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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. I know it's hard, but don't lose hope! A lot of women also experience something known 'in the biz' as a WHOOSH. Basically, you work and work and work, see no progress, then practically overnight... WHOOSH. You wake up several pounds lighter! Lots of people have complicated theories about water balance/retention and fat cell biology, but it happens! Just keep truckin
  2. LISS is actually really good for you for a few reasons: - low-impact. You can spend an hour or so a day walking and not have to worry about 'recovery', and even the most out of shape of us can do it. - When you do it for about an hour a day, every day of the week, you can actually burn through about half a pound of fat a week (plugging in numbers for myself, I get about 250 calories for 60 minutes, thats 1750 for a week). Of course, if you adjust your food intake because of this all bets are off, YMMV etc. - fits in easily with life. You can increase the number of steps you walk every day using little tricks and what not to make up the difference, rather than taking time out of your day for the gym or a running track. Anyway, at about your weight/waist is when a lot of people start seeing slowing progress, regardless of effort. Just keep trucking and keep expectations realistic.
  3. Guy actually asked me for squat advice while I was at the gym today... So I critique his form. Not going low enough. "But, but... isn't that bad for your knees?" *headslap*
  4. Honestly, I'm working towards a PT cert, and, seeing the vast levels of despairity in the faces of the people who are trainers there... Yeah I think I'd rather go indy/consult :/
  5. That is my pain. Like I said, that estimation formula gave me 13% BF, but I have suuuuch a tire 'round the tummy. Umm women is more hips/thighs actually. But it's the same problem. Body-fat estimations just don't account for pear vs apple vs hourglass shapes very well. Women get even MOAR complications, because your... uhhh... biology? plays soooo many games with hormones, water levels, and storage patterns that I personally applaud any woman who makes visible progress. As such, with women it's actually possible to RE-distribute body fat to new locations... So you lose fat overall, but your body reacts to certain hormones and begins storing more fat calories in the areas I mentioned before. TL;DR, its complicated. If you lose weight and gain strength, 99% chance you're doing it right.
  6. Well what measurements have changed? The real culprit here is probably a slightly larger waistline, which usually throws things off, because a) for a large portion of the male demographic, abdominal subcutaneous fat is the LAST to come off the body. So if you lose fat, but none of it comes from the belly fat, most BF% equations won't register the difference. if you're doing heavy lifting, your core is gonna expand. Add in the fact that if you do IF or something and your stomach is bloated, that'll add circumference too. Beyond that, if the discrepancy isn't accounted for, we made need to look closer at your training and diet. If you aren't getting enough protein and other nutrients, your muscles could be getting 'newb gains', through stronger contractions etc etc but STILL shrink. I've seen it happen, and you get people who are semi-strong but skinny fat.
  7. Not frequency, but volume. Do the weight training, and the jiu-jitsu, but do less sets with more effort per set in the gym, and keep jiu-jitsu workouts the same way; shorter, but overall the same amount of effort over less time. Otherwise, you'll end up over-working your muscles. You'll still overwork them unless you take in more calories though.
  8. I've read something similar. The real limiter of small ROM is that if you build all your strength in just that ROM, you start losing flexibility. So, if you don't bench down all the way, you'll lose flexibility pulling your arms back that far. In short, I doubt limiting ROM will hurt your progress towards one-armed awesomeness.
  9. Hmm. Covert-Bailey gives me 13.3. Oh how I wish that were true
  10. A scale, a tape measure, and the mirror/progress pictures are the ideal method for most people. A scale for day-to-day stuff (don't worry about fluctuations though!), and the rest for long term results.
  11. Pay attention to your elbows too. You want them rotated forward, rather than flared out to your sides like with a bench press. This will shift the bar forward, as well as give yourself a more stable position. Not ALL the way forward, but you should get an idea what feels most comfortable though.
  12. Mmm because you need to consider roller derby, I'd suggest eating more for performance NOW. When your season is over is the time to consider muscle gain/fat loss, as part of your GP phase of training. But in the middle of a season is NOT the time for trying any body recomposition.
  13. How's your actual grapple training going? Most mixed sports like this require a lot of metabolic work, and metabolic work is primarily fueled by carbs. That, combined with the fact that you're probably still in a calorie deficit will slow muscle gains. If you really wanna concentrate on gaining LBM, get more carbs, and actually do LESS work. Metabolic work, because of the high carb requirements, generally doesn't go along well with fat loss.
  14. Yeah, those electric impedance things are affected heavily by water levels. Hydration/carb levels in your body can cause it to fluctuate wildly. Find a more consistent measurement method.
  15. Fair enough, but a lot of the articles, I think, tend to re-iterate sentiments that this board already bounces around with. Except with better writing style and prose At the same time, I can't imagine anyone really saying anything negative. I mean, it's kinda hard to criticize the writing of the guy who started NF in the first place >.>
  16. Oh god. So many studies, I don't know where to start. For now, I'll just state what I've come to accept as common truths that have been proven time and time again. 1) Caloric restriction is positively correlated with lowered incidences of many diseases of western culture, and results in longer, higher quality of life. 2) Resistance training is implicated in maintaining muscular strength and bone density/strength against aging factors. 3) Cardiovascular activity is shown to decrease incidences of CHD, CAD, stroke, and other maladies of the cardio system. Pretty much everything else is up for debate, more or less.
  17. It's hard for us to help you without a better frame of reference. How strong ARE you, what is your BF/LBM numbers, height, etc... these are all things to factor into what realistic expectations you should have. Might be you're hitting a ceiling simply because you've been training long enough that gains slow down. You can't keep getting bigger muscles indefinitely.
  18. Why measure in cups? Considering that different vegetables have different calorie/nutrient densities... You'd be better off just aiming for more measurable goals, like 1 carrot, 1 head of broccoli, 1etc... a day
  19. Actually my money'z on deep sprain, if nothing visible shows up. Hernias tend to be... visible. sometimes disturbingly so. Sorry bout your luck mate.
  20. I think it should be a combination of Wookies and Ewoks. Don't wanna use too many decimal places nao. BUT TO THE TOPIC AT HAND. Yes, the idea of the rainbow braid was just that the guy would hate that based on who he is. Same as how some guys might enjoy innuendo from prison inmates. Hey, I don't judge. The point was HE'D not enjoy it. Right behind yah Bruce. Although I think we'd have to google bomb the muthaf***a to get his attention.
  21. My proposal for a suitable punishment: Force him to do a tough mudder. In a speedo, full cameras, everyone pointing and laughing. Allowed on the sidelines are hard-core prison inmates jeering sexual innuendos at him the whole time. Immediately after finishing (or when he pukes and needs a defib), he faces the girl he insulted 1 v 1 in a fighter game, but again, full jeers and innuendo in HIS direction. His punishment for losing is braiding his beard and dyeing it the colors of the rainbow.
  22. This. http://bitmob.com/articles/cross-assault-sexual-harassment-controversy-overshadows-on-screen-combat That's all I have to say. Other than: Urge... to kill... rising...
  23. 7g protein per egg. Gotten used to knowing protein amounts off the cuff like that... Hmm if your heart is set on pasta, use leaner beef in your meatballs, and stick to whole wheat pasta. Just avoid the 'white' grains. Saying anything about carb vs fat levels is hard to do without knowing how often you workout, but generally, the more you exercise, the more carbs you need, especially to get stronger.
  24. In the lower right corner, next to reply with quote you can select multi-quote. Select all that apply and then reply with quote the last one.
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