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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. You would hate to see what goes in my coffee then I regularly sweeten it with... PROTEIN! and fiber supplements. ...what? you get used to it. Also, it tastes like a cafe mocha.
  2. Like I said, I'm no expert, and speaking only from anecdotal evidence from my buddy. Try swimming just arms, and then swim just legs. See which one gets you farther
  3. Test your resting HR when you wake up. If it seems a little higher than normal, its time for a break.
  4. Well I'm not a swimmer myself by any long shot (I'm more of a water blender, as in the water immediately around me moves very fast but I go nowhere >.> ), but from friends who play waterpolo/swim competitively (friend of mine from high-school was on the canadian olympic swimming team!), being a great swimmer is just as much about water feel than anything else. When you say someone swims like a fish, it literally means that person seems to just slice through water with no effort. Someone with bad swimming feel can be in great physical shape and get out-swum by an 8 year kid who just 'has the feel'. From a mechanics stand-point, science doesn't even know exactly why swimming the way we do works. So there's your background. Legs seem to be far more important to achieving a good swim time than anything else though. Even when someone appears to be thrashing the water with all sorts of silly butterfly stuff and what not, the real power still stems from the legs. So you don't have to 'push' yourself through the water with your arms; if anything, they glide and stroke to keep course. End of the day, I'm no expert, but a coach can go a long way. Form is the number 1 downfall of a new swimmer. You say you don't want it to be a chore, but if you're really interested in it, it won't become one
  5. The idea is that you feel like poop when you cut calories no matter what, so RFL takes advantage of that and tries to squeeze it into as small a time-span as possible. As far as macros go, RFL is actually pretty paleo. It essentially IS paleo, minus the fat. Minus all fat. But you get the calories from lean meats, fish, and however much fibrous veggie matter you want. The version of paleo spatzcat just described is essentially a less stringent version of this... Edit to respond to ETF: usually when you have something to say, it's something I should clarifty on anyways cheers mate!
  6. LOL I know quite a few guys that would rather GET cancer than get uhhhh checked if you know what I mean.
  7. Why not get it checked, just to be safe? Also, gallbladder removal? I'd hope to have a really good reason before randomly removing organs...
  8. I'm not making fun of aerobics at all, especially considering the success you've personally had with it the problem is that a very low calorie diet like RFL, combined with TOO much aerobics, tends to cause more problems than it fixes. Metabolism slows down far faster than it would otherwise, and you generally just feel like absolute shit. RFL recommends 20-30' of LISS 2-3 times a week, but the ladies I've seen doing RFL on Lyle's forum do way too much and end up making very little progress. I wasn't saying NOT to do RFL... just warning of the pitfalls, that's all.
  9. See I would, but as I've stated before, I'm a cheap bastard and so I go with cheap(er) rum. If you want to send me some Jerry though I'll love you forever
  10. Haha ok you sent a bit of a mixed message there So I just cancelled a long message about swimming because I feel like its a means to an end for you. If however you want to get really good at swimming, just say so Overall fitness-wise, all I can say is that compound lifts do better with heavy weights and low reps, and all that little stuff you can do longer sets with.
  11. Mmmm I can't say no to Jerry! And who doesn't like a suprise on the inside of the label
  12. lololololololol. You'd prefer spandex of course.
  13. Yeah, muscle mass is good for BF%, but it don't do as much as losing fat does. Anecdotally, a lot of females spin their wheels trying to do RFL... tending to go overboard with the aerobics. Still, it would make for a good read and help you decide what best to to in order to lose fat and not too much muscle.
  14. Strength training won't help you run a marathon. All you can do to help run a marathon is run. And run. And run some more. It's very hard to be good at lifting heavy things and run forever at the same time.
  15. The bright shoes and black underwear theme is slightly amusing. Just makes me sad cuz I don't look quite like ANY of those... yet >.>
  16. What I meant is that most of the advice given on this site is geared towards either gaining strength or losing fat when you still have a large amount of fat to lose. I don't really consider 'just go paleo!' to be solid advice for getting really lean. There are methods to get really lean. Like I said, they require more drastic/unorthodox methods than what you see on this site: either leangains-style IFing or cyclical dieting or something like that. As you've seen from her diet though, she can't get much more progress from cleaning up the diet, and calorie counting I would think is been-there-done-that territory. Anyway, if cortisol really is the problem, then you're cutting the calories too hard across the board. Either let up on the deficit or cycle calories (eat lots on training days, eat less when resting). It would help if you included some side profile pictures though, because right now I don't think anyone is seeing this 'bulge' you speak of. Also, if all you're aiming for is general fitness, then you're already at a perfectly healthy BF%.
  17. My post was purely sarcastic and not meant to be taken seriously in any way shape or form. It was more a prod at where you live
  18. Bahaha I've only made it like three times, and usually at the behest of the ladies ATM I'm working through a large bottle of Cap'n Morgan's Private Stock. Much better than the Caps other offerings I must say...
  19. Of course it's mixed in aussie; everything arrives upside down! Well if we wanna talk favourites and not what I happen to drink because I'm a cheap college bastard, I love me rum definitely spiced, and I'm finding I enjoy the dark ones (like the new kraken) as well. Either straight or with a splash of coke, and I do mean splash.
  20. You're from BC? You have lots of... herbs around well known for increasing appetite.
  21. To be fair, the strength of NF isn't in getting into extremely lean shape. You're right though, in that getting rid of what little body fat YOU have left would take far more drastic and disciplined measures than you would see around here. Maybe it would help if you told us what your actual goals are? Like why you want to be even leaner etc.
  22. On a related note, have you heard of spezzy?
  23. Ok, in all seriousness, found the BEST video explaining why before/after advertisements on the web are complete bullshit: dont believe everything you-see vid Enjoy!
  24. All this talk of improvised drinks just reminds me of the tucker max death mix Read at your own risk.
  25. I believe the stature of 65 kg and 183cm is otherwise correlated with the term 'bean pole' Either way, your stats would have me believe you have an astounding metabolism. Good for health indicators, bas for trying to gain weight. I wouldn't worry as much about the bread, but definitely get some more meat in between the slices when you get the chance. If not a lot of dairy, look into calcium or vitamin D supplements, because they're both necessary for proper growth and bone density.
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