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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. I'd think to just give them space. Sometimes, support is simply telling the truth, and doing your best when your assistance is asked for. When people are driven to make a change in their lives, it doesn't take constant external motivators to keep them going. They find ways to keep themselves on track, if they really mean it.
  2. Which of those items do you not normally consume? There's nothing about changing your diet specifically that should/could make your stomach ache...
  3. Going straight from 5x5 to testing 1RM won't tell you your true max. Like your other lifts, you need to train it a bit, and to keep it short, your nervous system basically just isn't prepped for the maximal effort you need to give to accuractely test your 1RM. I'd suggest calculating it from a formula or something first, and then work up to it over a week or so. So like, do a few workouts at 5x4, then 5x3, 5x2, rest, then give er for one workout. You have to be comfortable under the weight for sure.
  4. If I recall correctly Mr. D, you're a larger gentleman correct? Honestly, just lower the calories a bit like you said, and get your adequate protein. You'll at least keep your LBM, if not grow a big bigger. When you find yourself getting weaker in the gym, then I'd suggest trying something new like keto or calorie cycling.
  5. Toss the abz and lungez and do squats n deadlifts like the other guys mentioned. It'll do a lot more for core strength than any ab routine ever will.
  6. Realistically speaking, those trouble areas will not go away without putting a ridiculously higher amount of emphasis on diet. Those areas are called 'stubborn fat' for a reason. Basically, just continuously evaluate where you are. If you get to the point where everything's looking good, huzzah! Turn it around. If not, either look into more specialized things you can do, or turn it around anyway for some muscle building.
  7. myfitnesspal is awesome for calorie tracking. Some of the advice given on their forums, OTOH, aren't really shining examples. The good advice there is usually drowned out by bro-science and dr. Oz
  8. Noooo no hostility! We're all friendly people here Mary, it's one step at a time. Any successful attempt to eat healthier is a good thing. Just remember to come back and ask more questions should you get stuck in your progress towards your goals.
  9. i iz not seeing a pot belly. Slap some muscle on that frame and all your worries will be gone. I have a friend whos veg who usually recommends trader joes. they have lots of fake meat products that are high in protein. 1g per pound of body weight is correct, but make sure you eat lots overall as well. Otherwise all that excess protein just goes into feeding your body as opposed to building it.
  10. If you smuggle celery into a family gathering, I hope someone catches you and force feeds you cheesecake But really, there is decent advice for managing holiday treats out there. Some major points: - know when the bad days are gonna be and plan accordingly. You can zig-zag calories from day to day, as long as your average calorie intake over a week is good - portion control, portion control, portion control. Eat slowly, and say no when offered more. - there will always be healthier options in a given meal. aim for them. - relax. its a holiday! eating well once in a while will not de-rail you. remember, you have to over eat by 3500 calories to even gain a pound of fat. don't sweat it!
  11. YUSSS I actually got that photo after running into an admittedly more hardcore fan than myself at a bar after the concert. He let me put the head on He put on a killerrrrrrrr show though! The opening acts blew my socks off too! Crystal castles, MSTRKRFT, and some others too.
  12. As funny as ETF was trying to be (well it WAS funny), its a sad-but-true kinda deal. The thing is, on NF or whatever other forum floats your boat, you'll find like minded people who can give you solid advice, and to whom you can give solid advice without having to train a n00b every god damn time. I also find that, if you tell someone a little of what you know, they'll jump in feet first and start explaining EVERY LAST myth they've heard and tried to use. A couple days ago I explained to my mom about how I want to get PT certified and she launched into a detail of how 'all it takes is to not eat anything after 7!' *twitch* Unless a friend of mine has demonstrated prior knowledge, I just leave it alone. That or if they come to me specifically seeking my help.
  13. What pro-grains articles do you speak of spez? If I said something incorrect, please let me know. AFAIK, I only said that she should do whatever makes her feel best. I'm not arguing against paleo or anything. But you do need to understand/explore all options available.
  14. If you're injured, you should really pull back ALL exercise for at least a week. Your body can't properly repair the damage if you're causing fatigue in other areas. You end up pulling nutrients and resources away from the area of concern.
  15. Guys, might I make a request that we stop linking articles that bash grains? Anyone considering or not considering paleo has seen the arguments and I think she can make her decision on whether to eat grains or not on her own. That being said, try just doing full paleo for a while and see if you feel any different. If you don't feel better, or feel worse actually, then going paleo may be unnecessary for you to eat healthy. Paleo improves markers for some diseases, sensitivities, and allergies, but if you don't have any of these, then eliminating grains won't make you feel better.
  16. I know what you mean. Pressed the pedal down the floor and just spun my wheels instead of getting anywhere for the longest time.
  17. Womens Leaderboard 1st: spezzy 2nd: spezzy 3rd: spezzy Honourable mention: weirdquark
  18. Hmmmmmmmmmmm Mixing. Untz untz untz Rugby. So sad that I'm off season right now NF. I'm on here often enough Video-games. How else to justify my presence here? Reading. Zomg Winds of Winter faklsdjg;sjdfg;jsdfgjkl;sdf
  19. So you're basically trying to shed some fat. That's ok, but the HIIT won't help. Do it once a week while you're eating below-maintanence calories and you'll start feeling terrible in a couple weeks. The LISS stuff (low-intensity-steady-state) is alright, because you won't burn out as easily on it. If you've been working out for a while, definitely try to get about 130g of protein in every day, so you don't lose muscle/continue building it. In all honesty, for shedding fat it's much easier to reduce caloric intake than increase training. That's part of why its so hard to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time; pick one and go with it for a month or so, then re-evaluate. There are many threads abounding in NF for women trying to achieve the same thing you are
  20. The fact that you made it through those workouts without your arms falling off is a superhuman feat in itself, knightwatch.
  21. Sounds healthy enough. It's hard to say much about *how much* you're eating without seeing your exercise selection though.
  22. Interesting concept! Just ensure no one gets overly uhhh enthusiastic
  23. Oystergirl: A lot of the factors you just mentioned actually tell us why we, as humans, have a minimum daily recommended intake for fats. Simply being that your body needs to take in some saturated and unsaturated fat every day. That being said, the bodily requirements hang out around 40g a day, and even RDIs put that number at 65g. Soooo consuming above and beyond this is a matter of personal diet, macronutrient response, etc.
  24. I too migrated over here after being a member of MFP Just be sure to look all over the forum for helpful advice! There's lots of good stuff here !
  25. Hey, don't worry about the genes! Assuming you do have bad genes, people have worked through them before! I would say though, for your family it may well be more a product of lifestyle than anything else! Welcome to the rebellion
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