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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. See that's the thing; I've heard that you both can and can't study for this test. Aside from the grammar nit-picking, it seems to be fairly straight forward. The cap based on messing up early is new to me though. I'm also planning on taking the MBA as soon as I finish undergrad, so it has to be a school with a program designed for that. Not sure if that changes anyone's school advice Thanks for the responses so far though guys! Means a lot
  2. Finding protein powder low in sugar isn't too hard, but the 'and stuff' part is harder. A lot of them use sweeteners to make them palatable (seriously, unsweetened protein is the most disgusting thing ever, combined with the worst possible texture), and the refining process to remove protein from milk, well... let's just say powder is far from 'paleo' That being said, most run of the mill protein powders are fine when it comes to weight loss. Look for 80% calories from protein or higher. So, if one scoop is 120 cals, you want at least 24g of protein. Once you have that, add whatever you feel you need to make it palatable.
  3. Was the scoring the same? I understand that it's out of 800, and 700 is a pretty damn good score. I need at least a 650 for the program at my current school, but obviously I want to get the best program I can. I don't think that paying for prep specifically will help; doing practice tests and everything but the grammar stuff is a joke. Like, what portions did you find yourself losing the most marks on? Which ones consumed the most time? Which ones did you find extra preparedness was needed?
  4. On dairy: have you checked up on lactose free stuff? Anyway, if you go to a butcher you can usually request extra lean meats.
  5. Since you're a financial planner, I assume you're a numbers guy? If so, listen closely to Waldo. He'll throw numbers at you until they infiltrate your dreams. Either way, sounds like your primary goal right now is fat loss. At the same time, with a decent program and adequate protein intake, you can totally get thrown off by weight because you put a little muscle on while losing fat. Just keep doing what you do, and when your progress seems to slow down, re-tool at that point. Don't worry about the BF calculations. If the measurement you're performing keeps going in the right direction, say, belly keeps losing inches, then don't worry about actual BF. Track the measurement.
  6. Looking to take it sometime in the next half year or so. Anyone in/done an MBA that can point me in the right direction? Prep? Costs? Best schools to apply to?
  7. Not catholic, but I hear that this is a pretty accurate depiction of what goes on during those classes. ... *runs away*
  8. No problems. It's just something *else* that I happen to be passionate about. I used to be one of those typical nerdy type kids, until, one day, I just decided I didn't wanna put up with the shit anymore. So I started working towards being the person who I wanted to be. As a result, I tend to be more of a jerk, more stubborn, more self-sufficient, more amoral, and a helluva lot more awesome. Might not all seem like pros to the outsider, but I sure as hell have a lot more fun this way. But... yeah. In general, comfortability with who you are goes a long way with life-satisfaction. Not saying any one person here per say, but just in general.
  9. Doing light cardio on off days can help reduce residual soreness as well. As for the pull-ups, how do you know you aren't using your back? I'm pretty sure you are, unless you think your biceps are capable of curling 100#'s each... Your back is doing its fair share of work bud. Don't worry about it.
  10. I thought the throat clearing was a good enough indication of sarcasm... Funny though, the behaviors I mentioned end up being stereotypically true because people will conform to them by societal pressures. If you are a nerd, and society says you should be awkward, then unconsciously you will trend towards that behavior. The entire point that I got from a lot of articles was to simply be more aware of who you are, what your personal identity is, what you want your personal identity to be, etc. The more comfortable you are with BEING who you are (and with the griping that you see from a lot of people who identify with being 'nerdy', I, at least, get the sense that a lot of us are NOT comfortable with our identity), the better you will feel overall. Regardless of the original intent of the website, that is what the focus is, with the better articles that he's written. Not saying that everything the man writes is gold, but at least the identity stuff is worth a once-over. Finally, like I said, the statement was sarcastic. But the best sarcasm always holds a grain of truth. When the game is 'living in a society', then the players are 'everyone', and it's hard to get by, by just 'not playing'. You can't fix the problems you perceive with society (well unless you go mad doctor on us all and start mind-controlling everyone), so railing against the 'system' really doesn't do you any favors. That being said, the people who tend to hate games are the ones who perform poorly at them.
  11. You also have much higher than normal muscle mass. What I'm saying is that, for the ENTIRE human population, chances are less than 1 in 100 people have muscle mass high enough to make the BMI invalid. Obviously, on a fitness forum such as NF you'll get skewed data, because we attract people aiming for above average musculature... walk down the street and see how many people look like they're BMI prediction is incorrect.
  12. Well.... As much as I usually tend to agree with anyone, I personally would recommend extra calcium and iron, both of which women tend to be deficient in. If it doesn't make you feel better now, you'll not regret it later in life.
  13. It's worse when the baked potato starts turning green. ... What? Don't look at me like that! It's true!
  14. For the yogurt example, yeah you get a TON of water. Same with a lot of other things. The % of food that is actually water is really high. For the same reason, really dry foods like crackers or cereal tend to have weights closer to the sum of the nutritional components. Other factors for weight include: - vitamins/minerals - coloring/preservatives If it still seems a little high, then it might be just plain indigestible material that doesn't really count as fiber. Some food companies will pack stuff that, while harmless, simply adds bulk to the package cheaply in order to charge you more. Worst case scenario, check the ingredient list. Lists must be organized from first to last in descending order of weight.
  15. for 99% of the population, BMI is a perfectly acceptable method of determining the healthiness of your weight. I say this because I doubt that more than 1 in a 100 people actually carry enough muscle mass to push them from a normal BMI to an overweight BMI. At the same time, sounds like someone is just a little sensitive about that. I had no idea hippies could be cry-babies Congrats on your achievement though!
  16. Depending on body mechanics (aka are you a lanky bastard?), it might be easier/make more sense to do the sumo version; legs wide, grip down the middle. If you have long legs, shorter arms, and narrow shoulders, it makes more sense to go sumo.
  17. I like that analogy Waldo. The only thing I would add is that the limit difference is much higher than that; overfeeding of carbs needs to be in the 4000+ calorie range per day for several days before your body begins de novo lipogenesis, aka the creation of fat from carbs. On re-reading that, there's tons I could add but it would over-complicate the analogy That being said, if you want to pack muscle on, consuming carbs after working out along with protein, as well as ensuring glycogen stores are full before going to bed, will promote muscle gain. For fat loss, nutrient timing means nothing. Leangains and styles like that use nutrient timing to prevent muscle loss, not to enhance fat loss.
  18. I remember reading only ONE article pertaining to pick-up artists, and all he did was rate/explain them. Far from telling people they need to be pick-up artists. I think the whole point of the advice given is that if you think there's something wrong with you, and you go to this website seeking help, then you are pretty much seeking behaviour modification. I mean, a lot of his points about the behavious exhibited by nerds... well, they're correct. The body language, the incongruity, the 'nice guy/girl' stigmata... that's not how you 'act', its an unconscious behaviour. Not necessarily referring to you personally, but does slouching make you an awesome person? How about appearing creeping to the opposite sex? Bad hygiene? Overt fanaticism? These are all categorically 'nerdy' behaviours, but do you really think they impact positively on anyone's life? Just asking. As for 'I'm not broken, society is', Ahem: 'Don' hate da playa, hate da game!'
  19. Just try to keep getting SOME food in... I was hit with a nasty virus last new year. two weeks of little movement + no eating = lots of muscle loss
  20. I actually played college football for a season with a guy who observed ramadan. It was verrrry difficult for him, but the pace of the work versus eating was all wrong. He'd do tons of work early morning/afternoon, then have to continue fasting until nighttime, at which point it would be very difficult to eat enough calories before having to go to sleep for practice/school the next day. During training camp, we'd be up at 6, training by 8, break at 10:30, back at it at 11:30, wrap up at 2, more food, then film. Assuming the guy wants 8 hours sleep, that leaves him one hour to eat as much as he can before going to sleep the next day. During school, he might get another hour or two of eating time. It just wasn't enough time. Ideally, you would always have a little bit of food before training, and then eat a ton right after you finish. Follow those rules and what I said earlier and you're good to go.
  21. He said he's working on some female-centric posts coming up actually. I also challenge anyone to dispense such advice as he does without coming off at least a bit patronizing. The stuff he's written about self-confidence and what not always seemed spot on to me though. I'd put more effort into the subjective well being
  22. reboundstudent, I think you should visit doctornerdlove.com Even if your problems aren't romantic, he does delve deeply down into the depths of darkness that is a dweeb's soul. Know that if you think there is a problem, then there IS a problem; it just might not be the one you're thinking of. Seeking help is always the first step. Ironically, the thirst for knowledge and information should lead you to a solution anyways On a different philosophical note, you have to realize that 'happiness' as an idea is NOT the only thing worth striving for in life. After all, how can one even know what 'happiness' is, without experiencing hardship, suffering and sadness? Someone who deems their life to be 100% happy, 100% of the time, is not happy. Anyway, I suggest you look up subjective well being on wiki and just jump around from there. Might just change your definition of what the 'good life' is.
  23. Hey! Just read your blog post too and I gotta say there's a lot of people here with a background similar to yours! I'm sure you will find lots of help and tips for getting where you want to be Hell, just shout her name and STACIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII herself will come to the rescue! Enjoy :3
  24. aj_rock

    Processed Food

    And because of sentiments like these, the chemical preservative use in many brands is going down. Hell, we can make margarine nowadays that contains zero trans fats, because we know that trans fats are really, really bad for you. The problem is that we're in a 'two steps forward, one step back' mentality, because you end up with so many people that fervently believe that any and all processing is the devil in a can. The original point of this thread, I believe, is to bring out the fact that just because a food can be called 'processed' is not really a good justification for not eating it. Between processing, paleo/glute, cals in/out, I think a lot of people are gonna do a lot more damage to themselves with stress ulcers from worrying about the damn things than they ever will from 'evil' food at all.
  25. Dunno bout you mate, but I would definitely be down for a girl in an NF thong. And no, I don't mean flip-flops
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