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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Wait, on item 1, how long did it take to produce the same advantage? My intuition would lead me to believe that plant breeding takes far longer in time to produce the same nutritional benefits than genetic modification does. Hell, selective plant breeding for desired traits sounds a lot like wait for it... genetic modification? Which is what plant breeding is. A more rudimentary form of genetic manipulation. GMO is a relatively new field right now. At one point, houses that weren't caves were a new field, and houses fell down left right and center until we got it right. But eventually, we did. One day we'll refine our GMO processes, every single negative variable you just pointed out will be accounted for and be reduced to a few numbers and equations on the napkin of some agricultural engineer. Honestly, I don't see any justifications from you on why GMO won't continually get better the longer we practice the skill. Like I said, even your suggestions are just rudimentary genetic modifications. Why not replace it with something that enables the same changes faster? In the end, it just sounds like an ultra-conservative argument against GMO. Rather than constantly trying to point out the drawbacks and negatives, can you not see the positives without immediately dismissing them as inconsequential?
  2. I highly doubt you were actually eating 4000 calories a day... I don't care how clean your diet is, that's like, professional athlete calorie intake levels. So my initial thought is that you portioned your food for calorie counting wrong. Paleo is also well known to cause reduced appetite even for people not trying to lose weight, and it becomes a struggle to just maintain weight. Either get some more starchy vegetables in there (the carbs won't fill you the same way, allowing you to eat more), or force down more food. Or stop paleo. It's up to you. Sooner or later that weight loss will start coming from muscle though.
  3. Welcome! Your calorie intake does sound a little low for the amount of work you are doing... I'd say calm the cardio a bit and just let the diet deficit do your work for you less likely to burn out that way.
  4. Soda is one of those diet killers. 2 cans @ 160 cals each is 320. Assuming you did nothing to your diet but eliminate the soda, you would theoretically drop fat at the rate of about 1/2 lb a week. Liquid calories suck donkey balls man.
  5. Let it be known that anyone foregoing holiday food festivities by bringing tupperware full of chicken and steamed broccoli will be subjected to a forced feeding of cheesecake, stuffing, and trifle by yours truly. Seriously, take the holidays off. You know you've earned it
  6. Maybe start with an EZ curl bar? Differnt angle slightly where you grab it, but they only weigh 25#
  7. Sounds like a problem with hip and/or hamstring flexibility. Maybe.
  8. If you do squats and/or deadlifts, your core will grow. No need to isolate abs at all really, since even a plank is essentially a push-up with just the up part.
  9. I salute you sir from my comfy office chair. I also envy the fact that you'd probably need to consume 3500-4000 calories a day to maintain bodyweight.
  10. Lifting heavy also stimulates the body's anabolic response better because of progressive overload. Basically, progressive overload simply means giving your body the signal that it needs to produce more force every workout. Even if it's not the heaviest you've ever lifted or something like that, you'll still produce growth as long as what you lift gets heavier and heavier. It's much harder to get the same growth when you do lots of reps, if only because its hard to grow when you increase protein breakdown THAT much.
  11. A good way to measure body weight actually: - Get your weight for day 1. This will be the starting weight. - Every day after, at the same time, take your weight. - Take starting weight - new weight, and divide it all by ten - Take the resulting number off your starting weight - Use this number every time you measure It's some fancy averaging smoothness thing. Stock brokers use it to calculate market trends. Basically it smooths out the noise from fluctuating water weight and what not. As long as the trend goes down over the long term, minor variances in day-to-day weight are less significant. Hope this helps guys!
  12. Now if only those other people could garner a similar level of empathy... I have lots of friends who work in fast-food/retail, and from what I've heard, the amount of stress that rude customers put on employees >>>> employees not empathizing with a situation you may or may not know about. Maybe I just know too many people coping with absurd amounts of stress from minimum wage service jobs. Not to be cynical either, but I'm pretty sure the main reason your work would show a video like that is to put you in that mindset of 'no matter how shitty you feel or a customer is making you feel, plaster a smile on your face. It's ok if you die inside'.
  13. Related to jdangers post on that website, that was exactly what I was gonna suggest/try to do myself. If I'm gonna be 'wasting time', I may as well get something potentially useful out of it. Mind you, I say that while posting from work... >.>
  14. My vote for dodgeball, but perhaps a different photo. Moar spandex.
  15. It isss pretty awesome when lifts no longer bring on back pain Also: have not seen any guy attempt to pick girls up at the gym that did not end up looking like a d-bag. When you see the same girls outside the gym though... well it makes a nice ice-breaker :3
  16. Yeah, sleep is a huge deal for those big compound lifts. One thing is that, if you've been working out consistantly for 10 weeks, you're almost beyond de-load stage and heading to just-take-a-break stage. Other than that, all I can say is what about technique? Squats are one of those exercises where correct technique is going to make the lift easier to perform.
  17. etf, I can't take anything you say seriously with that ridiculous avatar. For the love of god, upload another spandex picture or something, anything but that. On a related note though, etf knows well that I put my foot in my mouth sometimes on teh internetz. As you were.
  18. bondgirl, I'm actually non-paleo too, albeit my diet right now is completely bonkers Honestly, I know paleo works, I've seen it be successful (mind you still on short term; long-term maintainance of ketosis is still unknown territory as far as research is concerned) far too many times to discredit it. My only beef is that yeah, it is cheating, in that people forgo a proper understanding of basic nutrition in favour of this latest fad diet (and yes it IS a fad) that just happens to actually work, even if the people practicing it have no idea why. Sorry didn't mean to de-rail this thread with more blah blah paleo blah blah. I think I may just start a thread for PVP paleo vs non sometime soon tho
  19. I didn't mean to criticize or anything! I was referring more to the general depravity in the posts and what not. Totally don't mean to say somethings wrong because you go on 4chan
  20. Are you sure everything else is in line too? Diet, technique, # of weekly workouts, etc. Any of these could be a drawback to making good progress. Actually, to make a (somewhat) educated guess, @ 155lbs, I guesstimate your LBM AT BEST is around 135-140, if you're also a skinny bastard. If not, lower. Eat more, get enough protein, or you won't be able to grow your muscles at a fast enough rate to support continued strength development.
  21. I know my german beers if that counts? Not sure how 4chan plays toward your geek cred though. Finding a truly decent soul out there is like finding a needle in a haystack >.>
  22. Lead by example dude. If you show her that it's pretty easy to get into great shape without drastic measures, it should make her more accepting of the idea
  23. LOL Carjack. In all seriousness, it's probably best to do what chammy suggested. If they won't give you any reasonable deals, then you'll probably be stuck with body-weight exercise until you can get back to the gym. Which isn't terrible really.
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