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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. US navy circumference method usually gives pretty spot on numbers if you aren't super lean. Body fat patterns tend to follow a pretty normal distribution when you, so to speak, have fat in all the regular places. When you lean out, you start getting stubborn pockets and the numbers get thrown off, but the Navy method tends to be more accurate for women anyways
  2. Jeebas Special K what the heck do you DO for a living? If your job is really that labour intensive/time consuming, I'd take sleep over the workout. Get a decent workout in once a week on Saturday or Sunday, but really the labour intensiveness of your job should be enough, combined with a decent diet, to keep you in shape.
  3. The problem with using MFP's built in calculator is that the guys who built MFP are programmers, not nutritionists. The % amounts they set are rather arbitrary and pretty consistantly low-balls a good number. Eating only 95g of protein a day won't kill you or anything but the benefits for increased protein intake include: - increased satiety and reduced hunger - retaining of muscle mass if trying to lose weight, or increase of muscle mass while gaining weight Mind you, I don't know your body weight, so if you're a tiny female whos like 105-110 pounds, 95g is pretty close. If you're a large male who has already consistantly trained for a couple years, 160-180 grams would be more adequate.
  4. Do something like what Oz set up. Figure out how much fat you actually have, work out a reasonable fat loss over six weeks for your current fat%, and then figure out what the corresponding drop in % is.
  5. Just play it by ear. If the cardio makes you feel like recovery isn't optimal, you'll need to cut back. Generally though, hard cardio like HIIT or tabata or even IT is counter to building muscle, especially in your legs. They simply don't get enough rest using high intensity cardio.
  6. Actually there's good evidence you're better off setting some hard limitations on your macros over percentages. Everyone can do better by having adequate protein in their diet. 1g/lb of lean body mass is a general guide. that will usually net you 25-30% of your daily intake. The only other recommended hard limit is to make sure you get at least 30-40 grams of fat in your diet, especially omega-3's, in order to facilitate normal homeostasis. Beyond that, mix up how much carb vs fat you take in and find what works for you. Less than 100g of carbs a day will eventually put you into ketogenesis. One last note: the carb to fat ratio for losing fat vs maintaining body weight is not always the same for a given person. Low carb is implied in a lot of areas to help with fat mobilization, while high-carb is generally recommended for athletic performance.
  7. The leigh peele is actually quite useful, as long as you have the same body fat patterns. However no two people are exactly the same, so you won't have the same body shape even at the same BF%. Also; the hand-held testers are terrible, especially if your hydration is off. If you ask me, from your picture I would say you're lower than 25%.
  8. Rippetoe attacks with form criticization! It's not very effective. You respond with perfect form! It's SUPER EFFECTIVE! 1 hit-KO!
  9. Actually it can be pretty easy! If you know your 10RM, well, generally speaking, 15RM is 20% down from that, and 5RM is 20% up!
  10. The net hydration for diuretic tea is still positive though isn't it? I know for coffee that it's still positive; just not a straight swap.
  11. I have to say, I'm just coming off a weekend where Sunday just kinda disappeared because of what I did the previous night. I'm still at a point in my life where I can bounce back from weekends like that, but I can definitely appreciate the motives for wanting to give up alcohol. I also agree that if you tend to lack self-control when drinking, it starts being a problem. If you can't keep 2-3 beers from becoming 12-13, then maybe it is something to consider giving up. Sigh* If only self moderation were easy.
  12. What's that you say? What got that guy ripped might NOT make ME ripped as well? Preposterous.
  13. YES. Instead of lifting the bar, you should eat it
  14. Pretty much. Most of the intro seems to be 'We control the world but we can't control our WEIGHT!? WTF guys?' I daresay that, as a multimillionaire, he could probably dissertate on johnny walker the whiskey as well
  15. I found a resource for weight management, albeit in the most unlikely of places. It turns out Johnny Walker is a bit of an enthusiast in the dietary management area. For people who TL;DR'ed the link, he founded AutoCAD, which is PRETTY MUCH the most fundamental, architectural piece of CAD software written. He wrote a whole book, called The Hacker's Diet, and he released it 100% free. He developed software and everything for it. Now I haven't perused the information in its full yet (book is over 300 pages), but I have very little/no doubt in my mind that Mr. Walker offers some insights and management solutions for those of us in the same situation as him.
  16. if you get into marathon running, hands down your legs will get skinnier. The type of fibers that are used for long distance endurance do not take up the same space as the anaerobic ones do. *shrug* eat healthy, and eat less calories. You'll lose weight.
  17. Not doing SL, but in general it depends on how much other leg work you're doing. I'd say split your sets between deadlifts and squats. So for 5X5, do 3 of one, 2 of the other. Do warm-up sets too. Don't count them in your total though.
  18. Kudos for explaining the process a little better. The end result though, is that weight lifting is an inherently anaerobic process, as long as you're lifting some amount that would eventually cause muscular failure. Another warning though, for glycogen depleting workouts. Depletion is inherently catabolic, so you do need to re-feed your carbs occasionally if you don't want to overtrain your muscles.
  19. Actually, high reps burn glycogen off more... glycogen burnage is much more related to total volume of a workout, which gets higher as you add more reps. See my sig for a routine that involves glycogen depleting workouts. I will have you know, glycogen depletion is NOT for the faint of heart. I'm talking nausea and dizziness WHILE you work out. You'll also notice lots of 6X15. Yes thats sets x reps. Compound lifts are out of the question; your form would just suffer so much that it's not worth the risk. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  20. Assuming your arms are circular, you increased their volume by about 7%. Did you get 7% stronger?
  21. Yeah, the six pounds fat free mass lost is probably mostly water and glycogen, if he's following a paleo diet. Excellent progress bro! Keep it up!
  22. A quick google search shows a lot of people, while supportive of coconut oil, strongly suggest NOT[b/] having it on an empty stomach. Problem solved.
  23. Yeah, so at that weight Corey, fairly simple dietary deficient will suffice to cause fat loss. With so much adipose tissue around, your body prefers burning fat already anyways.
  24. scotts right, but 1rm is very useful in terms of where your numbers should be relative to each other For example, your 5 rep max should be 80-85% of your 1RM, but to do 15 that drops to 50-60. When I go into the gym, i only know my 1rm for each exercise. I then just mental math out how much to lift for that workout, so x .7 for 10. x .85 for 5
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