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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Don't forget that there are tons of leg exercises that can still do a pretty good job, depending on your goals. Lunges and dumbbells are good, especially if you're also training for a sport.
  2. Is it also part of your job to take immense pleasure at reading all our dirty little man secrets? Back to what you guys were saying though, I hope that you guys now realize the onus is on US to break this circle. Now that you have the ability to work out without fear, encourage others that you see who you feel may be intimidated. When you see the guy who's a little big bigger and can't quite get the exercise right, talk to him. Encourage him. Let him know that you filled his shoes once and you went through the exact same process he is. I mean, we were ALL there at one point, whether it was visiting the weight room at lunch break during highschool, or your first venture into the college gym, or building up the nerve to purchase a few sessions with a PT. Imagine how much better or sooner you would have picked these habits up if someone did the same for you. The change in someone's attitude that can result from simply knowing that everyone had to go through what they're going through... Anyways, to conclude this dialogue in a true manly fashion. DURR HURR HURR TEH B00BS LOLOLOL
  3. That works for me! Thanks for the support Wade!
  4. Oh trust me, they read and giggle to themselves, totally. The only way to combat this is... I really shouldnt be talking right now.
  5. PICK ME! OO OO PICK MEEEEEE OH PICK ME PLEASE No but really, I filled out der application. Put in a good word for me
  6. Bruce, I know EXACTLY what you're saying with the difficulty talking. My work-around: I just go out to a spot where I KNOW I'll have fun, and I KNOW I'll be up there dancin and singing along and having a good time. Smiles for everyone! And waddaya know, some girls just seem to dig that
  7. Ok, just saw it... TOTALLY MAKES THE SONG MORE AWESOME. No really. My buddies love this stuff
  8. Just remember you still have to get them out of the club/bar/wherever the hell you are BEFORE you take off your shirt guys! gotta win 'em with dat smile first
  10. Fainting can be expected if you go too hard. Mind you, it would be awesome to drink after. You'd be such a cheap drunk!
  11. Don't even joke about elasticity. That's what gave us that god-awful BOWFLEX piece of shit.
  12. Not gonna lie, I giggled a bit at the OP and then just shook my head. Of COURSE the 'guys only' thread devolved into a comparison of hot high-school teachers. .. ANYWAY I HAD THEEEEE HOTTEST MATH TEACHER. Kinda helps that she was pretty young, like 24 at the time. To a 17 year old, thats priiiiiiiiiiiime. Also, just because I always have to ruin your morning? with the facts, getting in better shape does tons for us. - Less fat = more visible wood. Every inch of gut hides about half an inch of penorz - Better cardiovascular system = better blood flow, well, EVERYWHERE. Meaning you stand at attention more often, for longer periods. - More muscle = improved self-esteem. There are official studies, so I'm not just saying it. As shallow as it is, you feel way more confident at 200 lbs 15% than at 250 30%
  13. It's much easier to critique if you post a video, but instinct tells me you aren't pulling the bar straight up. Since you aren't loading any weight on the bar, you are probably building a tendency to not pull the bar straight up. Straight up means its basically rubbing against your shins, then quads as you elevate. Otherwise, the bar floats out from your body and you get terrible amounts of stress on the rotator cuffs. Add a bit more weight to the bar and see if you feel a difference. Pull against gravity only; no rotation needed.
  14. seth: you need to do more homework man. It's been researched and thought out a lot better than that. The difference is in the accidental not eating in college, versus planned out eating windows designed to maximize the body's response to stimuli. Randomly eating at haphazard times = unhappy body, gaining fat, and losing muscle. Eating lots and eating healthy during a structured, thought out eating period = lose fat when not eating, build muscle when eating.
  15. I dunno about you, but I don't think anyone's invented electromagnetic workout equipment yet. Nothing seems to use the strong nuclear force either.
  16. It's kinda funny how hunger behaves really. It's also often mistaken for other things, like: - dehydration. A bit of water and hunger = gone! - heart burn. I do get this from time to time but when it's mild, it feels a helluva lot like hunger. - boredom. Fill your time, feel less hungry. -because it's just a specific time of day. Bear through the hunger for five-ten minutes, do something, and mysteriously the hunger just disappears!
  17. Yeah, don't trust magazines one bit. It's so unrealistic it's criminal. Anyway, like you said just don't let the weekends get away from you. Technically, as long as you aren't sitting on your butt the whole time, it's not really all that damaging. 3-4 drinks + hours of dancing... your net intake is negative NRLW is pretty good, but trying to improve cardio and strength is hard to do. Aim for a max of 3 hard working days a week, at least until you get more used to it, and then start increasing the days in a week you do work. Too much right away is a good way to injure or exhaust yourself. Especially if you wanna gain strength, do c25k, and martial arts. I don't think you need both c25k and martial arts at the same time.
  18. skinny fat = next step is get stronger. 140 is actually a 'healthy' weight for 5'9" in girls, so you aren't in danger anymore Yay! That being said, just focus on eating healthy; since you got this far without it, paleo might not be necessary. I'd look up some good women's training programs and just focus on getting plenty of protein and healthy foods!
  19. Working out late in the feed works only if you aren't doing anything high intensity. Otherwise you run the danger of puking.
  20. aj_rock


    Tis all about gut bacteria. When the bacteria digest the grainy stuff, they produce gas. The gas itself though isn't the smelly part, but from, as ETF said, other stuff that gets expelled with the increased gassiness. I'm the opposite of paleo, but on the days when I eat lots of grains and what not, I'm definitely a gas producing machiiiiiiiiiiiine
  21. jdanger, that was totally worth it. I still don't know how ETF does it.
  22. Not enough bacon on this thread. Remove protection spell Vs. ETFnerd in order to adequately increase bacon.
  23. Under 100 = ketosis. Dropping more carbs is neither beneficial or necessary. Cutting any remaining processed sugar could possibly help. That being said, i'd say you're already pretty lean for a female, so you're probably beyond novice in terms of fitness/fatness. What that means is that getting that extra step in terms of fat loss is going to take longer and/or require more drastic measures. It'll also be very difficult to continue adding strength and losing fat considering where you are in your training. My advice is just continue what you're doing until you stop seeing extra benefits, then maybe switch things up to drop fat a little faster.
  24. You say you've been through a lot the past year and changed quite a few things. IANAP, but I'd be willling to bet that it's connected, regardless of the past-tense-ness. Sounds like something to consult a professional on if it continues, especially if you can't point anything out in your diet that could be a potential cause... Generally, stimulants can excite your CNS, resulting in paranoia, anxiety, and those sorts of things. Note that any amphetine-based pharmaceuticals can effect your CNS, so look at any medications you may be taking. Other than that... its gotta be psychological.
  25. I used to get terrors a couple years back when I consumed waaaaay too much caffeine + was avidly playing deadspace. NOT FUN.
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