI: Through episode 202

-Gardyn: Thinned out Gardyn y-cubes and roots, refreshed tank and added plant food and phlo, ph between 5.5 and 6.5. 

-Finished cleaning out storage unit and shipped the rest of connies stuff to her!

-Cats: Transitioned to litter robot

-Trip to Taiwan! Lots of family to see and sights to see and stuff to buy and food to eat! 

-Bought Jolie shower filter and new electronic keyboard! 

-Watched: Fast X, Jujutsu Kaisen season 2



lv. 98 -> lv. 99

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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December 2023.

-In Taiwan. This is a good measuring stick to where I am in my life and what I want my life to be like. Am I happy with my progress and living a life with things that give me meaning? I feel like I am doing a lot of busywork that although is necessary, is not a priority. I make it the priority because I feel like I will suffer the consequences if I do not complete it. But what about the consequences of not making meaningful things the priority? Its just more familiar but maybe I should stop doing it 


Ideas for the Month:

-Home: Set up Jolie showerhead, Studio speakers, organize family box and maybe buy some under the bed storage boxes for this purpose. Hang up posters, Power Meter measurements

-Cats: Set up cat carriers? Leash/harness/clicker training, train them and learn more about them

-Gardyn: Plan for y-cubes purchase, figure out membership and failed y-cube refund, add plant food, water, and phlo when I get back and read each plant to know how to take care of and harvest

-People: Try going to a smash weekly, and invite ppl to our home on the weekend. Maybe rockport? Visit Indiana xmas time? Waltham walks and restaurants?

-Rental: Think about plan for 24 side kitchen renovations, and sewer pipe camera. 80/20 for property management? Update rental expenses tab

-CE requirements, fill out those class action lawsuits!


-Music: Set up guitar studio and piano studio, 80/20 goals

-Workout: Pilates? Handstand and dumbbell workouts? 80/20

-Chinese: Chineasy

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, 80/20 and follow the books recipes for techniques, Masterclass

-Us: Travel destination, Local weekend activities, Cats, goals



-Work outs: 3 pilates reformer classes

-ChooseFI: Episode 215

-Modified MoSCoW prioritization system for ideas of the month: Must, Should, Could, Would and integrate them into todoist

-Class action lawsuits! If you don't get an email then don't bother

-Smash weekly with Enoch, time to retire from that haha

-Set up Jolie showerhead, cat scratcher, toy block under fridge, gifts for work and amy and unpacking suitcases and making a travel suitcase, setup new lamp, cleaned and donated apartment. Set up studio speakers, organized family boxes and cleaned up beneath the bed.

-Started Chineasy chinese learning app

-rental expenses tab update

-Lots of Taiwan adventures

-Watched: Past Lives

-Played: Vagante

-Holiday work party at Eric's house



lv. 99 -> lv. 100

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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Year 2023 Review.

Reflecting on my 2023 Vision, I postponed the emergency home costs/maintenance and opted with a property manager, and deprioritized moving to taiwan with just a trip instead. I established a routine and priority list of daily things which decreases clutter and focuses on doing things that I care about or are important instead of just being there. Knowing to give my all and complete tasks with meaning is just focusing on priority of tasks from top to bottom, and then no matter what I get done I'll be satisfied because I did the best I could with the time and energy that I have and the most meaningful stuff first. So not bad, but 2024s gonna be even better and even more meaningful


Experiences I had:

-New job! 401k rollover

-Cared for two new cats! Litter robot and setting up a routine

-Moved into an awesome loft studio by the river, spent so so so much time organizing and cleaning and designing

-Finished Medical Chinese Packet, started HSK 4 Supertest

-Guitar: watched St. Vincent Masterclass, downloaded Rocksmith customforge songs, Diablo Rojo

-Listened to 170+ episodes of ChooseFI

-Alexander Lesson Journey

-Lots of workouts

-Anniversary Omakase dinner, Meyer's and Chang bday dinner

-Parents came to visit before Cleo was born

-Started growing hydroponic garden and starting my green thumb

-Cemetery Forest Bathing in a rainstorm

-Piano Group class!

-Thinned out a lot to get rid of unnescessary things that waste your time: clothes, website links, shoes, apps, podcasts, music playlists, email

-Rental: Switched to a new PM company, sewer snaking, cockroaches, trash removal, tenant turnover, landscaping thru Thumbtack, rental expenses sheet, Painting and front step replacement, fence

-Facebook marketplace seller!

-Got rid of trash and cleared parents basement, junk removal, storage closet, thredup, donation, Consolidated decades of memories and trash and brought to parents and sister, now it goes under the bed lol


-Trips: NH Getaway cabin, Taiwan, Brooklyn for niece

-Concerts: Postal Service+ Death Cab for Cutie, Han Solo, Zhu, Broken Social Scene, Zed's Dead, Rodrigo y Gabriella

-Watched: Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Beef, Past Lives, Physical 100, Interstellar, Barbie, Hamilton, Super Mario Movie, Asteroid City

-Read: Life's Greatest Lessons," and "The Strangest Secret," "Pogue's Basics," "Sandler's Success Principles" "30 second Philosophies" "Financial First Aid" and "Money"

-Played: Vagante, Divinity 2

-Listened: ChooseFI

-Recipes: Instant pot 3 cheese mac n cheese, indian veggie curry, black bean chili, Parents style tofu/chicken, Saffron shallot butter spaghetti



2024 VISION.


1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller!

-Work on telling compelling genuine stories, and be caught up with ChooseFI podcasts, maybe read all the books and be a master

2 - Wake up earlier and sleep sooner. Morning routine of cats, tea, hygiene, meal prep, (exercise), vacuum/dishes, family, chinese, music

-Longterm: Resolve rental's sewer pipe and cabinet installation

3 - Body and Health. Cook regularly and Cookbooks. BuiltwithScience Workouts, Nutrition, Pocketcoach program

-Read 4 hr chef, go through cookbooks and develop a cooking rotation of healthy foods that support the lifestyle you want to live

-Look into stretches for hips hamstrings, flexibility

4 - Know everything about cats and bonding, People relationship goals 

-Cat book all in one? Youtube vids? Clicker training or tricks? Therapy?

5 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level, finish Chineasy and next program

6- Become a musician in my habits and self identification, be able to jam

-Piano in 21 Days

-Look through music apps and work on ear training/music theory

-Finger exercises or program, find to be more comfortable around the fretboard

-Work on songs that make you feel something

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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January 2024.

-A bit late on this one, I forgot how enjoyable reflection and goal planning can be..! I feel like I understand priorities better than ever before, now to create data and see if it made a big difference lol. The big thing with me is I like to make things automatic so there is no inertia to get started, so I need to prepare automatic goals and then when I have free time I can learn more and do creative things. Atleast while i have this full-time w2 lifestyle!


Ideas for the Month:

-Home: Install Weather strip, put away underbed storage, organize bookshelf and goals

-Cats: Set up cat carriers? Leash/harness/clicker training, train them and maybe get a cats for dummies book and stroller

-Gardyn: Plan for y-cubes purchase, Weekly trimming, eat atleast 2 salads a week and pick herbs anytime you cook (2x/week atleast), weekly plant food/pHlo addition

-People: Invite ppl to our home on the weekend. Maybe rockport? Waltham walks and restaurants?

-Rental: Think about plan for 24 side kitchen renovations, and sewer pipe camera


-Music: Daily fingering/fretboard practice? Something automatic and look into music apps. Then I can learn songs when I feel inspired. Rocksmith, and maybe computer effects for fun

1-Ear training (sing pitch)

-longterm, tonegym, soundgym

2-Rhythm training

3-Finger training 

a) finger warmup, wrist warmup, get tuner/metronome ready

b) finger gym: hammer on/pull off slow up and down fretboard, different combinations

c) spider exercise, no tension inbetween with different combinations

d) tension free finger stretches 1st/6th string runs

-longterm, legato playing and more exercises, petrucci rock discipline, guitar method series. finger band, guitar workouts

4-song working out

-watch tomo fujita channel practice tips/routine

-Workout: Fitness+ Pilates Workouts! 10 min a day. Look into focusing on hamstrings/flexibility/hips? Later can do AX dumbbells or handstand program

-Chinese: Chineasy

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, Gobble meal kits, Masterclass later

-Us: Travel destination, Local weekend activities, Cats, goals



-Workout Days: 7 (1 Pilates), 3 workouts of Built with Science

-ChooseFI: Episode 245

-Cooked: Ossobuko, Chuck Roast w/ sauteed veggies, Eggs around the world, Gobble meal kits of Bugolgi tacos, salmon arugula salad, chicken

-Gardyn: Complete refresh trimming roots and leaves, harvested first salads! After growing for like 4 months lol. Researched plants for tea, garnish, cooking, salads

-Chineasy through 200

-Developed Guitar practice routine, once I get this other stuff done...

-Read: "Cat Daddy" by Jackson Galaxy

-Watched "Saltburn," "Ted Lasso"



lv. 100 -> lv. 101

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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February 2024.

-I got sick but still made great progress! I feel so optimistic and can see the progress of just habit building and getting 1% better everday. And the nice things is that you don't have to wait that long (weeks to months) to see progress.


Ideas for the Month:

-Life: CPR renewal, CE, Cpap class action, longterm rental sewer/cabinet, schedule Vet visit

-Home: Organize bookshelves, undersink, hang poster/donate other posters, clean oven, buy bidet?

-Chinese: Chineasy

-Us: Get ready for Myrtle beach, read "Cats for Dummies" and "Cat Mojo," Cat carriers emergency plan?

-Workout: Built with Science workouts, read through course, Hamstrings/flexibility/hips? 

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, eggs and cauliflower and the one after that, Masterclass later, plan for y-cubes purchase

-Music: Daily fingering/fretboard practice? Something automatic and look into music apps. Then I can learn songs when I feel inspired. Rocksmith, and maybe computer effects for fun

1-Ear training (sing pitch)

-longterm, tonegym, soundgym

2-Rhythm training

3-Finger training 

a) finger warmup, wrist warmup, get tuner/metronome ready

b) finger gym: hammer on/pull off slow up and down fretboard, different combinations

c) spider exercise, no tension inbetween with different combinations

d) tension free finger stretches 1st/6th string runs

-longterm, legato playing and more exercises, petrucci rock discipline, guitar method series. finger band, guitar workouts

4-song working out

-watch tomo fujita channel practice tips/routine



-Workouts: 11

-ChooseFI: through 264

-Cooked: Cauliflower coconut milk mash, Golden curry w/ chicken, Fried Rice with chicken and oyster mushrooms, BBQ Chicken thighs, Zucchini peels, Japan/Vietnam eggs

-Chineasy: through 270

-Music: 21 Days Piano through day 7

-Read: Cats for Dummies

-Watched: Rick and Morty, True Detective, Love is Blind 6, Love on the Spectrum

-Travel: Myrtle Beach! Timeshares lol



lv. 101 -> lv. 102

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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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March 2024.

-I'm proud, I made great progress and am making steady progress in all my goals. Also work to quit dopamine and bad food so I can better enjoy the real dopamine


Ideas for the Month:

-Life/events/food/placesFinish cabinet repair/kitchen remodel, longterm rental sewer problem. book therapy appt? Hang/donate pictures, clean oven. Read "Cat Mojo," Cat carriers emergency plan? 

-Habits/ritual: Quit dopamine and bad food, coffee (tea is ok), alcohol and use all my available free time on creating my best life.

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, morning egg experiments, Harissa crab cakes, more meal plans, develop consistent meal plan.  salads?

-Workout: read through course, Hamstrings/flexibility/hips?

-Career: Make career goals, figure out what kind of job you want, build the foundation and action plan

-Chinese: Keep going with Chineasy

-Music: Continue 21 Days of Piano



1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller

-Buy and install bidet (warm water next time) and shower filter, garydn caps and next garydn plants

-Took cats out on a stroller walk by the river

-ChooseFI: through 273

-Reading: Easypeasy, Cat Mojo

-Watched: Dune 2, Brooklyn 99, 3 body problem, physical 100 s2

2 -Establish a daily routine of priorities and good habits

-Reorganized, clarified vision and goals and priorities and todoist

-focus in 15 min a day of hygeine, car, and weekend cleaning routine/focus/catchup

3 - Health. Be a better cook, have a recipe book

-Cooked: Eggs with curry/garam masala, fish sauce, coconut, chile, lime etc. Sesame chicken and caramel, smashed potatoes and baked chicken with toasted panko, pan fried chicken brushed with Stubbs BBQ, tika masala, pork ribs, crabcakes. Spinach and unagi rice and many other meal kits. Biryani, marengo stew, fajitas, etc. 

-Made $/ppm sheet! If I can do $500 a month eating well in VHCOL that's not the worst

4 - BWS Intermediate Build/Shred, better flexibility and joint health

-Workouts: 13, Yoga stretches, some bws stretch incorporation

5- New Job: Less stress, more pay, remote
-Career: downloaded job podcasts to listen to onto a playlist (13). Filtered and made a plam, downloaded ologies and more job tales just to boost my imagination

6 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level

-Chineasy: through 305

7- Become a musician in my habits and self identification, be able to jam

-Music: 21 Days Piano through day 9




lv. 102 -> lv. 103



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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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April 2024.

-Looking good! Less time wasters and dopamine addiction, more time reviewing my vision and executing the plan. Sleep earlier maybe? I do love the focus on eating and health. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Life/events/foods/places: Longterm rental sewer problem. Prepare for therapy! Hang/donate pictures, clean oven. Read "Cat Mojo," Cat carriers emergency plan?  Plan for next years vacations and some time off

-Habits/ritual: Quit dopamine and bad food, coffee (tea is ok), alcohol and use all my available free time on creating my best life. Limit videos and sports, sleep earier and wake up before the rest of the world for those coffee mornings enjoying the extra time. 

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, morning egg experiments, Develop consistent meal plan.  salads?

-Workout: read through course, Hamstrings/flexibility/hips? More vids and workouts. Krav maga?

-Career: Make career goals, figure out what kind of job you want, build the foundation and action plan. Keep listening to job podcasts

-Chinese: Keep going with Chineasy

-Music: Continue 21 Days of Piano. Research drum course?



1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller

-booked first therapy appt! +3 more sessions

-Watched: Brooklyn 99, 3 body problem, Rebel Moon 1+2, Secrets of the Gut

2 -Establish a daily routine of priorities and good habits

-Pomodoro, try to enjoy the morning and moment doing other things

-Korean skin routine: skin toner, skin essence, moisturizer, and scalp toner, scalp essence, hair essence etc. Face masks!

-Whoop for sleep/exercise etc. Go back to daily tracking of calories and morning weight

3 - Health. Be a better cook, have a recipe book

-Cooked: Japanese fried rice with egg, chicken legs, chicken and bok choi in oil

4 - BWS Intermediate Build/Shred, better flexibility and joint health

-Workouts: 8

-Start incorporating ab workouts, more walking and some running

-Start monthly BF% measurements and progress pics

-Finish going through BWS Intermediate program, just need to rehaul nutritional meal plan

5- New Job: Less stress, more pay, remote
-Listened through JobTales, Ologies, so many episodes (Dreaming, adhd, pathologies, videogames, etc)

6 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level

-Chineasy: through 345

7- Become a musician in my habits and self identification, be able to jam

-Music: 21 Days Piano

-Started Drumeo and Alesis electronic drum kit!

-More Erol Sing studio, and rhythm training

-Drumeo beginner course through 1.4.3



lv. 103 -> lv. 104

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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May 2024.

-You need new comfort zones. Be comfortable being uncomfortable and trying new ways to respond to stress and finding new ways to comfort yourself instead of just using dopamine from YouTube and videos. Learn something! Live the life you want to live now in this moment, with the interests you want to be interested in and fill your life with. That means following your vision for the life you want to live. 


Ideas for the Month:

-Life/events/foods/places: Longterm rental sewer problem. Hang/donate pictures, clean oven. Read "Cat Mojo," and "Easy Peasy"  Plan for next years vacations and some time off

-Habits/ritual: Better sleep/recovery, keep going with the hygiene and Korean skin routine

-Cooking: 4 hr chef, salads, and smoothies and keep moving thru with menu plans

-Workout: read through 2nd course, warmups and abs and cardio. More YouTube fitness vids. Krav maga? 

-Career: Make career goals, figure out what kind of job you want, build the foundation and action plan. More job podcasts

-Chinese: Keep going with Chineasy

-Music: Continue 21 Days of Piano, Sing studio, Drumeo, guitar



1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller

-Finished reading: Easypeasy

-Watched: Atlanta Seasons 1+2

2 -Establish a daily routine of priorities and good habits

-Sleep hygiene

-Korean skin routine

-Whoop data: Get +1 hour of sleep, no alcohol, try not to eat/drink before bed

3 - Health. Be a better cook, have a recipe book

-Cooked: Steak!

-certified humane milk!

-YorkTest for food sensitivities

4 - BWS Intermediate Build/Shred, better flexibility and joint health

-Start incorporating ab workouts, cardio, warmups

-Sunday boxing workouts

-Finished reading BWS courses, just keep them for reference especially for meal plan ideas

-Monthly BF% measurements and progress pics

5- New Job: Less stress, more pay, remote
-First round interview, Equipped Interview podcast, Get ready for next round video interviews

6 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level

-Chineasy: through 385

7- Become a musician in my habits and self identification, be able to jam

-21 Days Piano - through day 11

-More Erol Sing studio, and rhythm training

-Drumeo beginner course through 2.0.0



lv. 104 -> lv. 105

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"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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June 2024.

-Job Interviewwwww. I want it so bad, this is great practice and opportunity to learn! Besides that just focus on the staples: Meal plans, exercise, Sleep, hygiene, and clean. I have been slanting away from Music/Reading/Chinese/Workout frequency because there is such a great need to funnel time and energy into interview prep. Should be over by July hopefully...


Ideas for the Month:

-Habits/ritual: Better sleep/recovery, keep going with the hygiene and Korean skin routine. 2600 calories and 150+ grams of protein daily: eat chicken, protein shakes

-Career: Job podcasts, prepare for Job interview!



1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller

-Watched: Atlanta, Frieren

2 -Establish a daily routine of priorities and good habits

-Sleep hygiene, skin routine, make things effortless, essential things easier

3- New Job: Less stress, more pay, remote
-Therapy practice interviews, Interview coaching session, Alexander technique interview class, Finish Job podcasts, do prep work and linkedin stalking. 2.5 hr interview!

4 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level

-Chineasy: through 405

5- Become a musician in my habits and self identification, be able to jam

-21 Days Piano - through day 11

-Drumeo Method through L2.4

-Guitareo Method through L3.1

-Singeo through L2.1



lv. 105 -> lv. 106

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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July 2024.

-Still awaiting results. Anyway, I have more interest in music and more discipline than ever. Make it effortless and easy! Move away from addictions and form new neural connections on what to do when you have freedom and are bored and don't know what to do with yourself.. As for frieren, stop and enjoy the flowers and the sidequests, you have enough time make this journey the journey of a lifetime. 

-And maybe I should listen to Cal Newport's advice about having multiple interests: Its better to focus on one/two for weeks or months until you get great results and then switch to maintenance mode on those while you focus on the next interest


Projects for the Month: (by priority)

-Dopamine and NF, stop wasting time/energy

-what kind of haircut do I want?

-Get a headshot for linked in, Start a document with job description and think of examples etc and always be prepping with success/accomplishment/challenges

-Youtube videos for flexibility/well roundedness, fitness topics

-Synthesize recipe book on Crouton: 4 hr chef, salads, and smoothies, cook books, recipe cards, BWS recipes

-Read cat books


After 21st:

-start ohyeah

-Call and plan Hawaii vacation for bday next year

-Donate picture frames?


Hobbies/interests on maintenance:

-Skin care/hygiene, sleep

-Cook every Tues/Thurs/Sun or night off, healthy and protein rich meals

-Tues/Th/Sat weightlifting, Wed Run, Sun Boxing/rest

-5 Chineasy lessons a day

-Naplex review ?

-Singeo daily vocal exercises

-Daily Waking up meditations



1 - Live an exciting life in the present with loved people, food, places, experiences, and events. Be a better storyteller

-Finished Waking up 28 day intro course

-booked 7 night hawaii vacation! next to book flights and confirm vacation and use travel rewards.

-Made a dopamineNF playlist as a podcast alternative for commutes

-Watched: Cyberpunk2077 Edgerunners, Scavenger's Reign

2 -  Establish a daily routine of priorities and good habits

- retinols nightly and daily facial hygeine. Wake up

- learned about hair loss and strategies!

3 - Health. Be a better cook, have a recipe book

-Cooked: potatoes and peppers

-Started crouton recipe accumulation and sharing: standard ones and 4 hr chef

4 - BWS Intermediate Build/Shred, better flexibility and joint health

-Added arm workouts to every workout, ab workouts too

-Started fitness youtube playlist and learned a lot about fat loss and exercising

-new record of 5k, 33:34 and going on from there!

5- New Job: Less stress, more pay, remote
-Finished job podcasts, did references to move on to the next step. Headshot.

6 - Speak and read better chinese at a much higher level

-Chineasy: Finished all 500 lessons!!

-Started Pleco HSK flashcards and buying lessons and dictionaries to go through all the vocab (simplified and traditional), start at HSK 1: 476 cards to go



lv. 106 -> lv. 107


-I did a lot this month in planning long term changes and chinese focus and cooking and booking and setting up automated systems.... Plus confirmed the move back home! Which will be huge!! So much work to be done, and throw the possible and hopefully new job coming up... This time of the year is always so crazy haha. I'm also proud of prioritizing my fitness and nutrition goals and I can definitely feel that temporarily prioritizing some skills i want over others is definitely the way to go to reach my goals fster

  • Like 2

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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August 2024.

-Another Fall, another move lol. Prepare for the move, close the loop on property management, prepare for *hopefully* new job, keep up the hygeine/cleaning habits, etc.


Projects for the Month: (by priority)

-Prep for late sept move: prop mgmt calls/action steps with dates, utilities/insurance/usps changes, apartment design, Schedule cleaning, lawn care, kitchen sink replacement

-Come up with job action plan and review plan to prep for potential new role

-Add Crouton recipes: Recipe cards, BWS recipes, cookbooks

-Read cat books, moving them to our new home

-start ohyeah


Hobbies/interests on maintenance:

-Skin care/hygiene, sleep

-Cook every Tues/Thurs/Sun or night off, healthy and protein rich meals

-Tues/Th/Sat weightlifting, Wed Run, Sun Boxing/rest

-Dopamine and NF playlist, stop wasting time/energy/goals

-Fitness/flexibility playlist

-Pleco chinese flashcards?

-Singeo course?



-Another 2 interviews, more learning opportunities and the prep work before it, which took up most of the free time this month

-Set up utility swap for move, getting place ready for moving in with cleaning/maintenance/repairs


-Get ready for trips next 2 months

-Newbury st open streets and dim sum, visited a farm



lv. 107 -> lv. 108


-It didn't seem like I did a lot but a lot of time was spent doing interview prep and processing it and gaining experience. Which brings up the focus for next month...

  • Like 1

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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September 2024.

-It just feels like a big month... Hopefully a new job offer, moving again (hopefully for a few years), and a brand new perspective. All this time, the focus on productivity and valuing actions overshadowed my mind's subconcious desire for idle time so it would have the time and space to process emotions and stay healthy. I will value idle time as the healthy way to deal with life's stresses vs. escaping with dopamine as the unhealthy way to hide from life's stresses. Obviously one way is easy and better and just needs me to revalue how I see idle time (as valuable, healing, and the brave alternative to dopamine escape) like walking. Onwards!


Projects for the Month: (by priority)

-Make sure repairs on schedule and scout home, change utilities and address, mgmt returns security deposit, and move in and buy things you need!!

-Pack, move, unpack, organize

-(job prep? or maybe apply to interesting per diems)

-Focus on 2300-2400 calories daily, 150g+ daily protein, watch fitness playlist

-Respect daily idle time of any of: Either Exercise or Walk every day, or Cook every other day, Meditate as a catch all.

-Add Crouton recipes: Recipe cards, BWS recipes, cookbooks

-Read cat books

-more ohyeah


Hobbies/interests on maintenance:

-Skin care/hygiene, sleep

-Dopamine and NF playlist, stop wasting time/energy/goals



-Moved!! We need to stop doing this every year...

-Finished up my last weeks at my stressful underpaid job

-Did most of the house repairs, utility changes, security deposits, and buying

-Didn't get much done otherwise, Lots of time prepping, moving, then unpacking and organizing and not even done. 

-Went to gf's friends wedding and visited her parents, nice little trip



lv. 108 -> lv. 109


-it was a big month, go-go-go with almost no time off. Huge changes but for the best. Also a valuable new mindset and clarity that I can use to set up my life in the next few months when things get organized and calm down a bit.

  • Like 2

"You have in you the seeds of greatness and the seeds of destruction. The seeds you nurture will prevail. Choose wisely."

"Spring comes, the grass grows by itself" ~Zen proverb

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