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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Is wheat gluten sensitive to wheat gluten? In all honesty though, what is it that makes you think gluten sensitivity is a blanket problem? A notably small portion of the population (ok 1% is still a lot of people but small compared to the total) is gluten sensitive in the form of celiac disease, and most other forms of gluten sensitivity can be treated by a temporary removal of gluten from the diet, at which point gluten may be returned if so desired.
  2. Oh god yes flexibility forgot that one; hip mobility is obviously important when hip drive powers the force. And the calves thing was an honest 'this is something I've heard but c'mon they're just CALVES'. Intuitively, as long as you're not jumping flat footed, calves are not gonna be your weak link.
  3. My only input is that hamstrings will probably never equal your quads for pure strength. However, a 2:1 strength ratio is enough to prevent injury, although a 4:3 would be optimal. You won't get 1:1 unless you neglect your quads completely and train JUST for hammy strength. That is all. As you were, ladies and gentlemen.
  4. I've heard of the power plates being good for stretching. They were right. My imagination got a verrrrrrrrry good stretch from thinking about that. Also: WHAT ABOUT THE SHAKEWEIGHT tots effective u guyz.
  5. I honestly haven't been to my gym since the New Year. Taking a couple rest weeks, and I really don't want to see my gym in an even worse bromania state than it already is >.>
  6. I'd rather hit it up north. I like swimming
  7. The thing is, there's a lot of stuff biomechanically that needs to go on for higher jumps to happen. First get someone to check your jump form. Secondly, you need to be light in order to jump high. The tall guys get away with being heavier because they don't have as high to jump. Most of your power will come from your hips, and explosiveness. Oly lifts, specifically the clean part, are good at that. I heard calves are pretty important too, somewhere, but don't quote me on that. Other than that, plyometrics.
  8. Damn, your TL;DR was much better than mine
  9. Super Smash Bros has solved this problem. Non-toon link wins every time
  10. The process is indeed quite a bit more complex. We can't even measure protein synthesis directly; we can measure nitrogren output in your urine and infer your protein losses from that. After than, net protein increase in the body is simply protein in minus nitrogen out. The thing is, the protein in our bodies is constantly turning over. The proteins in your biceps right now are NOT the same proteins that were there a few years ago. So while the max NEW protein per day is 15g, if you build an extra 15g, but then lose 20g, then you will slowly LOSE muscle mass as time passes. That's why bodybuilders and the ilk aren't just concerned with BUILDING muscle (anabolic behaviour), they are also trying to prevent muscle LOSS (anti-catabolic behaviour) TL;DR, anabolic is not the same as anti-catabolic. As for your kidney concern, protein has been shown to only cause problems in people with pre-existing kidney conditions. They will not in and of themselves cause kidney trouble, much the same way that while grains irritate celiac disease and leaky-gut syndrome, they do not CAUSE the problem in the first place. All the same, protein is recommended to be limited to at most 300g a day, regardless. Too much protein during a single day will ACUTELY stress the kidneys, but a chronic high-intake will not cause problems.
  11. That's why its so weird! I mean, WHO COOKS THEIR OWN FOOD AMIRITE?
  12. Your body will metabolize however much food you give it in however long it damn well takes. On the other hand, if you find yourself visiting mr thomas A crapper soon after a large protein dose, well, you might wanna look at your tolerance to the protein source in hand. Example: I would never, ever, ever take 30g of protein in the form of milk in one sitting. Another thing some people think of though, is how much protein goes to your muscles, and that's really a whole 'nuther bag of cats. Maximum synthesis rate of NEW protein into the body is 15g/day, assuming you are an un-trained individual just starting a resistance training program. The rest of the protein either goes into protein turnover, or gets converted to glucose.
  13. Intuitive eating yaaaaaaaaaay! That being said, yeah, the junk and the sweets will activate your sweet tooth and you'll just want to go bonkers. I also know what you mean with the not agreeing with your system: christmas eve through boxing day, I could eat whatever and feel fine. By New Year's, I couldn't even look at chocolate it made me feel so sick. Just remember, a single slip up where you prematurely orphan many gingerbread children does NOT break everything you've worked for! A day of bad eating will set you back a day and that's it! The diet is never lost as long as you never give up
  14. aj_rock

    First Post

    I've always said this. Aside from gluten/dairy controversies, you don't need a formal diet book or expert to tell you what's healthy and what's not. You know.
  15. +1 for +1 Seriously, everyone I know on G+ is a nerd, it would be more fitting.
  16. I lulled. Ed, your only hope now is to make yet ANOTHER account and try again be more of a dipshit though.
  17. The raises that you are oh so worried about strengthen your shoulders in an almost completely different way than OHP. So don't sweat it
  18. Lots of rest between heavy sets is kind of a given anyway. You want at least 5 minutes, and the lower rep you go, the more rest you need. as for it's usefulness, a lot of exercises do scale very, very well with your actual 1RM. Up to your 10RM it should be fairly accurate. Beyond that, it's different muscle fibers being recruited. Anyways, they definitely asked for too much work prior to the big lift. By doing 15's, you're not only emptying yourself of energy, but you're setting your body up for the wrong kind of workout. Take the 15RM weight and do like 5 reps. then 10 and do 3. 5 and 2, 3 and 1. Then just give yourself five minutes between sets and work up to the 1RM.
  19. I'd go for being Thor myself. He looks like he could take care of himself, whereas surfer boy would wet his pants and cry.
  20. Hmmmm I suppooooooooooose I could give out my skype... I hardly use it tbh, except for dealing with the otherwise unruly fb chat. Anyway, I'm on as sixstringstyle . *waits for contacts to roll in*
  21. Don't mean to hijack, but definitely make sure you eat your last meal at LEAST an hour before hitting the gym Your body responds very quickly to work stimulus, and shunts resources from some areas of your body, like your digestive system, to the ones that need it most, like your liver, lungs, and heart. Take too much energy away from the digestive system and, well... unprocessed food is rejected from the system. I lost a few meals this way before I wised up/learned why that happens But yeah long story short, nothing that takes a while to digest before working out. Maybe up to 15g whey with a bit of a sugary drink before hand before hand. Just things that digest quick n easy. Carry on. That's my two cents
  22. Yay game of thrones! I got skyward sword :3 its awesome so far! Also got the first 8 chapters of Walking Dead... So different from the show! Fitness related, nothing from people, but I DID buy myself a home-study trainer certification course so that's a big plan for the next year!
  23. I think the sixth is an excellent date gives everyone (cough* me) time to recuperate from celebrations and what not
  24. I feel sorry for you ftr, I'm also from the hammer.
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