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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. js: yeah that's the article I took it from. Now if someone had an official-y looking science article to back it up that would be perfect If you're doing anything low-carb like most paleo versions and whatnot, most of the protein you eat ends up getting converted to glucose (conversion rate about 58%), in relevance to the same article.
  2. I second this motion. My girlfriend is also fairly nerdy and I have NO idea what to get her :/ Meanwhile, I'm asking for a microSD card 32gig and Skyward Sword :3
  3. The only way to survive such an experience is if you are propelled upwards from the sheer velocity of shit leaving your pants.
  4. The ending WAS pretty rough. Does it count as nerdy if I just replayed my old copy of Digimon World?
  5. I actually looked this up myself earlier. Please note I'm not going to cite my sources, mostly because I can't remember for the life of me where I heard these amounts. Feel free to correct it. So your body can synthesize protein into muscle mass at a max rate of 15g/day, assuming newb gains. Your muscles are, on average, 20% protein by weight, so 15*5=75 grams of muscle growth a day. Over a week, that's 525 grams, or just over a pound. Assuming a training frequency of 3-4 times a week, synthesizing that amount when you first start out isn't that insane. Still works out to about 4 pounds lbm a month. Obviously this levels out as you get more trained, but for the level you're looking at, about 2 years of solid training are probably needed, especially considering the periods of non-growth when you cut fat. Fat loss of a pound a week * about 30 pounds is 30 weeks of fat loss, and probably 60 weeks to build 40 pounds of muscle, taking de-accelerating gains into account. Assuming a muscle to fat build ratio of 1:4, it's another 10 weeks of one pound of fat/week loss, getting you 100 weeks. Plus a few for diet breaks. So like I said, about 2 years or more
  6. What do you run for? If you do marathons, then excess upper body mass is counter-productive.
  7. You're on MFP? Hit me up bro, I've got the same screen name over there
  8. Bingo on that. Once you understand what salt ACTUALLY does in the body, you'll realize that salt is only really a problem when you consume a large amount of it in conjuction with obesity, diets high in processed foods, and insufficient water intake. The inverse, not having enough salt, is actually much more dangerous for a healthy individual. Long story short, salt (the sodium in particular) helps regulate your heartbeat; not enough, and you experience heart arrythmias, hypotension (low blood pressure), and other fun cardiac problems.
  9. Pyramiding up in weight is about the worst way to structure your workout you want to lift your heavier weights the largest amount of time, to get you more volume. If I were you, I'd warm up with 5X95, 3X115,1X135, rest a bit, and then go for your 5X5 of 145. Remember, you don't want to waste too much energy lifting light weights.
  10. Looks good to me, although I'm assuming you're hitting your calory targets, whatever they are. If you aren't taking any vitamins, then a few pieces of fruit makes pretty good sense. And actually, depending on how you eat your steak, the fat isn't that bad. Personally I hate eating solid animal fat, so I always trim after cooking it.
  11. Obligatory request for spezzy make a video in which her eyes bulge out while yelling GET TO THA CHOPPA! in her best schwarznegger impression to see how close she really is
  12. ;lkfgjjdfk;g;sd;;j; Skyward Sword for christmaaaaaas. I'm a huge zelda fan though. I must wait another month to start this one though
  13. Now if only we had video game systems that encouraged you to do just that...
  14. LCD: that was an awesome article. Spot on ole chap. I know exactly what you're talking about though. That's also why I'm following the program I'm currently on; it pretty much marries my wish for more muscle with my paralyzing fear of gaining fat I dont know. I feel like I've personally cheated the system a little by avoiding the issue altogether and just going with a program that will get me strength, albeit more slowly than others, while driving my family insane with my rediculous eating protocols. Or maybe it's just time we all manned up and saw a psychiatrist to allay our childish fears
  15. Well, hey, for not keeping track of nutrition, you're doing pretty well. What you'll find though, is that the better your numbers get, the more just 'winging' your diet isn't going to work. As you get stronger and stronger, your gains get slower and slower, and it takes more precise nutrition to be able to eek the most profit out of your gains, or you'll find yourself plateauing quickly and frequently.
  16. As terrible as this sounds, what you should probably be paying closer attention to is what actually makes you feel better/motivated. You're 100% that no one is 'on' 24/7, but you have to figure out what gets you in the mood to kick some ass, and seek that out whenever you feel bogged down. Fitness and health won't come to you grinding your way through your levels. Once in a while you just have to psyche yourself up and MAKE yourself excited to carry out whatever regime/plan you have come up with. Take on that level 50 dragon
  17. Welcome to NF! No worries about paleo; you don't HAVE to do it at all! Whateve works best for you Feel free to ask us anything!
  18. Caffeine actually works best if you cycle its usage. So like, start with a bit, when you stop feeling the effects, up the dose. When you get to higher amounts, like more than 200mg, de-load the caffeine for a couple weeks to decrease the tolerance.
  19. First: be careful with pure atkins; it's been shown to lack in quite a few micronutrients (vitamins and the like). Second: I would venture into saying that straight low carbing is hard and rather unnecessary. I would suggest you look into calorie cycling and carb re-feeding for a system that works a little better Third: definitely start working with heavier weights. You aren't gonna build any muscle lifting only 8 pound weights. Don't worry, you won't become some muscle maniac by working out heavier
  20. Dude, cheap pizzas are dangerous, especially when you can get like, 1600 calories worth for like $5 Looks good, except for those slimy pieces of ass on your pizza
  21. Wow m00se, you need to break out the physio knowledge more often. And here's us regular people just shrugging our shoulders and being all GO SEE A DOCTOR.
  22. 5'9 140, I'd sincerely hope you were female Also, profile pic != avatar picture. You need to upload a pic for both. The thing is, do you have any idea what your BF% is right now? I would recommend against cutting stuff from your diet until you can dial in exactly where you are and what you are trying to do. Just pay more attention to how much you're eating in general.
  23. Your delts get stretched in a very weird way when holding a bar during squats, especially since they need contract still in order to keep the bar up. Get it checked by a doctor. You might have a condition or unknown injury.
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