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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Will watch after downloading it. We don't get HBO
  2. aj_rock


    I personally rarely worry about it. The big killer with drinks is the pub atmosphere. First beer goes down nice with nachos. Second one with wings. Third one with french fries. After 5 or 6 go get late night chinese. Just resist the urge to eat tons when you drink. Also, don't sit. I'm a big fan of dancing and what not, and I highly doubt that 4+ hours of dancing doesn't burn off MOST of the liquid calories.
  3. ehnnnn. If it doesn't say how much, I wouldn't bother. At the same time, I would probably never buy expensive eggs just because they're 'omega-3 enhanced'; I'd rather just continue taking fish oil.
  4. I am now thoroughly intrigued as to what this football stat is.
  5. *shrug* It's just a basic circuit training routine. That type of training is close to ideal for cardio. I wouldn't expect many gains in strength though.
  6. You're correct in that I have no idea what the issue is and it isn't necessarily enzymes. But she did show digestive problems when re-introduced to meat, and if not enzymes, I would hazard a guess at it having something to do with gut bacteria. She's looking right now at re-introducing fish at least.
  7. You think football's bad? The movie Moneyball, when you realize it's based on a true story, will make your inner statistician's eye twitch.
  8. It really is that easy. On a seperate note from Dr.Nerdlove, I love reading the comments from girls when they go 'I TOTALLY don't act like/fall for/ like it when guys do that!' The entire point of psychology is that you DONT realize that you're doing something on a conscious level. Totally digging the phrase 'social intuition' though.
  9. My girlfriend's vegetarian too, which I do tease her about all the time... Thing is she got into it for the wrong reasons (teenage phase and whatnot), and wants to get out of it now, but it's hard for her to re-introduce meat because her system doesnt have the enzymes necessary to digest it. But she gets pretty bad anemia from it now and it's becoming more of a health issue.
  10. I think the vast majority of guys here are familiar with your sentiments. Don't get bummed out though! It's a step in the right direction! You don't expect to drop 10 lbs of fat overnight, or gain 20 in muscle in a week. Getting good with women/finding one you reaaaaally care about takes time and effort! Just hang in there!
  11. Yeah. I really believe that three school courses EVERYONE should take are critical thinking, statistics, and personal finance. 2/3 are meant to help you better understand the world. Don't get me wrong; statistics, used/understood properly, are the only tool we currently have available for understanding certain aspects of the world. Like all science though, it's often used to further monetary gains than for any actual betterment. Steal away good Tim! I stole it from my stats prof...
  12. Did you get a chance to mention the lower back alt exercises I mentioned?
  13. There are three levels of deceit in the world: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
  14. Trouble? Make sure you let him know how much trouble his damn advice is causing you
  15. Sorry for the double post, but that website doctornerdlove.com - he's spot on. For you blokes having trouble, listen to what the man has to say.
  16. Timeline of a fitness forum that started dating posts: - first comes the inoccuous singles profile description. Meets with some success. People take note. - Moar profiles show up as thread starters. Membership increases due to desire to respond. - recruit introductions now read like singles profiles. Responses are mixed fitness help and offers of sweet lovin'. - People now join solely for the purpose of meeting someone romantically. A significant portion of all threads are dedicated to either meeting someone, or asking HOW to meet someone - Increased membership of non-NF following people dilutes board with bro-science and chick-mag advice. NF now resembles MFP. I don't have anything AGAINST meeting people; as Steve mentioned in a post, people HAVE shacked up through NF. I just think it should be maintained as a... discretion, if you will. Shouting out your marital status at the top of your internet lungs will send us in the wrong direction. That's just my 2 cents though. I wouldn't boycott NF by any means, but I would predict a 'I told you so' at some point in the future
  17. RHR IS what you get while you're sleeping... it should be slightly elevated even when maintaining a sitting position. *Shrug* HR charts tell me my max HR is around 200, but I've hit 220 before... Don't worry about HR zones though. A lot of people find the 'exertion' scale a much better gauge than HR. E.g. if you THINK you're working hard, if it FEELS like you're working hard, if you're breathing RAGGED because you're working hard... well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck
  18. What Atalan said. Dynamic stretches are better following a warm-up, while static stretches are more for when you're thoroughly warm and aiming to increase flexibility.
  19. Right behind yah buddy! I'll be there in about three weeks
  20. Some cereals really aren't too bad... A good qualifier for a box of cereal: the better the cereal is for you, the less kids would want to have it. So plain corn flakes, or almond crunch = yes, coco puffs and lucky charms = no.
  21. Would you hate me forever if I told you I beat you to it? Do I also get +1 because it was the pastor's daughter In my defense, I dated her through my last year of highschool, and we subsequently broke up because I left for school.
  22. Based on your measurements, you do seem pretty close to ideal. Smaller deficits and more patience work best in this range.
  23. 2 Frys from futurama would be a great achievement. To add the obviously shallow and morally irresponsible response to Brucie's situation, DON'T get 'seriously' involved, just uhhh enjoy the company? But no really, neither of you are in a good situation for seriousness, but, ermmm, stress relief, is always good for fighting burn out
  24. Especially for an article talking about sodium content and not gluten or anything like that... Typically, the people who should be eating breads are also the ones who need extra sodium; high-intensity activity that generates huge losses in body glucose/glycogen and electrolytes.
  25. There's a reason they compare the relative greatness of an invention to sliced bread
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