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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    You can bust out yo bad-ass skills at the drop of a hat instead You need to be IN A GYM to show people your massive squat. Find a pole and pull off a flag or get down and bust out the planche. Good way to make meat heads look dumb.
  2. Trust me, a week (or even two) is not gonna cause your legs to turn to chub and jelly. While type A personalities typically make GREAT athletes due to their work-horse like ethics, they also end up the most oft injured ones too. Knowing when to stop is often just as important.
  3. Yup! As long as you don't elicit a strong insulin response, you're good to go. That's why a splash of milk in your coffee wont kill it: the rise of insulin is transient and small.
  4. I hurt my IT band first week into a football season. It was tweaked for the REST of the season, because I kept playing, and didn't fully heal for a month after that. You might be looking at a significant amount of rest time. But the alternative is being chronically hurt. Take care of yourself KD.
  6. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    I WANT TO SEE THE SPANDEX we can't see the spandex.
  7. Don't ruin your children's trust in the system, not just yet Let them be naive to how unfair the world is a little longer.
  8. There really is no good reason to. There's not really a solid argument NOT to, but the pros of doing normal vs behind head just outweigh it. For fixing the shoulders during, it's a heck of a lot easier to coach yourself if you watch yourself do it in a mirror. Practice looking and seeing the differences between letting shoulders drift up on negative contraction and when you keep the static hold. It'll give you a better idea of what proper form should 'feel' like.
  9. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    Bodybuilding changes the picture somewhat yes. In that case, the builder examines which body part requires the most growth in order to achieve the ideal build and puts that first, numero uno. Either way, my advice remains the same. Put the exercise you wanna build the most first, and when you feel like it's at an acceptable level, prioritize something else.
  10. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    Even if priority = everything, you can still use periodization to your advantage. My suggestion would be to pick the movement you DO like, and concentrate for a couple weeks on that. Then, when the movement has sufficiently improved, change priority to something else. I feel like your assassin type workouts almost respond better to periodization than regular workouts, because certain exercises are almost ALWAYS prioritized in weightlifting (heavy compounds anyone?)
  11. turnitin is the bane of every student's existence everywhere.The worst part is where it thinks you've plagiarized an assignment that literally required zero referencing on your part.
  12. If I could lend you my metabolism so that you could eat what you did while bulking and still lose fat, I would
  13. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    What can I say, Beast Mode requires a lotta calories to sustain.
  14. Not sure if your math is right though Mrs. Paw! Easy assumption to make is that you gain weight according to the same rules you lose. So gaining 0.5 lb/week means you ate about 500 more than you spent. HOWEVER, TEF plays a large part in discrepencies going from bulking to cutting. So you think your maintenance is 1950, but really, once you adjust for TEF (cals in * 0.1), you need to revise your maintenance down a further 250 to 1700 rather than 1950. If the TEF effect is the source of the difference, then your 'cut' was actually right around maintenance level :/ I worked some alternate calculations, aaaand you might have to drop to around 1500 on average to see 1/2 lb down a week.
  15. How I feel about the prospective book:
  16. Haha boring engineering type stuff. One of the labs is working on a production process for microtubes that could be used someday to make biological tubes (think arteries, blood vessels n such), but they can't be bothered to test the damn mechanical properties. So I did a bunch of lit review to see what kind of properties their gonna need and began testing to see how far off they are. As for the dead hang, well... two ways to look at it. One is that in a practical sense, most scenarios that involve you pulling your body weight up are either not from a dead hang, or in a situation that you can kip into it. So not really needed. Second one is that some people like to advocate doing full ROM on everything, which a) isn't true for absolutely every exercise, chins/pulls being examples of, and from an athletic point of view, partial reps can be useful in the right context. Personally, I feel like that last 45 degrees to get down to the dead hang is dangerous. Your shoulders are really weak through that range, and you run the risk of not being able to control your descent well, especially as muscles fatigue, leading to rotator cuff injuries. As you said, first one from dead hang, 135 is quite alright beyond that.
  17. The second one. Dead hang means straightening your arms entirely so that your back is basically unflexed. A lot of people, when going for max reps, tend to only go like 135 degrees or less.
  18. If that's the case, post your weekly workout schedule. I'll be glad to ride your upside-down ass when you miss one.
  19. Whelp, you're officially further along than me now...
  20. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    Negative MUs would help the same way negative cleans help. Sorry. /end sarcasm
  21. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    There's interlap between the systems for sure. First 3-4 seconds is pure ATP conversion, then creatine starts kicking in while the glycogen system revs up. So you're right, you'll feel some burning as you get to the 30 seconds, but AFTER the 30 seconds the rate of increasing burnination starts to ramp up significantly. The standard recommendation is 3 seconds up, 2 seconds down, so giving a bit of play for rest-pause can bring it up to 30 seconds total. Sets of 10 should last around 45 seconds, and 15 should go for a minute (I'm going off the top of my head, my textbook is back at my parents' place). Re: Mrs. Waldo. It's almost universal that women will experience more water weight issues than men. You simply see a lot more variance in day to day weight, especially when you consider it as a %ile function of total weight (guys fluctuate about 5%, women can get like 7-8%). Assuming she's not on an extreme end of actual weight, I agree that the scale should have far less priority.
  22. I actually did some research on this kinda stuff last semester. My subject was thyme. Has something to the tune of 49 organic and non-organic chemicals in it. Also, different chemicals interact differently. Beta-carotene? Awesome for you to reduce cancer risk. Unless you smoke. Then it increases it. Point being, our knowledge of chemical interactions within the body is highly incomplete, and so basing decisions on numbers of chemicals doesn't actually make much sense. Whitelist method should still serve you well. But we have NO idea what the isolated/compounded effects of chemical mixtures are, for the most part.
  23. Damn, maybe I should finally get around to my pictures too... Let's get crackin' kids!
  24. I assure you my good aussie, we have Mr. Men in Canada and the states as well. The key I've found to studying is literally sitting down, no computer, textbook in front of you. Pick up the pencil, and before you know it, a couple hours are gone!
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